diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index ff7fe18..96bd846 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ stages:
name: "EpicBosses"
path: "/builds/$CI_PROJECT_PATH"
- version: "1.1.1"
+ version: "1.2"
stage: build
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/autospawns.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/autospawns.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/autospawns.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/autospawns.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/bosses.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/bosses.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/bosses.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/bosses.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/commands.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/commands.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/commands.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/commands.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/droptables.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/droptables.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db2b8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/droptables.json
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ "SkeletonTableGive": {
+ "dropType": "GIVE",
+ "rewards": {
+ "giveRewards": {
+ "1": {
+ "1": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKEco500": 30.0,
+ "SKEco2500": 50.0,
+ "SKEco5000": 10.0
+ },
+ "commands": {
+ "SKEco500": 30.0,
+ "SKEco2500": 50.0,
+ "SKEco5000": 10.0
+ },
+ "maxDrops": 3,
+ "maxCommands": 1,
+ "randomDrops": true,
+ "randomCommands": true,
+ "requiredPercentage": 80.0
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKCustomDrop1": 50.0
+ },
+ "commands": {},
+ "maxDrops": 1,
+ "maxCommands": 0,
+ "randomDrops": false,
+ "randomCommands": false,
+ "requiredPercentage": 50.0
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKCustomDrop1": 100.0
+ },
+ "commands": {},
+ "maxDrops": 1,
+ "maxCommands": 0,
+ "randomDrops": false,
+ "randomCommands": false,
+ "requiredPercentage": 0.0
+ }
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "1": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKMainHand": 8.0,
+ "SKOffHand": 8.0,
+ "SKHelmet": 8.0,
+ "SKLeggings": 20.0,
+ "SKChestplate": 20.0,
+ "SKBoots": 20.0
+ },
+ "commands": {},
+ "maxDrops": -1,
+ "maxCommands": 0,
+ "randomDrops": false,
+ "randomCommands": false,
+ "requiredPercentage": 0.0
+ }
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "1": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKMainHand": 5.0,
+ "SKOffHand": 5.0,
+ "SKHelmet": 5.0,
+ "SKLeggings": 15.0,
+ "SKChestplate": 15.0,
+ "SKBoots": 15.0
+ },
+ "commands": {},
+ "maxDrops": -1,
+ "maxCommands": 0,
+ "randomDrops": false,
+ "randomCommands": false,
+ "requiredPercentage": 0.0
+ }
+ },
+ "4": {
+ "1": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKMainHand": 3.0,
+ "SKOffHand": 3.0,
+ "SKHelmet": 3.0,
+ "SKLeggings": 10.0,
+ "SKChestplate": 10.0,
+ "SKBoots": 10.0
+ },
+ "commands": {},
+ "maxDrops": -1,
+ "maxCommands": 0,
+ "randomDrops": false,
+ "randomCommands": false,
+ "requiredPercentage": 0.0
+ }
+ },
+ "5": {
+ "1": {
+ "items": {
+ "SKMainHand": 1.0,
+ "SKOffHand": 1.0,
+ "SKHelmet": 1.0,
+ "SKLeggings": 5.0,
+ "SKChestplate": 5.0,
+ "SKBoots": 5.0
+ },
+ "commands": {},
+ "maxDrops": -1,
+ "maxCommands": 0,
+ "randomDrops": false,
+ "randomCommands": false,
+ "requiredPercentage": 0.0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "SkeletonTableDrop": {
+ "dropType": "DROP",
+ "rewards": {
+ "dropRewards": {
+ "SKSpawnItem": 10.0,
+ "SKHelmet": 45.0,
+ "SKChestplate": 45.0,
+ "SKLeggings": 45.0,
+ "SKBoots": 45.0,
+ "SKMainHand": 30.0,
+ "SKOffHand": 30.0
+ },
+ "randomDrops": true,
+ "dropMaxDrops": 4
+ }
+ },
+ "SkeletonTableSpray": {
+ "dropType": "SPRAY",
+ "rewards": {
+ "sprayRewards": {
+ "SKSpawnItem": 10.0,
+ "SKHelmet": 45.0,
+ "SKChestplate": 45.0,
+ "SKLeggings": 45.0,
+ "SKBoots": 45.0,
+ "SKMainHand": 30.0,
+ "SKOffHand": 30.0
+ },
+ "randomSprayDrops": true,
+ "sprayMaxDistance": 10,
+ "sprayMaxDrops": 5
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/items.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/items.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8ed68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/items.json
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ "DefaultAutoSpawnListItem": {
+ "type": "GRASS_BLOCK",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault AutoSpawn List Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultDropTableRewardItem": {
+ "type": "DIAMOND",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault DropTable Reward Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultDropTableRewardsListItem": {
+ "type": "CHEST",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault DropTable Rewards List Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultMinionMenuSpawnItem": {
+ "type": "ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Minion Menu Spawn Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultTextMenuItem": {
+ "type": "BOOK",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Text Menu Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultBossMenuItem": {
+ "type": "BARRIER",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Boss Menu Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultDropTableMenuItem": {
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Drop Table Menu Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultCustomSkillTypeItem": {
+ "type": "STICK",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Custom Skill Type Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultSelectedTargetingItem": {
+ "type": "EMERALD_BLOCK",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Selected Targeting System Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultSelectedCustomSkillTypeItem": {
+ "type": "BLAZE_ROD",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Selected Custom Skill Type Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultSelectedDropTableItem": {
+ "name": "&c&lSelected Default Drop Table Menu Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultSkillMenuItem": {
+ "type": "BLAZE_POWDER",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Skill Menu Item"
+ },
+ "DefaultBossListEditorMenuItem": {
+ "type": "ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG",
+ "name": "&c&lDefault Boss List Editor Menu Item"
+ },
+ "SKSpawnItem": {
+ "name": "&6&lSkeleton King Boss Spawn Egg",
+ "lore": [
+ "&7Right click a block to spawn",
+ "&7the boss as that location."
+ ]
+ },
+ "SKHelmet": {
+ "type": "GOLDEN_HELMET",
+ "enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
+ },
+ "SKChestplate": {
+ "enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
+ },
+ "SKLeggings": {
+ "type": "GOLDEN_LEGGINGS",
+ "enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
+ },
+ "SKBoots": {
+ "type": "DIAMOND_BOOTS",
+ "enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
+ },
+ "SKMainHand": {
+ "type": "DIAMOND_SWORD",
+ "enchants": [ "sharpness:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
+ },
+ "SKOffHand": {
+ "type": "SHIELD"
+ },
+ "SKCustomDrop1": {
+ "type": "STONE",
+ "name": "&5Skeleton King Stone",
+ "lore": [
+ "&7This stone will bring you",
+ "&7great luck in battle."
