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synced 2025-02-19 05:11:33 +01:00
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@ -1,80 +1,93 @@
# General Messages
general.nametag.prefix = "&7[&6EpicHoppers&7]"
general.nametag.next = "&9Next"
general.nametag.back = "&9Back"
general.nametag.nameformat = "&eLevel %level% &fHopper"
general.nametag.lore = ""
general.word.disabled = "DISABLED"
general.word.enabled = "ENABLED"
prefix: '&7[&6EpicHoppers&7]'
next: '&9Next'
back: '&9Back'
nameformat: '&eLevel %level% &fHopper'
lore: ''
disabled: DISABLED
enabled: ENABLED
# Interface Messages
interface.hopper.boostedstats = "&a&lCurrently boosted!|&7Item transfer rate multiplied by &6%amount%x&7.|&7Expires in &6%time%&7."
interface.hopper.upgradewithxp = "&aUpgrade with XP"
interface.hopper.upgradewithxplore = "&7Cost: &a%cost% Levels"
interface.hopper.upgradewitheconomy = "&aUpgrade with ECO"
interface.hopper.upgradewitheconomylore = "&7Cost: &a$%cost%"
interface.hopper.currentlevel = "&6Hopper Level &7%level%"
interface.hopper.nextlevel = "&6Next Level &7%level%"
interface.hopper.range = "&7Range: &6%range%"
interface.hopper.amount = "&7Amount: &6%amount%"
interface.hopper.teleport = "&7Teleport: &6%enabled%"
interface.hopper.filter = "&7Filter: &6%enabled%"
interface.hopper.crafting = "&7AutoCrafting: &6%enabled%"
interface.hopper.suction = "&7Suction: &6%suction%"
interface.hopper.autosell = "&7AutoSell: Every &6%seconds%s"
interface.hopper.linkamount = "&7Link Overflow: &6%amount%"
interface.hopper.blockbreak = "&7Block Break: &6Every %ticks% ticks"
interface.hopper.alreadymaxed = "&7This hopper is already maxed out!"
interface.hopper.synclore = "|&7Left-Click then click a another|&7hopper or chest to link!||&7Right-Click to unlink.|&7Currently linked to &6%amount% container(s)&7."
interface.hopper.perltitle = "&6Click to Teleport"
interface.hopper.perllore2 = "|&7Left-Click to teleport to|&7the end of the chain.||&7Right-Click to switch the|&7teleport trigger mode.|&7Currently set to: &a%type%&7."
interface.hopper.filtertitle = "&cClick to Filter"
interface.hopper.filterlore = "|&7This allows you to choose|&7which items go where."
interface.hopper.craftingtitle = "&cClick to Setup AutoCrafting"
interface.hopper.craftinglore = "|&7This allows you to choose|&7which item this hopper|&7will automatically craft."
interface.hopper.selltitle = "&6Left-Click to Toggle AutoSelling"
interface.hopper.selllore = "&6Right-Click to Toggle Notifications||&7Selling in &6%timeleft%s&7.|&7Notifications: &6%state%&7."
interface.hopper.blocktitle = "&6Click to Toggle BlockBreak"
interface.hopper.blocklore = "|&7BlockBreak is set to &6%enabled%&7."
interface.hopper.suctiontitle = "&6Suction"
interface.hopper.suctionlore = "|&7Left-Click to toggle suction |&7(&6%status%&7).||&7Right-Click to set radius |&7(&6%radius%&7)."
interface.hopper.synchopper = "&6Click to Link This hopper"
interface.hopper.rejectsync = "&6Click to Link Rejected Items"
interface.filter.infotitle = "&aFilter Guide"
interface.filter.infolore = "&7Items placed in the leftmost column|&7space will be whitelisted.||&7Items placed in the rightmost column|&7will be void.||&7Items placed in the middle column|&7will be blacklisted."
interface.filter.whitelist = "&f&lWhite List"
interface.filter.blacklist = "&8&lBlack List"
interface.filter.void = "&c&lVoid"
boostedstats: '&a&lCurrently boosted!|&7Item transfer rate multiplied by &6%amount%x&7.|&7Expires in &6%time%&7.'
upgradewithxp: '&aUpgrade with XP'
upgradewithxplore: '&7Cost: &a%cost% Levels'
upgradewitheconomy: '&aUpgrade with ECO'
upgradewitheconomylore: '&7Cost: &a$%cost%'
currentlevel: '&6Hopper Level &7%level%'
nextlevel: '&6Next Level &7%level%'
range: '&7Range: &6%range%'
amount: '&7Amount: &6%amount%'
teleport: '&7Teleport: &6%enabled%'
filter: '&7Filter: &6%enabled%'
crafting: '&7AutoCrafting: &6%enabled%'
suction: '&7Suction: &6%suction%'
autosell: '&7AutoSell: Every &6%seconds%s'
linkamount: '&7Link Overflow: &6%amount%'
blockbreak: '&7Block Break: &6Every %ticks% ticks'
alreadymaxed: '&7This hopper is already maxed out!'
