############################################### # EpicBuckets # # Made by Songoda # ############################################### # All default configuration files can be found on # https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/epicbuckets-the-most-powerful-genbucket-plugin.50944/ # Please use 1.13+ material names, the plugin auto converts them to your server version FACTIONS-SUPPORT: false # MassiveCore and Factions/FactionsUUID/SavageFactions is needed WORLDGUARD-SUPPORT: false # WorldEdit and WorldGuard is needed GRIEFPREVENTION-SUPPORT: false # GriefPrevention is needed ENABLE-GENS-IN-WILDERNESS: true CLOSE-GUI-AFTER-PURCHASE: false # Close the inventory after purchase INFINITE-USE: false # If enabled, you won't lose a genbucket when you place it down CHARGE-FOR-INFINITE-USE: false # This requires infinite use to be enabled and will charge the player when placing a genbucket # Money charged for placing a genbucket when the above is enabled, put 0 if you want no charge # Use 1.13 material names, they will be auto converted to whatever your server version is COST-FOR-INFINITE-USE: HORIZONTAL: COBBLESTONE: 0 SAND: 0 OBSIDIAN: 0 VERTICAL: COBBLESTONE: 0 SAND: 0 OBSIDIAN: 0 PSUEDO: COBBLESTONE: 0 SAND: 0 OBSIDIAN: 0 INFUSED: COBBLESTONE: 0 OBSIDIAN: 0 NETHERRACK: 0 GENBUCKET-DELAY: 10 # Ticks delay between genbucket placements, 20 ticks = 1 second, set to 0 for no delay USE-SPONGE-SUPPORT: false # If a sponge is found it will stop the genbucket SPONGE-RADIUS: 3 # <- SPONGE-RADIUS 3 == 3x3. I do not recommending putting this higher than 3 MAX-ACTIVE-GEN-PER-PLAYER: 10 # Amount of gens a player can have active at time PLACE-UNLIMTED-GENS: true # This will override MAX-ACTIVE-GEN-PER-PLAYER and let them place unlimted gens MAX-VERTICAL-HEIGHT: 50 # Vertical gen height, the gen will stop if y > value MAX-HORIZONTAL-LENGTH: 50 # Horizontal height DELAY: 5 # If delay is set to 20 it will place one block every second. 10 will place two blocks each second DISABLE-GENBUCKETS: false # If enabled placing any genbuckets wont be placeable CUSTOM-ACTIVE-GEN-PER-PLAY: # Put the highest first # Everyone with the permission genbucket.limit.god # will be able to place 30 instead of the default value (MAX-ACTIVE-GEN-PER-PLAYER) GOD: "30:genbucket.limit.god" VETERAN: "25:genbucket.limit.veteran" VIP: "20:genbucket.limit.vip" # Valid values are: UP, DOWN, SOUTH, NORTH, EAST, WEST # Whitelist means what faces the genbucket will work on # Default means when, for example, you allow a vertical genbucket to work on a side that is different from # UP or DOWN, the plugin will then get this value to allow the genbucket to work. Please make sure this value # is logical. For the vertical genbucket, that would be either UP or DOWN. Any other value just makes it # act like a horizontal genbucket, which ofcourse isnt going to work VALID-FACES: HORIZONTAL: WHITELIST: - "EAST" - "WEST" - "NORTH" - "SOUTH" DEFAULT: "NORTH" VERTICAL: WHITELIST: - "UP" - "DOWN" DEFAULT: "UP" PSUEDO: WHITELIST: - "UP" - "DOWN" DEFAULT: "UP" INFUSED: WHITELIST: - "EAST" - "WEST" - "NORTH" - "SOUTH" DEFAULT: "NORTH" # All genbuckets will run over these materials # except the psuedo. # Make all words capital! IGNORE-MATERIALS: - "AIR" # <- Don't remove unless you know what you're doing PSUEDO-MATERIALS: # Which materials should the psuedo genbucket work on? - "cobblestone" - "sand" - "obsidian" FILL-ITEM: name: " " material: WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE BACK-BUTTON: name: " &c&lReturn back to categories" material: BARRIER BULK-SHOP-INVENTORY: inventory-name: "Bulk shop for {player}" size: 6 # Number of lines in inventory fill: false # recommended off return-back-slot: 49 main-item-slot: 22 increase-item: material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slots: "24,25,26" # Put only three integers and separate with commas decrease-item: material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slots: "18,19,20" # Put only three integers and separate with commas purchase-item: name: "&a&lConfirm" material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS slot: 40 # All material names can be found @ https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html MENU-ITEMS: size: 3 fill: true # Fill inventory ? inventory-name: "Select a category" '1': # Must be unique item: # Item configuration material: WATER_BUCKET # material name name: "&eVertical genbuckets" # Name of the item lore: # Lore of the item - "" - "&7&o(( Click to open shop ))" - "" - "&7Use vertical genbuckets to create" - "&7vertical walls fast and efficient" - "" shop: "vertical" # make a shop in shops.yml slot: 10 # slot in the gui '2': item: material: WATER_BUCKET name: "&eHorizontal genbuckets" lore: - "" - "&7&o(( Click to open shop ))" - "" - "&7Use horizontal genbuckets to create" - "&7roofs & floors fast and efficient" - "" shop: "horizontal" slot: 12 # slot in the gui '3': item: material: WATER_BUCKET name: "&eInfused genbuckets" lore: - "" - "&7&o(( Click to open shop ))" - "" - "&7Use infused genbuckets to place" - "&7vertical walls on each side of the" - "&7block" - "" shop: "infused" slot: 14 # slot in the gui '4': item: material: WATER_BUCKET name: "&ePsuedo genbuckets" lore: - "" - "&7&o(( Click to open shop ))" - "" - "&7Use psuedo genbuckets to repair" - "&7broken walls" - "" shop: "psuedo" slot: 16 # slot in the gui