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/messages.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/messages.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/messages.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/messages.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/minions.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/minions.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/minions.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/minions.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/skills.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/skills.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dbf97f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/current/skills.json
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ "Blind1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "POTION",
+ "displayName": "Blind",
+ "customMessage": "BlindMessage",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "customData": {
+ "potions": [
+ {
+ "type": "blind",
+ "level": 2,
+ "duration": 10
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "Guts1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "COMMAND",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Guts",
+ "customMessage": "GutsMessage",
+ "customData": {
+ "commands": [
+ {
+ "name": "a",
+ "chance": 25,
+ "commands": [
+ "Guts1",
+ "Guts2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "b",
+ "chance": 10,
+ "commands": [
+ "Guts3"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "Cage1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Cage",
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "CAGE",
+ "multiplier": 0.0,
+ "otherSkillData": {
+ "flatType": "IRON_BLOCK",
+ "wallType": "IRON_BARS",
+ "insideType": "WATER",
+ "duration": 5
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Disarm1": {
+ "mode": "ONE",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Disarm",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "DISARM",
+ "multiplier": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Fireball1": {
+ "mode": "RANDOM",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Fireball",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "FIREBALL",
+ "multiplier": 3.0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Grapple1": {
+ "mode": "RANDOM",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Grapple",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "GRAPPLE",
+ "multiplier": 3.0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Insidious1": {
+ "mode": "RANDOM",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Insidious",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "INSIDIOUS",
+ "multiplier": 2.5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Knockback1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Knockback",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "KNOCKBACK",
+ "multiplier": 2.5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Launch1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Launch",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "LAUNCH",
+ "multiplier": 3.0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Lightning1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Lightning",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "LIGHTNING",
+ "multiplier": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Minions1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Minions",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "MINIONS",
+ "multiplier": null,
+ "otherSkillData": {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "minionToSpawn": "SkeletonKingMinion"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Warp1": {
+ "mode": "ONE",
+ "type": "CUSTOM",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Warp",
+ "customMessage": null,
+ "customData": {
+ "custom": {
+ "type": "WARP",
+ "multiplier": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Shazaam1": {
+ "mode": "ALL",
+ "type": "GROUP",
+ "radius": 10,
+ "displayName": "Shazaam",
+ "customMessage": "ShazaamMessage",
+ "customData": {
+ "groupedSkills": [
+ "Blind1",
+ "Knockback1"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/autospawns.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/autospawns.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..558c738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/autospawns.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "MiddleOfTheEarth": {
+ "editing": true,
+ "type": "INTERVAL",
+ "entities": [
+ "SkeletonKing"
+ ],
+ "autoSpawnSettings": {
+ "shuffleEntitiesList": true,
+ "maxAliveAtOnce": 1,
+ "amountPerSpawn": 1,
+ "spawnWhenChunkIsntLoaded": false,
+ "overrideDefaultSpawnMessage": true,
+ "spawnMessage": "MiddleOfTheEarthSpawnMessage"
+ },
+ "customData": {
+ "spawnAfterLastBossIsKilled": false,
+ "location": "world,0,150,0",
+ "placeholder": "{customBosses_1}",
+ "spawnRate": 30
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/bosses.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/bosses.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..872c582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/bosses.json
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ "SkeletonKing": {
+ "spawnItem": "SKSpawnItem",
+ "targeting": "RandomNearby",
+ "editing": true,
+ "buyable": true,
+ "price": 500000.0,
+ "entityStats": [
+ {
+ "mainStats": {
+ "position": 1,
+ "entityType": "SKELETON",
+ "health": 50,
+ "displayName": "&6&lSkeleton King Boss"
+ },
+ "equipment": {
+ "helmet": "SKHelmet",
+ "chestplate": "SKChestplate",
+ "leggings": "SKLeggings",
+ "boots": "SKBoots"
+ },
+ "hands": {
+ "mainHand": "SKMainHand",
+ "offHand": "SKOffHand"
+ },
+ "potions": [
+ {
+ "type": "resistance",
+ "level": 3,
+ "duration": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "speed",
+ "level": 1,
+ "duration": 500
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "skills": {
+ "overallChance": 35.5,
+ "masterMessage": "SKMainSkillMessage",
+ "skills": [
+ "Minions1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "drops": {
+ "naturalDrops": false,
+ "dropExp": false,
+ "dropTable": "SkeletonTableSpray"
+ },
+ "messages": {
+ "onSpawn": {
+ "message": "SKOnSpawn",
+ "radius": -1
+ },
+ "onDeath": {
+ "message": "SKOnDeath",
+ "positionMessage": "SKPosition",
+ "radius": -1,
+ "onlyShow": 3
+ },
+ "taunts": {
+ "delay": 60,
+ "radius": 100,
+ "taunts": [
+ "SKTaunt1",
+ "SKTaunt2"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "commands": {
+ "onSpawn": "SKOnSpawn",
+ "onDeath": "SKOnDeath"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/commands.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/commands.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d781f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/commands.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "SKOnSpawn": [
+ "broadcast this is a default command that is broadcasted when the Skeleton King is spawned."
+ ],
+ "SKOnDeath": [
+ "broadcast this is the default command when the Skeleton King is defeated!"
+ ],
+ "SKEco500": [
+ "eco give %player% 500"
+ ],
+ "SKEco2500": [
+ "eco give %player% 2500"
+ ],
+ "SKEco5000": [
+ "eco give %player% 5000"
+ ],
+ "Guts1": [
+ "give %player% bone 3 name:&eSpecial_Bone lore:&7This_bone_was_obtained_from_the|&7skeleton_king_when_you_rattled_him."
+ ],
+ "Guts2": [
+ "give %player% ironingot 1 name:&eSpecial_Ingot lore:&7This_ingot_was_obtained_from_the|&7skeleton_king_when_you_rattled_him."
+ ],
+ "Guts3": [
+ "give %player% diamond 1 name:&eSpecial_Diamond lore:&7This_diamond_was_obtained_from_the|&7skeleton_king_when_you_rattled_him."
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/droptables.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/droptables.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/droptables.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/droptables.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/items.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/items.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/items.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/items.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/messages.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c4966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "MiddleOfTheEarthSpawnMessage": [
+ "&6&lEpicBosses &8» &fA mysterious boss has just been spawned at the middle of the earth in the world &e{world} at the coordinates &e{x}, {y}, {z}&f!"
+ ],
+ "SKMainSkillMessage": [
+ "&6&l{boss} &7has used the &e{skill} &7skill."
+ ],
+ "SKOnSpawn": [
+ "&8&m-----*--------------------*-----",
+ "&7",
+ "&fA &e{boss} &fhas been spawned by &e{name} &fat &e{location}&f!",
+ "&7",
+ "&8&m-----*--------------------*-----"
+ ],
+ "SKOnDeath": [
+ "&8&m-----*--------------------*-----",
+ "&7",
+ "&e{boss}&f has been killed,",
+ "&fbelow are the top damagers:",
+ "&7",
+ "{positions}",
+ "&7",
+ "&8&m-----*--------------------*-----"
+ ],
+ "SKPosition": [
+ "&6&l#{pos} &e{name}&f - &e{percent}% &f(&e{dmg} dmg&f)"
+ ],
+ "SKTaunt1": [
+ "&6&lSkeleton King &f» &7My pocket knife is sharper then that sword! &o*cackle*"
+ ],
+ "SKTaunt2": [
+ "&6&lSkeleton King &f» &7You think you humans can defeat me?! I am the notorious Skeleton King!"
+ ],
+ "BlindMessage": [
+ "&6&lSkeleton King &f» &7I curse you all with blindness!!"
+ ],
+ "GutsMessage": [
+ "&6&lSkeleton King &f» &7Oh no! You rattled up my skeleton and some of my goods fell!"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/minions.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/minions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55a6ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/minions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "SkeletonKingMinion": {
+ "editing": false,
+ "targeting": "RandomNearby",
+ "entityStats": [
+ {
+ "mainStats": {
+ "position": 1,
+ "entityType": "SKELETON",
+ "health": 500,
+ "displayName": "&6&lSkeleton King Boss Minion"
+ },
+ "equipment": {
+ "helmet": "SKHelmet",
+ "chestplate": "SKChestplate",
+ "leggings": "SKLeggings",
+ "boots": "SKBoots"
+ },
+ "hands": {
+ "mainHand": "SKMainHand",
+ "offHand": "SKOffHand"
+ },
+ "potions": [
+ {
+ "type": "resistance",
+ "level": 3,
+ "duration": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "speed",
+ "level": 1,
+ "duration": 500
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/skills.json b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/skills.json
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/skills.json
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-json/legacy/skills.json
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/config.yml b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/current/config.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/config.yml
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/current/config.yml
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/current/editor.yml b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/current/editor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c641c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/current/editor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2984 @@
+# MainPanel: # panel name #
+# name: '&b&l{boss} Editor' # panel display name #
+# slots: 45 # panel size #
+# Settings: # settings section #
+# emptySpaceFiller: true # fill in empty space #
+# fillTo: 0 # fill to slot #
+# backButton: false # use back button #
+# exitButton: false # use exit button #
+# EmptySpaceFiller: # empty space filler itemstack #
+# type: '160:0' # empty space filler type #
+# name: '&7' # empty space filler name #
+# Buttons: # buttons section #
+# backButton: 9 # back button slot #
+# exitButton: 9 # exit button slot #
+ name: '&b&lEpicBosses'
+ slots: 18
+ Settings:
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ name: '&b&lCustom Bosses'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Left Click »'
+ - '&7Edit any of the already created'
+ - '&7custom bosses.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click »'
+ - '&7Create a new custom boss from'
+ - '&7scratch.'
+ Button: CustomBosses
+ '5':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&b&lCustom Items'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Left Click »'
+ - '&7Edit any of the already created'
+ - '&7custom items.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click »'
+ - '&7Create a new custom item from'
+ - '&7an item in your inventory.'
