
688 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Frank Baumann
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.erethon.dungeonsxl.player;
import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.util.commons.chat.MessageUtil;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.util.commons.compatibility.Internals;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.util.commons.config.ConfigUtil;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.util.commons.config.DREConfig;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.util.commons.javaplugin.DREPlugin;
import de.erethon.dungeonsxl.util.commons.misc.EnumUtil;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute;
import org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeInstance;
import org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
* Represents a player's persistent data.
* @author Daniel Saukel
public class DPlayerData extends DREConfig {
protected boolean is1_9 = Internals.isAtLeast(Internals.v1_9_R1);
public static final int CONFIG_VERSION = 4;
public static final String PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE = "savePlayer.";
public static final String PREFIX_STATS = "stats.";
// State persistence
private boolean keepInventoryAfterLogout = true;
private Location oldLocation;
private List<ItemStack> oldInventory;
private List<ItemStack> oldArmor;
private ItemStack oldOffHand;
private int oldLvl;
private float oldExp;
private double oldHealth;
private int oldFoodLevel;
private int oldFireTicks;
private GameMode oldGameMode;
private Collection<PotionEffect> oldPotionEffects;
private Map/*<Attribute, Double>*/ oldAttributeBases;
private Multimap/*<Attribute, AttributeModifier>*/ oldAttributeMods;
private boolean oldCollidabilityState;
private boolean oldFlyingState;
private boolean oldInvulnerabilityState;
// Stats
private Map<String, Long> timeLastStarted = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, Long> timeLastFinished = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, Long> timeLastLoot = new HashMap<>();
private boolean finishedTutorial;
public DPlayerData(File file) {
super(file, CONFIG_VERSION);
if (initialize) {
/* Getters and setters */
* @return if the player was in a game when he left the game
public boolean wasInGame() {
return config.contains(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE);
* @return if the inventory shall be reset after a logout
public boolean getKeepInventoryAfterLogout() {
return keepInventoryAfterLogout;
* @param keepInventoryAfterLogout set if the inventory shall be reset after a logout
public void setKeepInventoryAfterLogout(boolean keepInventoryAfterLogout) {
this.keepInventoryAfterLogout = keepInventoryAfterLogout;
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "keepInventoryAfterLogout", keepInventoryAfterLogout);
* @return the old location
public Location getOldLocation() {
if (oldLocation.getWorld() == null) {
return Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation();
return oldLocation;
* @param location the location to set
public void setOldLocation(Location location) {
oldLocation = location;
* @return the items in the old inventory
public List<ItemStack> getOldInventory() {
return oldInventory;
* @param inventory the inventory to set
public void setOldInventory(List<ItemStack> inventory) {
oldInventory = inventory;
* @return the items in the old armor slots
public List<ItemStack> getOldArmor() {
return oldArmor;
* @param inventory the inventory to set
public void setOldArmor(List<ItemStack> inventory) {
oldArmor = inventory;
* @return the items in the old off-hand slot
public ItemStack getOldOffHand() {
return oldOffHand;
* @param offHand the off hand item to set
public void setOldOffHand(ItemStack offHand) {
oldOffHand = offHand;
* @return the old level
public int getOldLevel() {
return oldLvl;
* @param level the level to set
public void setOldLevel(int level) {
oldLvl = level;
* @return the old exp
public float getOldExp() {
return oldExp;
* @param exp the amount of exp to set
public void setOldExp(float exp) {
oldExp = exp;
* @return the old health
public double getOldHealth() {
return oldHealth;
* @param health the health to set
public void setOldHealth(double health) {
oldHealth = health;
* @return the old food level
public int getOldFoodLevel() {
return oldFoodLevel;
* @param foodLevel the food level to set
public void setOldFoodLevel(int foodLevel) {
oldFoodLevel = foodLevel;
* @return the old fire ticks
public int getOldFireTicks() {
return oldFireTicks;
* @param fireTicks the fire ticks to set
public void setFireTicks(int fireTicks) {
oldFireTicks = fireTicks;
* @return the old GameMode
public GameMode getOldGameMode() {
return oldGameMode;
* @param gameMode the GameMode to set
public void setOldGameMode(GameMode gameMode) {
oldGameMode = gameMode;
* @return the old potion effects
public Collection<PotionEffect> getOldPotionEffects() {
return oldPotionEffects;
* @param potionEffects the potion effects to set
public void setOldPotionEffects(Collection<PotionEffect> potionEffects) {
oldPotionEffects = potionEffects;
* @return the old attribute bases
public Map/*<Attribute, Double>*/ getOldAttributeBases() {
return oldAttributeBases;
* @param attributeBases the old attribute bases to set
public void setOldAttributeBases(Map/*<Attribute, Double>*/ attributeBases) {
oldAttributeBases = attributeBases;
* @return the old attribute modifiers
public Multimap/*<Attribute, AttributeModifier>*/ getOldAttributeMods() {
return oldAttributeMods;
* @param attributeMods the old attribute modifiers to set
public void setOldAttributeMods(Multimap/*<Attribute, AttributeModifier>*/ attributeMods) {
oldAttributeMods = attributeMods;
* @return if the player was collidable
public boolean getOldCollidabilityState() {
return oldCollidabilityState;
* @param collidableState the collidable state to set
public void setOldCollidabilityState(boolean collidableState) {
oldCollidabilityState = collidableState;
* @return if the player was flying
public boolean getOldFlyingState() {
return oldFlyingState;
* @param flyingState the flying state to set
public void setOldFlyingState(boolean flyingState) {
oldFlyingState = flyingState;
* @return if the player was invulnerable
public boolean getOldInvulnerabilityState() {
return oldInvulnerabilityState;
* @param invulnerabilityState the invulnerability state to set
public void setOldInvulnerabilityState(boolean invulnerabilityState) {
oldFlyingState = invulnerabilityState;
* @return a map of the player's started dungeons with dates.
