use-back-buttons: true shops: vertical: goBackButton: 31 # back button will display if enabled in config.yml trait: "VERTICAL" # Which genbucket type does this shop have? size: 36 # Must be one of these: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 fill: true # Fill inventory ? inventory-name: "Vertical genbuckets" '0': # Must be unique name: "&eVertical Cobble" # Genbucket item name icon: "WATER_BUCKET" # This is the item placed in the GUI and the item you will get when purchased type: "COBBLESTONE" # This is the material the bucket places type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 12 # This is the slot for the bucket in the GUI price: 400 # This is the price for the bucket damage: 0 # Material id if needed, for example if you want to spawn red wool in the guit description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '1': name: "&eVertical Sand" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "SAND" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 13 price: 400 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '2': name: "&eVertical Obby" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "OBSIDIAN" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 14 price: 700 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" infused: goBackButton: 31 trait: "INFUSED" size: 36 fill: true inventory-name: "Infused genbuckets" '0': name: "&eInfused Cobble" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "COBBLESTONE" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 12 price: 200 trait: "INFUSED" material-id: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '1': name: "&eInfused Obsidian" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "OBSIDIAN" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 13 price: 700 trait: "INFUSED" material-id: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '2': name: "&eInfused Netherrack" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "NETHERRACK" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 14 price: 31 trait: "INFUSED" material-id: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" psuedo: goBackButton: 31 trait: "PSUEDO" size: 36 fill: true inventory-name: "Psuedo genbuckets" '0': # Must be unique name: "&ePsuedo Cobble" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "COBBLESTONE" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 12 price: 400 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '1': name: "&ePsuedo Sand" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "SAND" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 13 price: 400 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '2': name: "&ePsuedo Obby" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "OBSIDIAN" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 14 price: 700 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" horizontal: goBackButton: 31 trait: "HORIZONTAL" size: 36 fill: true inventory-name: "Horizontal genbuckets" '0': # Must be unique name: "&eHorizontal Cobble" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "COBBLESTONE" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 12 price: 400 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '1': name: "&eHorizontal Sand" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "SAND" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 13 price: 400 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - "" '2': name: "&eHorizontal Obby" icon: "WATER_BUCKET" type: "OBSIDIAN" type-damage: 0 # Set a damage for the block the genbucket places slot: 14 price: 700 damage: 0 description: # This is the lore of the bucket in the gui - "" - "&7&o((Left click to buy or right click to open bulk shop))" - "" - "&7Price for one &e${price}" # The {price} and {material} placeholders only works in description - "" - "&7Spawns &e{material} &7blocks" - "" item-lore: # New lore after the gen has been purchased - "" - "&7&oRight click a block to place" - ""