mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 13:21:34 +01:00
Merge branch 'development'
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ stages:
name: "EpicHoppers"
path: "/builds/$CI_PROJECT_PATH"
version: "4.2.10"
version: "4.3"
stage: build
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
@ -45,6 +45,12 @@
@ -73,13 +79,9 @@
@ -87,23 +89,6 @@
@ -122,9 +107,15 @@
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers;
import com.songoda.core.SongodaCore;
import com.songoda.core.SongodaPlugin;
import com.songoda.core.commands.CommandManager;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.configuration.Config;
import com.songoda.core.gui.GuiManager;
import com.songoda.core.hooks.EconomyManager;
import com.songoda.core.locale.Locale;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.boost.BoostData;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.boost.BoostManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.CommandManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.economy.Economy;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.economy.PlayerPointsEconomy;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.economy.ReserveEconomy;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.economy.VaultEconomy;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.commands.*;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.enchantment.Enchantment;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.handlers.TeleportHandler;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Filter;
@ -14,63 +18,43 @@ import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.HopperBuilder;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.HopperManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.Level;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.LevelManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.Module;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleAutoCrafting;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleAutoSell;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleBlockBreak;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleSuction;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.*;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.listeners.*;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.player.PlayerDataManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.Storage;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.StorageRow;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.types.StorageMysql;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.types.StorageYaml;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.tasks.HopTask;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.*;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.locale.Locale;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings.Setting;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings.SettingsManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.updateModules.LocaleModule;
import com.songoda.update.Plugin;
import com.songoda.update.SongodaUpdate;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.TeleportTrigger;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.*;
public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
private static CommandSender console = Bukkit.getConsoleSender();
public class EpicHoppers extends SongodaPlugin {
private static EpicHoppers INSTANCE;
private ServerVersion serverVersion = ServerVersion.fromPackageName(Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName());
private Config levelsConfig = new Config(this, "levels.yml");
public Enchantment enchantmentHandler;
private SettingsManager settingsManager;
private ConfigWrapper levelsFile = new ConfigWrapper(this, "", "levels.yml");
private Locale locale;
private final GuiManager guiManager = new GuiManager(this);
private HopperManager hopperManager;
private CommandManager commandManager;
private LevelManager levelManager;
private BoostManager boostManager;
private PlayerDataManager playerDataManager;
private Economy economy;
private TeleportHandler teleportHandler;
private Storage storage;
@ -83,42 +67,46 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
public void onPluginLoad() {
INSTANCE = this;
console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7EpicHoppers " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " by &5Songoda <3&7!"));
console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7Action: &aEnabling&7..."));
public void onPluginDisable() {
this.settingsManager = new SettingsManager(this);
public void onPluginEnable() {
// Run Songoda Updater
SongodaCore.registerPlugin(this, 22, CompatibleMaterial.HOPPER);
// Setup language
new Locale(this, "en_US");
this.locale = Locale.getLocale(getConfig().getString("System.Language Mode"));
// Load Economy
// Running Songoda Updater
Plugin plugin = new Plugin(this, 15);
plugin.addModule(new LocaleModule());
// Setup Config
this.setLocale(Settings.LANGUGE_MODE.getString(), false);
// Set Economy & Hologram preference
// Register commands
this.commandManager = new CommandManager(this);
this.commandManager.addCommand(new CommandEpicHoppers(this))
new CommandBook(this),
new CommandBoost(this),
new CommandGive(this),
new CommandReload(this),
new CommandSettings(this)
this.enchantmentHandler = new Enchantment();
this.hopperManager = new HopperManager();
this.playerDataManager = new PlayerDataManager();
this.boostManager = new BoostManager();
this.commandManager = new CommandManager(this);
PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
// Setup Economy
if (Setting.VAULT_ECONOMY.getBoolean() && pluginManager.isPluginEnabled("Vault")) {
// try to load Vault for economy
if (!((VaultEconomy) (this.economy = new VaultEconomy())).isLoaded())
this.economy = null; // vault load error
} else if (Setting.RESERVE_ECONOMY.getBoolean() && pluginManager.isPluginEnabled("Reserve"))
this.economy = new ReserveEconomy();
else if (Setting.PLAYER_POINTS_ECONOMY.getBoolean() && pluginManager.isPluginEnabled("PlayerPoints"))
this.economy = new PlayerPointsEconomy();
@ -130,6 +118,8 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
this.teleportHandler = new TeleportHandler(this);
// Register Listeners
PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
pluginManager.registerEvents(new HopperListeners(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new EntityListeners(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new BlockListeners(this), this);
@ -143,56 +133,32 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
if (pluginManager.isPluginEnabled("EpicFarming")) epicfarming = true;
// Start auto save
int saveInterval = Setting.AUTOSAVE.getInt() * 60 * 20;
int saveInterval = Settings.AUTOSAVE.getInt() * 60 * 20;
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, this::saveToFile, saveInterval, saveInterval);
// Start Metrics
new Metrics(this);
public void onDisable() {
console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7EpicHoppers " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " by &5Songoda <3!"));
console.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7Action: &cDisabling&7..."));
public void onConfigReload() {
this.setLocale(getConfig().getString("System.Language Mode"), true);
public ServerVersion getServerVersion() {
return serverVersion;
public boolean isServerVersion(ServerVersion version) {
return serverVersion == version;
public boolean isServerVersion(ServerVersion... versions) {
return ArrayUtils.contains(versions, serverVersion);
public boolean isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion version) {
return serverVersion.ordinal() >= version.ordinal();
public List<Config> getExtraConfig() {
return Collections.singletonList(levelsConfig);
private void checkStorage() {
if (getConfig().getBoolean("Database.Activate Mysql Support")) {
this.storage = new StorageMysql(this);
} else {
this.storage = new StorageYaml(this);
* Saves registered hoppers to file.
private void saveToFile() {
// double-check that we're ok to save
if(EpicHoppers.getInstance().getLevelManager() == null)
if (EpicHoppers.getInstance().getLevelManager() == null)
@ -280,6 +246,7 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
private void loadLevelManager() {
if (!new File(this.getDataFolder(), "levels.yml").exists())
this.saveResource("levels.yml", false);
// Load an instance of LevelManager
levelManager = new LevelManager();
@ -287,10 +254,10 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
* Register Levels into LevelManager from configuration.
for (String levelName : levelsFile.getConfig().getKeys(false)) {
for (String levelName : levelsConfig.getKeys(false)) {
int level = Integer.valueOf(levelName.split("-")[1]);
ConfigurationSection levels = levelsFile.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(levelName);
ConfigurationSection levels = levelsConfig.getConfigurationSection(levelName);
int radius = levels.getInt("Range");
int amount = levels.getInt("Amount");
@ -319,13 +286,6 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
public void reload() {
this.locale = Locale.getLocale(getConfig().getString("System.Language Mode"));
public ItemStack newHopperItem(Level level) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.HOPPER, 1);
ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
@ -362,18 +322,14 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
return hopperManager;
public SettingsManager getSettingsManager() {
return settingsManager;
public Economy getEconomy() {
return economy;
public PlayerDataManager getPlayerDataManager() {
return playerDataManager;
public GuiManager getGuiManager() {
return guiManager;
public boolean isLiquidtanks() {
return liquidtanks;
@ -381,5 +337,4 @@ public class EpicHoppers extends JavaPlugin {
public boolean isEpicFarming() {
return epicfarming;
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class AbstractCommand {
private final AbstractCommand parent;
private final boolean noConsole;
private String command;
private List<String> subCommand = new ArrayList<>();
protected AbstractCommand(AbstractCommand parent, boolean noConsole, String... command) {
if (parent != null) {
this.subCommand = Arrays.asList(command);
} else {
this.command = Arrays.asList(command).get(0);
this.parent = parent;
this.noConsole = noConsole;
public AbstractCommand getParent() {
return parent;
public String getCommand() {
return command;
public List<String> getSubCommand() {
return subCommand;
public void addSubCommand(String command) {
protected abstract ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args);
protected abstract List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args);
public abstract String getPermissionNode();
public abstract String getSyntax();
public abstract String getDescription();
public boolean isNoConsole() {
return noConsole;
public enum ReturnType {SUCCESS, FAILURE, SYNTAX_ERROR}
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands.*;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class CommandManager implements CommandExecutor {
private EpicHoppers instance;
private TabManager tabManager;
private List<AbstractCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>();
public CommandManager(EpicHoppers instance) {
this.instance = instance;
this.tabManager = new TabManager(this);
AbstractCommand commandEpicHoppers = addCommand(new CommandEpicHoppers());
addCommand(new CommandReload(commandEpicHoppers));
addCommand(new CommandSettings(commandEpicHoppers));
addCommand(new CommandGive(commandEpicHoppers));
addCommand(new CommandBoost(commandEpicHoppers));
addCommand(new CommandBook(commandEpicHoppers));
for (AbstractCommand abstractCommand : commands) {
if (abstractCommand.getParent() != null) continue;
private AbstractCommand addCommand(AbstractCommand abstractCommand) {
return abstractCommand;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender commandSender, Command command, String s, String[] strings) {
for (AbstractCommand abstractCommand : commands) {
if (abstractCommand.getCommand() != null && abstractCommand.getCommand().equalsIgnoreCase(command.getName().toLowerCase())) {
if (strings.length == 0) {
processRequirements(abstractCommand, commandSender, strings);
return true;
} else if (strings.length != 0 && abstractCommand.getParent() != null && abstractCommand.getParent().getCommand().equalsIgnoreCase(command.getName())) {
String cmd = strings[0];
String cmd2 = strings.length >= 2 ? String.join(" ", strings[0], strings[1]) : null;
for (String cmds : abstractCommand.getSubCommand()) {
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(cmds) || (cmd2 != null && cmd2.equalsIgnoreCase(cmds))) {
processRequirements(abstractCommand, commandSender, strings);
return true;
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&7The command you entered does not exist or is spelt incorrectly.").sendPrefixedMessage(commandSender);
return true;
private void processRequirements(AbstractCommand command, CommandSender sender, String[] strings) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player) && command.isNoConsole()) {
sender.sendMessage("You must be a player to use this commands.");
if (command.getPermissionNode() == null || sender.hasPermission(command.getPermissionNode())) {
AbstractCommand.ReturnType returnType = command.runCommand(instance, sender, strings);
if (returnType == AbstractCommand.ReturnType.SYNTAX_ERROR) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&cInvalid Syntax!").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&7The valid syntax is: &6" + command.getSyntax() + "&7.").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
public List<AbstractCommand> getCommands() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(commands);
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TabManager implements TabCompleter {
private final CommandManager commandManager;
TabManager(CommandManager commandManager) {
this.commandManager = commandManager;
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] strings) {
for (AbstractCommand abstractCommand : commandManager.getCommands()) {
if (abstractCommand.getCommand() != null && abstractCommand.getCommand().equalsIgnoreCase(command.getName().toLowerCase())) {
if (strings.length == 1) {
List<String> subs = new ArrayList<>();
for (AbstractCommand ac : commandManager.getCommands()) {
if (ac.getSubCommand() == null) continue;
subs.removeIf(s -> !s.toLowerCase().startsWith(strings[0].toLowerCase()));
return subs;
} else if (strings.length != 0 && abstractCommand.getParent() != null && abstractCommand.getParent().getCommand().equalsIgnoreCase(command.getName().toLowerCase())) {
String cmd = strings[0];
String cmd2 = strings.length >= 2 ? String.join(" ", strings[0], strings[1]) : null;
for (String cmds : abstractCommand.getSubCommand()) {
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(cmds) || (cmd2 != null && cmd2.equalsIgnoreCase(cmds))) {
List<String> list = abstractCommand.onTab(EpicHoppers.getInstance(), sender, strings);
String str = strings[strings.length - 1];
if (list != null && str != null && str.length() >= 1) {
try {
list.removeIf(s -> !s.toLowerCase().startsWith(str.toLowerCase()));
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ignored) {}
return list;
return null;
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands;
package com.songoda.epichoppers.commands;
import com.songoda.core.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -11,30 +10,33 @@ import java.util.List;
public class CommandBook extends AbstractCommand {
public CommandBook(AbstractCommand parent) {
super(parent, false, "book");
final EpicHoppers instance;
public CommandBook(EpicHoppers instance) {
super(false, "book");
this.instance = instance;
protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length == 1) {
protected ReturnType runCommand(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
((Player) sender).getInventory().addItem(instance.enchantmentHandler.getbook());
return ReturnType.SUCCESS;
} else if (Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[1]) == null) {
} else if (Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[0]) == null) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&cThat username does not exist, or the user is not online!")