+ Button: CustomItems
+ '8':
+ type: CLOCK
+ name: '&b&lAuto Spawns'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Left Click »'
+ - '&7Edit any of the already created'
+ - '&7auto spawns.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click »'
+ - '&7Create a new auto spawn from'
+ - '&7scratch.'
+ Button: AutoSpawns
+ '12':
+ name: '&b&lDrop Tables'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Left Click »'
+ - '&7Edit any of the already created'
+ - '&7drop tables.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click »'
+ - '&7Create a new drop table from'
+ - '&7scratch.'
+ Button: DropTables
+ '16':
+ name: '&b&lCustom Skills'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Left Click »'
+ - '&7Edit any of the already created'
+ - '&7custom skills.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click »'
+ - '&7Create a new custom skill from'
+ - '&7scratch.'
+ Button: CustomSkills
+ name: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lShop'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 50
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ name: '{panelName}'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 50
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back.'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ name: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lCustom Items'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lCustom Items Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7In this menu you can view all the'
+ - '&7custom items for the plugin, as well'
+ - '&7as manipulate them to your liking.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Left Click &8»'
+ - '&7Obtain ItemStack in your inventory.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Middle Click &8» '
+ - '&7Clone ItemStack section to a new section.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click &8» '
+ - '&7Remove section from list if not bound.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of custom drops.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Item'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7item which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of custom drops.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ name: '&b&lAdd Item Menu'
+ slots: 27
+ Settings:
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Items:
+ '11':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&c&lCancel'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to cancel the transaction'
+ - '&7of adding the item to the EpicBosses'
+ - '&7database.'
+ Button: Cancel
+ '14':
+ type: AIR
+ Button: SelectedSlot
+ '17':
+ type: LIME_DYE
+ name: '&a&lAccept'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to accept the transaction'
+ - '&7of adding the item to the EpicBosses'
+ - '&7database.'
+ Button: Accept
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Items:
+ '12':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&a&lDrops Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to manage the drop table'
+ - '&7that is attached to this boss.'
+ Button: Drops
+ '14':
+ name: '&c&lEquipment Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to manage the equipment'
+ - '&7that the boss has equipped.'
+ Button: Equipment
+ '16':
+ type: BONE
+ name: '&a&lTargeting Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit how the boss handles'
+ - '&7targeting of players and mobs.'
+ Button: Targeting
+ '22':
+ type: BOW
+ name: '&c&lWeapon Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to manage the weapon(s)'
+ - '&7that the boss has equipped.'
+ Button: Weapon
+ '23':
+ type: BARRIER
+ name: '&c&l!&4&l!&c&l! &4&lWARNING &c&l!&4&l!&c&l!'
+ lore:
+ - '&7While editing is enabled for this boss'
+ - '&7no one will be able to spawn it, nor'
+ - '&7will it spawn naturally.'
+ '24':
+ name: '&c&lSkill Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to manage the assigned'
+ - '&7skill(s) the boss has and their occurrence'
+ - '&7chances.'
+ Button: Skill
+ '30':
+ type: STICK
+ name: '&a&lSpawn Item Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{spawnItem}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to select a spawn item for this'
+ - '&7boss section from all the current items saved'
+ - '&7in the plugin.'
+ Button: SpawnItem
+ '32':
+ name: '&a&lStatistics Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit the statistics of the'
+ - '&7boss, including things like: health,'
+ - '&7potion effects, commands on spawn, etc.'
+ Button: Stats
+ '34':
+ type: GOLD_BLOCK
+ name: '&a&lShop Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the shop settings for'
+ - '&7this boss.'
+ Button: Shop
+ '39':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&a&lCommand Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to manage the commands that are'
+ - '&7called when the boss spawns, dies, etc.'
+ Button: Command
+ '41':
+ type: LEVER
+ name: '&a&lToggle Boss Editing'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit how to toggle the boss'
+ - '&7editing mode.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{mode}'
+ Button: Editing
+ '43':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&a&lText Manager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit the taunts, sayings,'
+ - '&7etc. for this boss.'
+ Button: Text
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '3':
+ name: '&3&lBuyable'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{buyable}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7If this is set to true then this'
+ - '&7boss spawn egg will be spawnable from'
+ - '&7the /boss shop while boss editing is'
+ - '&7disabled.'
+ Button: Buyable
+ '5':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&c&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back to the'
+ - '&7main boss editor panel.'
+ '7':
+ type: GOLD_INGOT
+ name: '&3&lPrice'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &a$&f{price}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This is the price that the boss will'
+ - '&7be sold for in the /boss shop menu'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to adjust the price.'
+ Button: Price
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the currently'
+ - '&7equipped spawn item.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of spawn item.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Spawn Item'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new spawn'
+ - '&7item which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of spawn item.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lDrops Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can configure the drop systems'
+ - '&7the boss has when he dies.'
+ '4':
+ name: '&e&lNatural Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{naturalDrops}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to toggle the natural drops'
+ - '&7for this boss.'
+ Button: NaturalDrops
+ '5':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lDrop Table'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{dropTable}'
+ - '&7Click here to change the drop table'
+ - '&7assigned to this boss.'
+ Button: DropTable
+ '6':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lNatural EXP'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{naturalExp}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to toggle the natural drop'
+ - '&7of exp for this boss.'
+ Button: NaturalEXP
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&b&lSelected Drop Table'
+ lore:
+ - '&7The current selected drop'
+ - '&7table is: &b{dropTable}&7.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&b&lHints'
+ - '&b&l* &7If this shows N/A it means'
+ - '&7 there was an issue loading the'
+ - '&7 previous table, or it doesn''t'
+ - '&7 have one selected.'
+ - '&b&l* &7Click here to go straight to the'
+ - '&7 editing screen of the drop table.'
+ Button: Selected
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of drop tables.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lCreate a new Drop Table'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to create a new drop'
+ - '&7table. It will automatically be'
+ - '&7assigned to this boss when created.'
+ Button: CreateDropTable
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of drop tables.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lDrops Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7When selecting the drop table for this custom boss'
+ - '&7you can either choose from one of the above listed'
+ - '&7pre-configured drop tables or you can make a'
+ - '&7new one for this boss.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lHints'
+ - '&c&l* &7The currently selected drop table will be shown'
+ - '&7 with an emerald which states so.'
+ - '&c&l* &7Every drop table from every boss will be listed'
+ - '&7 here as an available drop table.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ name: '&7'
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ name: '&7'
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lCreate a new Entity'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to create a new entity'
+ - '&7within this boss.'
+ Button: CreateEntity
+ '51':
+ name: '&7'
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 8
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ name: '&c&lHelmet'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to change the'
+ - '&7helmet for the &f{name}'
+ - '&7or add one from your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: Helmet
+ '3':
+ name: '&c&lChestplate'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to change the'
+ - '&7chestplate for the &f{name}'
+ - '&7or add one from your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: Chestplate
+ '4':
+ name: '&c&lLeggings'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to change the'
+ - '&7leggings for the &f{name}'
+ - '&7or add one from your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: Leggings
+ '5':
+ name: '&c&lBoots'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to change the'
+ - '&7boots for the &f{name}'
+ - '&7or add one from your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: Boots
+ '8':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ '9':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lEquipment Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7here you can choose what equipment'
+ - '&7this boss has. To choose simply click'
+ - '&7the desired piece, then click one of'
+ - '&7the preset pieces or click the diamond'
+ - '&7block to add a new piece from your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the'
+ - '&7currently equipped helmet.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of helmets.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Helmet'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7helmet which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of helmets.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the'
+ - '&7currently equipped chestplate.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of chestplates.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Chestplate'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7chestplate which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of chestplates.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the'
+ - '&7currently equipped {type}.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of leggings.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Leggings'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7leggings which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of leggings.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the'
+ - '&7currently equipped {type}.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of boots.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Boots'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7boots which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of boots.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 27
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 27
+ Items:
+ '5':
+ name: '&e&lNot Damaged Nearby'
+ lore:
+ - '&7This target system will target'
+ - '&7anyone who is nearby and hasn''t'
+ - '&7attacked the boss. If there is'
+ - '&7no one nearby who hasn''t attacked'
+ - '&7the boss then it will choose a random'
+ - '&7entity/player.'
