package com.songoda.epicheads; import com.songoda.epicheads.cache.CacheFile; import com.songoda.epicheads.cache.CacheHead; import com.songoda.epicheads.cache.ModsFile; import com.songoda.epicheads.cache.ModsFileHeader; import com.songoda.epicheads.cache.legacy.CacheFileConverter; import com.songoda.epicheads.cache.legacy.LegacyCacheConfig; import com.songoda.epicheads.command.CommandManager; import com.songoda.epicheads.config.FileConfigFile; import com.songoda.epicheads.config.MainConfig; import; import com.songoda.epicheads.config.oldmenu.MenuConfig; import com.songoda.epicheads.economy.*; import com.songoda.epicheads.handlers.HeadNamer; import com.songoda.epicheads.handlers.LegacyIDs; import; import com.songoda.epicheads.oldmenu.ClickInventory; import com.songoda.epicheads.util.Clock; import com.songoda.epicheads.util.Methods; import com.songoda.epicheads.volatilecode.injection.ProtocolHackFixer; import com.songoda.epicheads.volatilecode.reflection.Version; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import; import; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class EpicHeads extends JavaPlugin implements Listener { private static EpicHeads INSTANCE; private static ConsoleCommandSender console; private CacheFile cache; private MenuConfig oldMenuConfig; private Menus menus; private MainConfig mainConfig; private Economy economy; private LegacyIDs legacyIDs; private boolean blockStoreAvailable = false; private References references; private CommandManager commandManager; private Locale locale; @Override public void onEnable() { console = this.getServer().getConsoleSender(); INSTANCE = this; if (Version.isBelow(Version.v1_8)) { Methods.formatText("&c-------------------------------------------------------------------"); Methods.formatText("&c EpicHeads no longer supports versions below Minecraft 1.8. "); Methods.formatText("&c Please switch to Heads version 1.15.1 or before. "); Methods.formatText("&c-------------------------------------------------------------------"); Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this); return; } console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&a=============================")); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7EpicHeads " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " by &5Brianna <3!")); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7Action: &aEnabling&7...")); Clock timer = Clock.start(); loadCache(); try { legacyIDs = LegacyIDs.readResource("legacy-ids.txt"); } catch (IOException exception) { legacyIDs = LegacyIDs.EMPTY; Methods.formatText("Unable to load legacy IDs to perform conversion from older Spigot versions"); exception.printStackTrace(); } // Locales Locale.init(this); Locale.saveDefaultLocale("en_US"); this.locale = Locale.getLocale(getConfig().getString("Locale", "en_US")); this.references = new References(); this.menus = new Menus(); this.menus.reload(); this.oldMenuConfig = new MenuConfig(getVersionedConfig("menus.yml")); this.mainConfig = new MainConfig(); this.economy = hookEconomy(); this.commandManager = new CommandManager(this); ProtocolHackFixer.fix(); tryHookBlockStore(); new HeadNamer(this).registerEvents(); Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText(getDescription().getName() + " has been enabled with " + cache.getHeadCount() + " heads " + timer + ".")); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&a=============================")); } @Override public void onDisable() { INSTANCE = null; console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&a=============================")); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7EpicHeads " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " by &5Brianna <3!")); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7Action: &cDisabling&7...")); console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&a=============================")); } public void reloadConfigs() { this.oldMenuConfig.reload(); this.menus.reload(); this.mainConfig.reload(); this.locale.reloadMessages(); this.economy = hookEconomy(); this.tryHookBlockStore(); } public File getCacheFile() { if (!getDataFolder().exists() && !getDataFolder().mkdirs()) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the data folder to save plugin files"); if (!getDataFolder().isDirectory()) throw new RuntimeException("plugins/EpicHeads should be a directory, yet there is a file with the same name"); return new File(getDataFolder(), "heads.cache"); } private CacheFile loadCache() { File file = getCacheFile(); FileConfigFile legacyConfig = new FileConfigFile("cache.yml"); boolean requiresWrite = false; if (!file.exists()) { requiresWrite = true; if (legacyConfig.getFile().exists()) { Clock timer = Clock.start(); LegacyCacheConfig legacy = new LegacyCacheConfig(legacyConfig); cache = CacheFileConverter.convertToCacheFile("main-cache", legacy); Methods.formatText("Converted legacy yaml cache file to new binary file " + timer); } else { cache = new CacheFile("main-cache"); } } else { try { Clock timer = Clock.start(); cache =; Methods.formatText("Loaded cache file " + timer); } catch (IOException e) { Methods.formatText("Unable to read heads.cache file"); throw new RuntimeException("There was an exception reading the heads.cache file", e); } } if (installAddons() || requiresWrite) { saveCache(); } if (legacyConfig.getFile().exists() && !legacyConfig.getFile().delete()) { Methods.formatText("Unable to delete legacy yaml cache file"); } return cache; } public void saveCache() { File file = getCacheFile(); try { Clock timer = Clock.start(); cache.write(file); Methods.formatText("Saved