AMinecraftDev 6039cf58c4 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-U35
+ Finished most of the DropTable system
+ Added Commands to the drop table system, like the previous system
+ Added a new message to the Debug enum
+ Added the DropTableManager to the main class to be loaded in with the plugin
2018-10-27 21:54:05 +08:00

41 lines
938 B

"SKSpawnItem": {
"name": "&6&lSkeleton King Boss Spawn Egg",
"lore": [
"&7Right click a block to spawn",
"&7the boss as that location."
"SKHelmet": {
"type": "GOLDEN_HELMET",
"enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
"SKChestplate": {
"enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
"SKLeggings": {
"enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
"SKBoots": {
"type": "DIAMOND_BOOTS",
"enchants": [ "protection:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
"SKMainHand": {
"type": "DIAMOND_SWORD",
"enchants": [ "sharpness:4", "unbreaking:3" ]
"SKOffHand": {
"type": "SHIELD"
"SKCustomDrop1": {
"type": "STONE",
"name": "&5Skeleton King Stone",
"lore": [
"&7This stone will bring you",
"&7great luck in battle."