return ReturnType.FAILURE;
} else {
return ReturnType.SUCCESS;
return ReturnType.FAILURE;
protected List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
protected List<String> onTab(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
return null;
@ -1,36 +1,41 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands;
package com.songoda.epichoppers.commands;
import com.songoda.core.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.boost.BoostData;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class CommandBoost extends AbstractCommand {
public CommandBoost(AbstractCommand parent) {
super(parent, false, "boost");
final EpicHoppers instance;
public CommandBoost(EpicHoppers instance) {
super(false, "boost");
this.instance = instance;
protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length < 3) {
protected ReturnType runCommand(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length < 2) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&7Syntax error...").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.SYNTAX_ERROR;
if (!Methods.isInt(args[2])) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&6" + args[2] + " &7is not a number...").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
if (!Methods.isInt(args[1])) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&6" + args[1] + " &7is not a number...").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.SYNTAX_ERROR;
long duration = 0L;
if (args.length > 3) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args.length > 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String line = args[i];
long time = Methods.parseTime(line);
duration += time;
@ -38,30 +43,30 @@ public class CommandBoost extends AbstractCommand {
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]);
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if (player == null) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&cThat player does not exist or is not online...").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.FAILURE;
BoostData boostData = new BoostData(Integer.parseInt(args[2]), duration == 0L ? Long.MAX_VALUE : System.currentTimeMillis() + duration, player.getUniqueId());
BoostData boostData = new BoostData(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), duration == 0L ? Long.MAX_VALUE : System.currentTimeMillis() + duration, player.getUniqueId());
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&7Successfully boosted &6" + Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]).getName()
+ "'s &7hopper transfer rates by &6" + args[2] + "x" + (duration == 0L ? "" : (" for " + Methods.makeReadable(duration))) + "&7.").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&7Successfully boosted &6" + Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]).getName()
+ "'s &7hopper transfer rates by &6" + args[1] + "x" + (duration == 0L ? "" : (" for " + Methods.makeReadable(duration))) + "&7.").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.SUCCESS;
protected List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length == 2) {
protected List<String> onTab(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length == 1) {
List<String> players = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
return players;
} else if (args.length == 3) {
} else if (args.length == 2) {
return Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
} else if (args.length == 4) {
} else if (args.length == 3) {
return Arrays.asList("1m", "1h", "1d");
return null;
@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands;
package com.songoda.epichoppers.commands;
import com.songoda.core.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.List;
public class CommandEpicHoppers extends AbstractCommand {
public CommandEpicHoppers() {
super(null, false, "EpicHoppers");
final EpicHoppers instance;
public CommandEpicHoppers(EpicHoppers instance) {
super(false, "EpicHoppers");
this.instance = instance;
protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
protected AbstractCommand.ReturnType runCommand(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&7Version " + instance.getDescription().getVersion()
+ " Created with <3 by &5&l&oSongoda").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
for (AbstractCommand command : instance.getCommandManager().getCommands()) {
for (AbstractCommand command : instance.getCommandManager().getAllCommands()) {
if (command.getPermissionNode() == null || sender.hasPermission(command.getPermissionNode())) {
sender.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&8 - &a" + command.getSyntax() + "&7 - " + command.getDescription()));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', "&8 - &a" + command.getSyntax() + "&7 - " + command.getDescription()));
@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ public class CommandEpicHoppers extends AbstractCommand {
protected List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
protected List<String> onTab(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
return null;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands;
package com.songoda.epichoppers.commands;
import com.songoda.core.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.Level;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -13,36 +13,39 @@ import java.util.List;
public class CommandGive extends AbstractCommand {
public CommandGive(AbstractCommand parent) {
super(parent, false, "give");
final EpicHoppers instance;
public CommandGive(EpicHoppers instance) {
super(false, "give");
this.instance = instance;
protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length <= 2) {
protected ReturnType runCommand(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length <= 1) {
return ReturnType.SYNTAX_ERROR;
if (Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[1]) == null) {
if (Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[0]) == null) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&cThat username does not exist, or the user is not online!").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.FAILURE;
Level level = instance.getLevelManager().getLowestLevel();
Player player;
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]) == null) {
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]) == null) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&cThat player does not exist or is currently offline.").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.FAILURE;
} else {
player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]);
player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if (!instance.getLevelManager().isLevel(Integer.parseInt(args[2]))) {
if (!instance.getLevelManager().isLevel(Integer.parseInt(args[1]))) {
instance.getLocale().newMessage("&cNot a valid level... The current valid levels are: &4" + level.getLevel() + "-" + instance.getLevelManager().getHighestLevel().getLevel() + "&c.")
return ReturnType.FAILURE;
} else {
level = instance.getLevelManager().getLevel(Integer.parseInt(args[2]));
level = instance.getLevelManager().getLevel(Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
instance.getLocale().getMessage("command.give.success").processPlaceholder("level", level.getLevel()).sendPrefixedMessage(player);
@ -51,14 +54,14 @@ public class CommandGive extends AbstractCommand {
protected List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length == 2) {
protected List<String> onTab(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
if (args.length == 1) {
List<String> players = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
return players;
} else if (args.length == 3) {
} else if (args.length == 2) {
return Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
return null;
@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands;
package com.songoda.epichoppers.commands;
import com.songoda.core.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.List;
public class CommandReload extends AbstractCommand {
public CommandReload(AbstractCommand parent) {
super(parent, false, "reload");
final EpicHoppers instance;
public CommandReload(EpicHoppers instance) {
super(false, "reload");
this.instance = instance;
protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
protected ReturnType runCommand(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
instance.getLocale().getMessage("&7Configuration and Language files reloaded.").sendPrefixedMessage(sender);
return ReturnType.SUCCESS;
protected List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
protected List<String> onTab(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
return null;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.command.commands;
package com.songoda.epichoppers.commands;
import com.songoda.core.commands.AbstractCommand;
import com.songoda.core.configuration.editor.PluginConfigGui;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.command.AbstractCommand;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -9,19 +10,22 @@ import java.util.List;
public class CommandSettings extends AbstractCommand {
public CommandSettings(AbstractCommand parent) {
super(parent, true, "settings");
final EpicHoppers instance;
public CommandSettings(EpicHoppers instance) {
super(true, "settings");
this.instance = instance;
protected ReturnType runCommand(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
protected ReturnType runCommand(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
instance.getGuiManager().showGUI((Player) sender, new PluginConfigGui(instance));
return ReturnType.SUCCESS;
protected List<String> onTab(EpicHoppers instance, CommandSender sender, String... args) {
protected List<String> onTab(CommandSender sender, String... args) {
return null;
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.economy;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
public interface Economy {
boolean hasBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost);
boolean withdrawBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost);
boolean deposit(OfflinePlayer player, double amount);
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.economy;
import org.black_ixx.playerpoints.PlayerPoints;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
public class PlayerPointsEconomy implements Economy {
private final PlayerPoints playerPoints;
public PlayerPointsEconomy() {
this.playerPoints = (PlayerPoints) Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlayerPoints");
private int convertAmount(double amount) {
return (int) Math.ceil(amount);
public boolean hasBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost) {
int amount = convertAmount(cost);
return playerPoints.getAPI().look(player.getUniqueId()) >= amount;
public boolean withdrawBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost) {
int amount = convertAmount(cost);
return playerPoints.getAPI().take(player.getUniqueId(), amount);
public boolean deposit(OfflinePlayer player, double amount) {
int amt = convertAmount(amount);
return playerPoints.getAPI().give(player.getUniqueId(), amt);
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.economy;
import net.tnemc.core.Reserve;
import net.tnemc.core.economy.EconomyAPI;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class ReserveEconomy implements Economy {
EconomyAPI economyAPI;
public ReserveEconomy() {
if (Reserve.instance().economyProvided())
economyAPI = Reserve.instance().economy();
public boolean hasBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost) {
return economyAPI.hasHoldings(player.getUniqueId(), new BigDecimal(cost));
public boolean withdrawBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost) {
return economyAPI.removeHoldings(player.getUniqueId(), new BigDecimal(cost));
public boolean deposit(OfflinePlayer player, double amount) {
return economyAPI.addHoldings(player.getUniqueId(), new BigDecimal(amount));
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.economy;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
public class VaultEconomy implements Economy {
private final net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy vault;
public VaultEconomy() {
// separate this out to weed out some conflicts in 1.8
RegisteredServiceProvider rsp = Bukkit.getServicesManager().
