diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 45174a98..4fd34d65 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- 0.12-SNAPSHOT${buildNo}
+ 0.12${buildNo}
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/command/MainCommand.java b/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/command/MainCommand.java
index 866999f5..0affa731 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/command/MainCommand.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/command/MainCommand.java
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ public class MainCommand extends BRCommand {
if (plugins.getPlugin("Vault") != null) {
vault = plugins.getPlugin("Vault").getDescription().getVersion();
- String mythicMobs = "";
- if (plugins.getPlugin("MythicMobs") != null) {
- mythicMobs = plugins.getPlugin("MythicMobs").getDescription().getVersion();
+ String itemsxl = "";
+ if (plugins.getPlugin("ItemsXL") != null) {
+ itemsxl = plugins.getPlugin("ItemsXL").getDescription().getVersion();
MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, "&4" + D[0] + "&f" + X[0] + L[0]);
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class MainCommand extends BRCommand {
MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, "&4" + D[4] + "&f" + X[4] + L[4]);
MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, "&b&l###### " + DMessages.CMD_MAIN_WELCOME.getMessage() + "&7 v" + plugin.getDescription().getVersion() + " &b&l######");
MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, DMessages.CMD_MAIN_LOADED.getMessage(String.valueOf(maps), String.valueOf(dungeons), String.valueOf(loaded), String.valueOf(players)));
- MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, DMessages.CMD_MAIN_COMPATIBILITY.getMessage(String.valueOf(internals), vault, mythicMobs));
+ MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, DMessages.CMD_MAIN_COMPATIBILITY.getMessage(String.valueOf(internals), vault, itemsxl));
MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, DMessages.CMD_MAIN_HELP.getMessage());
MessageUtil.sendCenteredMessage(sender, "&7\u00a92012-2016 Frank Baumann & contributors; lcsd. under GPLv3.");
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/config/DMessages.java b/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/config/DMessages.java
index 4a8f6756..3fedf028 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/config/DMessages.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/dre2n/dungeonsxl/config/DMessages.java
@@ -31,33 +31,33 @@ public enum DMessages implements Messages {
ANNOUNCER_CLICK("Announcer_Click", "&4&l=> &6CLICK HERE TO JOIN &4&l<="),
CMD_BREAK_PROTECTED_MODE("Cmd_Break_ProtectedMode", "&6You may not break blocks protected by DungeonsXL anymore."),
CMD_BREAK_BREAK_MODE("Cmd_Break_BreakMode", "&6You may break a block protected by DungeonsXL."),
- CMD_CHAT_DUNGEON_CHAT("Cmd_Chat_DungeonChat", "&6You have entered the Dungeon-chat"),
+ CMD_CHAT_DUNGEON_CHAT("Cmd_Chat_DungeonChat", "&6You have entered the dungeon chat"),
CMD_CHAT_NORMAL_CHAT("Cmd_Chat_NormalChat", "&6You are now in the public chat"),
- CMD_CHATSPY_STOPPED("Cmd_Chatspy_Stopped", "&6You stopped spying the DXL-chat!"),
- CMD_CHATSPY_START("Cmd_Chatspy_Start", "&You started spying the DXL-chat!"),
+ CMD_CHATSPY_STOPPED("Cmd_Chatspy_Stopped", "&6You stopped to spy the dungeon chat."),
+ CMD_CHATSPY_START("Cmd_Chatspy_Start", "&6You started to spy the dungeon chat."),
CMD_ENTER_SUCCESS("Cmd_Enter", "&6The group &4&v1 &6successfully entered the game of the group &4&v2&6."),
- CMD_INVITE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Invite_Success", "&6Player &4&v1&6 was successfully invited to edit the Dungeon &4&v2&6!"),
