AMinecraftDev 001563e18d 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-U34
+ Finished transferring and renaming all items to Songoda products
+ Continued work on Drop Tables
+ Added more configurable options for how drops work
+ Updated ServerUtils to log [EpicBosses] not [CustomBosses]
2018-10-27 02:34:48 +08:00

17 lines
374 B

"SKOnSpawn": [
"broadcast this is a default command that is broadcasted when the Skeleton King is spawned."
"SKOnDeath": [
"broadcast this is the default command when the Skeleton King is defeated!"
"SKEco500": [
"eco give %player% 500"
"SKEco2500": [
"eco give %player% 2500"
"SKEco5000": [
"eco give %player% 5000"