
266 lines
13 KiB

click: "&4&l=> &6CLICK HERE TO JOIN &4&l<="
accept: "&a[ YES ]"
deny: "&4[ NO ]"
okay: "&a[ OK ]"
help: "/dxl announce [name] - Runs an announcement script"
breakMode: "&6You may break a block protected by DungeonsXL."
help: "/dxl break - Break a block protected by DungeonsXL"
protectedMode: "&6You may not break blocks protected by DungeonsXL anymore."
dungeonChat: "&6You have entered the dungeon chat"
help: "/dxl chat - Change the chat mode"
normalChat: "&6You are now in the public chat"
help: "/dxl chatspy - Dis/enables the spymode"
started: "&6You started to spy the dungeon chat."
stopped: "&6You stopped to spy the dungeon chat."
help: "/dxl create [name] - Creates a new dungeon map"
backups: "&6Do you wish to delete all saved backups as well?"
help: "/dxl delete [name] - Deletes a dungeon map"
success: "&6Successfully deleted the map &4&v1&6."
dungeonItemHelp: "&6After finishing a game, &4dungeon items &6are removed from the player's inventory even if the respective dungeon setup in general allows to keep it."
globalItemHelp: "&6After finishing a game, &4global items &6can be taken out of dungeons if the respective dungeon setup in general allows to keep the inventory."
help: "/dxl dungeonItem [true|false|info] - Sets the item stack in the player's hand to be one that cannot be taken out of a dungeon"
dungeon: "&6This item is a &4dungeon item&6."
global: "&6This item is a &4global item&6."
dungeon: "&6Successfully made this item a &4dungeon item&6."
global: "&6Successfully made this item a &4global item&6."
help: "/dxl edit [map] - Edit an existing dungeon map"
help: "/dxl enter ([joining group]) [target group] - Let the joining group enter the game of the target group"
success: "&6The group &4&v1 &6successfully entered the game of the group &4&v2&6."
help: "/dxl escape - Leaves the current edit world without saving"
help: "/dxl game - Shows information about the current game session"
create: "/dxl group create [group] - Creates a new group"
disband: "/dxl group disband ([group]) - Disbands a group"
invite: "/dxl group invite [player] - Invites someone to your group"
join: "/dxl group join [group]- Join a group"
kick: "/dxl group kick [player] - Kicks a player"
main: "/dxl group - Shows group command help"
show: "/dxl group show [group] - Shows a group"
uninvite: "/dxl group uninvite [player] - Takes back an invitation to your group"
help: "/dxl help [page] - Shows the help page"
help: "/dxl import [world] - Imports a world from the world container as a dungeon map"
success: "&6Successfully imported the world &4&v1&6."
help: "/dxl invite [player] [dungeon] - Invite a player to edit a dungeon"
success: "&6Player &4&v1&6 was successfully invited to edit the map &4&v2&6."
help: "/dxl join [announcement] - Opens the GUI to join a group in an upcoming game"
help: "/dxl kick [player] - Kicks the player out of his group and dungeon"
success: "&6Successfully kicked &4&v1&6 out of the group."
help: "/dxl leave - Leaves the current group and dungeon or edit world"
success: "&6You have successfully left your group."
help: "/dxl list ([dungeon|map|loaded]) ([dungeon]) - Lists all dungeons"
group: "&4&v1 &6have &4&v2 &6lives left."
help: "/dxl lives [player] - Shows the lives a player has left"
player: "&4&v1 &6has &4&v2 &6lives left."
compatibility: "&eInternals: &o[&v1] &eVault: &o[&v2] &eItemsXL: &o[&v3]"
help: "/dxl - General status information"
helpInfo: "&7Type in &o/dxl help&r&7 for further information."
loaded: "&eMaps: &o[&v1] &eDungeons: &o[&v2] &eLoaded: &o[&v3] &ePlayers: &o[&v4]"
welcome: "&7Welcome to &4Dungeons&fXL"
added: "&6New Messages (&4&v1&6) added."
help: "/dxl msg [id] '[msg]' - Show or edit a message"
updated: "&6Messages (&4&v1&6) updated."
help: "/dxl play [name] - Allows the player to play a dungeon without a portal"
help: "/dxl portal ([material=portal]) - Creates a portal that leads into a dungeon"
buttonCaliburn: "&9[ RELOAD CALIBURN CONTENT ]"
caliburn: "&eCustom Items: &o[&v1] &eMobs: &o[&v2] &eLoot Tables: &o[&v3]"
help: "/dxl reload - Reloads the plugin"
players: "&4Warning: If you reload the plugin, all players will be kicked out of their game."
