# EpicEnchants
**Unlock the potential of your weapons, tools and armor by making your own custom enchants**
**using this highly customizable and versatile advanced enchantment system.**
[![Discord][Discord shield]][Discord invite]
[![Latest version][Latest version shield]][Plugin page]
[![bStats Servers][bStats shield]][bStats page]
## Download (Marketplace)
You can visit [our marketplace][Plugin page] to download EpicEnchants as well as take a
look at many other fantastic plugins which are sure to catch your eye.
## Documentation
You can find all the information about EpicEnchants, including dependencies, commands, permissions and incompatible
plugins on [our wiki][Plugin wiki].
Feel free to also contribute to the wiki as a way to help others in the community with using the plugin.
## Support
If you encounter any issues while using the plugin, feel free to contact us on
[our Discord server][Discord invite].
## Suggestions
For suggestions about features you think should be added to the plugin to increase its functionality, feel free to
create a thread over on [our Discord server][Discord invite].
[Plugin page]: https://songoda.com/product/4
[Plugin wiki]: https://songoda.notion.site/EpicEnchants-f807af85703b434984502bf0dbaf7949
[Discord invite]: https://discord.gg/7TXM8xr2Ng
[Discord shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/1214289374506917889?color=5865F2&label=Discord&logo=discord&logoColor=5865F2
[Latest version shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/xml?style=flat&color=blue&logo=github&logoColor=white&label=Latest&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fcraftaro%2FEpicEnchants%2Fmaster%2Fpom.xml&query=%2F*%5Blocal-name()%3D'project'%5D%2F*%5Blocal-name()%3D'version'%5D
[bStats page]: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/EpicEnchants/5287
[bStats shield]: https://img.shields.io/bstats/servers/5287?label=Servers