
462 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Daniel Saukel
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNULesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.erethon.dungeonsxl.api.dungeon;
import de.erethon.caliburn.item.ExItem;
import de.erethon.caliburn.mob.ExMob;
import de.erethon.bedrock.chat.MessageUtil;
import de.erethon.bedrock.misc.EnumUtil;
import de.erethon.bedrock.misc.NumberUtil;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.api.DungeonsAPI;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.api.Requirement;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.api.Reward;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Difficulty;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
* Represents a game rule for a {@link Game}.
* @param <V> the type of the game rule value
* @author Daniel Saukel
public class GameRule<V> {
* Shall players play the dungeon with their own items or do you want to use classes?
public static final GameRule<Boolean> KEEP_INVENTORY_ON_ENTER = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "keepInventoryOnEnter", false);
* Shall players keep their inventory when they leave the dungeon without succeeding?
public static final GameRule<Boolean> KEEP_INVENTORY_ON_ESCAPE = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "keepInventoryOnEscape", false);
* Shall players keep their inventory when they finish the dungeon?
public static final GameRule<Boolean> KEEP_INVENTORY_ON_FINISH = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "keepInventoryOnFinish", false);
* Shall players lose their items when they die (do not mix up this with "onEscape"!)?
public static final GameRule<Boolean> KEEP_INVENTORY_ON_DEATH = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "keepInventoryOnDeath", true);
* Shall players reset their inventory to their chosen class when respawning?
public static final GameRule<Boolean> RESET_CLASS_INVENTORY_ON_RESPAWN = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "resetClassInventoryOnRespawn", false);
* The location where the players spawn when they leave the dungeon without succeeding.
public static final GameRule<String> ESCAPE_LOCATION = new GameRule<>(String.class, "escapeLocation", null);
* The location where the players spawn when they finish the dungeon.
public static final GameRule<String> FINISH_LOCATION = new GameRule<>(String.class, "finishLocation", null);
* The goal of the game that defines what makes it end.
public static final GameRule<GameGoal> GAME_GOAL = new GameRule<>(GameGoal.class, "gameGoal", GameGoal.DEFAULT, GameGoal.READER);
* The Vanilla game mode.
public static final GameRule<GameMode> GAME_MODE = new GameRule<>(GameMode.class, "gameMode", GameMode.SURVIVAL);
* The Vanilla difficulty.
public static final GameRule<Difficulty> DIFFICULTY = new GameRule<>(Difficulty.class, "difficulty", Difficulty.NORMAL);
* If the food levels of the players change.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> FOOD_LEVEL = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "foodLevel", true);
* Sets if death screens are enabled. If false, players that would have died are healed and teleported to the respawn location;
* their inventory and experience are dropped if {@link #KEEP_INVENTORY_ON_DEATH} is set to false.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> DEATH_SCREEN = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "deathScreen", false);
* If players may fly.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> FLY = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "fly", false);
* If players can build and destroy blocks in this world.
public static final GameRule<BuildMode> BREAK_BLOCKS = new GameRule<>(BuildMode.class, "breakBlocks", BuildMode.FALSE, ConfigReader.BUILD_MODE_READER);
* A blacklist of block types players cannot interact with.
public static final GameRule<Map<ExItem, HashSet<ExItem>>> INTERACTION_BLACKLIST
= new MapGameRule<>("interactionBlacklist", new HashMap<>(), ConfigReader.TOOL_BLOCK_MAP_READER, HashMap::new);
* A list of all entity types that shall be protected from damage.
public static final GameRule<Set<ExMob>> DAMAGE_PROTECTED_ENTITIES = new CollectionGameRule<>("damageProtectedEntities", new HashSet<>(), ConfigReader.EX_MOB_SET_READER, HashSet::new);
* A list of all entity types that shall be protected from interaction.
public static final GameRule<Set<ExMob>> INTERACTION_PROTECTED_ENTITIES = new CollectionGameRule<>("interactionProtectedEntities", new HashSet<>(), ConfigReader.EX_MOB_SET_READER, HashSet::new);
* If blocks may be placed.
public static final GameRule<BuildMode> PLACE_BLOCKS = new GameRule<>(BuildMode.class, "placeBlocks", BuildMode.FALSE, ConfigReader.BUILD_MODE_READER);
* A set of blocks that do not fade.
* @see <a href="https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockFadeEvent.html">org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent</a>
public static final GameRule<Set<ExItem>> BLOCK_FADE_DISABLED = new CollectionGameRule<>("blockFadeDisabled", new HashSet<>(), ConfigReader.EX_ITEM_SET_READER, HashSet::new);
* This does what the doFireTick Vanilla game rule does.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> FIRE_TICK = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "fireTick", false);
* If it should rain permanently in the dungeon.
* <p>
* true = permanent rain; false = permanent sun; leaving this out = random weather like in vanilla Minecraft
public static final GameRule<Boolean> RAIN = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "rain", null);
* Thunderstorms.
