package com.songoda.epicheads.handlers; import com.songoda.epicheads.EpicHeads; import com.songoda.epicheads.api.EpicHeadsAPI; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import java.util.List; public class LiveHead { private int frames; private List texures; private Location location; // Do not pay attention to this class, this is just a sort of sketch which is not ready. public LiveHead(int frames, List texures, Location location /*.more.*/) { // Safety first, experimental features should not crash servers. if (frames > 60) frames = 60; this.frames = frames; if (texures.size() > frames) while (texures.size() != frames) { texures.remove(texures.size()); // logic - the last ones will be removed } this.texures = texures; this.location = location; } public void renderTexures() { int interval = frames / 20; new BukkitRunnable() { int fases; public void run() { // nessecary checks for head texures for fases. fases++; if (fases >= frames) fases = 0; } }.runTaskTimer(EpicHeads.getInstance(), 0, interval); // Render (but I am too tired for now). // TODO: External classes from the animation packages. } }