Updated API (markdown)

MrStein 2017-10-17 23:06:22 +02:00
parent bf38b6306d
commit e3a214052b


@ -1 +1,56 @@
Will be updated with the next update This API contains CustomHead and CustomHeadsAPI
## CustomHeadsAPI
### setSkullWithTexture(Block block, String texture, BlockFace facing)
Sets an Skull at the Location with the Texture on it
Rotation can be set with `facing`
### getAlphabetHead(String input, CSkullType type)
Returns an Texture Head with an Character or Number on it
SkullType can be: WOOD, STONE
### writeText(String text, Location location, CSkullType type)
Writes an Text like /heads write from left to right.
Rotation of the Text is determined by the Yaw of the Location
### getSkullTexture(ItemStack itemStack)
### getSkullTexture(Block block)
Returns an Base64 String as Texture Value from an ItemStack/Block
## CustomHead
This Builder can be used to create an CustomHead from an URL (only works with textures.minecraft.net!)
You can change Display Name with `setDisplayName()` and change the Lore with `setLore()`
Supports Colors of course =)
CustomHead head = new CustomHead("http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/f7ba92d3aedab25bf544548cc17b3f574c3c80444e374dc9897ccf55fb78b315");
head.setDisplayName("&6Custom Head");
head.addLore("&aThis is a Lore!");
ItemStack head = head.toItem();
You can also just convert the URL to an Texture Value with `getTextureValue()`
String texturevalue = new CustomHead("http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/f7ba92d3aedab25bf544548cc17b3f574c3c80444e374dc9897ccf55fb78b315").getTextureValue();
The Last Thing you can do is set the Skull down (see [setSkullWithTexture()](/MrSteinMC/CustomHeads/wiki/API#setskullwithtextureblock-block-string-texture-blockface-facing))
You can do this with setAt(Location location, BlockFace facing)