package; import com.songoda.epicheads.EpicHeads; import com.songoda.epicheads.config.lang.Placeholder; import; import com.songoda.epicheads.util.Checks; import com.songoda.epicheads.util.Methods; import com.songoda.epicheads.util.Stringify; import com.songoda.epicheads.volatilecode.ItemNBT; import com.songoda.epicheads.volatilecode.reflection.Version; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.function.Function; public final class Item { private final Material type; private final int amount; private final short damage; private final String name; private final String[] lore; private final boolean enchanted; private Item(Material type) { this(type, 1, (short) 0, null, null, false); } private Item(Material type, int amount, short damage, String name, String[] lore, boolean enchanted) { Checks.ensureNonNull(type, "type"); Checks.ensureTrue(amount > 0, "amount must be greater than 0"); Checks.ensureTrue(damage >= 0, "damage must be greater than or equal to 0"); if (lore != null) { Checks.ensureArrayNonNull(lore, "lore"); } this.type = type; this.amount = amount; this.damage = damage; = name; this.lore = (lore == null || lore.length == 0 ? null : lore); this.enchanted = enchanted; } public Item amount(int amount) { return new Item(type, amount, damage, name, lore, enchanted); } public Item damage(short damage) { return new Item(type, amount, damage, name, lore, enchanted); } public Item name(String name) { return new Item(type, amount, damage, name, lore, enchanted); } public Item lore(String... lore) { return new Item(type, amount, damage, name, lore, enchanted); } public Item enchanted(boolean enchanted) { return new Item(type, amount, damage, name, lore, enchanted); } public Button buildButton(Placeholder... placeholders) { return new Button(build(placeholders)); } public Button buildButton(Callable callable, Placeholder... placeholders) { return new Button(build(placeholders), callable); } public ItemStack build(Placeholder... placeholders) { return build(null, placeholders); } public ItemStack build(Function loreFilter, Placeholder... placeholders) { Checks.ensureNonNull(placeholders, "placeholders"); ItemStack item = new ItemStack(type, amount, damage); ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta(); if (meta == null) return item; if (name != null) { String displayName = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name); displayName = Placeholder.applyAll(displayName, placeholders); meta.setDisplayName(displayName); } if (lore != null) { String[] itemLore = Placeholder.colourAll(lore); itemLore = Placeholder.filterAndApplyAll(itemLore, loreFilter, placeholders); meta.setLore(Arrays.asList(itemLore)); } item.setItemMeta(meta); if (enchanted) { item = ItemNBT.addGlow(item); } return item; } public void save(ConfigurationSection section, String key) { section.set(key, null); save(section.createSection(key)); } public void save(ConfigurationSection section) { section.set("type", getTypeName(type)); if (amount != 1) { section.set("amount", amount); } if (damage != 0) { section.set("damage", damage); } if (name != null) { section.set("name", name); } if (lore != null) { section.set("lore", Arrays.asList(lore)); } if (enchanted) { section.set("enchanted", true); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Item)) return false; Item other = (Item) obj; return other.type == type && other.amount == amount && Objects.equals(, name) && (other.lore == null ? lore == null : Arrays.equals(other.lore, lore)) && other.enchanted == enchanted; } @Override public String toString() { Stringify.Builder properties = Stringify.builder(); { properties.entry("type", getTypeName(type)); if (amount != 1) { properties.entry("amount", amount); } if (name != null) { properties.entry("name", name); } if (Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) { if (damage != 0) { properties.entry("data", damage); } } else { if (damage != 0) { properties.entry("damage", damage); } } if (lore != null) { properties.entry("lore", lore); } if (enchanted) { properties.entry("enchanted", true); } } return properties.toString(); } public static Item create(Material type) { return new Item(type); } public static Item create(Material type, byte data) { if (Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) { return new Item(type, 1, data, null, null, false); } return new Item(type, 1, (short) 0, null, null, false); } public static Item create(ItemStack itemStack) { Item item = create(itemStack.getType()).amount(itemStack.getAmount()).damage(itemStack.getDurability()); ItemMeta meta = itemStack.getItemMeta(); if (meta == null) return item; if (meta.hasDisplayName()) { String