success: "&7Successfully reloaded DungeonsXL."
help: "/dxl rename [old name] [new name] - Changes the name of a map to the new one. This command does NOT break dungeons that include this map."
success: "&6Successfully renamed the map &4&v1&6 to &4&v2&6."
help: "/dxl resourcepack [ID] - Downloads a resourcepack registered in the main configuration file; use 'reset' to reset"
help: "/dxl save - Saves the current dungeon"
success: "&6Map saved."
help: "/dxl status - Shows the technical status of DungeonsXL"
help: "/dxl test [name] - Starts the game in test mode"
help: "/dxl uninvite [player] [map] - Uninvite a player from editing a map"
success: "&4&v1&6's permission to edit the map &4&v2&6 has been removed successfully."
0: "Sunday"
1: "Monday"
2: "Tuesday"
3: "Wednesday"
4: "Thursday"
5: "Friday"
6: "Saturday"
bed: "&4You cannot use a bed while in a dungeon."
blockOwnTeam: "&4This block belongs to your own group."
chestIsOpened: "&4This chest has already been opened."
cmd: "&4Commands are not allowed while in a dungeon."
dispenser: "&4You cannot access this dispenser."
drop: "&4You cannot drop safe items"
enderchest: "&4You cannot use an enderchest while in a dungeon."
groupIsPlaying: "&4This group is already in a dungeon."
inGroup: "&4The player &6&v1&4 is already member of a group."
joinGroup: "&4You have to join a group first."
leaveDungeon: "&4You have to leave your current dungeon first."
leaveGame: "&4You have to leave your current game first."
leaveGroup: "&4You have to leave your group first."
msgFormat: "&4Please use &6\" &4to mark the beginning and the end of the message."
msgIdDoesNotExist: "&4Messages with Id &6&v1&4 does not exist."
msgNoInt: "&4The argument [id] has to include a number."
nameInUse: "&4The name &6&v1 &4is already in use."
nameTooLong: "&4The name may not be longer than 15 characters."
noGame: "&4You currently do not take part in a game."
noItemInMainHand: "&4You do not have an item in your main hand."
noLeaveInTutorial: "&4You cannot use this command in the tutorial."
noPermissions: "&4You do not have permission to do this."
noProtectedBlock: "&4This is not a block protected by DungeonsXL."
noReadySign: "&4The world &6&v1 &4does not seem to have a ready sign. No game can be started and only lobby dungeon signs will be initialized."
noRewardsTime: "&4You cannot receive rewards before &6&v1&4."
noSuchAnnouncement: "&4This announcement does not exist."
noSuchDungeon: "&4This dungeon does not exist."
noSuchGroup: "&4The group &6&v1&4 does not exist."
noSuchMap: "&4The world &6&v1&4 does not exist."
noSuchPlayer: "&4The player &6&v1&4 does not exist."
noSuchResourcePack: "&4The resource pack &6&v1 &4is not registered in the main configuration file."
noSuchShop: "&4Shop &v1 &4not found..."
notInDungeon: "&4You are not in a dungeon."
notInGame: "&4The group &6&v1&4 is not member of a game."
notInGroup: "&4The player &6&v1&4 is not member of the group &6&v2&v4."
notInvited: "&4You are not invited to the group &6&v1&4."
notLeader: "&4You are not the captain of your group."
notSaved: "&4The map &6&v1&4 has not been saved to the &6DungeonsXL/maps/ &4folder yet."
ready: "&4Choose your class first."
requirements: "&4You don't fulfill the requirements for this dungeon."
selfNotInGroup: "&4You are not in any group."
signWrongFormat: "&4The sign is not written correctly."
tooManyInstances: "&4There are currently too many maps instantiated. Try it again in a few minutes."
tooManyTutorials: "&4There are currently too many tutorials running. Try it again in a few minutes."
tutorialDoesNotExist: "&4Tutorial dungeon does not exist."
bedDestroyed: "&6The bed of the group &4&v1 &6has been destroyed by &4&v2&6."
congrats: "&6Congratulations!"
congratsSub: "&l&4Your group &v1 &4won the match."
created: "&4&v1&6 created the group &4&v2&6."
death: "&4&v1 &6died. &4&v2 &6have &4&v3 &6lives left."
deathKick: "&4&v1 &6was kicked because &4&v2 &6have no lives left."
defeated: "&4The group &4v1 &6is defeated because it lost its last score point."
