
479 lines
15 KiB

package com.songoda.epicanchors;
import com.craftaro.core.SongodaPlugin;
import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.CompatibleParticleHandler;
import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.CompatibleSound;
import com.craftaro.core.hooks.HologramManager;
import com.craftaro.core.third_party.com.cryptomorin.xseries.XMaterial;
import com.craftaro.core.third_party.de.tr7zw.nbtapi.NBTItem;
import com.craftaro.core.utils.TextUtils;
import com.craftaro.core.utils.TimeUtils;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.api.Anchor;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.api.AnchorAccessCheck;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.api.AnchorManager;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.files.DataManager;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.files.Settings;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.utils.Callback;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.utils.UpdateCallback;
import com.songoda.epicanchors.utils.Utils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class AnchorManagerImpl implements AnchorManager {
private static final String ERR_WORLD_NOT_READY = "EpicAnchors has not finished initializing that world yet";
private static final String HOLOGRAM_PREFIX = "Anchor_";
private final SongodaPlugin plugin;
private final DataManager dataManager;
private final Map<World, Set<Anchor>> anchors = new HashMap<>(3);
private final Set<Player> visualizedChunk = new HashSet<>();
private final List<AnchorAccessCheck> accessChecks = new LinkedList<>();
private boolean ready;
public AnchorManagerImpl(SongodaPlugin plugin, DataManager dataManager) {
this.plugin = Objects.requireNonNull(plugin);
this.dataManager = Objects.requireNonNull(dataManager);
protected void saveAll() {
for (Set<Anchor> anchorSet : this.anchors.values()) {
this.dataManager.updateAnchors(anchorSet, null);
protected void deInitAll() {
for (World world : this.anchors.keySet().toArray(new World[0])) {
protected void initAnchorsAsync(@NotNull World world, @Nullable UpdateCallback callback) {
if (this.anchors.containsKey(world)) {
if (callback != null) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
this.dataManager.getAnchors(world, (ex, result) -> {
if (ex == null) {
this.anchors.computeIfAbsent(world, key -> new HashSet<>());
for (Anchor anchor : result) {
((AnchorImpl) anchor).init(this.plugin);
this.anchors.computeIfAbsent(anchor.getWorld(), key -> new HashSet<>())
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.plugin.getLogger().info("Initialized " + this.anchors.get(world).size() + " anchors in world '" + world.getName() + "' " +
"(" + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end - start) + "ms)");
if (callback != null) {
} else {
if (callback != null) {
} else {
Utils.logException(this.plugin, ex, "SQLite");
protected void deInitAnchors(@NotNull World world) {
Set<Anchor> tmpAnchors = this.anchors.remove(world);
if (tmpAnchors != null) {
this.dataManager.updateAnchors(tmpAnchors, null);
for (Anchor anchor : tmpAnchors) {
((AnchorImpl) anchor).deInit(this.plugin);
protected void setReady() {
this.ready = true;
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this.plugin, this::saveAll, 20L * 60 * 5, 20L * 60 * 5);
public boolean isReady(World world) {
return this.ready && this.anchors.containsKey(world);
/* Getter */
public Anchor[] getAnchors(@NotNull World world) {
Set<Anchor> set = this.anchors.get(world);
if (set != null) {
return set.toArray(new Anchor[0]);
return new Anchor[0];
public @Nullable Anchor getAnchor(@NotNull Block block) {
if (!isReady(block.getWorld())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ERR_WORLD_NOT_READY);
Location bLoc = block.getLocation();
Set<Anchor> set = this.anchors.get(block.getWorld());
if (set != null) {
for (Anchor anchor : set) {
if (anchor.getLocation().equals(bLoc)) {
return anchor;
return null;
public boolean isAnchor(@NotNull Block block) {
return getAnchor(block) != null;
public boolean hasAnchor(@NotNull Chunk chunk) {
if (!isReady(chunk.getWorld())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ERR_WORLD_NOT_READY);
Set<Anchor> set = this.anchors.get(chunk.getWorld());
if (set != null) {
for (Anchor anchor : set) {
if (anchor.getChunk().equals(chunk)) {
return true;
return false;
public List<Anchor> searchAnchors(Location center, double searchRadius) {
return searchAnchors(center, searchRadius, false);
public List<Anchor> searchAnchors(Location center, double searchRadius, boolean ignoreHeight) {
List<Anchor> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (ignoreHeight) {
center = center.clone();
for (Anchor anchor : getAnchors(center.getWorld())) {
Location loc = anchor.getLocation();
if (ignoreHeight) {
if (center.distance(loc) <= searchRadius) {
return result;
/* Create 'n Destroy */
public void createAnchor(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull UUID owner, int ticks, @Nullable Callback<Anchor> callback) {
if (!isReady(loc.getWorld())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ERR_WORLD_NOT_READY);
this.dataManager.insertAnchorAsync(loc, Objects.requireNonNull(owner), ticks, (ex, anchor) -> {
if (ex != null) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.accept(ex, null);
} else {
Utils.logException(this.plugin, ex, "SQLite");