synclore: '|&7Left-Click then click a another|&7hopper or chest to link!||&7Right-Click to unlink.|&7Currently linked to &6%amount% container(s)&7.'
perltitle: '&6Click to Teleport'
perllore2: '|&7Left-Click to teleport to|&7the end of the chain.||&7Right-Click to switch the|&7teleport trigger mode.|&7Currently set to: &a%type%&7.'
filtertitle: '&cClick to Filter'
filterlore: '|&7This allows you to choose|&7which items go where.'
craftingtitle: '&cClick to Setup AutoCrafting'
craftinglore: '|&7This allows you to choose|&7which item this hopper|&7will automatically craft.'
selltitle: '&6Left-Click to Toggle AutoSelling'
selllore: '&6Right-Click to Toggle Notifications||&7Selling in &6%timeleft%s&7.|&7Notifications: &6%state%&7.'
blocktitle: '&6Click to Toggle BlockBreak'
blocklore: '|&7BlockBreak is set to &6%enabled%&7.'
suctiontitle: '&6Suction'
suctionlore: '|&7Left-Click to toggle suction |&7(&6%status%&7).||&7Right-Click to set radius |&7(&6%radius%&7).'
synchopper: '&6Click to Link This hopper'
rejectsync: '&6Click to Link Rejected Items'
infotitle: '&aFilter Guide'
infolore: '&7Items placed in the leftmost column|&7space will be whitelisted.||&7Items placed in the rightmost column|&7will be void.||&7Items placed in the middle column|&7will be blacklisted.'
whitelist: '&f&lWhite List'
blacklist: '&8&lBlack List'
void: '&c&lVoid'
# Command Messages
command.give.success = "&7You have been given a &6level %level% &7Hopper."
success: '&7You have been given a &6level %level% &7Hopper.'
# Event Messages
event.general.nopermission = "&cYou do not have permission to do that."
event.upgrade.cannotafford = "&cYou cannot afford this upgrade."
event.upgrade.success = "&7You successfully upgraded this hopper to &6level %level%&7!"
event.upgrade.maxed = "&7You maxed out this hopper at &6level %level%&7."
event.inventory.noroom = "&7You do not have space in your inventory for this."
event.hopper.syncsuccess = "&aLink Successful."
event.hopper.syncsuccessmore = "&7You have &6%amount% &7more link(s) left."
event.hopper.desync = "&7You have unlinked this hopper."
event.hopper.syncnext = "&7Click another hopper or container to link."
event.hopper.syncdone = "&aYou have maxed out your links."
event.hopper.already = "&cThis hopper is already linked."
event.hopper.synctimeout = "&cLinking timed out."
event.hopper.synccanceled = "&cLinking canceled."
event.hopper.syncstart = "&7You have &6%amount% &7links available. When finished click the original hopper."
event.hopper.syncfinish = "&7Linking completed."
event.hopper.syncoutofrange = "&cThis block is out of your hoppers range."
event.hopper.syncdidnotplace = "&cSorry! You need to have placed this hopper to link things to it."
event.hopper.toomany = "&cYou can only place %amount% hoppers per chunk..."
event.hopper.walkteleenabled = "The teleport has been enabled for this hopper."
event.hopper.walkteledisabled = "Walk on teleporting has been disabled for this hopper."
event.hopper.onlyone = "&cYou may only place a single item at a time."
event.hopper.syncchest = "&7You have linked your &9%name% &7with this chest."
event.hopper.desyncchest = "&7You have unlinked your &9%name% &7with this chest."
event.hopper.autosell = "&7Your hopper sold &6%items% &7item(s) worth &6$%amount%&7."
nopermission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that.'
cannotafford: '&cYou cannot afford this upgrade.'
success: '&7You successfully upgraded this hopper to &6level %level%&7!'
maxed: '&7You maxed out this hopper at &6level %level%&7.'
noroom: '&7You do not have space in your inventory for this.'
syncsuccess: '&aLink Successful.'
syncsuccessmore: '&7You have &6%amount% &7more link(s) left.'
desync: '&7You have unlinked this hopper.'
syncnext: '&7Click another hopper or container to link.'
syncdone: '&aYou have maxed out your links.'
already: '&cThis hopper is already linked.'
synctimeout: '&cLinking timed out.'
synccanceled: '&cLinking canceled.'
syncstart: '&7You have &6%amount% &7links available. When finished click the original hopper.'
syncfinish: '&7Linking completed.'
syncoutofrange: '&cThis block is out of your hoppers range.'
syncdidnotplace: '&cSorry! You need to have placed this hopper to link things to it.'
toomany: '&cYou can only place %amount% hoppers per chunk...'
walkteleenabled: The teleport has been enabled for this hopper.
walkteledisabled: Walk on teleporting has been disabled for this hopper.
onlyone: '&cYou may only place a single item at a time.'
syncchest: '&7You have linked your &9%name% &7with this chest.'
desyncchest: '&7You have unlinked your &9%name% &7with this chest.'
autosell: '&7Your hopper sold &6%items% &7item(s) worth &6$%amount%&7.'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user