disbanded: "&4&v1&6 disbanded the group &4&v2&6."
flagCaptured: "&4&v1&6 has captured the flag of the group &4&v2&6."
flagLost: "&4&v1&6 died and lost &4&v2&6's flag."
flagStealing: "&4&v1&6 is stealing the flag of the group &4&v2&6."
invitedPlayer: "&4&v1&6 invited the player &4&v2&6 to the group &4&v3&6."
joinedGame: "&6Your group successfully joined the game."
kickedPlayer: "&4&v1&6 kicked the player &4&v2&6 from the group &4&v3&6."
killed: "&4&v1 &6was killed by &4&v2&6. &4&v3&6 have &4&v4 &6lives left."
killedKick: "&4&v1&6 was killed by &4&v2&6. &4&v3 have no lives left."
livesAdded: "&6Your group received a bonus of &4&v1&6 lives."
livesRemoved: "&6Your group lost &4&v1&6 lives."
playerJoined: "&6Player &4&v1&6 has joined the group."
rewardChest: "&6Your group has found a reward chest."
uninvitedPlayer: "&4&v1&6 took back the invitation for &4&v2&6 to the group &4&v3&6."
waveFinished: "&6Your group finished wave no. &4&v1&6. The next one is going to start in &4&v2&6 seconds."
blockInfo: "&6Block ID: &2&v1"
checkpointReached: "&6Checkpoint reached."
death: "&4&v1 &6died and has &4&v2 &6lives left."
deathKick: "&2&v1 &6lost his last life and was kicked."
finishedDungeon: "&6You successfully finished the dungeon."
finished_Floor: "&6You successfully finished the floor."
invited: "&4&v1&6 invited you to the group &4&v2&6."
joinGroup: "&6You successfully joined the group."
kicked: "&4You have been kicked out of the group &6&v1&4."
killed: "&4&v1 &6was killed by &4&v2 &6and has &4&v3 &6lives left."
killedKick: "&4&v1&6 was killed by &4&v2 &6and lost his last life."
leaveGroup: "&6You have successfully left your group."
leftGroup: "&6Player &4&v1&6 has left the Group."
livesAdded: "&6Received a bonus of &4&v1&6 lives."
livesRemoved: "&6You lost &4&v1&6 lives."
lootAdded: "&4&v1&6 have been added to your reward inventory."
newLeader: "&6You are now the new captain of your group."
offline: "&6Player &4&v1&6 went offline. In &4&v2&6 seconds he will autmatically be kicked from the dungeon."
offlineNever: "&6The player &4&v1&6 went offline. He will &4not&6 be kicked from the dungeon automatically."
abort: "&6Portal creation cancelled."
created: "&6Portal created."
introduction: "&6Click on the two edges of the portal with the wooden sword."
progress: "&6First edge successfully marked. You may now click on the other edge."
rotate: "&6Do you wish to rotate the portal?"
protectedBlockDeleted: "&6Successfully removed the protection."
ready: "&6You are now ready to start the dungeon."
signCopied: "&6Sign data copied."
signCreated: "&6Successfully created a dungeon sign."
timeKick: "&2&v1&6's time expired."
timeLeft: "&v1You have &6&v2 &v1seconds left to finish the dungeon."
treasures: "&1Treasures"
uninvited: "&4&v1&6 took back your invitation to the group &4&v2&6."
unlimitedLives: "unlimited"
waitForOtherPlayers: "&6Waiting for team members..."
fee: "&6You have been charged &4&v1 &6for entering the dungeon."
feeItems: "Items"
feeLevel: "Levels"
feeMoney: "Money"
and: "and"
name: "Finished dungeons"
or: "or"
withinTime: "within the last &v1 hours"
forbiddenItems: "Forbidden items"
groupSize: "Group size"
keyItems: "Keys"
permission: "Permissions"
finish: "Enough passed time since last playthrough (&v1 hours)"
start: "Enough passed time since last try (&v1 hours)"
never: "No playthroughs so far."
timeframe: "Timeframe"
general: "&6You received &4&v1 &6for finishing the dungeon."
end: "&aEND"
1: "&aENTER"
full: "&4FULL"
isPlaying: "&4IS PLAYING"
joinGame: "&aJOIN GAME"
joinGroup: "&aJOIN GROUP"
newGame: "&aNEW GAME"
newGroup: "&aNEW GROUP"
leave: "&aLEAVE"
ready: "&aREADY"
resourcePack: "&aDOWNLOAD"
1: "&aSTART"
2: "&aNEXT WAVE"