public Map<String, Long> getTimeLastStarted() {
return timeLastStarted;
* @param dungeon the dungeon to check
* @return the time when the player started the dungeon for the last time
public long getTimeLastStarted(String dungeon) {
Long time = timeLastStarted.get(dungeon.toLowerCase());
if (time == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return time;
* @param dungeon the started dungeon
* @param time the time when the dungeon was started
public void setTimeLastStarted(String dungeon, long time) {
timeLastStarted.put(dungeon.toLowerCase(), time);
* @return a map of the player's finished dungeons with dates.
public Map<String, Long> getTimeLastFinished() {
return timeLastFinished;
* @param dungeon the dungeon to check
* @return the time when the player finished the dungeon for the last time
public long getTimeLastFinished(String dungeon) {
Long time = timeLastFinished.get(dungeon.toLowerCase());
if (time == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return time;
* @param dungeon the finished dungeon
* @param time the time when the dungeon was finished
public void setTimeLastFinished(String dungeon, long time) {
timeLastFinished.put(dungeon.toLowerCase(), time);
* @param dungeon the dungeon to check
* @return the time when the player received loot from the dungeon for the last time
public long getTimeLastLoot(String dungeon) {
Long time = timeLastLoot.get(dungeon.toLowerCase());
if (time == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return time;
* @param dungeon the finished dungeon
* @param time the time when the dungeon was received
public void setTimeLastLoot(String dungeon, long time) {
timeLastLoot.put(dungeon.toLowerCase(), time);
* @return if the player has finished the tutorial
public boolean hasFinishedTutorial() {
return finishedTutorial;
* @param finishedTutorial if the player has finished the tutorial
public void setFinishedTutorial(boolean finishedTutorial) {
this.finishedTutorial = finishedTutorial;
/* Actions */
* @param dungeon the started dungeon
public void logTimeLastStarted(String dungeon) {
timeLastStarted.put(dungeon.toLowerCase(), System.currentTimeMillis());
* @param dungeon the finished dungeon
public void logTimeLastFinished(String dungeon) {
timeLastFinished.put(dungeon.toLowerCase(), System.currentTimeMillis());
* @param dungeon the finished dungeon
public void logTimeLastLoot(String dungeon) {
timeLastLoot.put(dungeon.toLowerCase(), System.currentTimeMillis());
public void initialize() {
if (!config.contains(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastStarted")) {
config.createSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastStarted");
if (!config.contains(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastFinished")) {
config.createSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastFinished");
if (!config.contains(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastLoot")) {
config.createSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastLoot");
if (!config.contains(PREFIX_STATS + "finishedTutorial")) {
config.set(PREFIX_STATS + "finishedTutorial", finishedTutorial);
if (!file.exists()) {
try {
MessageUtil.log(DREPlugin.getInstance(), "&6A new player data file has been created and saved as " + file.getName());
} catch (IOException exception) {
public void load() {
if (config.isConfigurationSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastStarted")) {
for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastStarted").getKeys(false)) {
timeLastStarted.put(key, config.getLong(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastStarted." + key));
if (config.isConfigurationSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastFinished")) {
for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastFinished").getKeys(false)) {
timeLastFinished.put(key, config.getLong(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastFinished." + key));
if (config.isConfigurationSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastLoot")) {
for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastLoot").getKeys(false)) {
timeLastLoot.put(key, config.getLong(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastLoot." + key));
finishedTutorial = config.getBoolean(PREFIX_STATS + "finishedTutorial", finishedTutorial);
if (!wasInGame()) {
keepInventoryAfterLogout = config.getBoolean(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "keepInventoryAfterLogout");
oldInventory = (List<ItemStack>) config.get(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldInventory");
oldArmor = (List<ItemStack>) config.get(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldArmor");
oldOffHand = (ItemStack) config.get(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldOffHand");
oldLvl = config.getInt(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldLvl");
oldExp = config.getInt(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldExp");
oldHealth = config.getDouble(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldHealth");
oldFoodLevel = config.getInt(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldFoodLevel");
oldFireTicks = config.getInt(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldFireTicks");
if (EnumUtil.isValidEnum(GameMode.class, config.getString(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldGameMode"))) {
oldGameMode = GameMode.valueOf(config.getString(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldGameMode"));
} else {
oldGameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;