+ TargetingSystem: NotDamagedNearby
+ '13':
+ name: '&e&lClosest'
+ lore:
+ - '&7This target system will'
+ - '&7target the closest player'
+ - '&7to the boss.'
+ TargetingSystem: Closest
+ '14':
+ name: '&e&lRandom Nearby'
+ lore:
+ - '&7This target system will'
+ - '&7target a random target who is'
+ - '&7within reach of the boss.'
+ TargetingSystem: RandomNearby
+ '15':
+ name: '&e&lTop Damager'
+ lore:
+ - '&7This target system will'
+ - '&7target the player who has'
+ - '&7the most damage that is'
+ - '&7nearby.'
+ TargetingSystem: TopDamager
+ '19':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&b&lSelected'
+ lore:
+ - '&7You have currently got &f{selected}'
+ - '&7as your targeting system.'
+ '23':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lTargeting Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can choose how'
+ - '&7the boss handles targeting'
+ - '&7of players.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7The default boss target range is'
+ - '&f50 blocks&7. However this can be'
+ - '&7adjusted in the config.yml.'
+ '27':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lWeapons Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7here you can choose what weapons'
+ - '&7this boss has. To choose simply click'
+ - '&7the desired hand, then click one of'
+ - '&7the preset weapons or click the diamond'
+ - '&7block to add a new weapon from your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ '4':
+ name: '&c&lMain Hand'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the'
+ - '&7main hand for the &f{name}&7.'
+ Button: MainHand
+ '6':
+ type: SHIELD
+ name: '&c&lOff Hand'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the'
+ - '&7off hand for the &f{name}&7.'
+ Button: OffHand
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the'
+ - '&7currently equipped main hand.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of weapons.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Weapon'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7weapon which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of weapons.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ fillTo: 45
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&c&lRemove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7click here to remove the'
+ - '&7currently equipped off hand.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '47':
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of weapons.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&a&lAdd New Weapon'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new'
+ - '&7weapon which you have in your'
+ - '&7inventory.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of weapons.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lSkill Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can configure the way the'
+ - '&7skill system handles for this boss.'
+ - '&7You can configure the overall chance,'
+ - '&7skill message and the list of skills'
+ - '&7that is assigned to this boss.'
+ '4':
+ name: '&e&lOverall Chance'
+ lore:
+ - '&7The current overall chance for'
+ - '&7skills to be procced each hit is'
+ - '&f{chance}%&7.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1.0'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+0.1'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1.0'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-0.1'
+ Button: OverallChance
+ '5':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lSkills List'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to select which skills'
+ - '&7are currently selected for this boss.'
+ Button: SkillList
+ '6':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lMaster Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the'
+ - '&7master message for when a'
+ - '&7skill is proced. If the'
+ - '&7specific skill has got a'
+ - '&7customMessage dedicated'
+ - '&7to it, this message will'
+ - '&7be ignored.'
+ Button: Message
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lStatistics Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can configure the way the'
+ - '&7skill system handles for this boss.'
+ - '&7You can configure the overall chance,'
+ - '&7skill message and the list of skills'
+ - '&7that is assigned to this boss.'
+ '4':
+ type: NAME_TAG
+ name: '&e&lChange the Display Name'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the display name'
+ - '&7of the entity. It is currently:'
+ - '&f{displayName}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7When u click this it will close the'
+ - '&7GUI and suggest you to enter the new'
+ - '&7display name in chat.'
+ Button: DisplayName
+ '5':
+ name: '&e&lChange the Entity Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7This will open a GUI and you can select'
+ - '&7your new entity type.'
+ Button: EntityType
+ '6':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lChange the Health'
+ lore:
+ - '&7The current health for this entity'
+ - '&7is &c{health}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1.0'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+0.1'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1.0'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-0.1'
+ Button: Health
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lCommands Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can configure which command set'
+ - '&7the boss has for specific events.'
+ '4':
+ type: TALL_GRASS
+ name: '&e&lOn Spawn'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the command for'
+ - '&7the spawn of the boss.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&fCurrently Selected: &7{onSpawn}'
+ Button: OnSpawn
+ '6':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lOn Death'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the command'
+ - '&7the death of the boss.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&fCurrently Selected: &7{onDeath}'
+ Button: OnDeath
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lText Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can configure which command set'
+ - '&7the boss has for specific events.'
+ '4':
+ type: TALL_GRASS
+ name: '&e&lOn Spawn'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the settings for'
+ - '&7the spawn messages of the boss.'
+ Button: OnSpawn
+ '5':
+ name: '&e&lTaunts'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can adjust the settings for'
+ - '&7the taunts of the boss.'
+ Button: Taunts
+ '6':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lOn Death'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the settings for'
+ - '&7the death messages of the boss.'
+ Button: OnDeath
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: TALL_GRASS
+ name: '&e&lMain Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the main message that is'
+ - '&7currently selected.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrent: &f{mainMessage}'
+ Button: MainMessage
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lPosition Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the position message that is'
+ - '&7currently selected.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrent: &f{positionMessage}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7The position message is a message that is'
+ - '&7injected in to the main message to display'
+ - '&7the positions, damage and percentage of damage'
+ - '&7that the selected amount of people did to'
+ - '&7the boss.'
+ Button: PositionMessage
+ '5':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ '7':
+ name: '&e&lOnly Show'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the amount of damaging'
+ - '&7users it will display on the main message'
+ - '&7with the position message injection.'
+ - '&7Currently it will show the top &f{onlyShow}'
+ - '&7players on the death message.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ Button: OnlyShow
+ '8':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lRadius'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the radius for'
+ - '&7this message. It is currently: &f{radius}'
+ - '&7blocks. Set it to &f-1&7 if you want it'
+ - '&7to be a server-wide broadcast.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: Radius
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: TALL_GRASS
+ name: '&e&lSelect Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the message that is'
+ - '&7currently selected.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrent: &f{selected}'
+ Button: Select
+ '5':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ '8':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lRadius'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the radius for'
+ - '&7this message. It is currently: &f{radius}'
+ - '&7blocks. Set it to &f-1&7 if you want it'
+ - '&7to be a server-wide broadcast.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: Radius
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '3':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lRadius'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the radius that players'
+ - '&7will see the taunts in. It is currently: &f{radius}'
+ - '&7blocks. Set it to &f-1&7 if you want it'
+ - '&7to be a server-wide broadcast.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: Radius
+ '5':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lTaunts'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can select the taunts that the boss'
+ - '&7will say while he is active. If this list is'
+ - '&7empty he won''t say anything.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrently Selected:'
+ - '&f{taunts}'
+ Button: Taunts
+ '7':
+ type: CLOCK
+ name: '&e&lDelay'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the delay between each'
+ - '&7taunt that the boss says. The delay is'
+ - '&7currently set to &f{delay}s&7. This time is in'
+ - '&7seconds. Once the boss has gone through the'
+ - '&7list of taunts he will start again at the'
+ - '&7beginning until he''s dead.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: Delay
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ slots: 18
+ Settings:
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lCustom Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to change the custom message'
+ - '&7assigned to the skill. This will override'
+ - '&7the master message assigned to the boss when'
+ - '&7this skill is called.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{customMessage}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7To remove this message simply right click'
+ - '&7and it will then remove this and go back'
+ - '&7to using the master message assigned to the'
+ - '&7boss.'
+ Button: CustomMessage
+ '3':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lRadius'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can change the radius that the skill'
+ - '&7will see be called to within. It is currently'
+ - '&7set to &f{radius} blocks.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: Radius
+ '5':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lCustom Data'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit the custom data related'
+ - '&7to this skill. If it is a Potion skill you'
+ - '&7can modify the potions, etc. etc.'
+ Button: CustomData
+ '7':
+ type: TORCH
+ name: '&e&lMode'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{mode}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to change the mode of the custom'
+ - '&7skill. It will cycle between all different'
+ - '&7types so when you find the right mode you can'
+ - '&7leave it and it will automatically save to'
+ - '&7that mode.'
+ Button: Mode
+ '8':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lDisplay Name'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{displayName}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This is the skill display name. It is used'
+ - '&7in many things, from the in-game display of'
+ - '&7the skill, to the debug messages. So make'
+ - '&7sure it stands out and is unique, or not.'
