PREFIX: "&e&lEZBUCKET>" # set to "none" if you don't want a prefix NO-PERMISSION: "&7You do not have &epermission &7for this command" PLAYER-COMMAND: "&c&lOnly players can use this" ERROR-OCCURED: "&cAn error occurred, please contact an administrator" RELOAD-CONFIG: "&7You've reloaded the config" WITHDRAW-MESSAGE: "&e${amount}&7 was taken from your &eaccount&7!" NOT-ENOUGH-MONEY: "&7You need &e${money} &7more to purchase this genbucket!" INVENTORY-FULL: "&7Your inventory is &efull&7!" YOU-CANNOT-PLACE-HERE: "&7You're not &eallowed&7 to place a genbucket here!" YOU-MUST-WAIT: "&7You must &ewait&7 before your other gen(s) finishes!" ADMIN-TOGGLE-ON: "&7You have toggled admin-mode &aon" ADMIN-TOGGLE-OFF: "&7You have toggled admin-mode &coff" ADMIN-MESSAGE: "&e{player} &7placed a &e{type} genbucket&7!" WRONG-MATERIAL-PSUEDO: "&7You cannot use this genbucket on this &eblock!" GENBUCKET-DISABLED: "&eGenbuckets &7are currently disabled!" GENBUCKET-PLACED-WRONG: "&e{genbucket} &7can be placed {direction}" # {side} equals to TRANSLATE-DIRECTION-X TRANSLATE-DIRECTION-UP: "on top of blocks" TRANSLATE-DIRECTION-SIDE: "on the side of blocks" SETTING-MODIFY: "&7You've set &e{setting}&7 to &e{value}"