package de.tr7zw.itemnbtapi; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; public class NBTItem extends NBTCompound { private ItemStack bukkitItem; public NBTItem(ItemStack item) { super(null, null); if(item == null){ throw new NullPointerException("ItemStack can't be null!"); } bukkitItem = item.clone(); } protected Object getCompound() { return NBTReflectionUtil.getItemRootNBTTagCompound(, bukkitItem)); } protected void setCompound(Object compound) { Object stack =, bukkitItem);, compound); bukkitItem = (ItemStack), stack); } public ItemStack getItem() { return bukkitItem; } protected void setItem(ItemStack item) { bukkitItem = item; } /** * This may return true even when the NBT is empty. * * @return Does the ItemStack have a NBTCompound. */ public boolean hasNBTData(){ return getCompound() != null; } public static NBTContainer convertItemtoNBT(ItemStack item){ return NBTReflectionUtil.convertNMSItemtoNBTCompound(, item)); } public static ItemStack convertNBTtoItem(NBTCompound comp){ return (ItemStack), NBTReflectionUtil.convertNBTCompoundtoNMSItem(comp)); } }