this.vault = (net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy) (rsp == null ? null : rsp.getProvider());
public boolean isLoaded() {
return vault != null;
public boolean hasBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost) {
return vault != null && vault.has(player, cost);
public boolean withdrawBalance(OfflinePlayer player, double cost) {
return vault != null && vault.withdrawPlayer(player, cost).transactionSuccess();
public boolean deposit(OfflinePlayer player, double amount) {
return vault != null && vault.depositPlayer(player, amount).transactionSuccess();
@ -1,65 +1,37 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.gui;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.core.gui.Gui;
import com.songoda.core.gui.GuiUtils;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleAutoCrafting;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui.AbstractGUI;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui.Range;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public class GUICrafting extends AbstractGUI {
public class GUICrafting extends Gui {
private final EpicHoppers plugin;
private final Hopper hopper;
private final ModuleAutoCrafting module;
public GUICrafting(ModuleAutoCrafting module, Hopper hopper, Player player) {
setTitle(Methods.formatName(hopper.getLevel().getLevel(), false) + Methods.formatText(" &8-&f Crafting"));
setOnClose((event) -> module.setAutoCrafting(hopper, player, inventory.getItem(13)));
public GUICrafting(EpicHoppers plugin, ModuleAutoCrafting autoCrafting, Hopper hopper, Player player) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.hopper = hopper;
this.module = autoCrafting;
ItemStack glass1 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_1.getMaterial());
ItemStack glass2 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_2.getMaterial());
ItemStack glass3 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_3.getMaterial());
init(Methods.formatName(hopper.getLevel().getLevel(), false) + " &8-&f Crafting", 27);
protected void constructGUI() {
int nu = 0;
while (nu != 27) {
inventory.setItem(nu, Methods.getGlass());
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 0, true, true, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 1, true, true, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 2, true, true, glass3);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 1, 0, false, true, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 1, 1, false, true, glass3);
inventory.setItem(0, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(1, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(2, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(6, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(7, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(8, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(9, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(10, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(16, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(17, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(18, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(19, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(20, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(24, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(25, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(26, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
setButton(13, module.getAutoCrafting(hopper),
(event) -> module.setAutoCrafting(hopper, player, inventory.getItem(13)));
inventory.setItem(13, module.getAutoCrafting(hopper));
addDraggable(new Range(13, 13, null, false), true);
protected void registerClickables() {
protected void registerOnCloses() {
registerOnClose(((player, inventory) ->
module.setAutoCrafting(hopper, player, inventory.getItem(13))));
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.gui;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.gui.Gui;
import com.songoda.core.gui.GuiUtils;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Filter;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.player.SyncType;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui.AbstractGUI;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui.Range;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -18,74 +19,67 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class GUIFilter extends AbstractGUI {
public class GUIFilter extends Gui {
private final EpicHoppers plugin;
private final Hopper hopper;
public GUIFilter(EpicHoppers plugin, Hopper hopper, Player player) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.hopper = hopper;
init(Methods.formatText(Methods.formatName(hopper.getLevel().getLevel(), false) + " &8-&f Filter"), 54);
setTitle(Methods.formatText(Methods.formatName(hopper.getLevel().getLevel(), false) + " &8-&f Filter"));
protected void constructGUI() {
setOnClose((event) -> compile());
Filter filter = hopper.getFilter();
inventory.setItem(6, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(7, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(8, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(15, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(17, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(24, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(25, Methods.getGlass());
inventory.setItem(26, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(33, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(34, Methods.getGlass());
inventory.setItem(35, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(42, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(44, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(51, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(52, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(53, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
ItemStack glass1 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_1.getMaterial());
ItemStack glass2 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_2.getMaterial());
ItemStack it = new ItemStack(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE : Material.valueOf("STAINED_GLASS_PANE"), 1);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 6, true, false, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 7, true, false, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 8, true, false, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 1, 6, true, false, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 1, 8, true, false, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 2, 6, true, false, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 2, 7, true, false, glass1);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 2, 8, true, false, glass2);
ItemStack it = CompatibleMaterial.WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE.getItem();
ItemMeta itm = it.getItemMeta();
int[] whiteSlots = {0, 1, 45, 46};
for (int nu : whiteSlots) {
inventory.setItem(nu, it);
setItem(nu, it);
int[] awhite = {9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36, 37};
int num = 0;
for (ItemStack m : filter.getWhiteList()) {
if (num >= filter.getWhiteList().size()) break;
inventory.setItem(awhite[num], new ItemStack(m));
setItem(awhite[num], new ItemStack(m));
it = new ItemStack(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE : Material.valueOf("STAINED_GLASS_PANE"), 1, (short) 15);
it = CompatibleMaterial.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE.getItem();
itm = it.getItemMeta();
int[] blackSlots = {2, 3, 47, 48};
for (int nu : blackSlots) {
inventory.setItem(nu, it);
setItem(nu, it);
int[] ablack = {11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30, 38, 39};
num = 0;
for (ItemStack m : filter.getBlackList()) {
if (num >= filter.getBlackList().size()) break;
inventory.setItem(ablack[num], new ItemStack(m));
setItem(ablack[num], new ItemStack(m));
@ -96,14 +90,14 @@ public class GUIFilter extends AbstractGUI {
int[] avoid = {4, 5, 49, 50};
for (int nu : avoid) {
inventory.setItem(nu, it);
setItem(nu, it);
int[] voidSlots = {13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 40, 41};
num = 0;
for (ItemStack m : filter.getVoidList()) {
if (num >= filter.getVoidList().size()) break;
inventory.setItem(voidSlots[num], new ItemStack(m));
setItem(voidSlots[num], new ItemStack(m));
@ -118,7 +112,7 @@ public class GUIFilter extends AbstractGUI {
inventory.setItem(16, itemInfo);
setItem(16, itemInfo);
ItemStack hook = new ItemStack(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK, 1);
@ -133,18 +127,9 @@ public class GUIFilter extends AbstractGUI {
inventory.setItem(43, hook);
addDraggable(new Range(9, 14, null, false), true);
addDraggable(new Range(18, 23, null, false), true);
addDraggable(new Range(27, 32, null, false), true);
addDraggable(new Range(36, 41, null, false), true);
protected void registerClickables() {
registerClickable(43, ((player, inventory, cursor, slot, type) -> {
if (type == ClickType.RIGHT) {
setButton(43, hook,
(event) -> {
if (event.clickType == ClickType.RIGHT) {
} else {
@ -153,12 +138,17 @@ public class GUIFilter extends AbstractGUI {
setUnlockedRange(9, 14);
setUnlockedRange(18, 23);
setUnlockedRange(27, 32);
setUnlockedRange(36, 41);
private void compile(Player p) {
ItemStack[] items = p.getOpenInventory().getTopInventory().getContents();
private void compile() {
ItemStack[] items = inventory.getContents();
Filter filter = hopper.getFilter();
@ -212,9 +202,4 @@ public class GUIFilter extends AbstractGUI {
protected void registerOnCloses() {
registerOnClose(((player, inventory) -> compile(player)));
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.gui;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.core.gui.Gui;
import com.songoda.core.gui.GuiUtils;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.boost.BoostData;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.Level;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.Module;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.player.SyncType;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.CostType;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.TeleportTrigger;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui.AbstractGUI;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -24,28 +27,38 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class GUIOverview extends AbstractGUI {
public class GUIOverview extends Gui {
private final EpicHoppers plugin;
private final Hopper hopper;
private final Player player;
private int task;
public GUIOverview(EpicHoppers plugin, Hopper hopper, Player player) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.hopper = hopper;
this.player = player;
init(Methods.formatName(hopper.getLevel().getLevel(), false), 27);
setTitle(Methods.formatName(hopper.getLevel().getLevel(), false));
this.setOnClose(action -> Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(task));
protected void constructGUI() {
private void constructGUI() {
ItemStack glass1 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_1.getMaterial());
ItemStack glass2 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_2.getMaterial());
ItemStack glass3 = GuiUtils.getBorderItem(Settings.GLASS_TYPE_3.getMaterial());
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 0, true, true, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 1, true, true, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 0, 2, true, true, glass3);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 1, 0, false, true, glass2);
GuiUtils.mirrorFill(this, 1, 1, false, true, glass3);
@ -67,7 +80,7 @@ public class GUIOverview extends AbstractGUI {
ItemStack filter = new ItemStack(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.COMPARATOR : Material.valueOf("REDSTONE_COMPARATOR"), 1);
ItemStack filter = new ItemStack(ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.COMPARATOR : Material.valueOf("REDSTONE_COMPARATOR"), 1);
ItemMeta filtermeta = filter.getItemMeta();
ArrayList<String> lorefilter = new ArrayList<>();
@ -85,7 +98,8 @@ public class GUIOverview extends AbstractGUI {
List<String> lore = level.getDescription();
if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("Main.Allow hopper Upgrading")) {
if (nextLevel == null) lore.add(plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.alreadymaxed").getMessage());
if (nextLevel == null)
else {
lore.add(plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.nextlevel").processPlaceholder("level", nextLevel.getLevel()).getMessage());
@ -119,12 +133,6 @@ public class GUIOverview extends AbstractGUI {
int nu = 0;
while (nu != 27) {
inventory.setItem(nu, Methods.getGlass());
Map<Integer, Integer[]> layouts = new HashMap<>();
layouts.put(1, new Integer[]{22});
layouts.put(2, new Integer[]{22, 4});
@ -153,114 +161,27 @@ public class GUIOverview extends AbstractGUI {
int slot = layout[ii];
if (ii == 0) {
inventory.setItem(slot, hook);
} else if (canTeleport) {
inventory.setItem(slot, perl);
canTeleport = false;
} else if (canFilter) {
inventory.setItem(slot, filter);
canFilter = false;
setButton(slot, hook,
(event) -> {
if (event.clickType == ClickType.RIGHT) {
} else {
if (modules.isEmpty()) break;
Module module = modules.get(0);
inventory.setItem(slot, module.getGUIButton(hopper));
if (hopper.getLastPlayerOpened() != null && !hopper.getLastPlayerOpened().equals(player.getUniqueId())) {
if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("Main.Allow hopper Upgrading")) {
