+ Done some work on the Cage custom skill
+ Adding a Cage Data file for data transferring to make it easier and more compact
+ Added a cage skill to skills.json
+ Finished how a Potion, Command and CustomSkill is handled.
+ Updated RandomUtils with a method that makes it easier for anything that is based on chance
+ Updated ServerUtils to have a dispatchCommand through console to make sending commands one single lambda expression
+ Added some debug messages for the skills
+ Started to work on the Skills portion of CustomBosses
+ Implemented the skills.json and added in some of the default configuration
+ Added a SkillHandler
+ Started and completed the Taunt system for bosses which runs on intervals.
+ Updated NumberUtils to contain a squared int method
+ Added MessageUtils to make sendMessage easier for radius messages, and just simple messages
+ Finished most of the DropTable system
+ Added Commands to the drop table system, like the previous system
+ Added a new message to the Debug enum
+ Added the DropTableManager to the main class to be loaded in with the plugin
+ Finished transferring and renaming all items to Songoda products
+ Continued work on Drop Tables
+ Added more configurable options for how drops work
+ Updated ServerUtils to log [EpicBosses] not [CustomBosses]
+ Continued working on drop tables, got all file management done
+ Started working on 1/3 of the drop table types
+ Added DeadBossHolder to handle drop tables easier
+ Added RandomUtils to make random number obtaining easier
+ Fully implemented Boss listeners for damage handling
+ Switched around the bosses.json layout a bit to handle multiple mobs per boss easier
+ Updated mechanics to handle all bosses in a activebossholder
+ Worked on BossEntityManager
+ Added BossHookManager to handle the Utilities
+ Added BossListenerManager to handle all listeners
+ Added BossLocationManager to handle all location related things
+ Added modified BossMechanicManager to be more understandable
+ Worked on BossSpawn listeners and events
+ Worked the hook system
+ Added more detail to the config
Updated plugin to support Minecraft 1.13. Added bStats to use as the data tracking for the plugin. Continued to work on improving the Panel system.
TODO: Make a seperate jar which supports Minecraft 1.8.
Added BossesFileHandler, BossesFileManager as well as updating MainStatsElement in the bosses.json file to allow for multiple bosses (stacking) as well as updating the EntityTypeMechanic to support the new multiple bosses option. Also finished off the createBaseBossEntity method in the BossAPI.
Finished setting up all mechanics, and finished the manager. Added HealthMechanic, NameMechanic, PotionMechanic, WeaponMechanic and fixed SettingsMechanic as well as adding a PotionEffectConverter