+ Button: DisplayName
+ '14':
+ name: '&e&lType'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{type}'
+ - '&7Click this to change the skill type. Keep'
+ - '&7in mind that when you change your skill'
+ - '&7type the previous custom data will be erased'
+ - '&7to make room for the new custom data.'
+ Button: Type
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lCommand Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you set this to the skill type'
+ - '&7then you will be able to set commands'
+ - '&7to be applied to the targeted players'
+ - '&7when this skill is called.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom skill data.'
+ Button: Command
+ '3':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lCustom Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you want to use a custom skill for'
+ - '&7this skill, select this skill type then'
+ - '&7in your custom data configuration you'
+ - '&7can select which custom skill it is'
+ - '&7assigned to.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom skill data.'
+ Button: Custom
+ '5':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ '7':
+ name: '&e&lPotion Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you want to apply potions to'
+ - '&7the targeted players when this skill is'
+ - '&7called you can use this skill type.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom skill data.'
+ Button: Potion
+ '8':
+ name: '&e&lGroup Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you want to have multiple skills under'
+ - '&7one skill select this skill type and you'
+ - '&7can connect it to some of the already existing'
+ - '&7skills so you can have more then one go off'
+ - '&7from one skill calling. Only this displayName'
+ - '&7and customMessage will be used, the connected'
+ - '&7skill displayName and customMessage will be'
+ - '&7ignored.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom skill data.'
+ Button: Group
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lPotion Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can adjust the potion effects'
+ - '&7that are applied when the skill is'
+ - '&7called. If you want to remove a potion'
+ - '&7effect simply click on the potion and'
+ - '&7it will removed from the skill. If you'
+ - '&7want to add a new potion effect click'
+ - '&7on the green emerald block.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of custom potion effects.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&e&lCreate a new Potion Effect'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to create a new potion'
+ - '&7effect.'
+ Button: PotionEffect
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of custom potion effects.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&lCreate Potion Effect'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: GRAY_DYE
+ name: '&c&lCancel Potion Effect'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to cancel the creation'
+ - '&7of this potion effect.'
+ Button: Cancel
+ '4':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lLevel'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{level}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to change the level'
+ - '&7of the potion effect.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ Button: Level
+ '5':
+ name: '&e&lPotion Effect Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{effect}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to change the potion'
+ - '&7effect type.'
+ Button: Effect
+ '6':
+ type: CLOCK
+ name: '&e&lDuration'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{duration}s'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to change the duration'
+ - '&7of the potion effect.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: Duration
+ '9':
+ type: LIME_DYE
+ name: '&b&lConfirm'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to confirm the creation'
+ - '&7of the potion effect with data:'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bDuration: &f{duration}s'
+ - '&bEffect: &f{effect}'
+ - '&bLevel: &f{level}'
+ Button: Confirm
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lCommand Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can adjust the commands that'
+ - '&7are applied when the skill is called.'
+ - '&7If you want to remove a command section'
+ - '&7simply just shift left click the section'
+ - '&7and it will be deleted.'
+ - '&7To create a new section click the green'
+ - '&7emerald block at the bottom middle of the'
+ - '&7GUI.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of command sections.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&e&lAdd a new Command Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new command section'
+ - '&7to the list.'
+ Button: AddNew
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of command sections.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&lCommand Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '3':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lCommands'
+ lore:
+ - '&fCurrently selected commands:'
+ - '&7{commands}'
+ Button: Commands
+ '5':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ '7':
+ name: '&e&lChance'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{chance}%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the chance'
+ - '&7value for this boss.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1.0%'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+0.1%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1.0%'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-0.1%'
+ Button: Chance
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '4':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&e&lCustom Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{type}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to choose from one'
+ - '&7of the connected and set up'
+ - '&7custom skill types. This will'
+ - '&7also display any of the external'
+ - '&7custom skill types that are properly'
+ - '&7connected to the plugin.'
+ Button: Type
+ '5':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lSpecial Settings'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit any special settings that'
+ - '&7are also included in this custom skill. If'
+ - '&7there is none then this button will not open'
+ - '&7another GUI.'
+ Button: SpecialSettings
+ '6':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lMultiplier'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{multiplier}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to adjust the multiplier'
+ - '&7for the custom skill. Some skills will'
+ - '&7use this option, but some won''t. This'
+ - '&7custom skill &f{usesMultiplier}&7 use'
+ - '&7multiplier option.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1.0'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+0.1'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bMiddle Click &8» &7Removes multiplier'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1.0'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-0.1'
+ Button: Multiplier
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lSkill Type Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7When selecting the custom skill type'
+ - '&7it is easiest to know what it is if'
+ - '&7you keep it related to the name of the'
+ - '&7skill. All you need to change the type'
+ - '&7is click on a new type from within this'
+ - '&7menu.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7To import new custom skill types you'
+ - '&7can get them custom made and injected'
+ - '&7in to the plugin or you can suggest them'
+ - '&7to be added in to the plugin.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of custom skill types.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&b&lSelected Custom Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{selected}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This is the currently assigned'
+ - '&7custom skill type to the skill.'
+ - '&7If you would like to change this'
+ - '&7simply click another one in this'
+ - '&7menu.'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of custom skill types.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the skill editor panel to configure'
+ - '&7the general skill options.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Special Settings'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lSpecial Settings Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here any special settings that have'
+ - '&7been assigned to a skill type will'
+ - '&7show up. If this GUI is empty then there'
+ - '&7is no special settings related to the'
+ - '&7skill.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of special settings.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&b&lSelected Custom Skill Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{selected}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This is the currently assigned'
+ - '&7custom skill type to the skill.'
+ - '&7If you would like to change this'
+ - '&7simply click another one in the'
+ - '&7skill type menu.'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of special settings.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the skill editor panel to configure'
+ - '&7the general skill options.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ backButton: true
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lDrop Table Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you are able to configure'
+ - '&7each aspect of the drop table to'
+ - '&7your liking. Remember that the moment'
+ - '&7something changes then it will also'
+ - '&7change for any live bosses.'
+ '4':
+ name: '&e&lType'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{type}'
+ - '&7Click this to change the drop table type. Keep'
+ - '&7in mind that when you change your drop table'
+ - '&7type the previous table data will be erased'
+ - '&7to make room for the new table format.'
+ Button: Type
+ '6':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lRewards'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit the rewards related to'
+ - '&7this drop table. The menu that appears will'
+ - '&7be relevant to the drop table type.'
+ Button: Rewards
+ '9':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the drop table list page.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lSpray Drop Table Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you set this to the drop table type'
+ - '&7then you will be able to set rewards that'
+ - '&7will be sprayed out from the bosses'
+ - '&7location in to random locations around him.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom reward data.'
+ Button: Spray
+ '5':
+ type: HOPPER
+ name: '&e&lDrop Drop Table Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you set this to the drop table type'
+ - '&7then you will be able to set rewards that'
+ - '&7will be drop on the bosses death location'
+ - '&7for players to loot.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom reward data.'
+ Button: Drop
+ '7':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lGive Drop Table Type'
+ lore:
+ - '&7If you set this to the drop table type'
+ - '&7then you will be able to set rewards that'
+ - '&7will be given to the specified damaging'
+ - '&7positions on the boss damage map.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7This will remove any previous'
+ - '&7custom reward data.'
+ Button: Give
+ '9':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lRewards'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the rewards and their'
+ - '&7assigned drop chances. You can add more by'
+ - '&7clicking the emerald block at the middle'
+ - '&7bottom of the rewards menu.'
+ Button: Rewards
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lRandom Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{randomDrops}'
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the random drop mode.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ftrue&7 then when the'
+ - '&7drop table is called it will shuffle the'
+ - '&7list contents so it''s not in the same order.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ffalse&7 then when the'
+ - '&7drop table is called it will go from top to'
+ - '&7bottom through the list.'
+ Button: RandomDrops
+ '5':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ '7':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lMax Distance'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{maxDistance}'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the maximum distance'
+ - '&7an item can be thrown from the bosses death'
+ - '&7location when the drop table is called.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: MaxDistance
+ '8':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lMax Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{maxDrops}'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the maximum amount of'
+ - '&7drops this drop table can have. Keep in mind'
+ - '&7that when getting drops the drop table will'
+ - '&7only cycle through the list once. Not until'
+ - '&7this amount of drops has been met.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: MaxDrops
+ name: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '3':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lRewards'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the rewards and their'
+ - '&7assigned drop chances. You can add more by'
+ - '&7clicking the emerald block at the middle'
+ - '&7bottom of the rewards menu.'