ItemStack itemXP = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(plugin.getConfig().getString("Interfaces.XP Icon")), 1);
ItemMeta itemmetaXP = itemXP.getItemMeta();
ArrayList<String> loreXP = new ArrayList<>();
if (nextLevel != null)
.processPlaceholder("cost", nextLevel.getCostExperience()).getMessage());
ItemStack itemECO = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(plugin.getConfig().getString("Interfaces.Economy Icon")), 1);
ItemMeta itemmetaECO = itemECO.getItemMeta();
ArrayList<String> loreECO = new ArrayList<>();
if (nextLevel != null)
.processPlaceholder("cost", Methods.formatEconomy(nextLevel.getCostEconomy()))
if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("Main.Upgrade With XP")
&& player.hasPermission("EpicHoppers.Upgrade.XP")
&& level.getCostExperience() != -1) {
inventory.setItem(11, itemXP);
registerClickable(11, ((player, inventory, cursor, slot, type) -> {
hopper.upgrade(player, CostType.EXPERIENCE);
if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("Main.Upgrade With Economy")
&& player.hasPermission("EpicHoppers.Upgrade.ECO")
&& level.getCostEconomy() != -1) {
inventory.setItem(15, itemECO);
registerClickable(15, ((player, inventory, cursor, slot, type) -> {
hopper.upgrade(player, CostType.ECONOMY);
inventory.setItem(13, item);
inventory.setItem(0, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(1, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(2, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(6, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(7, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(8, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(9, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(10, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(16, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(17, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(18, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(19, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(20, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(24, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(false));
inventory.setItem(25, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
inventory.setItem(26, Methods.getBackgroundGlass(true));
private void runTask() {
task = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, this::constructGUI, 5L, 5L);
protected void registerClickables() {
registerClickable(3, 23, ((player, inventory, cursor, slot, type) -> {
for (Module module : hopper.getLevel().getRegisteredModules()) {
if (module.getGUIButton(hopper) != null && !module.getGUIButton(hopper).getItemMeta()
module.runButtonPress(player, hopper, type);
if (inventory.getItem(slot).getItemMeta()
.getDisplayName().equals(plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.filtertitle").getMessage())) {
new GUIFilter(plugin, hopper, player);
} else if (inventory.getItem(slot).getItemMeta()
.getDisplayName().equals(plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.perltitle").getMessage())) {
if (type == ClickType.LEFT) {
} else if (canTeleport) {
setButton(slot, perl,
(event) -> {
if (event.clickType == ClickType.LEFT) {
if (hopper.getLinkedBlocks() != null) {
plugin.getTeleportHandler().tpEntity(player, hopper);
@ -275,28 +196,60 @@ public class GUIOverview extends AbstractGUI {
} else if (inventory.getItem(slot).getItemMeta()
.getDisplayName().equals(plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.synchopper").getMessage())) {
if (type == ClickType.RIGHT) {
canTeleport = false;
} else if (canFilter) {
setButton(slot, filter,
(event) -> guiManager.showGUI(player, new GUIFilter(plugin, hopper, player)));
canFilter = false;
} else {
if (hopper.getLastPlayerOpened() != null && !hopper.getLastPlayerOpened().equals(player.getUniqueId())) {
if (modules.isEmpty()) break;
Module module = modules.get(0);
setButton(slot, module.getGUIButton(hopper),
(event) -> module.runButtonPress(player, hopper, event.clickType));
protected void registerOnCloses() {
registerOnClose(((player1, inventory1) -> Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(task)));
if (Settings.HOPPER_UPGRADING.getBoolean()) {
if (Settings.UPGRADE_WITH_XP.getBoolean()
&& level.getCostExperience() != -1
&& player.hasPermission("EpicHoppers.Upgrade.XP")) {
setButton(1, 2, GuiUtils.createButtonItem(
nextLevel != null
? plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.upgradewithxplore")
.processPlaceholder("cost", nextLevel.getCostExperience()).getMessage()
: plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.alreadymaxed").getMessage()),
(event) -> {
hopper.upgrade(player, CostType.EXPERIENCE);
hopper.overview(guiManager, player);
if (Settings.UPGRADE_WITH_ECONOMY.getBoolean()
&& level.getCostEconomy() != -1
&& player.hasPermission("EpicHoppers.Upgrade.ECO")) {
setButton(1, 6, GuiUtils.createButtonItem(
nextLevel != null
? plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.upgradewitheconomylore")
.processPlaceholder("cost", Methods.formatEconomy(nextLevel.getCostEconomy())).getMessage()
: plugin.getLocale().getMessage("interface.hopper.alreadymaxed").getMessage()),
(event) -> {
hopper.upgrade(player, CostType.ECONOMY);
hopper.overview(guiManager, player);
setItem(13, item);
private void runTask() {
task = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, this::constructGUI, 5L, 5L);
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.handlers;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.TeleportTrigger;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ public class TeleportHandler {
* Recursively gets the next hopper in the linked hopper chain
* @param lastHopper The previous hopper found in the chain
* @param currentChainLength The current length of the chain, used to cap the search length
* @return The hopper at the end of the chain (or up to 15 in depth)
@ -98,14 +99,14 @@ public class TeleportHandler {
if (this.instance.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12)) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12)) {
Methods.doParticles(entity, location);
Methods.doParticles(entity, entity.getLocation().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation());
if (this.instance.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12))
entity.getWorld().playSound(entity.getLocation(), this.instance.isServerVersion(ServerVersion.V1_12) ? Sound.valueOf("ENTITY_ENDERMEN_TELEPORT") : Sound.ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 10, 10);
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12))
entity.getWorld().playSound(entity.getLocation(), ServerVersion.isServerVersion(ServerVersion.V1_12) ? Sound.valueOf("ENTITY_ENDERMEN_TELEPORT") : Sound.ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 10, 10);
@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.core.gui.GuiManager;
import com.songoda.core.hooks.EconomyManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.gui.GUIOverview;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.Level;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.player.PlayerData;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.CostType;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.TeleportTrigger;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.*;
* Created by songoda on 3/14/2017.
@ -42,7 +36,7 @@ public class Hopper {
this.location = location;
public void overview(Player player) {
public void overview(GuiManager guiManager, Player player) {
if (lastPlayerOpened != null
&& lastPlayerOpened != player.getUniqueId()
&& Bukkit.getPlayer(lastPlayerOpened) != null) {
@ -52,7 +46,7 @@ public class Hopper {
EpicHoppers instance = EpicHoppers.getInstance();
if (!player.hasPermission("epichoppers.overview")) return;
new GUIOverview(instance, this, player);
guiManager.showGUI(player, new GUIOverview(instance, this, player));
public void upgrade(Player player, CostType type) {
@ -63,15 +57,15 @@ public class Hopper {
int cost = type == CostType.ECONOMY ? level.getCostEconomy() : level.getCostExperience();
if (type == CostType.ECONOMY) {
if (plugin.getEconomy() == null) {
if (!EconomyManager.isEnabled()) {
player.sendMessage("Economy not enabled.");
if (!plugin.getEconomy().hasBalance(player, cost)) {
if (!EconomyManager.hasBalance(player, cost)) {
plugin.getEconomy().withdrawBalance(player, cost);
EconomyManager.withdrawBalance(player, cost);
upgradeFinal(level, player);
} else if (type == CostType.EXPERIENCE) {
if (player.getLevel() >= cost || player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE) {
@ -98,7 +92,7 @@ public class Hopper {
Location loc = location.clone().add(.5, .5, .5);
if (!plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12)) return;
if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12)) return;
player.getWorld().spawnParticle(org.bukkit.Particle.valueOf(plugin.getConfig().getString("Main.Upgrade Particle Type")), loc, 200, .5, .5, .5);
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ public class Hopper {
} else {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP, 2F, 25.0F);
if (!plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)) return;
if (!ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)) return;
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_CHIME, 2F, 25.0F);
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, () -> player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_CHIME, 1.2F, 35.0F), 5L);
@ -117,7 +111,7 @@ public class Hopper {
private void syncName() {
org.bukkit.block.Hopper hopper = (org.bukkit.block.Hopper) location.getBlock().getState();
if (EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_10))
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_10))
hopper.setCustomName(Methods.formatName(level.getLevel(), false));
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules;
import com.songoda.core.configuration.Config;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ConfigWrapper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.StorageContainerCache;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -17,15 +17,19 @@ import java.util.Map;
public abstract class Module {
private static final Map<String, ConfigWrapper> configs = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<String, Config> configs = new HashMap<>();
protected final EpicHoppers plugin;
private final ConfigWrapper config;
private final Config config;
public Module(EpicHoppers plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
if (!configs.containsKey(getName()))
configs.put(getName(), new ConfigWrapper(plugin, File.separator + "modules", getName() + ".yml"));
if (!configs.containsKey(getName())) {
Config config = new Config(plugin, File.separator + "modules", getName() + ".yml");
configs.put(getName(), config);
this.config = configs.get(getName());
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ public abstract class Module {
public void saveData(Hopper hopper, String setting, Object value, Object toCache) {
config.getConfig().set("data." + Methods.serializeLocation(hopper.getLocation()) + "." + setting, value);
config.set("data." + Methods.serializeLocation(hopper.getLocation()) + "." + setting, value);
modifyDataCache(hopper, setting, toCache);
@ -59,17 +63,17 @@ public abstract class Module {
if (hopper.isDataCachedInModuleCache(cacheStr))
return hopper.getDataFromModuleCache(cacheStr);
Object data = config.getConfig().get("data." + Methods.serializeLocation(hopper.getLocation()) + "." + setting);
Object data = config.get("data." + Methods.serializeLocation(hopper.getLocation()) + "." + setting);
modifyDataCache(hopper, setting, data);
return data;
public void clearData(Hopper hopper) {
config.getConfig().set("data." + Methods.serializeLocation(hopper.getLocation()), null);
config.set("data." + Methods.serializeLocation(hopper.getLocation()), null);
public void saveDataToFile() {
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.gui.GUICrafting;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.StorageContainerCache;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings.Setting;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -17,12 +17,7 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
@ -35,7 +30,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
public ModuleAutoCrafting(EpicHoppers plugin) {
crafterEjection = Setting.AUTOCRAFT_JAM_EJECT.getBoolean();
crafterEjection = Settings.AUTOCRAFT_JAM_EJECT.getBoolean();
@ -50,9 +45,9 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
// jam check: is this hopper gummed up?
if(crafterEjection) {
if (crafterEjection) {
final List<Material> allMaterials = getRecipes(toCraft).getAllMaterials();
if (Stream.of(hopperCache.cachedInventory)
.allMatch(item -> item != null && allMaterials.stream().anyMatch(mat -> mat == item.getType()))) {
// Crafter can't function if there's nowhere to put the output
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ -68,7 +63,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
for (SimpleRecipe recipe : getRecipes(toCraft).recipes) {
// Do we have enough to craft this recipe?
for(ItemStack item : recipe.recipe) {
for (ItemStack item : recipe.recipe) {
int amountHave = 0;
for (ItemStack hopperItem : hopperCache.cachedInventory) {
if (hopperItem != null && Methods.isSimilarMaterial(hopperItem, item))
@ -86,7 +81,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
// We're good! Remove the items used to craft!
