Settings: debug: true bossTargetRange: 50.0 defaultNearbyRadius: 250.0 nearbyFormat: '{name} ({distance}m)' BlockedWorlds: enabled: false worlds: - 'world_the_end' - 'world_nether' Toggles: bossShop: true endermanTeleporting: true potionsAffectingBoss: true Limits: maxNearbyRadius: 500.0 Hooks: ASkyBlock: enabled: false onOwnIsland: false Factions: enabled: false useWarzoneSpawnRegion: false StackMob: enabled: false WorldGuard: enabled: true spawnRegions: - 'spawn_region1' - 'spawn_region2' blockedRegions: - 'blocked_region1' - 'blocked_region2' Display: Boss: Text: menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor' selectedName: '&bMessage: &f{name} &a&l** Selected **' name: '&bMessage: &f{name}' lore: - '&fStrings within this section:' - '{message}' Commands: menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor' selectedName: '&bCommand: &f{name} &a&l** Selected **' name: '&bCommand: &f{name}' lore: - '&fCommands within this section:' - '{commands}' Taunts: menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor' Drops: name: '&bDropTable: &f{name}' lore: - '&3Type: &7{type}' - '&7' - '&7Click here to select this drop' - '&7table as the current one.' Equipment: name: '{name} &a&l** Selected **' EntityType: menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor' selectedName: '&f{name} Entity &a&l** Selected **' name: '&f{name} Entity' List: name: '&3{position} Entity' lore: - '&3Left Click &8»' - '&7Edit the {targetType} for this' - '&7entity in the section.' - '&7' - '&3Right Click &8»' - '&7Remove this section, can be done' - '&7to anything above the first one.' Skills: menuName: '&b&l{name} Editor' selectedName: '&b&l{name} Skill &a&l** Selected **' name: '&b&l{name} Skill' lore: - '&3Type: &7{type}' - '&3Display Name: &7{displayName}' - '&3Custom Message: &7{customMessage}' - '&3Radius: &7{radius}' - '&7' - '&7Click to add/remove the skill to' - '&7or from the boss skill list.' AutoSpawns: menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lAutoSpawns' Bosses: menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lBosses' name: '&b&l{name}' lore: - '&3Editing: &f{enabled}' - '&7' - '&3Left Click »' - '&7Get spawn item for custom' - '&7boss.' - '&7' - '&3Right Click »' - '&7Edit the custom boss.' DropTable: menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lDropTables' name: '&b&l{name} Drop Table' lore: - '&3Type: &7{type}' - '&7' - '&7Click to edit the drop table.' Items: menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lCustom Items' Shop: menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lShop' name: '&b&lBuy {name}''s Egg' lore: - '&3Cost: &a$&f{price}' Skills: Main: menuName: '&b&lEpicBosses &3&lSkills' name: '&b&l{name} Skill' lore: - '&3Type: &7{type}' - '&3Display Name: &7{displayName}' - '&3Custom Message: &7{customMessage}' - '&3Radius: &7{radius}' - '&7' - '&7Click to edit the custom skill.' MainEdit: menuName: '&b&l{name} Skill Editor'