Major Changes:
1.19 Fixes
1.20 Support
Other Changes:
Updated Block History Handling for HeadWriter (Still not completely finished)
Added Config Entry to allow Grabbing the Head from a Category to the Cursor instead of adding it directly to the Inventory
Changed Access of Reflection Collections to only expose the non Versioned ones
Fixed some Typos
Added NBT Exceptions
Added Field Wrapper
Bit ó Code Cleanup
Added weird Methods
+ Custom Economy Handlers
+ Support for 1.18
~ Changing Hats now gives you your Helmet Item back
~ Fixed History Issue
~ Deprecated CustomHeadsAPI#createFireworkBattery(Location location, int shots, int delay) (Will be replaced with CustomHeadsAPI#createDefaultFireworkBattery)
+ Spanish Translation (Special Thanks to megajose122)
+ Added executeCommand to clickAction in the Settings File
+ Added /heads get -all (Shows the Heads of all Players online)
+ Fixed the Version incompatibility with 1.13 and up
+ New Misc Head (Canary Islands)
+ Fixed Download Error
+ Typo Fix as always
Fixed Bug where Economy was disabled but you could still buy Heads from Search
You can no longer put your Items in the Menus
Bit of the good ol Code Cleanup (Typos, typos everywhere)
+ Added Downloadable Languages (/heads language download)
+ Plugin will only download the English Translation by default now if none is present
+ Some small Fixes (Some Players would loose XP when an AnvilGUI was open)
+ Added bStats