+ CMD_INVITE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Invite_Success", "&6Player &4&v1&6 was successfully invited to edit the map &4&v2&6."),
CMD_LEAVE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Leave_Success", "&6You have successfully left your group!"),
CMD_LIVES("Cmd_Lives", "&4&v1&6 has &4&v2 &6lives left."),
CMD_MAIN_WELCOME("Cmd_Main_Welcome", "&7Welcome to &4Dungeons&fXL"),
CMD_MAIN_LOADED("Cmd_Main_Loaded", "&eMaps: &o[&v1] &eDungeons: &o[&v2] &eLoaded: &o[&v3] &ePlayers: &o[&v4]"),
- CMD_MAIN_COMPATIBILITY("Cmd_Main_Compatibility", "&eInternals: &o[&v1] &eVault: &o[&v2] &eMythicMobs: &o[&v3]"),
+ CMD_MAIN_COMPATIBILITY("Cmd_Main_Compatibility", "&eInternals: &o[&v1] &eVault: &o[&v2] &eItemsXL: &o[&v3]"),
CMD_MAIN_HELP("Cmd_Main_Help", "&7Type in &o/dxl help&r&7 for further information."),
CMD_MSG_ADDED("Cmd_Msg_Added", "&6New Messages (&4&v1&6) added!"),
CMD_MSG_UPDATED("Cmd_Msg_Updated", "&6Messages (&4&v1&6) updated!"),
CMD_RELOAD_DONE("Cmd_Reload_Done", "&7Successfully reloaded DungeonsXL."),
- CMD_SAVE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Save_Success", "&6Dungeon saved!"),
- CMD_UNINVITE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Uninvite_Success", "&4&v1&6 was successfully uninvited to edit the Dungeon &4&v1&6!"),
- ERROR_BED("Error_Bed", "&4You cannot use a bed while in a Dungeon!"),
+ CMD_SAVE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Save_Success", "&6Map saved!"),
+ CMD_UNINVITE_SUCCESS("Cmd_Uninvite_Success", "&4&v1&6 was successfully uninvited to edit the map &4&v1&6!"),
+ ERROR_BED("Error_Bed", "&4You cannot use a bed while in a dungeon!"),
ERROR_CHEST_IS_OPENED("Error_ChestIsOpened", "&4This chest has already been opened."),
ERROR_CMD("Error_Cmd", "&4Commands are not allowed while in a dungeon!"),
ERROR_CMD_NOT_EXIST_1("Error_CmdNotExist1", "&4Command &6&v1&4 does not exist!"),
ERROR_CMD_NOT_EXIST_2("Error_CmdNotExist2", "&4Please enter &6/dxl help&4 for help!"),
- ERROR_COOLDOWN("Error_Cooldown", "&4You can only enter this Dungeon every &6&v1&4 hours!"),
+ ERROR_COOLDOWN("Error_Cooldown", "&4You can only enter this dungeon every &6&v1&4 hours!"),
ERROR_DISPENSER("Error_Dispenser", "&4You cannot access this dispenser!"),
ERROR_DROP("Error_Drop", "&4You cannot drop safe items"),
ERROR_DUNGEON_NOT_EXIST("Error_DungeonNotExist", "&4Dungeon &6&v1&4 does not exist!"),
- ERROR_ENDERCHEST("Error_Enderchest", "&4You cannot use an enderchest while in a Dungeon!"),
+ ERROR_ENDERCHEST("Error_Enderchest", "&4You cannot use an enderchest while in a dungeon!"),
ERROR_IN_GROUP("Error_InGroup", "&4The player &6&v1&4 is already member of a group."),
ERROR_JOIN_GROUP("Error_JoinGroup", "&4You have to join a group first!"),
ERROR_LEAVE_DUNGEON("Error_LeaveDungeon", "&4You have to leave your current dungeon first!"),
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public enum DMessages implements Messages {
ERROR_LEFT_CLICK("Error_Leftklick", "&4You have to use Left-Click on this sign!"),
ERROR_MSG_ID_NOT_EXIST("Error_MsgIdNotExist", "&4Messages with Id &6&v1&4 does not exist!"),
ERROR_MSG_FORMAT("Error_MsgFormat", "&4The Messages has to be between \"!"),
- ERROR_MSG_NO_INT("Error_MsgNoInt", "&4Argument has to include a number!"),
+ ERROR_MSG_NO_INT("Error_MsgNoInt", "&4The argument [id] has to include a number!"),
ERROR_NAME_IN_USE("Error_NameInUse", "&4The name &6&v1 &4is already in use."),
ERROR_NAME_TO_LONG("Error_NameToLong", "&4The name may not be longer than 15 characters!"),
ERROR_NO_CONSOLE_COMMAND("Error_NoConsoleCommand", "&6/dxl &v1&4 cannot be executed as console!"),
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ public enum DMessages implements Messages {
HELP_CMD_BREAK("Help_Cmd_Break", "/dxl break - Break a block protected by DungeonsXL"),