+ Button: Rewards
+ '4':
+ name: '&e&lRandom Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{randomDrops}'
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the random drop mode.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ftrue&7 then when the'
+ - '&7drop table is called it will shuffle the'
+ - '&7list contents so it''s not in the same order.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ffalse&7 then when the'
+ - '&7drop table is called it will go from top to'
+ - '&7bottom through the list.'
+ Button: RandomDrops
+ '5':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lMax Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{maxDrops}'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the maximum amount of'
+ - '&7drops this drop table can have. Keep in mind'
+ - '&7that when getting drops the drop table will'
+ - '&7only cycle through the list once. Not until'
+ - '&7this amount of drops has been met.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: MaxDrops
+ '9':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} DropTable'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lGive Position Reward Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7In this list it displays the position'
+ - '&7sections for the selected drop table.'
+ - '&7If you want to add a new position section'
+ - '&7then simply click the EmeraldBlock and'
+ - '&7the next available position will be'
+ - '&7created.'
+ - '&7To remove a position simply shift-right'
+ - '&7click the position you want to remove.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of damage positions.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&e&lAdd new Position'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new position'
+ - '&7to the drop table. This will find'
+ - '&7the next available position and'
+ - '&7create a new reward section for'
+ - '&7that position.'
+ Button: NewPosition
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of damage positions.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the drop table main edit menu.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} DropTable'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lGive Reward Rewards Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7In this list it displays the drop sections'
+ - '&7assigned to the drop position of &f{position}&7.'
+ - '&7To edit the drops simply click on the drop'
+ - '&7section you wish to edit and then you can'
+ - '&7modify the data there.'
+ - '&7To remove a drop section simply shift-right'
+ - '&7click the section you want to remove.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of drop sections.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&e&lAdd new Drop Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to add a new drop section'
+ - '&7to the drop table. This will find'
+ - '&7the next available drop section and'
+ - '&7create a new drop section for'
+ - '&7that position.'
+ Button: NewRewardSection
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of drop sections.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the reward position list menu.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} DropTable'
+ slots: 27
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 23
+ Items:
+ '5':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&b&lPosition: &f{position}'
+ '11':
+ name: '&e&lRandom Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{randomDrops}'
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the random drop mode.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ftrue&7 then when the'
+ - '&7drop table is called it will shuffle the'
+ - '&7list contents so it''s not in the same order.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ffalse&7 then when the'
+ - '&7drop table is called it will go from top to'
+ - '&7bottom through the list.'
+ Button: RandomDrops
+ '12':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lMax Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{maxDrops}'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the maximum amount of'
+ - '&7drops this drop section can have. Keep in mind'
+ - '&7that when getting drops the drop section will'
+ - '&7only cycle through the list once. Not until'
+ - '&7this amount of drops has been met.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: MaxDrops
+ '13':
+ type: CHEST
+ name: '&e&lItem Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the custom item drops'
+ - '&7and their drop chance for this drop section.'
+ - '&7There is currently &f{drops}&7 drops set up.'
+ Button: ItemDrops
+ '14':
+ name: '&e&lRequired Percentage'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{requiredPercentage}%'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the required percentage to'
+ - '&7receive this drop section. If the percentage is'
+ - '&75% then you need to do 5% damage to the boss to'
+ - '&7get the rewards in this drop section.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1%'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1%'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10%'
+ Button: RequiredPercentage
+ '15':
+ type: CHEST
+ name: '&e&lCommand Drops'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to modify the custom command drops'
+ - '&7and their drop chance for this drop section.'
+ - '&7There is currently &f{commands}&7 commands'
+ - '&7set up.'
+ Button: CommandDrops
+ '16':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lMax Commands'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{maxCommands}'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the maximum amount of'
+ - '&7commands this drop section can have. Keep in mind'
+ - '&7that when getting drops the drop section will'
+ - '&7only cycle through the list once. Not until'
+ - '&7this amount of commands has been met.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+10'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-10'
+ Button: MaxCommands
+ '17':
+ name: '&e&lRandom Commands'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{randomCommands}'
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the random command mode.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ftrue&7 then when the'
+ - '&7commands are called it will shuffle the'
+ - '&7list contents so it''s not in the same order.'
+ - '&7If this is set to &ffalse&7 then when the'
+ - '&7commands are called it will go from top to'
+ - '&7bottom through the list.'
+ Button: RandomDrops
+ '23':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the reward drop section list menu.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} DropTable'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lDrop Rewards Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Here you can adjust the rewards for'
+ - '&7the skill with the drop layout. To'
+ - '&7adjust the chance of a section or to'
+ - '&7remove a section, then all you have'
+ - '&7to do is click on the section you''d'
+ - '&7like to modify and then click the'
+ - '&7corresponding button.'
+ - '&7To add a new section click on the'
+ - '&7emerald block in the bottom middle of'
+ - '&7the menu in between the page buttons.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of rewards.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ name: '&b&lAdd a New Reward Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here if you would like to add'
+ - '&7a new reward section to this drop'
+ - '&7table.'
+ Button: NewReward
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of rewards.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the drop table main edit menu.'
+ name: '&b&lNew Reward for DropTable'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 54
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: BOOK
+ name: '&c&lNew Drop Reward Guide'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Once you click an item within this'
+ - '&7menu it will create a new reward'
+ - '&7section with that selected item'
+ - '&7to the drop table you were working'
+ - '&7on. From there you can adjust the'
+ - '&7chance for it to be sprayed.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lWARNING'
+ - '&7At this moment you cannot have'
+ - '&7two sections for the same item,'
+ - '&7an easy way to bypass this is to'
+ - '&7add a new Item with the same'
+ - '&7itemstack, therefore giving it'
+ - '&7a new name, and allowing for'
+ - '&7another new section of the same'
+ - '&7item.'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page of itemstacks.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page of itemstacks.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back to'
+ - '&7the drop table reward list menu.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} DropTable'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lSelected ItemStack'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{itemStack}'
+ - '&7This is the selected itemStack for this'
+ - '&7reward section.'
+ '4':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lChance'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{chance}'
+ - '&7Click here to modify the chance of this'
+ - '&7reward '
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1%'
+ - '&bShift Left-Click &8» &f+0.1%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1%'
+ - '&bShift Right-Click &8» &f-0.1%'
+ Button: Chance
+ '5':
+ type: BARRIER
+ name: '&e&lClick here to remove'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to remove this rewards section.'
+ - '&7You can always re-create this section if'
+ - '&7was a mistake.'
+ Button: Remove
+ '9':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&e&lGo Back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go back.'
+ name: '&b&l{name} AutoSpawn'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lSpecial Settings'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit the finer settings'
+ - '&7related to this auto spawn section.'
+ Button: SpecialSettings
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lType'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{type}'
+ - '&7This is the current auto spawn'
+ - '&7section type. Click here to open'
+ - '&7a menu to select the type.'
+ Button: Type
+ '5':
+ type: LEVER
+ name: '&e&lToggle Editing'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the auto spawn'
+ - '&7editing mode.'
+ - '&7This will disable the auto spawn until'
+ - '&7it is enabled again.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrently Disabled for Editing: &f{editing}'
+ Button: Editing
+ '7':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lEntities'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit the assigned boss'
+ - '&7entities to this auto spawn section.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bCurrently:'
+ - '&f{entities}'
+ Button: Entities
+ '8':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lCustom Settings'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to edit any custom settings that'
+ - '&7are also included in this auto spawn type. If'
+ - '&7there is none then the GUI up next will be empty.'
+ Button: CustomSettings
+ name: '&b&l{name} AutoSpawn'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 50
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back.'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ name: '&b&l{name} AutoSpawn'
+ slots: 54
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ fillTo: 45
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 50
+ Items:
+ '46':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '47':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '48':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '49':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&l&m<-&e&l Previous Page'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the previous'
+ - '&7page.'
+ PreviousPage: true
+ '50':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back.'
+ '51':
+ type: ARROW
+ name: '&e&lNext Page &e&l&m->'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click here to go to the next'
+ - '&7page.'
