title: "Enchanter" rows: 3 # You can choose to fill the entire inventory with this material # fill: # material: "MATERIAL_HERE" # display-name: "&r" contents: 1: material: "INK_SACK" data: 15 display-name: "&f&lSimple Enchantment &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Examine to receive a random" - "&fsimple &7enchantment book." - "" - "&fUse &flist simple &7to view a list" - "&fof possible enchants you could unlock!" - "" - "&b&lCOST &r&f{exp_cost} EXP" group: SIMPLE exp-cost: 400 eco-cost: 0 slot: 11 2: material: "INK_SACK" data: 10 display-name: "&a&lUnique Enchantment &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Examine to receive a random" - "&aunique &7enchantment book." - "" - "&fUse &alist unique &7to view a list" - "&fof possible enchants you could unlock!" - "" - "&b&lCOST &r&f{exp_cost} EXP" group: UNIQUE exp-cost: 800 eco-cost: 0 slot: 12 3: material: "INK_SACK" data: 12 display-name: "&b&lElite Enchantment &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Examine to receive a random" - "&belite &7enchantment book." - "" - "&fUse &blist elite &7to view a list" - "&fof possible enchants you could unlock!" - "" - "&b&lCOST &r&f{exp_cost} EXP" group: ELITE exp-cost: 2500 eco-cost: 0 slot: 13 4: material: "INK_SACK" data: 11 display-name: "&e&lUltimate Enchantment &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Examine to receive a random" - "&eultimate &7enchantment book." - "" - "&fUse &elist simple &7to view a list" - "&fof possible enchants you could unlock!" - "" - "&b&lCOST &r&f{exp_cost} EXP" group: ULTIMATE exp-cost: 5000 eco-cost: 0 slot: 14 5: material: "INK_SACK" data: 14 display-name: "&6&lLegendary Enchantment &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Examine to receive a random" - "&6legendary &7enchantment book." - "" - "&fUse &6list simple &7to view a list" - "&fof possible enchants you could unlock!" - "" - "&b&lCOST &r&f{exp_cost} EXP" group: LEGENDARY exp-cost: 25000 eco-cost: 0 slot: 15 explanation: material: PAINTING display-name: "&6&lEnchanter" lore: - "&7Click to &6buy &7a tiered enchantment book." - "" - "&6Right Click &7the book for a &6random &7enchant" - "&7of that tier." slot: 4 corners: material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE data: 11 display-name: "&r" slot: "0,1,7,8,9,17,18,19,25,26" edge: material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE data: 3 display-name: "&r" slot: "2,3,5,6,20,21,22,23,24" whites: material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE display-name: "&r" slot: "10,16"