for(ItemStack item : recipe.recipe) {
for (ItemStack item : recipe.recipe) {
@ -94,7 +89,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
public ItemStack getGUIButton(Hopper hopper) {
ItemStack crafting = new ItemStack(EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.CRAFTING_TABLE : Material.valueOf("WORKBENCH"), 1);
ItemStack crafting = CompatibleMaterial.CRAFTING_TABLE.getItem();
ItemMeta craftingmeta = crafting.getItemMeta();
@ -111,7 +106,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
public void runButtonPress(Player player, Hopper hopper, ClickType type) {
new GUICrafting(EpicHoppers.getInstance(), this, hopper, player);
EpicHoppers.getInstance().getGuiManager().showGUI(player, new GUICrafting(this, hopper, player));
@ -151,7 +146,8 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
ItemStack stack = recipe.getResult();
if (Methods.isSimilarMaterial(stack, toCraft))
} catch (Throwable ignored) {}
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
@ -167,7 +163,8 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
if (!fromLog) {
Material log = Material.getMaterial(toType.substring(0, toType.length() - 6) + "LOG");
if(log != null) recipes.addRecipe(Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(log)), new ItemStack(toCraft.getType(), 4));
if (log != null)
recipes.addRecipe(Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(log)), new ItemStack(toCraft.getType(), 4));
@ -234,7 +231,8 @@ public class ModuleAutoCrafting extends Module {
public void addRecipe(Recipe recipe) {
if (recipe instanceof ShapelessRecipe) {
addRecipe(((ShapelessRecipe) recipe).getIngredientList(), recipe.getResult());;
addRecipe(((ShapelessRecipe) recipe).getIngredientList(), recipe.getResult());
} else if (recipe instanceof ShapedRecipe) {
addRecipe(new ArrayList<>(((ShapedRecipe) recipe).getIngredientMap().values()), recipe.getResult());
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.hooks.EconomyManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.StorageContainerCache;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings.Setting;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoSell extends Module {
public ModuleAutoSell(EpicHoppers plugin, int timeOut) {
this.timeOut = timeOut * 20;
this.hopperTickRate = Setting.HOP_TICKS.getInt();
this.hopperTickRate = Settings.HOP_TICKS.getInt();
if (cachedSellPrices == null)
cachedSellPrices = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Main.AutoSell Prices");
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoSell extends Module {
int amountSold = 0;
double totalValue = 0;
if (plugin.getEconomy() == null) return;
if (!EconomyManager.isEnabled()) return;
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(hopper.getPlacedBy());
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoSell extends Module {
if (itemStack == null) continue;
double value;
if (Setting.AUTOSELL_SHOPGUIPLUS.getBoolean() && player.isOnline()) {
if (Settings.AUTOSELL_SHOPGUIPLUS.getBoolean() && player.isOnline()) {
try {
ItemStack clone = itemStack.clone();
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoSell extends Module {
if (totalValue != 0)
plugin.getEconomy().deposit(player, totalValue);
EconomyManager.deposit(player, totalValue);
if (totalValue != 0 && player.isOnline() && isNotifying(hopper)) {
.processPlaceholder("items", amountSold)
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ public class ModuleAutoSell extends Module {
public ItemStack getGUIButton(Hopper hopper) {
ItemStack sell = new ItemStack(EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.SUNFLOWER : Material.valueOf("DOUBLE_PLANT"), 1);
ItemStack sell = CompatibleMaterial.SUNFLOWER.getItem();
ItemMeta sellmeta = sell.getItemMeta();
ArrayList<String> loreSell = new ArrayList<>();
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.StorageContainerCache;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class ModuleBlockBreak extends Module {
if (cachedBlacklistTypes.isEmpty()) {
cachedBlacklistTypes.addAll(plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Main.BlockBreak Blacklisted Blocks"));
if (plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9) && cachedParticleEffectType == null) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9) && cachedParticleEffectType == null) {
try {
cachedParticleEffectType = Particle.valueOf(plugin.getConfig().getString("Main.BlockBreak Particle Type"));
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class ModuleBlockBreak extends Module {
// don't try to break stuff if we can't grab stuff
// (for simplicity, just assume that no empty slots mean there's a good chance we won't be able to pick something new up)
if (Stream.of(hopperCache.cachedInventory)
.allMatch(item -> item != null && item.getAmount() > 0))
@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ public class ModuleBlockBreak extends Module {
// Let's break the block!
if (plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9))
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9))
above.getWorld().playSound(above.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_STONE_BREAK, 1F, 1F);
Location locationAbove = above.getLocation();
locationAbove.add(.5, .5, .5);
// fancy break particle effects :}
if (plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) {
float xx = (float) (0 + (Math.random() * .5));
float yy = (float) (0 + (Math.random() * .5));
float zz = (float) (0 + (Math.random() * .5));
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ public class ModuleBlockBreak extends Module {
boolean waterlogged = false;
if (plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)
&& above.getBlockData() instanceof org.bukkit.block.data.Waterlogged
&& ((org.bukkit.block.data.Waterlogged)above.getBlockData()).isWaterlogged()) {
&& ((org.bukkit.block.data.Waterlogged) above.getBlockData()).isWaterlogged()) {
waterlogged = true;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules;
import com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.WildStackerAPI;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.StorageContainerCache;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ public class ModuleSuction extends Module {
private final static boolean ultimateStacker = Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("UltimateStacker");
private static boolean oldUltimateStacker;
private static Method oldUltimateStacker_updateItemAmount;
static {
if (ultimateStacker) {
try {
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ public class ModuleSuction extends Module {
() -> blacklist.remove(item.getUniqueId()), 10L);
if (EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) {
float xx = (float) (0 + (Math.random() * .1));
float yy = (float) (0 + (Math.random() * .1));
float zz = (float) (0 + (Math.random() * .1));
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.listeners;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.HopperBuilder;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.Level;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class BlockListeners implements Listener {
if (location.getBlock().getType() != Material.CHEST) return;
if (event.getBlock().getType().name().contains("SHULKER")
|| (instance.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? event.getBlock().getType() == Material.SPAWNER : event.getBlock().getType() == Material.valueOf("MOB_SPAWNER"))
|| (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? event.getBlock().getType() == Material.SPAWNER : event.getBlock().getType() == Material.valueOf("MOB_SPAWNER"))
|| event.getBlock().getType() == Material.HOPPER
|| event.getBlock().getType() == Material.DISPENSER) {
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class BlockListeners implements Listener {
if (instance.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12)) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_12)) {
@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.listeners;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.Module;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleAutoCrafting;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.HopperDirection;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Chest;
import org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest;
import org.bukkit.entity.Minecart;
import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.HopperMinecart;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
@ -45,11 +42,11 @@ public class HopperListeners implements Listener {
// Let EpicHoppers take over if the hopper is pointing down though
if (destination.getHolder() instanceof HopperMinecart
&& source.getHolder() instanceof org.bukkit.block.Hopper
&& HopperDirection.getDirection(((org.bukkit.block.Hopper)source.getHolder()).getRawData()) != HopperDirection.DOWN)
&& HopperDirection.getDirection(((org.bukkit.block.Hopper) source.getHolder()).getRawData()) != HopperDirection.DOWN)
// Shulker boxes have a mind of their own and relentlessly steal items from hoppers
if (this.instance.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_11)
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_11)
&& destination.getHolder() instanceof org.bukkit.block.ShulkerBox
&& source.getHolder() instanceof org.bukkit.block.Hopper) {
@ -95,13 +92,13 @@ public class HopperListeners implements Listener {
if (!toHopper.getFilter().getWhiteList().isEmpty()) {
// is this item on the whitelist?
allowItem = toHopper.getFilter().getWhiteList().stream().anyMatch(item -> Methods.isSimilarMaterial(toMove, item));
if(!allowItem) {
if (!allowItem) {
// can we change the item to something else?
for(ItemStack sourceItem : source.getContents()) {
if(sourceItem != null && Methods.canMove(destination, sourceItem)) {
for(ItemStack item : toHopper.getFilter().getWhiteList()) {
if(Methods.isSimilarMaterial(sourceItem, item)) {
for (ItemStack sourceItem : source.getContents()) {
if (sourceItem != null && Methods.canMove(destination, sourceItem)) {
for (ItemStack item : toHopper.getFilter().getWhiteList()) {
if (Methods.isSimilarMaterial(sourceItem, item)) {
moveInstead = new ItemStack(sourceItem);
break searchReplacement;
@ -148,7 +145,7 @@ public class HopperListeners implements Listener {
if (!(source.getHolder() instanceof org.bukkit.block.Hopper))
if(destinationLocation == null)
if (destinationLocation == null)
// Handle hopper push events elsewhere
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class InteractListeners implements Listener {
Hopper hopper = instance.getHopperManager().getHopper(e.getClickedBlock());
if (!player.getInventory().getItemInHand().getType().name().contains("PICKAXE")) {
hopper.overview(instance.getGuiManager(), player);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.settings;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.configuration.Config;
import com.songoda.core.configuration.ConfigSetting;
import com.songoda.core.hooks.EconomyManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class Settings {
static final Config config = EpicHoppers.getInstance().getCoreConfig();
public static final ConfigSetting HOPPER_UPGRADING = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Allow hopper Upgrading", true,
"Should hoppers be upgradable?");
public static final ConfigSetting UPGRADE_WITH_ECONOMY = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Upgrade With Economy", true,
"Should you be able to upgrade hoppers with economy?");
public static final ConfigSetting UPGRADE_WITH_XP = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Upgrade With XP", true,
"Should you be able to upgrade hoppers with experience?");
public static final ConfigSetting TELEPORT = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Allow Players To Teleport Through Hoppers", true,
"Should players be able to teleport through hoppers?");
public static final ConfigSetting ENDERCHESTS = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Support Enderchests", true,
"Should hoppers dump items into a player enderchests?");
public static final ConfigSetting PARTICLE_TYPE = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Upgrade Particle Type", "SPELL_WITCH",
"The type of particle shown when a hopper is upgraded.");
public static final ConfigSetting HOP_TICKS = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Amount of Ticks Between Hops", 8L,
"The amount of ticks between hopper transfers.");
public static final ConfigSetting AUTOSAVE = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Auto Save Interval In Seconds", 15,
"The amount of time in between saving to file.",
"This is purely a safety function to prevent against unplanned crashes or",
"restarts. With that said it is advised to keep this enabled.",
"If however you enjoy living on the edge, feel free to turn it off.");
public static final ConfigSetting TELEPORT_TICKS = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Amount of Ticks Between Teleport", 10L,
"The cooldown between teleports. It prevents players",
"from getting stuck in a teleport loop.");
public static final ConfigSetting SYNC_TIMEOUT = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Timeout When Syncing Hoppers", 300L,
"The amount of time in ticks a player has between hitting the hopper",
"Link button and performing the link. When the time is up the link event is canceled.");
public static final ConfigSetting MAX_CHUNK = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Max Hoppers Per Chunk", -1,
"The maximum amount of hoppers per chunk.");
public static final ConfigSetting BLOCKBREAK_PARTICLE = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.BlockBreak Particle Type", "LAVA",
"The particle shown when the block break module performs a block break.");
public static final ConfigSetting BLACKLIST = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.BlockBreak Blacklisted Blocks",
"Anything listed here will not be broken by the block break module.");
public static final ConfigSetting AUTOCRAFT_JAM_EJECT = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.AutoCraft Jam Eject", false,
