Language format update.

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Brianna 2019-11-09 10:15:29 -05:00
parent aad1cefb02
commit ae88a9d39e

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@ -1,55 +1,67 @@
#General Messages # General Messages
general.nametag.prefix = "&8[&6EpicFurnaces&8]" general: = "&9Next" nametag:
general.nametag.back = "&9Back" prefix: '&8[&6EpicFurnaces&8]'
general.nametag.nameformat = "&eLevel %level% &fFurnace" next: '&9Next'
general.hologram.outoffuel = "&cNo Fuel" back: '&9Back'
general.hologram.stats = "&a%in%&7/&c%out%" nameformat: '&eLevel %level% &fFurnace'
outoffuel: '&cNo Fuel'
stats: '&a%in%&7/&c%out%'
#Interface Messages # Interface Messages
interface.furnace.upgradewithxp = "&aUpgrade with XP" interface:
interface.furnace.upgradewithxplore = "&7Cost: &a%cost% Levels" furnace:
interface.furnace.upgradewitheconomy = "&aUpgrade with ECO" upgradewithxp: '&aUpgrade with XP'
interface.furnace.upgradewitheconomylore = "&7Cost: &a$%cost%" upgradewithxplore: '&7Cost: &a%cost% Levels'
interface.furnace.currentlevel = "&6Furnace Level &7%level%" upgradewitheconomy: '&aUpgrade with ECO'
interface.furnace.level = "&6Next Level &7%level%" upgradewitheconomylore: '&7Cost: &a$%cost%'
interface.furnace.performance = "&7Performance: &6%amount%" currentlevel: '&6Furnace Level &7%level%'
interface.furnace.reward = "&7Reward: &6%amount%" level: '&6Next Level &7%level%'
interface.furnace.performancetitle = "&a&lPerformance" performance: '&7Performance: &6%amount%'
interface.furnace.rewardtitle = "&c&lReward" reward: '&7Reward: &6%amount%'
interface.furnace.fueldurationtitle = "&7&lFuel Duration" performancetitle: '&a&lPerformance'
interface.furnace.fuelduration = "&7Fuel Duration: &6%amount%" rewardtitle: '&c&lReward'
interface.furnace.fuelshare = "&7Fuel Share: &6%amount%&7." fueldurationtitle: '&7&lFuel Duration'
interface.furnace.fuelsharetitle = "&6&lFuel Share" fuelduration: '&7Fuel Duration: &6%amount%'
interface.furnace.fuelshareinfo = "&7This furnace will power other|&7furnaces within a &6%amount%&7 block radius." fuelshare: '&7Fuel Share: &6%amount%&7.'
interface.furnace.overheat = "&7Overheat: &6%amount%&7." fuelsharetitle: '&6&lFuel Share'
interface.furnace.overheattitle = "&6&lOverheat" fuelshareinfo: '&7This furnace will power other|&7furnaces within a &6%amount%&7 block radius.'
interface.furnace.overheatinfo = "&7This furnace will melt snow |&7and ice within a &6%amount%&7 block radius." overheat: '&7Overheat: &6%amount%&7.'
interface.furnace.performanceinfo = "&7This furnaces performance is |&7currently boosted an extra &6%amount%%&7. | |&7Performance boosts the speed in |&7which a furnace processes |&7materials." overheattitle: '&6&lOverheat'
interface.furnace.rewardinfo = "&7This furnace currently |&7has a &6%amount%%&7 chance of |&7producing multiple resources." overheatinfo: '&7This furnace will melt snow |&7and ice within a &6%amount%&7 block radius.'
interface.furnace.fueldurationinfo = "&7This furnaces fuel duration is |&7currently boosted by &6%amount%%&7. | |&7Fuel Duration boosts how long |&7fuel in the furnace lasts." performanceinfo: '&7This furnaces performance is |&7currently boosted an extra &6%amount%%&7. | |&7Performance boosts the speed in |&7which a furnace processes |&7materials.'
interface.furnace.smeltedx = "&7Smelted &6%amount% Materials&7." rewardinfo: '&7This furnace currently |&7has a &6%amount%%&7 chance of |&7producing multiple resources.'
interface.furnace.tolevel = "&6%amount% %type%s &7away from leveling up." fueldurationinfo: '&7This furnaces fuel duration is |&7currently boosted by &6%amount%%&7. | |&7Fuel Duration boosts how long |&7fuel in the furnace lasts.'
interface.furnace.remotefurnace = "&5&lRemote Control" smeltedx: '&7Smelted &6%amount% Materials&7.'
interface.furnace.remotefurnacelore = "&7Left-Click to assign a nickname.|&7Right-Click to give yourself |&7remote access.|&7Current nickname is: &6%nickname%&7." tolevel: '&6%amount% %type%s &7away from leveling up.'
interface.furnace.utilize = "|&7To utilize remote access|&7use the command:|&6/EF Remote %nickname%" remotefurnace: '&5&lRemote Control'
interface.furnace.remotelist = "&7Players with remote access:" remotefurnacelore: '&7Left-Click to assign a nickname.|&7Right-Click to give yourself |&7remote access.|&7Current nickname is: &6%nickname%&7.'
interface.furnace.alreadymaxed = "&7This furnace is already maxed out!" utilize: '|&7To utilize remote access|&7use the command:|&6/EF Remote %nickname%'
interface.button.boostedstats = "&a&lCurrently boosted!|&7Reward multiplied by &6%amount%x&7.|&7Expires in &6%time%&7." remotelist: '&7Players with remote access:'
alreadymaxed: '&7This furnace is already maxed out!'
boostedstats: '&a&lCurrently boosted!|&7Reward multiplied by &6%amount%x&7.|&7Expires in &6%time%&7.'
#Command Messages # Command Messages
command.give.success = "&7You have been given a &6level %level% &7Furnace." command:
success: '&7You have been given a &6level %level% &7Furnace.'
#Event Messages # Event Messages
event.general.nopermission = "&cYou do not have permission to do that." event:
event.upgrade.cannotafford = "&cYou cannot afford this upgrade." general:
event.upgrade.success = "&7You successfully upgraded this furnace to &6level %level%&7!" nopermission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that.'
event.upgrade.maxed = "&7You maxed out this furnace at &6level %level%&7." upgrade:
event.remote.enter = "&7Enter a unique nickname for the furnace." cannotafford: '&cYou cannot afford this upgrade.'
event.remote.notfound = "&cRemote furnace not found." success: '&7You successfully upgraded this furnace to &6level %level%&7!'
event.remote.nicknamesuccess = "&aNickname set successfully." maxed: '&7You maxed out this furnace at &6level %level%&7.'
event.remote.nicknameinuse = "&cThat nickname is already in use." remote:
enter: '&7Enter a unique nickname for the furnace.'
notfound: '&cRemote furnace not found.'
nicknamesuccess: '&aNickname set successfully.'
nicknameinuse: '&cThat nickname is already in use.'