#General Messages general.nametag.prefix = "&8[&6EpicEnchants&8]" #Command Messages command.book.received = "&7You have been given a &6{enchant}&r &7book." command.book.gave = "&7You gave &6{player} &7a &6{enchant}&r &7book." command.book.maxlevel = "&cThe max level for &4{enchant}&r &cis &4{max_level}&c." command.book.minlevel = "&cThe min level for &4{enchant}&r &cis &41&c." command.randombook.received = "&7You have been given a random book." command.randombook.gave = "&7You gave &6{player} &7a random book." command.whitescroll.received = "&7You have been given a whitescroll." command.whitescroll.gave = "&7You gave &6{player} &7a whitescroll." command.apply.invaliditem = "&cYou cannot apply &4{enchant}&r &cto this item." command.reload = "&7Configuration files reloaded." command.giveunknown = "&cUnknown item to give &4{unknown}&c." command.dust.gave = "&7Gave &6{group} DUST &7to &6{player}&7." command.dust.received = "&7You have received &6{group} DUST&7." #Event Messages blackscroll.success = "&7Successfully blackscrolled &6{group_color}{enchant}&r&6 {level}&7." blackscroll.noenchants = "&cNo enchants to blackscroll." whitescroll.alreadyapplied = "&cThis item is already protected!" whitescroll.applied = "&7This item is now protected!" enchanter.cannotafford = "&cYou cannot afford this purchase." enchanter.success = "&7Purchased &6{group_color}{group_name} &7book for &6{exp_cost} experience&7." tinkerer.open = "&7Trading with the tinkerer." tinkerer.cancelled = "&cCancelled." tinkerer.accepted = "&7Accepted." tinkerer.noitems = "&cThe tinkerer is not interested in any of your items..." tinkerer.depositedall = "&7Deposited {amount} items." alchemist.maxtwoitems = "&cYou may only combine &42 &citems at once..." alchemist.notinterested = "&cThe alchemist is not interested in any of your items..." alchemist.maxlevelbook = "&cThe alchemist cannot combine max leveled books..." alchemist.maxpercentagedust = "&cThe alchemist cannot combine 100% success rate dust..." alchemist.highestgroupdust = "&cThe alchemist cannot accept dust of the highest tier." alchemist.differentenchantment = "&cThe alchemist can only combine books with the same enchantments..." alchemist.differentlevels = "&cThe alchemist can only combine books of the same level..." alchemist.differentgroups = "&cThe alchemist can only combine dust of the same group..." alchemist.cannotafford = "&cYou cannot afford this exchange..." alchemist.success = "&7Exchanged for &6{exp_cost} &7experience." enchants.invalidmaterial = "&cYou can not apply &4{enchant}&r &cto that item..." enchants.failure = "&4{enchant}&r &cfailed to apply..." enchants.brokenfailure = "&4{enchant}&r &cfailed to apply and broke your item..." enchants.conflict = "&cYou cannot apply this enchant as it conflicts with another enchant..." enchants.maxedout = "&cYou already have that enchant maxed out on this item..." enchants.alreadyapplied = "&cYou already have that enchant applied on this item." enchants.protected = "&7This book would have broken your item, luckily it was protected!" enchants.success = "&7You have successfully applied &6{enchant}&r&7." book.discover = "&7You examine the &6{group_color}{group_name} &7Enchantment Book, and discover &6{enchant_format}&7!"