+ Added TargetingEditor, BossListTargetingEditor, BossListEditor GUI and modified BossListEquipmentEditorPanel to use a more abstract system
+ Fixed a patch on NotDamagedNearbyTargetHandler where no player would be targeted after all nearby players had hit the boss at least once
+ Worked on BossEntityManager
+ Added BossHookManager to handle the Utilities
+ Added BossListenerManager to handle all listeners
+ Added BossLocationManager to handle all location related things
+ Added modified BossMechanicManager to be more understandable
+ Worked on BossSpawn listeners and events
+ Worked the hook system
+ Added more detail to the config
Updated plugin to support Minecraft 1.13. Added bStats to use as the data tracking for the plugin. Continued to work on improving the Panel system.
TODO: Make a seperate jar which supports Minecraft 1.8.