From 9474139fe1acf3f76f02dd8f0f30ffcdc356d0a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Saukel Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 16:24:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] German translation (unfinished) --- languages/german.yml | 205 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 205 insertions(+) create mode 100644 languages/german.yml diff --git a/languages/german.yml b/languages/german.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35a61547 --- /dev/null +++ b/languages/german.yml @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +Announcer_Cmd: '&4&l=> &6NUTZE &4/DXL JOIN &v1 &6ZUM BEITRETEN &4&l<=' +Announcer_Click: '&4&l=> &6KLICKE HIER ZUM BEITRETEN&4&l<=' +Cmd_Break_ProtectedMode: '&6Du kannst keine von DungeonsXL gesicherten Blöcke mehr zerstören.' +Cmd_Break_BreakMode: '&6Du kannst jetzt einen von DungeonsXL gesicherten Block zerstören.' +Cmd_Chat_DungeonChat: '&6Du hast den Dungeon-Chat betreten.' +Cmd_Chat_NormalChat: '&6Du bist nun im öffentlichen Chat.' +Cmd_Chatspy_Stopped: '&6Du spionierst nun nicht mehr die Dungeon-Chats aus.' +Cmd_Chatspy_Start: '&6Du spionierst nun die Dungeon-Chat aus.' +Cmd_Delete_Backups: '&6Möchtest Du auch alle gespeicherten Backups löschen?' +Cmd_Delete_Success: '&6Die Map &4&v1&6 wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.' +Cmd_Enter: '&6Die Gruppe &4&v1 &6successfully hat das Spiel der Gruppe &4&v2&6 erfolgreich betreten.' +Cmd_Import: '&6Successfully imported the world &4&v1&6.' +Cmd_Invite_Success: '&6Player &4&v1&6 was successfully invited to edit the map &4&v2&6.' +Cmd_Kick_Success: '&6Successfully attempted to kick &4&v1&6.' +Cmd_Leave_Success: '&6You have successfully left your group!' +Cmd_Lives_Group: '&4&v1 &6have &4&v2 &6lives left.' +Cmd_Lives_Player: '&4&v1 &6has &4&v2 &6lives left.' +Cmd_Main_Welcome: '&7Welcome to &4Dungeons&fXL' +Cmd_Main_Loaded: '&eMaps: &o[&v1] &eDungeons: &o[&v2] &eLoaded: &o[&v3] &ePlayers: + &o[&v4]' +Cmd_Main_Compatibility: '&eInternals: &o[&v1] &eVault: &o[&v2] &eItemsXL: &o[&v3]' +Cmd_Main_Help: '&7Type in &o/dxl help&r&7 for further information.' +Cmd_Msg_Added: '&6New Messages (&4&v1&6) added!' +Cmd_Msg_Updated: '&6Messages (&4&v1&6) updated!' +Cmd_Reload_Done: '&7Successfully reloaded DungeonsXL.' +Cmd_Reload_Players: '&4Warning: If you reload the plugin, all players will get kicked out of their game.' +Cmd_Rename_Success: '&6Successfully renamed the map &4&v1&6 to &4&v2&6.' +Cmd_Save_Success: '&6Map saved!' +Cmd_Uninvite_Success: '&4&v1&6''s permission to edit the map &4&v2&6 has been removed + successfully.' +Error_Bed: '&4You cannot use a bed while in a dungeon!' +Error_ChestIsOpened: '&4This chest has already been opened.' +Error_Cmd: '&4Commands are not allowed while in a dungeon!' +Error_CmdNotExist1: '&4Command &6&v1&4 does not exist!' +Error_CmdNotExist2: '&4Please enter &6/dxl help&4 for help!' +Error_Cooldown: '&4You can only enter this dungeon every &6&v1&4 hours!' +Error_Dispenser: '&4You cannot access this dispenser!' +Error_Drop: '&4You cannot drop safe items' +Error_DungeonNotExist: '&4This dungeon does not exist.' +Error_Enderchest: '&4You cannot use an enderchest while in a dungeon!' +Error_InGroup: '&4The player &6&v1&4 is already member of a group.' +Error_JoinGroup: '&4You have to join a group first!' +Error_LeaveDungeon: '&4You have to leave your current dungeon first!' +Error_LeaveGame: '&4You have to leave