-> Add the Custom Skill Editing GUIs -> Add the new Command aspect (via command) -> Add the new Message aspect (via command) -> Add the DropTable Main Editing GUI (Will have buttons for DropType and Rewards) -> Add the DropTable Rewards Editing GUI -> Spray - Has a button for Rewards List (with chances), button for RandomSpray, button for MaxDistance, button for MaxDrops -> Drop - Has a button for Rewards List (with chances), button for RandomDrops, button for MaxDrops -> Give - Is a list panel with the positions and a button for adding a new position -> Is a list panel of reward sections, button to add a new section -> Panel with Items button, Commands button, maxDrops button, maxCommands button, randomDrops button, randomCommands button, requiredPercentage button -> Items panel is Rewards List (with chances) -> Commands panel is Rewards List (with chances) -> Add full AutoSpawns system -> Interval based spawn system, so bosses will spawn at location after certain time -> Randomly in the wilderness, bosses will spawn with x chance within coords as a player is loading chunks -> Randomly from a spawner, bosses will spawn with x chance within coords when a spawner is spawning mobs of the same type -> Add the AutoSpawns Editing GUI (with a button for toggling the type of the autospawn, from wilderness, to spawner, to interval and a button for editing data) -> Interval - Button to change coords, list of possible spawns, spawnIfChunkIsntLoaded, maxActiveBosses, bossesPerInterval, spawnRate, spawnType (Interval or Random), placeholder, message -> Wilderness - Button to change max coords, boss that autospawn applies to, maxActiveBosses, spawnChance -> Spawner - Button to change max coords, boss that autospawn applies to, maxActiveBosses, spawnChance -> Complete the /boss new skill command -> Connect the /boss time [section] to the AutoSpawns timer (can only be applied to Interval AutoSpawns) -> Add support for HolographicDisplays placeholder as the entityName for bosses and minions -> Add a new branch for the plugin and add support for Legacy version