name = meta.getDisplayName().replace(ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR, '&'); item =; } if (meta.hasLore()) { List rawLore = meta.getLore(); String[] lore = new String[rawLore.size()]; for (int index = 0; index < lore.length; ++index) { lore[index] = rawLore.get(index).replace(ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR, '&'); } item = item.lore(lore); } if (meta.hasEnchants()) { item = item.enchanted(true); } return item; } private static void updateLegacyTypes(String filename, ConfigurationSection section, AtomicBoolean shouldSave) { if (!section.isSet("type")) return; if (Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13) && section.isSet("data")) { section.set("damage", section.get("data")); section.set("data", null); shouldSave.set(true); } String typeName = section.getString("type"); String typeData = section.getString("damage", null); Material type = Material.matchMaterial(typeName); if (type != null && !section.isInt("type")) return; if (section.isInt("type")) { int typeId = section.getInt("type"); String convertedType = EpicHeads.getInstance().getLegacyIDs().fromId(typeId); if (convertedType == null || convertedType.isEmpty()) { Methods.formatText("Invalid type of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + ", " + "unknown type id " + typeId); return; } if (Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) { type = Material.matchMaterial(convertedType); } else { type = null; } section.set("type", convertedType.toLowerCase()); } boolean legacy = false; if (type == null && !Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) { type = Material.valueOf("LEGACY_" + section.getString("type").toUpperCase().replace(' ', '_')); legacy = true; } if (type == null) { Methods.formatText("Invalid type of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + ", could not find type " + typeName); return; } if (legacy && !Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) { Material legacyType = type; int data = section.getInt("damage"); byte byteData = (byte) (data >= 0 && data < 16 ? data : 0); // Get a type to begin with, to check if the data is a damage value Material withoutData = fromLegacyType(legacyType, (byte) 0); type = fromLegacyType(legacyType, byteData); if (type == null) { Methods.formatText("Invalid legacy type of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + ": " + "Could not convert " + legacyType + ":" + data + " to non-legacy format"); return; } if (withoutData != type) { section.set("damage", null); } } section.set("type",; String from = typeName + (typeData != null ? ":" + typeData : ""); String to = + (section.isSet("damage") ? ":" + section.get("damage") : ""); Methods.formatText("1.13 Update - " + from + " converted to " + to + " for " + filename + " -> " + section.getCurrentPath()); shouldSave.set(true); } public static Item load(String filename, ConfigurationSection section, AtomicBoolean shouldSave) { // Convert from legacy type ids to type names updateLegacyTypes(filename, section, shouldSave); if (!section.isSet("type") || !section.isString("type")) { Methods.formatText("Invalid type of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + " in " + filename + ", " + "expected a type name"); return null; } String typeName = section.getString("type"); Material type = Material.matchMaterial(typeName); if (type == null) { Methods.formatText("Invalid type of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + ", " + "unknown material for type name " + typeName); return null; } short damage = (short) section.getInt("damage", 0); if (damage < 0) { Methods.formatText("Invalid damage of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + ", " + "damage must be at least 0"); return null; } int amount = section.getInt("amount", 1); if (amount < 1) { Methods.formatText("Invalid amount of item " + section.getCurrentPath() + ", " + "amount must be at least 1"); return null; } String name = section.getString("name", null); String[] lore = section.getStringList("lore").toArray(new String[0]); boolean enchanted = section.getBoolean("enchanted", false); return new Item(type, amount, damage, name, lore, enchanted); } private static String getTypeName(Material type) { return; } public static Material getType(String typeName) { Material type = Material.matchMaterial(typeName); if (type != null || Version.isBelow(Version.v1_13)) return type; return Material.matchMaterial(typeName, true); } // Need to be kept, will look for an alternative in the future. private static Material fromLegacyType(Material legacyType, byte data) { return Bukkit.getUnsafe().fromLegacy(new MaterialData(legacyType, data)); } }