"AutoCraft module needs a free slot to craft items with.",
"Normally, crafting hoppers won't grab items that would fill that slot.",
"This option ejects items if that last slot is forcibly filled");
public static final ConfigSetting AUTOSELL_PRICES = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.AutoSell Prices",
Arrays.asList("STONE,0.50", "COBBLESTONE,0.20", "IRON_ORE,0.35", "COAL_ORE,0.20"),
"These are the prices used by the auto sell module.");
public static final ConfigSetting AUTOSELL_SHOPGUIPLUS = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Use ShopGuiPlus for Prices", false,
"Should prices be grabbed from ShopGuiPlus?",
"If ShopGuiPlus is not enabled or the player is offline the default price list will be used.",
"If this is something that you do not want then you should empty the default list.");
public static final ConfigSetting ECONOMY_PLUGIN = new ConfigSetting(config, "Main.Economy", EconomyManager.getEconomy() == null ? "Vault" : EconomyManager.getEconomy().getName(),
"Which economy plugin should be used?",
"Supported plugins you have installed: \"" + EconomyManager.getManager().getRegisteredPlugins().stream().collect(Collectors.joining("\", \"")) + "\".");
public static final ConfigSetting ECO_ICON = new ConfigSetting(config, "Interfaces.Economy Icon", "SUNFLOWER");
public static final ConfigSetting XP_ICON = new ConfigSetting(config, "Interfaces.XP Icon", "EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE");
public static final ConfigSetting GLASS_TYPE_1 = new ConfigSetting(config, "Interfaces.Glass Type 1", "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE");
public static final ConfigSetting GLASS_TYPE_2 = new ConfigSetting(config, "Interfaces.Glass Type 2", "BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE");
public static final ConfigSetting GLASS_TYPE_3 = new ConfigSetting(config, "Interfaces.Glass Type 3", "LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE");
public static final ConfigSetting LANGUGE_MODE = new ConfigSetting(config, "System.Language Mode", "en_US",
"The enabled language file.",
"More language files (if available) can be found in the plugins data folder.");
* In order to set dynamic economy comment correctly, this needs to be
* called after EconomyManager load
public static void setupConfig() {
// convert glass pane settings
int color;
if ((color = GLASS_TYPE_1.getInt(-1)) != -1) {
config.set(GLASS_TYPE_1.getKey(), CompatibleMaterial.getGlassPaneColor(color).name());
if ((color = GLASS_TYPE_2.getInt(-1)) != -1) {
config.set(GLASS_TYPE_2.getKey(), CompatibleMaterial.getGlassPaneColor(color).name());
if ((color = GLASS_TYPE_3.getInt(-1)) != -1) {
config.set(GLASS_TYPE_3.getKey(), CompatibleMaterial.getGlassPaneColor(color).name());
// convert economy settings
if (config.getBoolean("Economy.Use Vault Economy") && EconomyManager.getManager().isEnabled("Vault")) {
config.set("Main.Economy", "Vault");
} else if (config.getBoolean("Economy.Use Reserve Economy") && EconomyManager.getManager().isEnabled("Reserve")) {
config.set("Main.Economy", "Reserve");
} else if (config.getBoolean("Economy.Use Player Points Economy") && EconomyManager.getManager().isEnabled("PlayerPoints")) {
config.set("Main.Economy", "PlayerPoints");
@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.storage;
import com.songoda.core.configuration.Config;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.boost.BoostData;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.Hopper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ConfigWrapper;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class Storage {
protected final EpicHoppers instance;
protected final ConfigWrapper dataFile;
protected final EpicHoppers plugin;
protected final Config dataFile;
public Storage(EpicHoppers instance) {
this.instance = instance;
this.dataFile = new ConfigWrapper(instance, "", "data.yml");
this.dataFile.createNewFile(null, "EpicHoppers Data File");
public Storage(EpicHoppers plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.dataFile = new Config(plugin, "data.yml");
public abstract boolean containsGroup(String group);
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.types;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.MySQLDatabase;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.Storage;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.StorageItem;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.storage.StorageRow;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class StorageMysql extends Storage {
private static Map<String, StorageItem[]> toSave = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<String, StorageItem[]> lastSave = null;
private MySQLDatabase database;
public StorageMysql(EpicHoppers instance) {
this.database = new MySQLDatabase(instance);
public boolean containsGroup(String group) {
try {
DatabaseMetaData dbm = database.getConnection().getMetaData();
ResultSet rs = dbm.getTables(null, null, instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + group, null);
if (rs.next()) {
return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
public List<StorageRow> getRowsByGroup(String group) {
List<StorageRow> rows = new ArrayList<>();
try {
ResultSet set = database.getConnection().createStatement().executeQuery(String.format("SELECT * FROM `" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + "%s`", group));
while (set.next()) {
Map<String, StorageItem> items = new HashMap<>();
String key = set.getString(1);
for (int i = 2; i <= set.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) {
if (set.getObject(i) == null || set.getObject(i) == "") continue;
StorageItem item = new StorageItem(set.getObject(i));
items.put(set.getMetaData().getColumnName(i), item);
StorageRow row = new StorageRow(key, items);
} catch (SQLException e) {
return rows;
public void prepareSaveItem(String group, StorageItem... items) {
toSave.put(group + "]" + items[0].asObject().toString(), items);
public void doSave() {
if (lastSave == null)
lastSave = new HashMap<>(toSave);
if (toSave.isEmpty()) return;
Map<String, StorageItem[]> nextSave = new HashMap<>(toSave);
public void save() {
try {
Statement stmt = database.getConnection().createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
for (Map.Entry<String, StorageItem[]> last : lastSave.entrySet()) {
String lastKey = last.getKey().split("]")[0];
String lastValue = last.getValue()[0].asObject().toString();
for (Map.Entry<String, StorageItem[]> to : toSave.entrySet()) {
String toKey = to.getKey().split("]")[0];
if (!toKey.equals(lastKey)
|| !to.getValue()[0].asObject().equals(lastValue)
|| to.getValue().length != last.getValue().length)
for (int i = 0; i < to.getValue().length; i ++) {
if ((to.getValue()[i].asObject() != null && last.getValue()[i].asObject() == null)
|| (last.getValue()[i].asObject() == null && to.getValue()[i].asObject() != null)
|| (last.getValue()[i].asObject() != null && to.getValue()[i].asObject() != null
&& !to.getValue()[i].asObject().toString().equals(last.getValue()[i].asObject().toString()))) {
StorageItem[] items = to.getValue();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(String.format("UPDATE `" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + "%s`", toKey));
sql.append(" SET");
for (StorageItem item : items) {
if (item == null || item.asObject() == null) continue;
String key = item.getKey().split("]")[0];
sql.append(String.format("`%s` = '%s', ", key, item.asObject().toString()));
sql = new StringBuilder(sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 2));
sql.append(String.format(" WHERE `%s`='%s'", last.getValue()[0].getKey(), last.getValue()[0].asObject().toString()));
continue last;
// Already up to date.
continue last;
//Was not found delete.
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(String.format("DELETE FROM `" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + "%s`", lastKey));
sql.append(String.format(" WHERE `%s`='%s'", last.getValue()[0].getKey(), last.getValue()[0].asObject().toString()));
for (Map.Entry<String, StorageItem[]> to : toSave.entrySet()) {
String toKey = to.getKey().split("]")[0];
StorageItem[] items = to.getValue();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(String.format("INSERT INTO `" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + "%s`", toKey));
sql.append(" (");
for (StorageItem item : items) {
if (item == null || item.asObject() == null) continue;
String key = item.getKey().split("]")[0];
sql.append(String.format("`%s`, ", key));
sql = new StringBuilder(sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 2));
sql.append(") VALUES (");
for (StorageItem item : items) {
if (item == null || item.asObject() == null) continue;
sql.append(String.format("'%s', ", item.asObject().toString()));
sql = new StringBuilder(sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 2));
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void makeBackup() {
public void closeConnection() {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
@ -12,30 +12,30 @@ import java.util.*;
public class StorageYaml extends Storage {
private static final Map<String, Object> toSave = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<String, Object> lastSave = null;
private final Map<String, Object> toSave = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, Object> lastSave = null;
public StorageYaml(EpicHoppers instance) {
public StorageYaml(EpicHoppers plugin) {
public boolean containsGroup(String group) {
return dataFile.getConfig().contains("data." + group);
return dataFile.contains("data." + group);
public List<StorageRow> getRowsByGroup(String group) {
List<StorageRow> rows = new ArrayList<>();
ConfigurationSection currentSection = dataFile.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("data." + group);
ConfigurationSection currentSection = dataFile.getConfigurationSection("data." + group);
for (String key : currentSection.getKeys(false)) {
Map<String, StorageItem> items = new HashMap<>();
ConfigurationSection currentSection2 = dataFile.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("data." + group + "." + key);
ConfigurationSection currentSection2 = dataFile.getConfigurationSection("data." + group + "." + key);
for (String key2 : currentSection2.getKeys(false)) {
String path = "data." + group + "." + key + "." + key2;
items.put(key2, new StorageItem(dataFile.getConfig().get(path) instanceof MemorySection
? convertToInLineList(path) : dataFile.getConfig().get(path)));
items.put(key2, new StorageItem(dataFile.get(path) instanceof MemorySection
? convertToInLineList(path) : dataFile.get(path)));
if (items.isEmpty()) continue;
StorageRow row = new StorageRow(key, items);
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public class StorageYaml extends Storage {
private String convertToInLineList(String path) {
StringBuilder converted = new StringBuilder();
for (String key : dataFile.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(path).getKeys(false)) {
converted.append(key).append(":").append(dataFile.getConfig().getInt(path + "." + key)).append(";");
for (String key : dataFile.getConfigurationSection(path).getKeys(false)) {
converted.append(key).append(":").append(dataFile.getInt(path + "." + key)).append(";");
return converted.toString();
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class StorageYaml extends Storage {
public void doSave() {
if (lastSave == null)
lastSave = new HashMap<>(toSave);
@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ public class StorageYaml extends Storage {
if (toSave.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
Object newValue = toSave.get(entry.getKey());
if (!entry.getValue().equals(newValue)) {
dataFile.getConfig().set(entry.getKey(), newValue);
dataFile.set(entry.getKey(), newValue);
} else {
dataFile.getConfig().set(entry.getKey(), null);
dataFile.set(entry.getKey(), null);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : toSave.entrySet()) {
dataFile.getConfig().set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
dataFile.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ public class StorageYaml extends Storage {
public void makeBackup() {
File data = new File(instance.getDataFolder(), "data.yml");
File dataClone = new File(instance.getDataFolder(), "data-backup-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".yml");
File data = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "data.yml");
File dataClone = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "data-backup-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".yml");
try {
copyFile(data, dataClone);
} catch (IOException e) {
Deque<File> backups = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (File file : Objects.requireNonNull(instance.getDataFolder().listFiles())) {
for (File file : Objects.requireNonNull(plugin.getDataFolder().listFiles())) {
if (file.getName().toLowerCase().contains("data-backup")) {
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class StorageYaml extends Storage {
public void closeConnection() {
private static void copyFile(File source, File dest) throws IOException {
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import com.songoda.epichoppers.boost.BoostData;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.HopperManager;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.Module;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.hopper.levels.modules.ModuleAutoCrafting;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.settings.Settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.HopperDirection;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.StorageContainerCache;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings.Setting;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class HopTask extends BukkitRunnable {
public HopTask(EpicHoppers plug) {
plugin = plug;
this.hopTicks = Math.max(1, Setting.HOP_TICKS.getInt() / 2); // Purposeful integer division. Don't go below 1.
this.hopTicks = Math.max(1, Settings.HOP_TICKS.getInt() / 2); // Purposeful integer division. Don't go below 1.
