AMinecraftDev 1d4dc9b6ad 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-U45
+ Added the beginning of Minions into the plugin
+ Added new methods to support the creation of minions
+ Made BossEntity extend from MinionsEntity to make some methods easier to use
+ Added minions.json to have them seperated and clean
2018-11-12 22:33:31 +08:00

38 lines
816 B

"SkeletonKingMinion": {
"editing": true,
"targeting": "RandomNearby",
"entityStats": [
"mainStats": {
"position": 1,
"entityType": "SKELETON",
"health": 500,
"displayName": "&6&lSkeleton King Boss"
"equipment": {
"helmet": "SKHelmet",
"chestplate": "SKChestplate",
"leggings": "SKLeggings",
"boots": "SKBoots"
"hands": {
"mainHand": "SKMainHand",
"offHand": "SKOffHand"
"potions": [
"type": "resistance",
"level": 3,
"duration": -1
"type": "speed",
"level": 1,
"duration": 500