package com.songoda.epicbuckets.command.commands; import com.songoda.epicbuckets.EpicBuckets; import com.songoda.epicbuckets.References; import com.songoda.epicbuckets.command.AbstractCommand; import; import; import com.songoda.epicbuckets.utils.ChatUtil; import com.songoda.epicbuckets.utils.Validator; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class CommandGive extends AbstractCommand { public CommandGive(AbstractCommand parent) { super(parent, false, "give"); } @Override protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicBuckets instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) { if (args.length < 5 || args.length > 7) { return ReturnType.SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[1]) == null && !args[1].toLowerCase().equals("all")) { sender.sendMessage(ChatUtil.colorString(References.getPrefix() + "&cThat username does not exist, or the user is not online!")); return ReturnType.FAILURE; } Player player = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[1]); String trait = args[2]; String genItem = args[3]; String amount = args[4]; String cost = args.length == 6 ? args[5] : null; if (!Validator.isInt(amount)) { return ReturnType.SYNTAX_ERROR; } SubShop subShop = null; for (Shop s : instance.getShopManager().getShops()) { if (s.getTrait().name().equals(trait)) { for (SubShop ss : s.getSubShops()) { if (ss.getGenItem().getType().name().equals(genItem)) subShop = ss; } } } if (subShop != null) { if (Validator.isDouble(cost)) { instance.getShopManager().buyFromShop(player, subShop, Integer.parseInt(amount)); return ReturnType.SUCCESS; } instance.getShopManager().giveGenbucketToPlayer(player, subShop, Integer.parseInt(amount)); return ReturnType.SUCCESS; } player.sendMessage(instance.getLocale().getMessage("command.give.genbucketnotfound")); return ReturnType.FAILURE; } @Override public String getPermissionNode() { return "epicbuckets.give"; } @Override public String getSyntax() { return "/eb give [cost]"; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Gives a genbucket to a player"; } }