+ NextPage: true
+ '52':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '53':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ '54':
+ type: GLASS_PANE
+ name: '&7'
+ name: '&b&l{name} AutoSpawn'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 5
+ Items:
+ '1':
+ type: DIAMOND
+ name: '&e&lShuffle Entities'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{shuffleEntities}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the entities being'
+ - '&7shuffled before being called.'
+ Button: ShuffleEntities
+ '2':
+ name: '&e&lMax Alive Entities At Once'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{maxAliveEntities}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This is the max alive entities from this'
+ - '&7auto spawn section at once. If more then'
+ - '&7this amount of entities is spawned at once'
+ - '&7then you will have to kill all entities'
+ - '&7before another can spawn.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ Button: MaxAliveEntities
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lAmount of Bosses Per Spawn'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{amountPerSpawn}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This is the amount of bosses to be spawned'
+ - '&7at one interval. This can be higher then the'
+ - '&7max alive entities at once but you will need'
+ - '&7to kill the amount of bosses till it the currently'
+ - '&7active amount is less then the max amount so'
+ - '&7it can spawn again.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&bLeft Click &8» &f+1'
+ - '&bRight Click &8» &f-1'
+ Button: AmountPerSpawn
+ '5':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back.'
+ '7':
+ type: PAPER
+ name: '&e&lSpawn When Chunk Isn''t Loaded'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{chunkIsntLoaded}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7This will determine if the boss can spawn'
+ - '&7even when the chunk is unloaded. This will'
+ - '&7load the chunk and keep it loaded while the'
+ - '&7boss is alive if this is set to true.'
+ Button: ChunkIsntLoaded
+ '8':
+ type: EMERALD
+ name: '&e&lOverride Default Spawn Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{overrideDefaultMessage}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to toggle the overriding of the'
+ - '&7default spawn messages. If this is set to'
+ - '&7true it won''t use the default boss spawn'
+ - '&7messages and it will use the one assigned'
+ - '&7to this auto spawn section.'
+ Button: OverrideSpawnMessage
+ '9':
+ type: CHEST
+ name: '&e&lSpawn Message'
+ lore:
+ - '&bCurrently: &f{spawnMessage}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to change which spawn message'
+ - '&7is used for the auto spawn section. If the'
+ - '&7overriding of the default message is true'
+ - '&7only then will this message be used.'
+ Button: SpawnMessage
+ name: '&b&l{name} AutoSpawn'
+ slots: 9
+ Settings:
+ backButton: true
+ emptySpaceFiller: true
+ EmptySpaceFiller:
+ name: '&7'
+ Buttons:
+ backButton: 9
+ Items:
+ '2':
+ type: CLOCK
+ name: '&e&lInterval Spawn System'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Select this spawn system if you want to make'
+ - '&7the bosses spawn at a certain interval at a'
+ - '&7specific location.'
+ Button: IntervalSystem
+ '3':
+ name: '&e&lWilderness Spawn System'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Select this spawn system if you want to make'
+ - '&7the boss(es) spawn randomly in the wilderness'
+ - '&7as players load the chunks.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lComing soon...'
+ Button: WildernessSystem
+ '4':
+ name: '&e&lBiome Spawn System'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Select this spawn system if you want to make'
+ - '&7the boss(es) spawn randomly in specific biomes'
+ - '&7as players load and unload the chunks which are'
+ - '&7the selected biome.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lComing soon...'
+ Button: BiomeSystem
+ '5':
+ type: SPAWNER
+ name: '&e&lMob Spawner Spawn System'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Select this spawn system if you want to make'
+ - '&7the boss(es) spawn randomly within the selected'
+ - '&7spawner types.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&c&lComing soon...'
+ Button: SpawnerSystem
+ '9':
+ type: REDSTONE
+ name: '&cClick here to go back'
+ lore:
+ - '&7Click this button to go back.'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/legacy/config.yml b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/legacy/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db0af25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/legacy/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ debug: true
+ bossTargetRange: 50.0
+ defaultNearbyRadius: 250.0
+ nearbyFormat: '{name} ({distance}m)'
+ BlockedWorlds:
+ enabled: false
+ worlds:
+ - 'world_the_end'
+ - 'world_nether'
+ bossShop: true
+ endermanTeleporting: true
+ potionsAffectingBoss: true
+ maxNearbyRadius: 500.0
+ ASkyBlock:
+ enabled: false
+ onOwnIsland: false
+ Factions:
+ enabled: false
+ useWarzoneSpawnRegion: false
+ HolographicDisplays:
+ enabled: false
+ StackMob:
+ enabled: false
+ WorldGuard:
+ enabled: true
+ spawnRegions:
+ - 'spawn_region1'
+ - 'spawn_region2'
+ blockedRegions:
+ - 'blocked_region1'
+ - 'blocked_region2'
+ Boss:
+ Text:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ selectedName: '&bMessage: &f{name} &a&l** Selected **'
+ name: '&bMessage: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&fStrings within this section:'
+ - '{message}'
+ Commands:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ selectedName: '&bCommand: &f{name} &a&l** Selected **'
+ name: '&bCommand: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&fCommands within this section:'
+ - '{commands}'
+ Taunts:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ Drops:
+ name: '&bDropTable: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Type: &7{type}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click here to select this drop'
+ - '&7table as the current one.'
+ Equipment:
+ name: '{name} &a&l** Selected **'
+ EntityType:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ selectedName: '&f{name} Entity &a&l** Selected **'
+ name: '&f{name} Entity'
+ List:
+ name: '&3{position} Entity'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Left Click &8»'
+ - '&7Edit the {targetType} for this'
+ - '&7entity in the section.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click &8»'
+ - '&7Remove this section, can be done'
+ - '&7to anything above the first one.'
+ Skills:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor'
+ selectedName: '&b&l{name} Skill &a&l** Selected **'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Type: &7{type}'
+ - '&3Display Name: &7{displayName}'
+ - '&3Custom Message: &7{customMessage}'
+ - '&3Radius: &7{radius}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to add/remove the skill to'
+ - '&7or from the boss skill list.'
+ AutoSpawns:
+ Main:
+ menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lAutoSpawns'
+ name: '&bAuto Spawn: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Editing: &f{enabled}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Spawn Type: &f{type}'
+ - '&3Entities: &f{entities}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Max Alive: &f{maxAlive}'
+ - '&3Amount per Spawn: &f{amountPerSpawn}'
+ - '&3When Chunk Isnt Loaded: &f{chunkIsntLoaded}'
+ - '&3Override Spawn Messages: &f{overrideSpawnMessages}'
+ - '&3Shuffle Entities: &f{shuffleEntities}'
+ - '&3Custom Spawn Message: &f{customSpawnMessage}'
+ Entities:
+ selectedName: '&bBoss: &f{name} &a** Selected **'
+ name: '&bBoss: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Editing: &f{editing}'
+ - '&3Targeting: &f{targeting}'
+ - '&3Drop Table: &f{dropTable}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to select or deselect this boss.'
+ CustomSettings:
+ name: '&bCustom Setting: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Currently: &f{currently}'
+ - '{extraInformation}'
+ SpawnMessage:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} AutoSpawn'
+ selectedName: '&bMessage: &f{name} &a** Selected **'
+ name: '&bMessage: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&fStrings within this section:'
+ - '{message}'
+ Bosses:
+ menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lBosses'
+ name: '&b&l{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Editing: &f{enabled}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Left Click &8»'
+ - '&7Get spawn item for custom'
+ - '&7boss.'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Right Click &8»'
+ - '&7Edit the custom boss.'
+ DropTable:
+ Main:
+ menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lDropTables'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Drop Table'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Type: &7{type}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to edit the drop table.'
+ RewardList:
+ name: '&bReward Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Selected Item: &f{itemName}'
+ - '&3Chance: &f{chance}%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to modify this reward.'
+ CommandRewardList:
+ name: '&bReward Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Selected Command: &f{commandName}'
+ - '&3Chance: &f{chance}%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to modify this reward.'
+ GivePositionList:
+ name: '&bReward Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Position: &f{position}'
+ - '&3Drops: &f{dropAmount}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Shift Right-Click to remove.'
+ - '&7Left-Click to edit.'