cache file " + timer); } catch (IOException e) { Methods.formatText("Unable to save the cache to heads.cache"); throw new RuntimeException("There was an exception saving the cache", e); } } private ModsFileHeader readModsFileHeader() { try { return ModsFileHeader.readResource("cache.mods"); } catch (IOException e) { Methods.formatText("Unable to read header of cache.mods"); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read header of cache.mods", e); } } private ModsFile readModsFile() { try { return ModsFile.readResource("cache.mods"); } catch (IOException e) { Methods.formatText("Unable to read mods from cache.mods"); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read mods from cache.mods", e); } } private boolean installAddons() { Clock timer = Clock.start(); ModsFileHeader header = readModsFileHeader(); int newMods = header.getUninstalledMods(cache); if (newMods == 0) return false; ModsFile mods = readModsFile(); int newHeads = mods.installMods(cache); if (newHeads > 0) { Methods.formatText("Added " + newHeads + " new heads from " + newMods + " addons " + timer); } else { Methods.formatText("Installed " + newMods + " addons " + timer); } return true; } private Economy hookEconomy() { if (!mainConfig.isEconomyEnabled()) return new NoEconomy(); Economy economy = null; if (mainConfig.isVaultEconomyEnabled()) { economy = tryHookEconomy(null, new VaultEconomy()); } if (mainConfig.isItemEconomyEnabled()) { economy = tryHookEconomy(economy, new ItemEconomy()); } if (mainConfig.isPlayerPointsEconomyEnabled()) { economy = tryHookEconomy(economy, new PlayerPointsEconomy()); } if (economy == null || economy instanceof NoEconomy) { Methods.formatText("Economy enabled in config.yml yet Vault, PlayerPoints and Item economies disabled. " + "Player's will not be able to purchase heads."); economy = (economy != null ? economy : new NoEconomy()); } return economy; } private Economy tryHookEconomy(Economy currentlyHooked, Economy toHook) { if (currentlyHooked != null) { Methods.formatText(toHook.getName() + " economy is not the only economy enabled in the config.yml."); if (!(currentlyHooked instanceof NoEconomy)) return currentlyHooked; } if (!toHook.tryHook()) { Methods.formatText(toHook.getName() + " enabled in config.yml, yet Heads was unable to hook into it."); return new NoEconomy(); } Methods.formatText("Loaded " + toHook.getName() + " economy"); return toHook; } private void tryHookBlockStore() { if (mainConfig.shouldUseBlockStore() && Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("BlockStore") != null) { blockStoreAvailable = false; try { Class apiClass = Class.forName("net.sothatsit.blockstore.BlockStoreApi"); apiClass.getDeclaredMethod("retrieveBlockMeta", Plugin.class, Location.class, Plugin.class, String.class, Consumer.class); Methods.formatText("Hooked BlockStore"); blockStoreAvailable = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException e) { Methods.formatText("Unable to hook BlockStore, the version of BlockStore you are " + "using may be outdated. Heads requires BlockStore v1.5.0."); Methods.formatText("Please update BlockStore and report this to Sothatsit if the problem persists."); } } } @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent e) { Inventory inventory = e.getInventory(); if (inventory == null) return; InventoryHolder holder = inventory.getHolder(); if (holder instanceof ClickInventory) { ((ClickInventory) holder).onClick(e); } else if (holder instanceof InventoryMenu) { ((InventoryMenu) holder).onClick(e); } } private boolean isExemptFromCost(Player player) { if (!mainConfig.isEconomyEnabled() || player.hasPermission("EpicHeads.bypasscost")) return true; return mainConfig.isFreeInCreative() && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE; } public boolean chargeForHead(Player player, CacheHead head) { if (isExemptFromCost(player)) return true; double cost = head.getCost(); if (cost <= 0) return true; if (!economy.hasBalance(player, cost)) { player.sendMessage(getLocale().getMessage("interface.get.notenoughmoney", head.getName(), head.getCost())); return false; } if (!economy.takeBalance(player, cost)) { player.sendMessage(getLocale().getMessage("interface.get.transactionerror", head.getName(), head.getCost())); return false; } player.sendMessage(getLocale().getMessage("interface.get.purchased", head.getName(), head.getCost())); return true; } public String getCategoryPermission(String category) { return "EpicHeads.category." + category.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_'); } //ToDO: these shouldn't be static. public static EpicHeads getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } public LegacyIDs getLegacyIDs() { return INSTANCE.legacyIDs; } public MainConfig getMainConfig() { return INSTANCE.mainConfig; } public CacheFile getCache() { return INSTANCE.cache; } public Menus getMenus() { return INSTANCE.menus; } public MenuConfig getMenuConfig() { return INSTANCE.oldMenuConfig; } public Economy getEconomy() { return INSTANCE.economy; } public boolean isBlockStoreAvailable() { return INSTANCE.blockStoreAvailable; } public void sync(Runnable task) { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(INSTANCE, task); } public FileConfigFile getVersionedConfig(String resource) { if (Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) return new FileConfigFile(resource, "pre1_13/" + resource); return new FileConfigFile(resource); } public CommandManager getCommandManager() { return commandManager; } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } public References getReferences() { return references; } }