oldPotionEffects = (Collection<PotionEffect>) config.get(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldPotionEffects");
if (is1_9) {
Map<String, Object> basesMap = ConfigUtil.getMap(config, PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldAttributeBases", false);
if (basesMap != null) {
oldAttributeBases = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : basesMap.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof Double)) {
Attribute attribute = EnumUtil.getEnum(Attribute.class, entry.getKey());
Double base = (Double) entry.getValue();
oldAttributeBases.put(attribute, base);
Map<String, Object> modsMap = ConfigUtil.getMap(config, PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldAttributeMods", false);
if (modsMap != null) {
oldAttributeMods = HashMultimap.create();
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : modsMap.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof Collection)) {
Attribute attribute = EnumUtil.getEnum(Attribute.class, entry.getKey());
Collection<AttributeModifier> mods = (Collection<AttributeModifier>) entry.getValue();
oldAttributeMods.putAll(attribute, mods);
try {
oldLocation = (Location) config.get(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldLocation");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
oldLocation = Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation();
oldCollidabilityState = config.getBoolean(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldCollidabilityState", true);
oldFlyingState = config.getBoolean(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldFlyingState", false);
oldInvulnerabilityState = config.getBoolean(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldInvulnerabilityState", false);
public void save() {
config.set(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastStarted", timeLastStarted);
config.set(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastFinished", timeLastFinished);
config.set(PREFIX_STATS + "timeLastLoot", timeLastLoot);
config.set(PREFIX_STATS + "finishedTutorial", finishedTutorial);
* Saves the player's data to the file.
* @param player the Player to save
public void savePlayerState(Player player) {
oldGameMode = player.getGameMode();
oldFireTicks = player.getFireTicks();
oldFoodLevel = player.getFoodLevel();
oldHealth = player.getHealth();
oldExp = player.getExp();
oldLvl = player.getLevel();
PlayerInventory inv = player.getInventory();
oldArmor = new ArrayList<>(4);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ItemStack itemStack = inv.getArmorContents()[i];
oldArmor.add(itemStack != null ? itemStack.clone() : null);
oldInventory = new ArrayList<>(36);
for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
ItemStack itemStack = inv.getContents()[i];
oldInventory.add(itemStack != null ? itemStack.clone() : null);
if (is1_9) {
oldOffHand = inv.getItemInOffHand().clone();
oldLocation = player.getLocation();
oldPotionEffects = player.getActivePotionEffects();
if (is1_9) {
oldAttributeBases = new HashMap<>();
oldAttributeMods = HashMultimap.create();
for (Attribute attribute : Attribute.values()) {
AttributeInstance instance = player.getAttribute(attribute);
if (instance == null) {
oldAttributeBases.put(attribute, instance.getBaseValue());
for (AttributeModifier mod : instance.getModifiers()) {
oldAttributeMods.put(attribute, mod);
oldCollidabilityState = player.isCollidable();
oldInvulnerabilityState = player.isInvulnerable();
oldFlyingState = player.getAllowFlight();
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldGameMode", oldGameMode.toString());
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldFireTicks", oldFireTicks);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldFoodLevel", oldFoodLevel);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldHealth", oldHealth);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldExp", oldExp);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldLvl", oldLvl);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldArmor", oldArmor);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldInventory", oldInventory);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldOffHand", oldOffHand);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldLocation", oldLocation);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldPotionEffects", oldPotionEffects);
if (is1_9) {
for (Object object : oldAttributeBases.entrySet()) {
Entry<Attribute, Double> entry = (Entry<Attribute, Double>) object;
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldAttributeBases." + entry.getKey().name(), entry.getValue());
for (Object object : oldAttributeMods.asMap().entrySet()) {
Entry<Attribute, Collection<AttributeModifier>> entry = (Entry<Attribute, Collection<AttributeModifier>>) object;
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldAttributeMods." + entry.getKey().name(), entry.getValue());
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldCollidabilityState", oldCollidabilityState);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldFlyingState", oldFlyingState);
config.set(PREFIX_STATE_PERSISTENCE + "oldInvulnerabilityState", oldInvulnerabilityState);
* Removes the state data from the file
public void clearPlayerState() {
oldGameMode = null;
oldFireTicks = 0;
oldFoodLevel = 0;
oldHealth = 0;
oldExp = 0;
oldLvl = 0;
oldArmor = null;
oldInventory = null;
oldOffHand = null;
oldLocation = null;
oldPotionEffects = null;
oldAttributeBases = null;
oldAttributeMods = null;
oldCollidabilityState = true;
oldFlyingState = false;
oldInvulnerabilityState = false;
if (wasInGame()) {
config.set("savePlayer", null);