search-heads: title: Head Search head: type: player_head name: '&7%name%' lore: - '&8%category%' head-cost: type: player_head name: '&7%name%' lore: - '&8%category%' - '' - '&6Cost: &e%cost%' head-no-perms: type: player_head name: '&7%name%' lore: - '&8%category%' - '' - '&cYou do not have permission' - '&cto use this head' filler: type: black_stained_glass_pane name: ' ' back: type: redstone_block name: '&cBack to Main Menu' forwards: type: arrow name: '&7Forwards a Page' backwards: type: arrow name: '&7Previous Page' get-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' get-heads: title: '%category%' head: type: player_head name: '&7%name%' lore: - '&6Cost: &e%cost%' filler: type: black_stained_glass_pane name: ' ' back: type: redstone_block name: '&cBack to Main Menu' forwards: type: arrow name: '&7Next Page' backwards: type: arrow name: '&7Previous Page' get-confirm: title: Purchase Head head: type: player_head name: '&aPurchase %name% for $%cost%' accept: type: lime_terracotta name: '&aPurchase %name% for $%cost%' deny: type: red_terracotta name: '&cCancel Purchase' id-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' id-heads: title: '%category%' head: type: player_head name: '&7%name%' lore: - '&6Id&8: &a%id%' filler: type: black_stained_glass_pane name: ' ' back: type: redstone_block name: '&cBack to Main Menu' forwards: type: arrow name: '&7Next Page' backwards: type: arrow name: '&7Previous Page' remove-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' remove-heads: title: '%category%' head: type: player_head name: '&cRemove %name%' filler: type: black_stained_glass_pane name: ' ' back: type: redstone_block name: '&cBack to Main Menu' forwards: type: arrow name: '&7Next Page' backwards: type: arrow name: '&7Previous Page' remove-confirm: title: Remove Head head: type: player_head name: '&cRemove %name%' accept: type: lime_terracotta name: '&cRemove %name%' deny: type: red_terracotta name: '&aDont remove %name%' rename-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' rename-heads: title: '%category%' head: type: player_head name: '&aRename %name%' filler: type: black_stained_glass_pane name: ' ' back: type: redstone_block name: '&cBack to Main Menu' forwards: type: arrow name: '&7Next Page' backwards: type: arrow name: '&7Previous Page' rename-confirm: title: Rename Head head: type: player_head name: '&aRename %name% to %newname%' accept: type: lime_terracotta name: '&aRename %name% to %newname%' deny: type: red_terracotta name: '&aDont rename %name%' cost-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' cost-heads: title: '%category%' head: type: player_head name: '&aSet cost of %name%' filler: type: black_stained_glass_pane name: ' ' back: type: redstone_block name: '&cBack to Main Menu' forwards: type: arrow name: '&7Next Page' backwards: type: arrow name: '&7Previous Page' cost-confirm: title: Set cost of Head head: type: player_head name: '&aSet cost of %name%' lore: - '&7to &6%newcost%' accept: type: lime_terracotta name: '&aSet cost of %name%' lore: - '&7to &6%newcost%' deny: type: red_terracotta name: '&aDont set cost of %name%' category-cost-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&7Set cost of &6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' category-cost-confirm: title: Set cost for Category head: type: player_head name: '&aSet cost of %category%' lore: - '&7to &6%newcost%' accept: type: lime_terracotta name: '&aSet cost of %category%' lore: - '&7to &6%newcost%' deny: type: red_terracotta name: '&aDont set cost of %category%' category-cost-remove-categories: title: Categories head: type: player_head name: '&7Reset cost of &6%category%' lore: - '&e%heads% heads' category-cost-remove-confirm: title: Set cost for Category head: type: player_head name: '&aReset cost of %category%' lore: - '&7to &6%newcost%' accept: type: lime_terracotta name: '&aReset cost of %category%' lore: - '&7to &6%newcost%' deny: type: red_terracotta name: '&aDont reset cost of %category%'