UsePermissions: true UseCatchChance: true LooseEggOnFail: true UseVaultCost: false UseItemCost: false ExplosionEffect: true SmokeEffect: false NonPlayerCatching: true PreventCatchingBabyAnimals: true PreventCatchingTamedAnimals: true PreventCatchingShearedSheeps: true SpawnChickenOnSuccess: false SpawnChickenOnFail: true CatchChance: Pig: 100.0 Sheep: 100.0 MushroomCow: 100.0 Cow: 100.0 Chicken: 100.0 Squid: 100.0 Wolf: 100.0 Creeper: 0.0 Skeleton: 100.0 CaveSpider: 100.0 Spider: 100.0 PigZombie: 100.0 Zombie: 100.0 MagmaCube: 100.0 Slime: 100.0 Ghast: 0.0 Enderman: 100.0 Silverfish: 100.0 Blaze: 0.0 Villager: 100.0 VaultCost: Pig: 0.0 Sheep: 0.0 MushroomCow: 0.0 Cow: 0.0 Chicken: 0.0 Squid: 0.0 Wolf: 0.0 Creeper: 0.0 Skeleton: 0.0 CaveSpider: 0.0 Spider: 0.0 PigZombie: 0.0 Zombie: 0.0 MagmaCube: 0.0 Slime: 0.0 Ghast: 0.0 Enderman: 0.0 Silverfish: 0.0 Blaze: 0.0 Villager: 0.0 ItemCost: ItemId: 371 Amount: Pig: 0 Sheep: 0 MushroomCow: 0 Cow: 0 Chicken: 0 Squid: 0 Wolf: 0 Creeper: 0 Skeleton: 0 CaveSpider: 0 Spider: 0 PigZombie: 0 Zombie: 0 MagmaCube: 0 Slime: 0 Ghast: 0 Enderman: 0 Silverfish: 0 Blaze: 0 Villager: 0 Messages: PermissionFail: "You do not have permission to catch this mob!" VaultFail: "It costs %s dollars to catch this mob!" VaultSuccess: "You paid %s dollars for catching this mob!" ItemCostFail: "It costs %s gold nugget(s) to catch this mob!" ItemCostSuccess: "You paid %s gold nugget(s) for catching this mob!" CatchChanceFail: "You failed to catch this mob!" CatchChanceSuccess: "" ConfigVersion: 1.15