HELP_CMD_CHAT("Help_Cmd_Chat", "/dxl chat - Change the chat mode"),
HELP_CMD_CHATSPY("Help_Cmd_Chatspy", "/dxl chatspy - Dis/enables the spymode"),
- HELP_CMD_CREATE("Help_Cmd_Create", "/dxl create - Creates a new dungeon"),
- HELP_CMD_EDIT("Help_Cmd_Edit", "/dxl edit - Edit an existing dungeon"),
- HELP_CMD_ESCAPE("Help_Cmd_Escape", "/dxl escape - Leaves the current dungeon, without saving!"),
+ HELP_CMD_CREATE("Help_Cmd_Create", "/dxl create [name] - Creates a new dungeon map"),
+ HELP_CMD_EDIT("Help_Cmd_Edit", "/dxl edit [name] - Edit an existing dungeon map"),
+ HELP_CMD_ESCAPE("Help_Cmd_Escape", "/dxl escape - Leaves the current edit world without saving"),
HELP_CMD_GAME("Help_Cmd_Game", "/dxl game - Shows information about the current game session"),
HELP_CMD_GROUP("Help_Cmd_Group", "/dxl group - Shows group command help"),
HELP_CMD_GROUP_CREATE("Help_Cmd_GroupCreate", "/dxl group create [group] - Creates a new group"),
@@ -104,22 +104,22 @@ public enum DMessages implements Messages {
HELP_CMD_GROUP_JOIN("Help_Cmd_GroupJoin", "/dxl group join [group]- Join a group"),
HELP_CMD_GROUP_KICK("Help_Cmd_GroupKick", "/dxl group kick [player] - Kicks a player"),
HELP_CMD_GROUP_SHOW("Help_Cmd_GroupShow", "/dxl group show [group] - Shows a group"),
- HELP_CMD_HELP("Help_Cmd_Help", "/dxl help - Shows the help page"),
- HELP_CMD_INVITE("Help_Cmd_Invite", "/dxl invite - Invite a player to edit a dungeon"),
+ HELP_CMD_HELP("Help_Cmd_Help", "/dxl help [page] - Shows the help page"),
+ HELP_CMD_INVITE("Help_Cmd_Invite", "/dxl invite [player] [dungeon] - Invite a player to edit a dungeon"),
HELP_CMD_JOIN("Help_Cmd_Join", "/dxl join [announcement] - Opens the GUI to join a group in an upcoming game"),
HELP_CMD_ENTER("Help_Cmd_Enter", "/dxl enter ([joining group]) [target group] - Let the joining group enter the game of the target group"),
- HELP_CMD_LEAVE("Help_Cmd_Leave", "/dxl leave - Leaves the current dungeon"),
+ HELP_CMD_LEAVE("Help_Cmd_Leave", "/dxl leave - Leaves the current group and dungeon or edit world"),
HELP_CMD_LIST("Help_Cmd_List", "/dxl list ([dungeon|map|loaded]) ([dungeon]) - Lists all dungeons"),
- HELP_CMD_LIVES("Help_Cmd_Lives", "/dxl lives - Shows the lives a player has left"),
+ HELP_CMD_LIVES("Help_Cmd_Lives", "/dxl lives [player] - Shows the lives a player has left"),
HELP_CMD_MAIN("Help_Cmd_Main", "/dxl - General status information"),
- HELP_CMD_MSG("Help_Cmd_Msg", "/dxl msg '[msg]' - Show or edit a message"),
+ HELP_CMD_MSG("Help_Cmd_Msg", "/dxl msg [id] '[msg]' - Show or edit a message"),
HELP_CMD_PLAY("Help_Cmd_Play", "/dxl play ([dungeon|map]) [name] - Allows the player to play a dungeon without a portal"),
HELP_CMD_PORTAL("Help_Cmd_Portal", "/dxl portal - Creates a portal that leads into a dungeon"),
HELP_CMD_RELOAD("Help_Cmd_Reload", "/dxl reload - Reloads the plugin"),
HELP_CMD_SAVE("Help_Cmd_Save", "/dxl save - Saves the current dungeon"),
HELP_CMD_SETTINGS("Help_Cmd_Settings", "/dxl settings ([edit|global|player])- Opens the settings menu"),
HELP_CMD_TEST("Help_Cmd_Test", "/dxl test - Starts the game in test mode"),
- HELP_CMD_UNINVITE("Help_Cmd_Uninvite", "/dxl uninvite - Uninvite a player to edit a dungeon"),
+ HELP_CMD_UNINVITE("Help_Cmd_Uninvite", "/dxl uninvite [player] [dungeon] - Uninvite a player to edit a dungeon"),
GROUP_CREATED("Group_Created", "&4&v1&6 created the group &4&v2&6!"),
GROUP_DISBANDED("Group_Disbanded", "&4&v1&6 disbanded the group &4&v2&6."),
GROUP_INVITED_PLAYER("Group_InvitedPlayer", "&4&v1&6 invited the player &4&v2&6 to the group &4&v3&6."),
@@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ public enum DMessages implements Messages {
GROUP_WAVE_FINISHED("Group_WaveFinished", "&6Your group finished wave no. &4&v1&6. The next one is going to start in &4&v2&6 seconds."),