+ GiveRewardsList:
+ name: '&bReward Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Position: &f{position}'
+ - '&3Required Percentage: &f{percentage}%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Item Drops: &f{items}'
+ - '&3Max Drops: &f{maxDrops}'
+ - '&3Random Drops: &f{randomDrops}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Command Drops: &f{commands}'
+ - '&3Max Commands: &f{maxCommands}'
+ - '&3Random Commands: &f{randomCommands}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Shift Right-Click to remove.'
+ - '&7Left-Click to edit.'
+ Shop:
+ name: '&b&lBuy {name}''s Egg'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Cost: &a$&f{price}'
+ Skills:
+ Main:
+ menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lSkills'
+ name: '&b&l{name} Skill'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Type: &7{type}'
+ - '&3Display Name: &7{displayName}'
+ - '&3Custom Message: &7{customMessage}'
+ - '&3Radius: &7{radius}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to edit the custom skill.'
+ MainEdit:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ Potions:
+ name: '&b&l{effect} Potion Effect'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Duration: &7{duration}'
+ - '&3Level: &7{level}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to remove potion effect.'
+ CreatePotion:
+ menuName: '&b&lSelect Potion Effect Type'
+ name: '&bEffect: &f{effect}'
+ selectedName: '&bEffect: &f{effect} &a&l** Selected **'
+ Commands:
+ name: '&b&lCommand Section'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Chance &8» &f{chance}%'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&3Commands &8»'
+ - '&f{commands}'
+ - '&7'
+ - '&7Click to edit command section.'
+ CommandList:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ selectedName: '&bCommand: &f{name} &a&l** Selected **'
+ name: '&bCommand: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&fCommands within this section:'
+ - '{commands}'
+ Group:
+ menuName: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'
+ selectedName: '&bSkill: &f{name} &a&l** Selected **'
+ name: '&bSkill: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Mode: &7{mode}'
+ - '&3Type: &7{type}'
+ - '&3Display Name: &7{displayName}'
+ - '&3Custom Message: &7{customMessage}'
+ - '&3Radius: &7{radius}'
+ CustomType:
+ selectedName: '&bCustom Skill: &f{name} &a** Selected **'
+ name: '&bCustom Skill: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Uses Multiplier: &7{multiplier}'
+ - '&3Has Custom Data: &7{customData}'
+ Material:
+ menuName: '&b&lSelect Material'
+ selectedName: '&bMaterial: &f{type} &a** Selected **'
+ name: '&bMaterial: &f{type}'
+ MinionList:
+ menuName: '&b&lSelect Minion For Skill'
+ selectedName: '&bMinion: &f{name} &a** Selected **'
+ name: '&bMinion: &f{name}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Editing: &7{editing}'
+ - '&3Targeting: &7{targeting}'
+ CustomSetting:
+ name: '&bSetting: &f{setting}'
+ lore:
+ - '&3Currently: &7{currently}'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/editor.yml b/plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/legacy/editor.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/editor.yml
rename to plugin-modules/Core/resources-yml/legacy/editor.yml
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/ConfigFileHandler.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/ConfigFileHandler.java
index c1a91cd..00da3a0 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/ConfigFileHandler.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/ConfigFileHandler.java
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package com.songoda.epicbosses.file;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.file.YmlFileHandler;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.File;
@@ -13,6 +15,6 @@ import java.io.File;
public class ConfigFileHandler extends YmlFileHandler {
public ConfigFileHandler(JavaPlugin javaPlugin) {
- super(javaPlugin, true, new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"));
+ super(javaPlugin, true, new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/config.yml"));
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/EditorFileHandler.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/EditorFileHandler.java
index c7e7924..d729c3e 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/EditorFileHandler.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/file/EditorFileHandler.java
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package com.songoda.epicbosses.file;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.file.YmlFileHandler;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.File;
@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ import java.io.File;
public class EditorFileHandler extends YmlFileHandler {
public EditorFileHandler(JavaPlugin javaPlugin) {
- super(javaPlugin, true, new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), "editor.yml"));
+ super(javaPlugin, true, new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/editor.yml"));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/AutoSpawnFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/AutoSpawnFileManager.java
index 6bf4451..3b4aa33 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/AutoSpawnFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/AutoSpawnFileManager.java
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.file.AutoSpawnFileHandler;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ public class AutoSpawnFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private AutoSpawnFileHandler autoSpawnFileHandler;
public AutoSpawnFileManager(CustomBosses plugin) {
- File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "autospawns.json");
+ File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/autospawns.json");
this.autoSpawnFileHandler = new AutoSpawnFileHandler(plugin, true, file);
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/BossesFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/BossesFileManager.java
index 31af222..99683d3 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/BossesFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/BossesFileManager.java
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.file.BossesFileHandler;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ public class BossesFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private BossesFileHandler bossesFileHandler;
public BossesFileManager(CustomBosses customBosses) {
- File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), "bosses.json");
+ File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/bosses.json");
this.bossesFileHandler = new BossesFileHandler(customBosses, true, file);
this.bossEntityContainer = customBosses.getBossEntityContainer();
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/CommandsFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/CommandsFileManager.java
index d8e198a..da1a4b7 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/CommandsFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/CommandsFileManager.java
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.file.CommandsFileHandler;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ public class CommandsFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private CommandsFileHandler commandsFileHandler;
public CommandsFileManager(CustomBosses customBosses) {
- File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), "commands.json");
+ File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/commands.json");
this.commandsFileHandler = new CommandsFileHandler(customBosses, true, file);
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/DropTableFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/DropTableFileManager.java
index c9d1728..b32c314 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/DropTableFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/DropTableFileManager.java
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.file.DropTableFileHandler;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.File;
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ public class DropTableFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private DropTableFileHandler dropTableFileHandler;
public DropTableFileManager(JavaPlugin javaPlugin) {
- File file = new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), "droptables.json");
+ File file = new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/droptables.json");
this.dropTableFileHandler = new DropTableFileHandler(javaPlugin, true, file);
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/ItemsFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/ItemsFileManager.java
index aa29857..eac8bb0 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/ItemsFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/ItemsFileManager.java
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.songoda.epicbosses.managers.files;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import lombok.Getter;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ public class ItemsFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private ItemStackFileHandler itemStackFileHandler;
public ItemsFileManager(JavaPlugin javaPlugin) {
- File file = new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), "items.json");
+ File file = new File(javaPlugin.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/items.json");
this.itemStackFileHandler = new ItemStackFileHandler(javaPlugin, file, true);
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MessagesFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MessagesFileManager.java
index bcbfcab..0f3877d 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MessagesFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MessagesFileManager.java
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.file.MessagesFileHandler;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ public class MessagesFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private MessagesFileHandler messagesFileHandler;
public MessagesFileManager(CustomBosses customBosses) {
- File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), "messages.json");
+ File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/messages.json");
this.messagesFileHandler = new MessagesFileHandler(customBosses, true, file);
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MinionsFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MinionsFileManager.java
index da02c6b..fb853cc 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MinionsFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/MinionsFileManager.java
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.file.MinionsFileHandler;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ public class MinionsFileManager implements ILoadable, ISavable, IReloadable {
private MinionsFileHandler minionsFileHandler;
public MinionsFileManager(CustomBosses customBosses) {
- File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), "minions.json");
+ File file = new File(customBosses.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/minions.json");
this.minionsFileHandler = new MinionsFileHandler(customBosses, true, file);
this.minionEntityContainer = customBosses.getMinionEntityContainer();
diff --git a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/SkillsFileManager.java b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/SkillsFileManager.java
index 00c3013..c0b9bcb 100644
--- a/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/SkillsFileManager.java
+++ b/plugin-modules/Core/src/com/songoda/epicbosses/managers/files/SkillsFileManager.java
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import com.songoda.epicbosses.skills.Skill;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ILoadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.IReloadable;
import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.ISavable;
-import lombok.var;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.Versions;
+import com.songoda.epicbosses.utils.version.VersionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ public class SkillsFileManager implements ILoadable, IReloadable, ISavable {
private SkillsFileHandler skillsFileHandler;
public SkillsFileManager(CustomBosses plugin) {
- File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "skills.json");
+ File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), new VersionHandler().getVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(Versions.v1_13_R1) ? "current" : "legacy" + "/skills.json");
this.skillsFileHandler = new SkillsFileHandler(plugin, true, file);
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 0f5b34e..f5c7dff 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -199,15 +199,14 @@
- *.json
+ **/*.json
- *.yml
- *.csv
+ **/*.yml