this.runTaskTimer(plugin, 0, 2);
if ((this.hasFabledSkyBlock = (fabledSkyblockPlugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("FabledSkyBlock")) != null)) {
try {
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* ConfigWrapper made by @clip
public class ConfigWrapper {
private final JavaPlugin plugin;
private final String folderName, fileName;
private FileConfiguration config;
private File configFile;
public ConfigWrapper(final JavaPlugin instance, final String folderName, final String fileName) {
this.plugin = instance;
this.folderName = folderName;
this.fileName = fileName;
public void createNewFile(final String message, final String header) {
if (message != null) {
public FileConfiguration getConfig() {
if (config == null) {
return config;
public void loadConfig(final String header) {
public void reloadConfig() {
if (configFile == null) {
configFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + folderName, fileName);
config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
public void saveConfig() {
if (config == null || configFile == null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException ex) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save config to " + configFile, ex);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
@ -28,82 +29,6 @@ public class Methods {
private static final Map<String, Location> serializeCache = new HashMap<>();
public static boolean isLegacyFuel(Material material) {
if (material == null) return false;
switch(material.ordinal() + 1) {
case 6:
case 7:
case 18:
case 26:
case 36:
case 48:
case 54:
case 55:
case 59:
case 66:
case 73:
case 85:
case 86:
case 97:
case 100:
case 101:
case 108:
case 127:
case 135:
case 136:
case 137:
case 144:
case 147:
case 152:
case 163:
case 164:
case 165:
case 172:
case 174:
case 184:
case 185:
case 186:
case 187:
case 188:
case 189:
case 190:
case 191:
case 192:
case 193:
case 206:
case 260:
case 262:
case 267:
case 268:
case 269:
case 270:
case 279:
case 280:
case 289:
case 322:
case 323:
case 326:
case 332:
case 345:
case 368:
case 424:
case 426:
case 427:
case 428:
case 429:
case 430:
case 443:
case 444:
case 445:
case 446:
case 447:
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isSync(Player p) {
if (p.getItemInHand().hasItemMeta()
&& p.getItemInHand().getType() != Material.AIR
@ -118,37 +43,8 @@ public class Methods {
return false;
public static ItemStack getGlass() {
EpicHoppers instance = EpicHoppers.getInstance();
return Methods.getGlass(instance.getConfig().getBoolean("Interfaces.Replace Glass Type 1 With Rainbow Glass"), instance.getConfig().getInt("Interfaces.Glass Type 1"));
public static ItemStack getBackgroundGlass(boolean type) {
EpicHoppers instance = EpicHoppers.getInstance();
if (type)
return getGlass(false, instance.getConfig().getInt("Interfaces.Glass Type 2"));
return getGlass(false, instance.getConfig().getInt("Interfaces.Glass Type 3"));
private static ItemStack getGlass(Boolean rainbow, int type) {
int randomNum = 1 + (int) (Math.random() * 6);
ItemStack glass;
if (rainbow) {
glass = new ItemStack(EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ?
Material.LEGACY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE : Material.valueOf("STAINED_GLASS_PANE"), 1, (short) randomNum);
} else {
glass = new ItemStack(EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ?
Material.LEGACY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE : Material.valueOf("STAINED_GLASS_PANE"), 1, (short) type);
ItemMeta glassmeta = glass.getItemMeta();
return glass;
public static boolean isSimilarMaterial(ItemStack is1, ItemStack is2) {
if (EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)) {
return is1.getType() == is2.getType();
} else {
return is1.getType() == is2.getType() && (is1.getDurability() == -1 || is2.getDurability() == -1 || is1.getDurability() == is2.getDurability());
@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import org.bukkit.plugin.ServicePriority;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
* bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
* <p>
* Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more about bStats!
@SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused"})
public class Metrics {
static {
// You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment
if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null || !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) {
// Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little "trick" ... :D
final String defaultPackage = new String(
new byte[]{'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's', '.', 'b', 'u', 'k', 'k', 'i', 't'});
final String examplePackage = new String(new byte[]{'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'});
// We want to make sure nobody just copy & pastes the example and use the wrong package names
if (Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(defaultPackage) || Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(examplePackage)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!");
// The version of this bStats class
public static final int B_STATS_VERSION = 1;
// The url to which the data is sent
private static final String URL = "https://bStats.org/submitData/bukkit";
// Is bStats enabled on this server?
private boolean enabled;
// Should failed requests be logged?
private static boolean logFailedRequests;
// Should the sent data be logged?
private static boolean logSentData;
// Should the response text be logged?
private static boolean logResponseStatusText;
// The uuid of the server
private static String serverUUID;
// The plugin
private final Plugin plugin;
// A list with all custom charts
private final List<CustomChart> charts = new ArrayList<>();
* Class constructor.
* @param plugin The plugin which stats should be submitted.
public Metrics(Plugin plugin) {
if (plugin == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be null!");
this.plugin = plugin;
// Get the config file
File bStatsFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(), "bStats");
File configFile = new File(bStatsFolder, "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
// Check if the config file exists
if (!config.isSet("serverUuid")) {
// Add default values
config.addDefault("enabled", true);
// Every server gets it's unique random id.
config.addDefault("serverUuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
// Should failed request be logged?
config.addDefault("logFailedRequests", false);
// Should the sent data be logged?
config.addDefault("logSentData", false);
// Should the response text be logged?
config.addDefault("logResponseStatusText", false);
// Inform the server owners about bStats
"bStats collects some data for plugin authors like how many servers are using their plugins.\n" +
"To honor their work, you should not disable it.\n" +
"This has nearly blacklist effect on the server performance!\n" +
"Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more :)"
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) { }
// Load the data
enabled = config.getBoolean("enabled", true);
serverUUID = config.getString("serverUuid");
logFailedRequests = config.getBoolean("logFailedRequests", false);
logSentData = config.getBoolean("logSentData", false);
logResponseStatusText = config.getBoolean("logResponseStatusText", false);
if (enabled) {
boolean found = false;
// Search for all other bStats Metrics classes to see if we are the first one
for (Class<?> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices()) {
try {
service.getField("B_STATS_VERSION"); // Our identifier :)
found = true; // We aren't the first
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { }
// Register our service
Bukkit.getServicesManager().register(Metrics.class, this, plugin, ServicePriority.Normal);
if (!found) {
// We are the first!
* Checks if bStats is enabled.
* @return Whether bStats is enabled or not.
public boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
* Adds a custom chart.
* @param chart The chart to add.
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
if (chart == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chart cannot be null!");
* Starts the Scheduler which submits our data every 30 minutes.
private void startSubmitting() {
final Timer timer = new Timer(true); // We use a timer cause the Bukkit scheduler is affected by server lags
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (!plugin.isEnabled()) { // Plugin was disabled
// Nevertheless we want our code to run in the Bukkit main thread, so we have to use the Bukkit scheduler
// Don't be afraid! The connection to the bStats server is still async, only the stats collection is sync ;)
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, () -> submitData());
}, 1000 * 60 * 5, 1000 * 60 * 30);
// Submit the data every 30 minutes, first time after 5 minutes to give other plugins enough time to start
// WARNING: Changing the frequency has blacklist effect but your plugin WILL be blocked/deleted!
// WARNING: Just don't do it!
* Gets the plugin specific data.
* This method is called using Reflection.
* @return The plugin specific data.
public JSONObject getPluginData() {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
String pluginName = plugin.getDescription().getName();
String pluginVersion = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
data.put("pluginName", pluginName); // Append the name of the plugin
data.put("pluginVersion", pluginVersion); // Append the version of the plugin
JSONArray customCharts = new JSONArray();
for (CustomChart customChart : charts) {
// Add the data of the custom charts
JSONObject chart = customChart.getRequestJsonObject();
if (chart == null) { // If the chart is null, we skip it
data.put("customCharts", customCharts);
return data;
* Gets the server specific data.
* @return The server specific data.
private JSONObject getServerData() {
// Minecraft specific data
int playerAmount;
try {
// Around MC 1.8 the return type was changed to a collection from an array,
// This fixes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()Ljava/util/Collection;
Method onlinePlayersMethod = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server").getMethod("getOnlinePlayers");
playerAmount = onlinePlayersMethod.getReturnType().equals(Collection.class)
? ((Collection<?>) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).size()
: ((Player[]) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).length;
} catch (Exception e) {
playerAmount = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size(); // Just use the new method if the Reflection failed
int onlineMode = Bukkit.getOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0;
String bukkitVersion = Bukkit.getVersion();
// OS/Java specific data
String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version");
int coreCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("serverUUID", serverUUID);
data.put("playerAmount", playerAmount);
data.put("onlineMode", onlineMode);
data.put("bukkitVersion", bukkitVersion);
data.put("javaVersion", javaVersion);
data.put("osName", osName);
data.put("osArch", osArch);
data.put("osVersion", osVersion);
data.put("coreCount", coreCount);
return data;
* Collects the data and sends it afterwards.
private void submitData() {
final JSONObject data = getServerData();
JSONArray pluginData = new JSONArray();
// Search for all other bStats Metrics classes to get their plugin data
for (Class<?> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices()) {
try {
service.getField("B_STATS_VERSION"); // Our identifier :)
for (RegisteredServiceProvider<?> provider : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistrations(service)) {
try {
} catch (NullPointerException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ignored) { }
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { }
data.put("plugins", pluginData);
// Create a new thread for the connection to the bStats server
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// Send the data
sendData(plugin, data);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Something went wrong! :(
if (logFailedRequests) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Could not submit plugin stats of " + plugin.getName(), e);
* Sends the data to the bStats server.
* @param plugin Any plugin. It's just used to get a logger instance.
* @param data The data to send.
* @throws Exception If the request failed.
private static void sendData(Plugin plugin, JSONObject data) throws Exception {
if (data == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data cannot be null!");
if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
throw new IllegalAccessException("This method must not be called from the main thread!");
if (logSentData) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Sending data to bStats: " + data.toString());
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(URL).openConnection();
// Compress the data to save bandwidth
byte[] compressedData = compress(data.toString());
// Add headers
connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
connection.addRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); // We gzip our request
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(compressedData.length));
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); // We send our data in JSON format
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "MC-Server/" + B_STATS_VERSION);
// Send data
DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (logResponseStatusText) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Sent data to bStats and received response: " + builder.toString());
* Gzips the given String.
* @param str The string to gzip.
* @return The gzipped String.