LOG_ERROR_MOB_ENCHANTMENT("Log_Error_MobEnchantment", "&4Error at loading mob.yml: Enchantment &6&v1&4 doesn't exist!"),
LOG_ERROR_MOBTYPE("Log_Error_MobType", "&4Error at loading mob.yml: Mob &6&v1&4 doesn't exist!"),
- LOG_ERROR_NO_CONSOLE_COMMAND("Log_Error_NoConsoleCommand", "&6/dxl &v1&4 can not be executed as Console!"),
+ LOG_ERROR_NO_CONSOLE_COMMAND("Log_Error_NoConsoleCommand", "&6/dxl &v1&4 can not be executed as console!"),
LOG_GENERATE_NEW_WORLD("Log_GenerateNewWorld", "&6Generate new world..."),
- LOG_NEW_DUNGEON("Log_NewDungeon", "&6New Dungeon"),
+ LOG_NEW_DUNGEON("Log_NewDungeon", "&6New dungeon"),
LOG_NEW_PLAYER_DATA("Log_NewPlayerData", "&6A new player data file has been created and saved as &v1."),
LOG_WORLD_GENERATION_FINISHED("Log_WorldGenerationFinished", "&6World generation finished!"),
- PLAYER_BLOCK_INFO("Player_BlockInfo", "&6Block-ID: &2&v1"),
+ PLAYER_BLOCK_INFO("Player_BlockInfo", "&6Block ID: &2&v1"),
PLAYER_CHECKPOINT_REACHED("Player_CheckpointReached", "&6Checkpoint reached!"),
PLAYER_DEATH("Player_Death", "&6You died, lives left: &2&v1"),
PLAYER_DEATH_KICK("Player_DeathKick", "&2&v1&6 died and lost his last life."),
@@ -149,19 +149,19 @@ public enum DMessages implements Messages {
PLAYER_LOOT_ADDED("Player_LootAdded", "&4&v1&6 have been added to your reward inventory!"),
PLAYER_NEW_CAPTAIN("Player_NewCaptain", "&6You are now the new captain of your group."),
PLAYER_OFFLINE("Player_Offline", "&Player &4&v1&6 went offline. In &4&v2&6 seconds he will autmatically be kicked from the Dungeon!"),
- PLAYER_OFFLINE_NEVER("Player_OfflineNever", "&Player &4&v1&6 went offline. He will &4not&6 be kicked from the Dungeon automatically!"),
+ PLAYER_OFFLINE_NEVER("Player_OfflineNever", "&6The player &4&v1&6 went offline. He will &4not&6 be kicked from the dungeon automatically!"),
PLAYER_PORTAL_ABORT("Player_PortalAbort", "&6Portal creation cancelled!"),
- PLAYER_PORTAL_INTRODUCTION("Player_PortalIntroduction", "&6Click the two edges of the Portal with the wooden sword!"),
+ PLAYER_PORTAL_INTRODUCTION("Player_PortalIntroduction", "&6Click the two edges of the portal with the wooden sword!"),
PLAYER_PORTAL_CREATED("Player_PortalCreated", "&6Portal created!"),
- PLAYER_PORTAL_PROGRESS("Player_PortalProgress", "&6First Block, now the second one!"),
- PLAYER_PROTECTED_BLOCK_DELETED("Player_ProtectedBlockDeleted", "&6Protected block deleted!"),
- PLAYER_READY("Player_Ready", "&6You are now ready for the Dungeon!"),
- PLAYER_SIGN_CREATED("Player_SignCreated", "&6Sign created!"),
- PLAYER_SIGN_COPIED("Player_SignCopied", "&6Copied!"),
+ PLAYER_PORTAL_PROGRESS("Player_PortalProgress", "&6First edge successfully marked. You may now click at the other edge."),
+ PLAYER_PROTECTED_BLOCK_DELETED("Player_ProtectedBlockDeleted", "&6Successfully removed the protection."),
+ PLAYER_READY("Player_Ready", "&6You are now ready to start the dungeon."),
+ PLAYER_SIGN_CREATED("Player_SignCreated", "&6Successfully created a dungeon sign."),
+ PLAYER_SIGN_COPIED("Player_SignCopied", "&6Sign data copied."),
PLAYER_TIME_LEFT("Player_TimeLeft", "&v1You have &6&v2 &v1seconds left to finish the dungeon!"),
PLAYER_TIME_KICK("Player_TimeKick", "&2&v1&6's time expired."),
PLAYER_TREASURES("Player_Treasures", "&1Treasures"),
- PLAYER_WAIT_FOR_OTHER_PLAYERS("Player_WaitForOtherPlayers", "&6Waiting for teammates..."),
+ PLAYER_WAIT_FOR_OTHER_PLAYERS("Player_WaitForOtherPlayers", "&6Waiting for team members..."),
REQUIREMENT_FEE("Requirement_Fee", "&6You have been charged &4&v1 &6for entering the dungeon."),
REWARD_GENERAL("Reward_General", "&6You received &4&v1 &6for finishing the dungeon."),
SETTINGS_ANNOUNCEMENTS_1("Settings_Announcements1", "&fToggles personal"),