AMinecraftDev 234f814f94 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-U30
+ Fully implemented Boss listeners for damage handling
+ Switched around the bosses.json layout a bit to handle multiple mobs per boss easier
+ Updated mechanics to handle all bosses in a activebossholder
2018-10-21 15:09:51 +08:00

75 lines
1.5 KiB

"SkeletonKing": {
"editing": true,
"spawnItem": "SKSpawnItem",
"entityStats": [
"mainStats": {
"position": 1,
"entityType": "SKELETON",
"health": 500,
"displayName": "&6&lSkeleton King Boss"
"equipment": {
"helmet": "SKHelmet",
"chestplate": "SKChestplate",
"leggings": "SKLeggings",
"boots": "SKBoots"
"hands": {
"mainHand": "SKMainHand",
"offHand": "SKOffHand"
"potions": [
"type": "resistance",
"level": 3,
"duration": -1
"type": "speed",
"level": 1,
"duration": 500
"skills": {
"overallChance": 35.5,
"masterMessage": "SKMainSkillMessage",
"skills": [
"drops": {
"naturalDrops": false,
"dropExp": false,
"dropTable": "SKTable"
"messages": {
"onSpawn": {
"message": "SKOnSpawn",
"radius": -1
"onDeath": {
"message": "SKOnDeath",
"positionMessage": "SKPosition",
"radius": -1,
"onlyShow": 3
"taunts": {
"delay": 60,
"radius": 100,
"taunts": [
"commands": {
"onSpawn": "SKOnSpawn",
"onDeath": "SKOnDeath"