your current game first!' +Error_LeaveGroup: '&4You have to leave your group first!' +Error_MsgIdNotExist: '&4Messages with Id &6&v1&4 does not exist!' +Error_MsgFormat: '&4Please use &6" &4to mark the beginning and the end of the message!' +Error_MsgNoInt: '&4The argument [id] has to include a number!' +Error_NameInUse: '&4The name &6&v1 &4is already in use.' +Error_NameToLong: '&4The name may not be longer than 15 characters!' +Error_NoConsoleCommand: '&6/dxl &v1&4 cannot be executed as console!' +Error_NoGame: '&4You currently do not take part in a game.' +Error_NoLeaveInTutorial: '&4You cannot use this command in the tutorial!' +Error_NoPermissions: '&4You do not have permission to do this!' +Error_NoPlayerCommand: '&6/dxl &v1&4 cannot be executed as player!' +Error_NoDXLBlock: '&4This is not a block protected by DungeonsXL!' +Error_NoRewardsLeft: '&4You do not have any item rewards left.' +Error_NoSuchGroup: '&4The group &6&v1&4 does not exist!' +Error_NoSuchMap: '&4The world &6&v1&4 does not exist!' +Error_NoSuchPlayer: '&4The player &6&v1&4 does not exist!' +Error_NoSuchResourcePack: '&4The resource pack &6&v1 &4is not registered in the main + configuration file!' +Error_NoSuchShop: '&4Shop &v1 &4not found...' +Error_NotCaptain: '&4You are not the captain of your group!' +Error_NotInDungeon: '&4You are not in a dungeon!' +Error_NotInGame: '&4The group &6&v1&4 is not member of a game.' +Error_NotInGroup: '&4The player &6&v1&4 is not member of the group &6&v2&v4.' +Error_NotInvited: '&4You are not invited to the group &6&v1&4.' +Error_NotSaved: '&4The map &6&v1&4 has not been saved to the &6DungeonsXL/maps/ &4folder + yet!' +Error_BlockOwnTeam: '&4This block belongs to your own group.' +Error_Ready: '&4Choose your class first!' +Error_Requirements: '&4You don''t fulfill the requirements for this dungeon!' +Error_SignWrongFormat: '&4The sign is not written correctly!' +Error_TooManyInstances: '&4There are currently too many maps instantiated. Try it + again in a few minutes!' +Error_TooManyRewards: '&6You won too many rewards to show all of them in one inventory. + Use &4/dxl rewards &6to receive the other ones.' +Error_TooManyTutorials: '&4There are currently too many tutorials running. Try it + again in a few minutes!' +Error_TutorialNotExist: '&4Tutorial dungeon does not exist!' +Help_Cmd_Break: /dxl break - Break a block protected by DungeonsXL +Help_Cmd_Chat: /dxl chat - Change the chat mode +Help_Cmd_Chatspy: /dxl chatspy - Dis/enables the spymode +Help_Cmd_Create: /dxl create [name] - Creates a new dungeon map +Help_Cmd_Delete: /dxl delete [name] - Deletes a dungeon map +Help_Cmd_Edit: /dxl edit [map] - Edit an existing dungeon map +Help_Cmd_Enter: /dxl enter ([joining group]) [target group] - Let the joining group enter the game of the target group +Help_Cmd_Escape: /dxl escape - Leaves the current edit world without saving +Help_Cmd_Game: /dxl game - Shows information about the current game session +Help_Cmd_Group: /dxl group - Shows group command help +Help_Cmd_GroupCreate: /dxl group create [group] - Creates a new group +Help_Cmd_GroupDisband: /dxl group disband ([group]) - Disbands a group +Help_Cmd_GroupInvite: /dxl group invite [player]- Invites someone to your group +Help_Cmd_GroupUninvite: /dxl group uninvite [player] - Takes back an invitation to your group +Help_Cmd_GroupJoin: /dxl group join [group]- Join a group +Help_Cmd_GroupKick: /dxl group kick [player] - Kicks