* @see #RAIN
public static final GameRule<Boolean> THUNDER = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "thunder", null);
* The time ticks (to be used like in the vanilla /time command).
public static final GameRule<Long> TIME = new GameRule<>(Long.class, "time", null);
* PvP
public static final GameRule<Boolean> PLAYER_VERSUS_PLAYER = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "playerVersusPlayer", false);
* Friendly fire refers just to members of the same group.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> FRIENDLY_FIRE = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "friendlyFire", false);
* Amount of lives a player initially has when he enters a dungeon.
public static final GameRule<Integer> INITIAL_LIVES = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "initialLives", -1);
* Alternatively to {@link #INITIAL_LIVES player lives}, you can use group lives.
public static final GameRule<Integer> INITIAL_GROUP_LIVES = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "initialGroupLives", -1);
* When loot may be taken away out of the dungeon again.
public static final GameRule<Integer> TIME_TO_NEXT_LOOT = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "timeToNextLoot", 0);
* The cooldown between two mob waves.
public static final GameRule<Integer> TIME_TO_NEXT_WAVE = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "timeToNextWave", 10);
* Time until a player is kicked out of a group after he leaves the server.
public static final GameRule<Integer> TIME_UNTIL_KICK_OFFLINE_PLAYER = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "timeUntilKickOfflinePlayer", 0);
* A list of requirements. Note that requirements will be ignored if the player has the dxl.ignorerequirements permission node.
public static final GameRule<List<Requirement>> REQUIREMENTS = new CollectionGameRule<>("requirements", new ArrayList<>(), (api, value) -> {
if (!(value instanceof ConfigurationSection)) {
return null;
ConfigurationSection section = (ConfigurationSection) value;
List<Requirement> requirements = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : section.getValues(false).keySet()) {
Class<? extends Requirement> clss = api.getRequirementRegistry().get(key);
if (clss == null) {
MessageUtil.log(api, "&4Could not find requirement named \"" + key + "\".");
try {
Constructor constructor = clss.getConstructor(DungeonsAPI.class);
if (constructor == null) {
MessageUtil.log(api, "&4Requirement \"" + key + "\" is not implemented properly with a (DungeonsAPI) constructor.");
Requirement requirement = (Requirement) constructor.newInstance(api);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException exception) {
MessageUtil.log(api, "&4Requirement \"" + key + "\" is not implemented properly with a (DungeonsAPI) constructor.");
return requirements;
}, ArrayList::new);
* This can be used to give rewards. The default implementation does not do this at the moment.
public static final GameRule<List<Reward>> REWARDS = new CollectionGameRule<Reward, List<Reward>>("rewards", new ArrayList<>(), (api, value) -> {
if (!(value instanceof ConfigurationSection)) {
return null;
ConfigurationSection section = (ConfigurationSection) value;
List<Reward> rewards = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : section.getValues(false).keySet()) {
Class<? extends Reward> clss = api.getRewardRegistry().get(key);
if (clss == null) {
MessageUtil.log(api, "&4Could not find reward named \"" + key + "\".");
try {
Constructor constructor = clss.getConstructor(DungeonsAPI.class);
if (constructor == null) {
MessageUtil.log(api, "&4Reward \"" + key + "\" is not implemented properly with a (DungeonsAPI) constructor.");
Reward reward = (Reward) constructor.newInstance(api);
// reward.setup();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException exception) {
MessageUtil.log(api, "&4Reward \"" + key + "\" is not implemented properly with a (DungeonsAPI) constructor.");
return rewards;
}, ArrayList::new);
* These commands can be used by all players if they are in the dungeon. DXL commands like /dxl leavecan be used by default.
public static final GameRule<List<String>> GAME_COMMAND_WHITELIST = new CollectionGameRule<>("gameCommandWhitelist", new ArrayList<>(), ArrayList::new);
* A list of permissions players get while they play the game. The permissions get removed as soon as the player leaves the game. Requires Vault and a
* permissions plugin like PermissionsEx.
public static final GameRule<List<String>> GAME_PERMISSIONS = new CollectionGameRule<>("gamePermissions", new ArrayList<>(), ArrayList::new);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<String> TITLE = new GameRule<>(String.class, "title.title", null);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<String> SUBTITLE = new GameRule<>(String.class, "title.subtitle", null);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<String> ACTION_BAR = new GameRule<>(String.class, "title.actionBar", null);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<String> CHAT = new GameRule<>(String.class, "title.chat", null);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<Integer> TITLE_FADE_IN = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "title.fadeIn", 20);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<Integer> TITLE_FADE_OUT = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "title.fadeOut", 20);
* Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message. If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
public static final GameRule<Integer> TITLE_SHOW = new GameRule<>(Integer.class, "title.show", 60);
* Messages; also to be created with /dxl msg
public static final GameRule<Map<Integer, String>> MESSAGES = new MapGameRule<>("messages", new HashMap<>(), (api, value) -> {
if (!(value instanceof ConfigurationSection)) {
return null;
ConfigurationSection section = (ConfigurationSection) value;
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : section.getValues(false).entrySet()) {
int id = NumberUtil.parseInt(entry.getKey(), -1);
if (id == -1) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof String)) {
map.put(id, (String) entry.getValue());
return map;
}, HashMap::new);
* Items you cannot drop or destroy.