} else {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(this.plugin, () -> {
Block block = loc.getBlock();
this.anchors.computeIfAbsent(anchor.getWorld(), key -> new HashSet<>())
if (callback != null) {
callback.accept(null, anchor);
public void destroyAnchor(@NotNull Anchor anchor) {
destroyAnchor(anchor, false);
public void destroyAnchor(@NotNull Anchor anchor, boolean forceSkipItemDrop) {
if (!isReady(anchor.getWorld())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ERR_WORLD_NOT_READY);
for (Set<Anchor> value : this.anchors.values()) {
Location anchorLoc = anchor.getLocation();
Block anchorBlock = anchorLoc.getBlock();
Material anchorMaterial = anchorBlock.getType();
if (anchorBlock.getType() == Settings.MATERIAL.getMaterial().parseMaterial()) {
// Drop anchor as an item
if (!forceSkipItemDrop &&
Settings.ALLOW_ANCHOR_BREAKING.getBoolean() &&
(anchor.isInfinite() || anchor.getTicksLeft() >= 20)) {
anchor.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(anchorLoc, createAnchorItem(anchor.getTicksLeft(), anchorMaterial));
// Particles & Sound
anchor.getWorld().playSound(anchorLoc, CompatibleSound.ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE.getSound(), 10, 10);
anchor.getLocation().add(.5, .5, .5), 100, .5, .5, .5);
((AnchorImpl) anchor).deInit(this.plugin);
/* Anchor access */
public void registerAccessCheck(AnchorAccessCheck accessCheck) {
if (!this.accessChecks.contains(accessCheck)) {
// Adding at the start of the list makes sure the default check is
public boolean unregisterAccessCheck(AnchorAccessCheck accessCheck) {
return this.accessChecks.remove(accessCheck);
public boolean hasAccess(@NotNull Anchor anchor, @NotNull OfflinePlayer p) {
return hasAccess(anchor, p.getUniqueId());
public boolean hasAccess(@NotNull Anchor anchor, @NotNull UUID uuid) {
if (anchor.isLegacy() || anchor.getOwner().equals(uuid)) return true;
for (AnchorAccessCheck accessCheck : this.accessChecks) {
if (accessCheck.check(anchor, uuid)) {
return true;
return false;
/* Anchor item */
public ItemStack createAnchorItem(int ticks) {
return createAnchorItem(ticks, Settings.MATERIAL.getMaterial());
public ItemStack createAnchorItem(int ticks, Material material) {
return createAnchorItem(ticks, CompatibleMaterial.getMaterial(material).get());
public ItemStack createAnchorItem(int ticks, XMaterial material) {
if (ticks <= 0 && ticks != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
ItemStack item = material.parseItem();
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
meta.setDisplayName(formatAnchorText(ticks, false));
NBTItem nbtItem = new NBTItem(item);
nbtItem.setInteger(NBT_TICKS_KEY, ticks);
return nbtItem.getItem();
/* Chunk visualization */
public boolean toggleChunkVisualized(Player p) {
boolean visualize = !hasChunksVisualized(p);
setChunksVisualized(p, visualize);
return visualize;
public void setChunksVisualized(Player p, boolean visualize) {
if (visualize) {
} else {
public boolean hasChunksVisualized(Player p) {
return this.visualizedChunk.contains(p);
/* Holograms */
public void updateHolograms(List<Anchor> anchors) {
// are holograms enabled?
if (!Settings.HOLOGRAMS.getBoolean() || !HologramManager.getManager().isEnabled()) return;
Map<String, List<String>> hologramData = new HashMap<>(anchors.size());
for (Anchor anchor : anchors) {
List<String> lines = Collections.singletonList(formatAnchorText(anchor.getTicksLeft(), true));
if (!HologramManager.isHologramLoaded(HOLOGRAM_PREFIX + anchor.getDbId())) {
HologramManager.createHologram(HOLOGRAM_PREFIX + anchor.getDbId(), anchor.getLocation(), lines);
hologramData.put(HOLOGRAM_PREFIX + anchor.getDbId(), lines);
// Create the holograms
private void updateHologram(Anchor anchor) {
private String formatAnchorText(int ticks, boolean shorten) {
String remaining;
if (ticks < 0) {
remaining = this.plugin.getLocale().getMessage("Infinite").getMessage();
} else {
long millis = (ticks / 20L) * 1000L;
remaining = TimeUtils.makeReadable(millis);
if (shorten && millis > 60 * 5 * 1000 /* 5 minutes */ &&
remaining.charAt(remaining.length() - 1) == 's') {
int i = remaining.lastIndexOf(' ');
remaining = remaining.substring(0, i);
if (remaining.isEmpty()) {
remaining = "0s";
return TextUtils.formatText(Settings.NAME_TAG.getString().replace("{REMAINING}", remaining));
public static int getTicksFromItem(ItemStack item) {
if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) {
return 0;
NBTItem nbtItem = new NBTItem(item);
if (nbtItem.hasTag(NBT_TICKS_KEY)) {
return nbtItem.getInteger(NBT_TICKS_KEY);
// Legacy code (pre v2) to stay cross-version compatible
if (Settings.MATERIAL.getMaterial().parseMaterial() == item.getType()) {
if (nbtItem.hasTag("ticks")) {
int result = nbtItem.getInteger("ticks");
return result == -99 ? -1 : result;
// Tries to get the ticks remaining from hidden text
if (item.hasItemMeta() &&
item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() &&
item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().contains(":")) {
try {
int result = Integer.parseInt(item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().replace("§", "").split(":")[0]);
return result == -99 ? -1 : result;
} catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
return 0;
private static void removeHologram(Anchor anchor) {
HologramManager.removeHologram(HOLOGRAM_PREFIX + anchor.getDbId());