a player +Help_Cmd_GroupShow: /dxl group show [group] - Shows a group +Help_Cmd_Help: /dxl help [page] - Shows the help page +Help_Cmd_Import: /dxl import [world] - Imports a world from the world container as a dungeon map +Help_Cmd_Invite: /dxl invite [player] [dungeon] - Invite a player to edit a dungeon +Help_Cmd_Join: /dxl join [announcement] - Opens the GUI to join a group in an upcoming game +Help_Cmd_Kick: /dxl kick [player] - Kicks the player out of his group and dungeon +Help_Cmd_Leave: /dxl leave - Leaves the current group and dungeon or edit world +Help_Cmd_List: /dxl list ([dungeon|map|loaded]) ([dungeon]) - Lists all dungeons +Help_Cmd_Lives: /dxl lives [player] - Shows the lives a player has left +Help_Cmd_Main: /dxl - General status information +Help_Cmd_Msg: /dxl msg [id] '[msg]' - Show or edit a message +Help_Cmd_Play: /dxl play [name] - Allows the player to play a dungeon without a portal +Help_Cmd_Portal: /dxl portal ([material=portal])- Creates a portal that leads into a dungeon +Help_Cmd_Reload: /dxl reload - Reloads the plugin +Help_Cmd_Rename: /dxl rename [old name] [new name] - Changes the name of a map to the new one. This command does NOT break dungeons that include this map. +Help_Cmd_Rewards: /dxl rewards - Gives all left item rewards to the player +Help_Cmd_ResourcePack: /dxl resourcepack [ID] - Downloads a resourcepack registered in the main configuration file; use 'reset' to reset +Help_Cmd_Save: /dxl save - Saves the current dungeon +Help_Cmd_Status: /dxl status - Shows the technical status of DungeonsXL +Help_Cmd_Settings: /dxl settings ([edit|global|player])- Opens the settings menu +Help_Cmd_Test: /dxl test - Starts the game in test mode +Help_Cmd_Uninvite: /dxl uninvite [player] [dungeon] - Uninvite a player to edit a dungeon +Group_BedDestroyed: '&6The bed of the group &4&v1 &6has been destroyed by &4&v2&6!' +Group_Congrats: '&6Congratulations!' +Group_CongratsSub: '&l&4Your group &v1 &4won the match!' +Group_Created: '&4&v1&6 created the group &4&v2&6!' +Group_Death: '&4&v1 &6died. &4&v2 have &4&v3 &6lives left.' +Group_DeathKick: '&4&v1 &6was kicked because &4&v2 &6have no lives left.' +Group_Defeated: '&4The group &4v1 &6is defeated because it lost its last score point.' +Group_Disbanded: '&4&v1&6 disbanded the group &4&v2&6.' +Group_FlagCaptured: '&4&v1&6 has captured the flag of the group &4&v2&6!' +Group_FlagLost: '&4&v1&6 died and lost &4&v2&6''s flag.' +Group_FlagStealing: '&4&v1&6 is stealing the flag of the group &4&v2&6!' +Group_InvitedPlayer: '&4&v1&6 invited the player &4&v2&6 to the group &4&v3&6.' +Group_JoinedGame: '&6Your group successfully joined the game.' +Group_Killed: '&4&v1 &6was killed by &4&v2&6. &4&v3&6 have &4&v4 &6lives left.' +Group_KilledKick: '&4&v1&6 was killed by &4&v2&6. &4&v3 have no lives left.' +Group_LivesAdded: '&6Your group received a bonus of &4&v1&6 lives.' +Group_LivesRemoved: '&6Your group lost &4&v1&6 lives!' +Group_UninvitedPlayer: '&4&v1&6 took back the invitation for &4&v2&6 to the group + &4&v3&6.' +Group_KickedPlayer: '&4&v1&6 kicked the player &4&v2&6 from the group &4&v3&6.' +Group_PlayerJoined: '&6Player &4&v1&6 has joined the group!' +Group_WaveFinished: '&6Your group finished wave no. &4&v1&6. The next one is going + to start in &4&v2&6 seconds.' +Log_DisabledTweaks: '&4Disabled performance tweaks because there is no support for + this server software.' +Log_Error_DungeonSetup: '&4The setup of