# EpicAnchors **Allow your players to keep chunks loaded for a limited amount of time for a cost.** **Integrates with EpicSpawners to keep your mobs spawning even when you’re offline.** [![Discord][Discord shield]][Discord invite] [![Patreon][Patreon shield]][Patreon page]
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## Download (Marketplace) You can visit [our marketplace][Marketplace page] to download EpicAnchors as well as take a look at many other fantastic plugins which are sure to catch your eye. ## Documentation You can find all the information about EpicAnchors, including dependencies, commands, permissions and incompatible plugins on [our wiki][Plugin wiki]. Feel free to also contribute to the wiki as a way to help others in the community with using the plugin. ## Support If you encounter any issues while using the plugin, feel free to contact us on [our Discord server][Discord invite]. ## Suggestions For suggestions about features you think should be added to the plugin to increase its functionality, feel free to create a thread over on [our feedback site](https://feedback.songoda.com). [Marketplace page]: https://songoda.com/marketplace/product/31 [Plugin wiki]: https://wiki.craftaro.com/index.php/Epic_Anchors [Patreon page]: https://www.patreon.com/join/songoda [Discord invite]: https://discord.gg/craftaro [bStats page]: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/EpicAnchors/4816 [Patreon shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-Support_us_on_Patreon-F96854.svg?logo=patreon&style=flat&logoColor=white [Discord shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/293212540723396608?color=5865F2&label=Discord&logo=discord&logoColor=5865F2 [bStats shield]: https://img.shields.io/bstats/servers/4816?label=Servers [Latest version shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/xml?style=flat&color=blue&logo=github&logoColor=white&label=Latest&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fsongoda%2FEpicAnchors%2Fmaster%2Fpom.xml&query=%2F*%5Blocal-name()%3D'project'%5D%2F*%5Blocal-name()%3D'version'%5D