public static final GameRule<Set<ExItem>> SECURE_OBJECTS = new CollectionGameRule<>("secureObjects", new HashSet<>(), ConfigReader.EX_ITEM_SET_READER, HashSet::new);
* If group tags are used.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> GROUP_TAG_ENABLED = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "groupTagEnabled", false);
* If Citizens NPCs should be copied to the native registry.
public static final GameRule<Boolean> USE_NATIVE_CITIZENS_REGISTRY = new GameRule<>(Boolean.class, "useNativeCitizensRegistry", false);
* If mobs shall drop experience or a whitelist of mobs that drop experience, while all others do not.
public static final GameRule<Object> MOB_EXP_DROPS = new GameRule(Object.class, "mobExpDrops", false,
(api, value) -> value instanceof Boolean ? value : ConfigReader.EX_MOB_SET_READER.read(api, value)
* If mobs shall drop items or a whitelist of mobs that drop items, while all others do not.
public static final GameRule<Object> MOB_ITEM_DROPS = new GameRule(Object.class, "mobItemDrops", false,
(api, value) -> value instanceof Boolean ? value : ConfigReader.EX_MOB_SET_READER.read(api, value)
* An array of all game rules that exist natively in DungeonsXL.
public static final GameRule[] VALUES = values();
* A container of all rules with their default value. This is used internally as the most subsidiary container that fills missing rules if they are not set.
public static final GameRuleContainer DEFAULT_VALUES = new GameRuleContainer();
static {
for (GameRule rule : VALUES) {
DEFAULT_VALUES.setState(rule, rule.getDefaultValue());
private static GameRule[] values() {
Field[] fields = GameRule.class.getFields();
GameRule[] values = new GameRule[fields.length - 2];
int i = 0;
for (Field field : fields) {
try {
Object object = field.get(null);
if (object instanceof GameRule) {
values[i++] = (GameRule) object;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException exception) {
return values;
protected Class<V> type;
protected ConfigReader<V> reader;
private String key;
private V defaultValue;
* @param type the class of V
* @param key the configuration key of the game rule
* @param defaultValue the default value that is used when nothing is set
public GameRule(Class<V> type, String key, V defaultValue) {
this.type = type;
this.key = key;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
* @param type the class of V
* @param key the configuration key of the game rule
* @param defaultValue the default value that is used when nothing is set
* @param reader a functional interface that loads the value from config
public GameRule(Class<V> type, String key, V defaultValue, ConfigReader<V> reader) {
this(type, key, defaultValue);
this.reader = reader;
* Returns the configuration key of the game rule.
* @return the configuration key of the game rule
public String getKey() {
return key;
* Returns the value used if nothing is specified by a game rule provider.
* @return the value used if nothing is specified by a game rule provider
public V getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
* Returns if the given value is an instance of {@link V}.
* @param value the value
* @return if the given value is an instance of {@link V}
public boolean isValidValue(Object value) {
return type.isInstance(value);
* Returns the state of the game rule fetched from the config.
* <p>
* If the type of this game rule is an enum, Strings as config values that are the {@link Enum#name()} of an enum value are converted automatically.
* @param api the API instance
* @param container the game rule container whose state is to be set
* @param config the config to fetch the value from
* @return the value
public V fromConfig(DungeonsAPI api, GameRuleContainer container, ConfigurationSection config) {
Object value = config.get(getKey());
if (reader != null) {
V v = reader.read(api, value);
container.setState(this, v);
return v;
if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
return null;
value = EnumUtil.getEnumIgnoreCase((Class<? extends Enum>) type, (String) value);
if (isValidValue(value)) {
container.setState(this, (V) value);
return (V) value;
} else {
return null;
* Compares the state attached to the game rule of two GameRuleContainers.
* <p>
* This may be overriden if necessary, for example if the value is a {@link java.util.Collection} and the desired behavior is to merge the values instead of
* keeping the overriding one.
* @param overriding the state of this container will by default be copied to the "writeTo" container if it is not null
* @param subsidiary the state of this container will by default be copied to the "writeTo" container if the state of the "overriding" container is null
* @param writeTo the state of the game rule will be set to the one of either "overriding" or "subsidiary". This container may be == to one of the
* others.
public void merge(GameRuleContainer overriding, GameRuleContainer subsidiary, GameRuleContainer writeTo) {
V overridingValue = overriding.getState(this);
V subsidiaryValue = subsidiary.getState(this);
writeTo.setState(this, overridingValue != null ? overridingValue : subsidiaryValue);
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "{key=" + key + "}";