dungeon &6&v1&4 is incorrect. See + for reference.' +Log_Error_MobEnchantment: '&4An error occurred while loading mob.yml: Enchantment + &6&v1&4 doesn''t exist!' +Log_Error_MobType: '&4Error at loading mob.yml: Mob &6&v1&4 doesn''t exist!' +Log_Error_NoConsoleCommand: '&6/dxl &v1&4 can not be executed as console!' +Log_Error_SignSetup: '&4A sign at &6&v1&4 is erroneous!' +Log_GenerateNewWorld: '&6Generating new world...' +Log_ImportWorld: '&6Importing world...' +Log_KilledCorruptedPlayer: '&4Killed player &6&v1 &4because the data to restore his + main inventory is corrupted :(' +Log_NewDungeon: '&6Creating new map.' +Log_NewPlayerData: '&6A new player data file has been created and saved as &v1.' +Log_WorldGenerationFinished: '&6World generation finished!' +Player_BlockInfo: '&6Block ID: &2&v1' +Player_CheckpointReached: '&6Checkpoint reached!' +Player_Death: '&4&v1 &6died and has &4&v2 &6lives left.' +Player_DeathKick: '&2&v1 &6lost his last life and was kicked.' +Player_FinishedDungeon: '&6You successfully finished the dungeon!' +Player_Finished_Floor: '&6You successfully finished the floor!' +Player_Invited: '&4&v1&6 invited you to the group &4&v2&6.' +Player_Uninvited: '&4&v1&6 took back your invitation to the group &4&v2&6.' +Player_JoinGroup: '&6You successfully joined the group!' +Player_Kicked: '&4You have been kicked out of the group &6&v1&4.' +Player_Killed: '&4&v1 &6was killed by &4&v2 &6and has &4&v3 &6lives left.' +Player_KilledKick: '&4&v1&6 was killed by &4&v2 &6and lost his last life.' +Player_LeaveGroup: '&6You have successfully left your group!' +Player_LeftGroup: '&6Player &4&v1&6 has left the Group!' +Player_LivesAdded: '&6Received a bonus of &4&v1&6 lives.' +Player_LivesRemoved: '&6You lost &4&v1&6 lives!' +Player_LootAdded: '&4&v1&6 have been added to your reward inventory!' +Player_NewCaptain: '&6You are now the new captain of your group.' +Player_Offline: '&Player &4&v1&6 went offline. In &4&v2&6 seconds he will autmatically + be kicked from the dungeon!' +Player_OfflineNever: '&6The player &4&v1&6 went offline. He will &4not&6 be kicked + from the dungeon automatically!' +Player_PortalAbort: '&6Portal creation cancelled!' +Player_PortalIntroduction: '&6Click the two edges of the portal with the wooden sword!' +Player_PortalCreated: '&6Portal created!' +Player_PortalProgress: '&6First edge successfully marked. You may now click at the + other edge.' +Player_ProtectedBlockDeleted: '&6Successfully removed the protection.' +Player_Ready: '&6You are now ready to start the dungeon.' +Player_SignCreated: '&6Successfully created a dungeon sign.' +Player_SignCopied: '&6Sign data copied.' +Player_TimeLeft: '&v1You have &6&v2 &v1seconds left to finish the dungeon!' +Player_TimeKick: '&2&v1&6''s time expired.' +Player_Treasures: '&1Treasures' +Player_WaitForOtherPlayers: '&6Waiting for team members...' +Requirement_Fee: '&6You have been charged &4&v1 &6for entering the dungeon.' +Reward_General: '&6You received &4&v1 &6for finishing the dungeon.' +Settings_Announcements1: '&fToggles personal' +Settings_Announcements2: '&fgame announcements.' +Settings_Break1: '&fAllows you to break blocks' +Settings_Break2: '&fprotected by DungeonsXL.' +Settings_ChatSpy1: '&fAllows you to receive' +Settings_ChatSpy2: '&fall dungeon chat messages.' +Settings_Title: '&4Settings: &o' +Settings_Title_Edit: Dungeon Setup +Settings_Title_Global: Global Configuration +Settings_Title_Player: Player