package com.songoda.epicfarming.settings; import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial; import com.craftaro.core.compatibility.ServerVersion; import com.craftaro.core.configuration.Config; import com.craftaro.core.configuration.ConfigSetting; import com.craftaro.core.hooks.EconomyManager; import com.songoda.epicfarming.EpicFarming; import java.util.Arrays; import; public class Settings { static final Config CONFIG = EpicFarming.getPlugin(EpicFarming.class).getCoreConfig(); public static final ConfigSetting UPGRADE_WITH_ECONOMY = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Upgrade With Economy", true, "Should you be able to upgrade farmses with economy?"); public static final ConfigSetting UPGRADE_WITH_XP = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Upgrade With XP", true, "Should you be able to upgrade farms with experience?"); public static final ConfigSetting PARTICLE_TYPE = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Upgrade Particle Type", "SPELL_WITCH", "The type of particle shown when a furnace is upgraded."); public static final ConfigSetting FARM_TICK_SPEED = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Farm Tick Speed", 20, "The delay in ticks between each farm growth event."); public static final ConfigSetting GROWTH_TICK_SPEED = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Growth Tick Speed", 70, "The delay in ticks between each farm entity event."); public static final ConfigSetting FARM_BLOCK_MATERIAL = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Farm Block Material", ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9) ? "END_ROD" : "TORCH", "What material should be used as a farm item?"); public static final ConfigSetting NON_COMMAND_FARMS = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Allow Non Command Issued Farm Items", false, "Should farm item materials found in the wild work as farms?"); public static final ConfigSetting ANIMATE = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Animate", true, "Should the processed farm item be animated above the farm item?"); public static final ConfigSetting DISABLE_AUTO_TIL_LAND = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Disable Auto Til Land", false, "Should farms not auto til land around them?"); public static final ConfigSetting USE_PROTECTION_PLUGINS = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Use Protection Plugins", true, "Should we use protection plugins?"); public static final ConfigSetting BREAKABLE_BLOCKS = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Breakable Blocks", Arrays.asList( "TALL_GRASS", "GRASS", "BLUE_ORCHID", "AZURE_BLUET", "ALLIUM", "POPPY", "DANDELION", "SNOW", "CORNFLOWER", "FERN", "LARGE_FERN", "SUNFLOWER", "ROSE_BUSH", "OXEYE_DAISY", "LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY", "PEONY", "LILAC", "WITHER_ROSE", "PINK_TULIP", "RED_TULIP", "WHITE_TULIP", "ORANGE_TULIP", "NETHER_SPROUTS", "GLOW_LICHEN"), "Which blocks should farms be allowed to break when they til the land?"); public static final ConfigSetting ECONOMY_PLUGIN = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Main.Economy", EconomyManager.getEconomy() == null ? "Vault" : EconomyManager.getEconomy().getName(), "Which economy plugin should be used?", "Supported plugins you have installed: \"" + EconomyManager.getManager().getRegisteredPlugins().stream().collect(Collectors.joining("\", \"")) + "\"."); public static final ConfigSetting ECO_ICON = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Interfaces.Economy Icon", "SUNFLOWER"); public static final ConfigSetting XP_ICON = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Interfaces.XP Icon", "EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE"); public static final ConfigSetting GLASS_TYPE_1 = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Interfaces.Glass Type 1", "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"); public static final ConfigSetting GLASS_TYPE_2 = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Interfaces.Glass Type 2", "BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"); public static final ConfigSetting GLASS_TYPE_3 = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "Interfaces.Glass Type 3", "LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"); public static final ConfigSetting LANGUGE_MODE = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "System.Language Mode", "en_US", "The enabled language file.", "More language files (if available) can be found in the plugins data folder."); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_ENABLED = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Enabled", false, "Set to 'true' to use MySQL instead of SQLite for data storage."); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_HOSTNAME = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Hostname", "localhost"); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_PORT = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Port", 3306); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_DATABASE = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Database", "your-database"); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_USERNAME = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Username", "user"); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_PASSWORD = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Password", "pass"); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_USE_SSL = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Use SSL", false); public static final ConfigSetting MYSQL_POOL_SIZE = new ConfigSetting(CONFIG, "MySQL.Pool Size", 3, "Determines the number of connections the pool is using. Increase this value if you are getting timeout errors when more players online."); /** * In order to set dynamic economy comment correctly, this needs to be * called after EconomyManager load */ public static void setupConfig() { CONFIG.load(); CONFIG.setAutoremove(true).setAutosave(true); // convert glass pane settings int color; if ((color = GLASS_TYPE_1.getInt(-1)) != -1) { CONFIG.set(GLASS_TYPE_1.getKey(), CompatibleMaterial.getGlassPaneColor(color).name()); } if ((color = GLASS_TYPE_2.getInt(-1)) != -1) { CONFIG.set(GLASS_TYPE_2.getKey(), CompatibleMaterial.getGlassPaneColor(color).name()); } if ((color = GLASS_TYPE_3.getInt(-1)) != -1) { CONFIG.set(GLASS_TYPE_3.getKey(), CompatibleMaterial.getGlassPaneColor(color).name()); } if (Settings.FARM_TICK_SPEED.getInt() == 70) { CONFIG.set(FARM_TICK_SPEED.getKey(), 20); } CONFIG.saveChanges(); } }