* @throws IOException If the compression failed.
private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException {
if (str == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream);
return outputStream.toByteArray();
* Represents a custom chart.
public static abstract class CustomChart {
// The id of the chart
final String chartId;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
CustomChart(String chartId) {
if (chartId == null || chartId.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChartId cannot be null or empty!");
this.chartId = chartId;
private JSONObject getRequestJsonObject() {
JSONObject chart = new JSONObject();
chart.put("chartId", chartId);
try {
JSONObject data = getChartData();
if (data == null) {
// If the data is null we don't send the chart.
return null;
chart.put("data", data);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logFailedRequests) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t);
return null;
return chart;
protected abstract JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception;
* Represents a custom simple pie.
public static class SimplePie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<String> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimplePie(String chartId, Callable<String> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
String value = callable.call();
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
data.put("value", value);
return data;
* Represents a custom advanced pie.
public static class AdvancedPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
Map<String, Integer> map = callable.call();
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
continue; // Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
values.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
data.put("values", values);
return data;
* Represents a custom drilldown pie.
public static class DrilldownPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public DrilldownPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
public JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> map = callable.call();
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean reallyAllSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> entryValues : map.entrySet()) {
JSONObject value = new JSONObject();
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> valueEntry : map.get(entryValues.getKey()).entrySet()) {
value.put(valueEntry.getKey(), valueEntry.getValue());
allSkipped = false;
if (!allSkipped) {
reallyAllSkipped = false;
values.put(entryValues.getKey(), value);
if (reallyAllSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
data.put("values", values);
return data;
* Represents a custom single line chart.
public static class SingleLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Integer> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SingleLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Integer> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
int value = callable.call();
if (value == 0) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
data.put("value", value);
return data;
* Represents a custom multi line chart.
public static class MultiLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public MultiLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
Map<String, Integer> map = callable.call();
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
continue; // Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
values.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
data.put("values", values);
return data;
* Represents a custom simple bar chart.
public static class SimpleBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimpleBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
Map<String, Integer> map = callable.call();
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
JSONArray categoryValues = new JSONArray();
values.put(entry.getKey(), categoryValues);
data.put("values", values);
return data;
* Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
public static class AdvancedBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
Map<String, int[]> map = callable.call();
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().length == 0) {
continue; // Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
JSONArray categoryValues = new JSONArray();
for (int categoryValue : entry.getValue()) {
values.put(entry.getKey(), categoryValues);
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
data.put("values", values);
return data;
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class MySQLDatabase {
private final EpicHoppers instance;
private Connection connection;
public MySQLDatabase(EpicHoppers instance) {
this.instance = instance;
try {
String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.IP") + ":" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Port") + "/" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Database Name") + "?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false";
this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Username"), instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Password"));
//ToDo: This is sloppy
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + "sync` (\n" +
"\t`location` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`level` INT NULL,\n" +
"\t`block` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`placedby` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`player` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`teleporttrigger` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`whitelist` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`blacklist` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`void` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`black` TEXT NULL\n" +
connection.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + instance.getConfig().getString("Database.Prefix") + "boosts` (\n" +
"\t`endtime` TEXT NULL,\n" +
"\t`amount` INT NULL,\n" +
"\t`uuid` TEXT NULL\n" +
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Database connection failed.");
public Connection getConnection() {
return connection;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils;
public enum ServerVersion {
private final String packagePrefix;
ServerVersion(String packagePrefix) {
this.packagePrefix = packagePrefix;
public static ServerVersion fromPackageName(String packageName) {
for (ServerVersion version : values())
if (packageName.startsWith(version.packagePrefix)) return version;
return ServerVersion.UNKNOWN;
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
@ -13,6 +12,9 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Persistent storage intended for streamlining read/write for storage
* containers in large batches
@ -26,10 +28,10 @@ public class StorageContainerCache {
Cache cache = inventoryCache.get(b);
if (cache == null) {
Material type = b.getType();
if(type == Material.CHEST || type == Material.TRAPPED_CHEST) {
if (type == Material.CHEST || type == Material.TRAPPED_CHEST) {
Block b2 = findAdjacentDoubleChest(b);
//System.out.println("Adjacent to " + b + " = " + b2);
if(b2 != null && (cache = inventoryCache.get(b2)) != null) {
if (b2 != null && (cache = inventoryCache.get(b2)) != null) {
return cache;
@ -49,14 +51,14 @@ public class StorageContainerCache {
* @return
public static Block findAdjacentDoubleChest(Block block) {
if(EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13)) {
final BlockData d = block.getBlockData();
if (d instanceof Chest) {
final Chest c = (Chest) d;
if(c.getType() != Chest.Type.SINGLE) {
if (c.getType() != Chest.Type.SINGLE) {
// this is a double chest - check the other chest for registration data
Block other = null;
switch(c.getFacing()) {
switch (c.getFacing()) {
case SOUTH:
other = block.getRelative(c.getType() != Chest.Type.RIGHT ? BlockFace.WEST : BlockFace.EAST);
@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ public class StorageContainerCache {
check = new boolean[3];
boolean isFuel = !item.getType().name().contains("LOG") && (EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? item.getType().isFuel() : Methods.isLegacyFuel(item.getType()));
boolean isFuel = !item.getType().name().contains("LOG") && CompatibleMaterial.getMaterial(item.getType()).isFuel();
// fuel is 2nd slot, input is first
if (isFuel)
check[1] = true;
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
public abstract class AbstractGUI implements Listener {
private static boolean listenersInitialized = false;
protected Player player;
protected Inventory inventory = null;
protected boolean cancelBottom = false;
private Map<Range, Clickable> clickables = new HashMap<>();
private List<OnClose> onCloses = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<Range, Boolean> draggableRanges = new HashMap<>();
public AbstractGUI(Player player) {
this.player = player;
public static void initializeListeners(JavaPlugin plugin) {
if (listenersInitialized) return;
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new Listener() {
public void onClickGUI(InventoryClickEvent event) {
Inventory inventory = event.getClickedInventory();
if (inventory == null) return;
AbstractGUI gui = getGUIFromInventory(inventory);
Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
boolean bottom = false;
InventoryType type = event.getClickedInventory().getType();
if (type != InventoryType.CHEST && type != InventoryType.PLAYER) return;
if (gui == null && event.getWhoClicked().getOpenInventory().getTopInventory() != null) {
Inventory top = event.getWhoClicked().getOpenInventory().getTopInventory();
gui = getGUIFromInventory(top);
if (gui != null && gui.cancelBottom) event.setCancelled(true);
bottom = true;
if (gui == null) return;
if (!bottom) event.setCancelled(true);
if (!gui.draggableRanges.isEmpty() && !bottom) {
for (Map.Entry<Range, Boolean> entry : gui.draggableRanges.entrySet()) {
Range range = entry.getKey();
if (range.getMax() == range.getMin() && event.getSlot() == range.getMin()
|| event.getSlot() >= range.getMin() && event.getSlot() <= range.getMax()) {
if (!entry.getValue()) break;
Map<Range, Clickable> entries = new HashMap<>(gui.clickables);
for (Map.Entry<Range, Clickable> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
Range range = entry.getKey();
if (range.isBottom() && !bottom || !range.isBottom() && bottom || range.getClickType() != null && range.getClickType() != event.getClick())
if (event.getSlot() >= range.getMin() && event.getSlot() <= range.getMax()) {
entry.getValue().Clickable(player, inventory, event.getCursor(), event.getSlot(), event.getClick());
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), entry.getKey().getOnClickSound(), 1F, 1F);
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onCloseGUI(InventoryCloseEvent event) {
Inventory inventory = event.getInventory();
AbstractGUI gui = getGUIFromInventory(inventory);
if (gui == null || gui.inventory == null) return;
for (OnClose onClose : gui.onCloses) {
onClose.OnClose((Player) event.getPlayer(), inventory);
private AbstractGUI getGUIFromInventory(Inventory inventory) {
if (inventory.getHolder() == null) return null;
InventoryHolder holder = inventory.getHolder();
if (!(holder instanceof GUIHolder)) return null;
return ((AbstractGUI.GUIHolder) holder).getGUI();
}, plugin);
listenersInitialized = true;
protected void init(String title, int slots) {
if(title.length() > 32)
title = title.substring(0, 31);
if (inventory == null
|| inventory.getSize() != slots
|| !ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', title).equals(player.getOpenInventory().getTitle())) {
this.inventory = Bukkit.getServer().createInventory(new GUIHolder(), slots, ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', title));
protected abstract void constructGUI();
protected void addDraggable(Range range, boolean option) {
this.draggableRanges.put(range, option);
protected void removeDraggable() {
protected abstract void registerClickables();
protected abstract void registerOnCloses();
protected ItemStack createButton(int slot, Inventory inventory, ItemStack item, String name, String... lore) {
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name));
if (lore != null && lore.length != 0) {
List<String> newLore = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line : lore) newLore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', line));
inventory.setItem(slot, item);
return item;
protected ItemStack createButton(int slot, ItemStack item, String name, String... lore) {
return createButton(slot, inventory, item, name, lore);
protected ItemStack createButton(int slot, Inventory inventory, Material material, String name, String... lore) {
return createButton(slot, inventory, new ItemStack(material), name, lore);
protected ItemStack createButton(int slot, Material material, String name, String... lore) {
return createButton(slot, inventory, new ItemStack(material), name, lore);
protected ItemStack createButton(int slot, Material material, String name, ArrayList<String> lore) {
return createButton(slot, material, name, lore.toArray(new String[0]));
protected void registerClickable(int min, int max, ClickType clickType, boolean bottom, Clickable clickable) {
clickables.put(new Range(min, max, clickType, bottom), clickable);
protected void registerClickable(int min, int max, ClickType clickType, Clickable clickable) {
registerClickable(min, max, clickType, false, clickable);
protected void registerClickable(int slot, ClickType clickType, Clickable clickable) {
registerClickable(slot, slot, clickType, false, clickable);
protected void registerClickable(int min, int max, Clickable clickable) {
registerClickable(min, max, null, false, clickable);
protected void registerClickable(int slot, boolean bottom, Clickable clickable) {
registerClickable(slot, slot, null, bottom, clickable);
protected void registerClickable(int slot, Clickable clickable) {
registerClickable(slot, slot, null, false, clickable);
protected void resetClickables() {
protected void registerOnClose(OnClose onClose) {
public Inventory getInventory() {
return inventory;
public class GUIHolder implements InventoryHolder {
public Inventory getInventory() {
return inventory;
public AbstractGUI getGUI() {
return AbstractGUI.this;
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public interface Clickable {
void Clickable(Player player, Inventory inventory, ItemStack cursor, int slot, ClickType type);
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
public interface OnClose {
void OnClose(Player player, Inventory inventory);
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.gui;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
public class Range {
private int min;
private int max;
private ClickType clickType;
private boolean bottom;
private Sound onClickSound;
public Range(int min, int max, ClickType clickType, boolean bottom) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.clickType = clickType;
this.bottom = bottom;
if (EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) onClickSound = Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK;
public Range(int min, int max, Sound onClickSound, ClickType clickType, boolean bottom) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.onClickSound = onClickSound;
this.clickType = clickType;
this.bottom = bottom;
public int getMin() {
return min;
public int getMax() {
return max;
public ClickType getClickType() {
return clickType;
public boolean isBottom() {
return bottom;
public Sound getOnClickSound() {
return onClickSound;
@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.locale;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Assists in the utilization of localization files.
* Created to be used by the Songoda Team.
* @author Brianna O'Keefe - Songoda
public class Locale {
private static final List<Locale> LOCALES = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Pattern NODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\w+(?:\\.{1}\\w+)*)\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"");
private static final String FILE_EXTENSION = ".lang";
private static JavaPlugin plugin;
private static File localeFolder;
private final Map<String, String> nodes = new HashMap<>();
private static String defaultLocale;
private File file;
private String name;
* Instantiate the Locale class for future use
* @param name the name of the instantiated language
private Locale(String name) {
if (plugin == null)
this.name = name;
String fileName = name + FILE_EXTENSION;
this.file = new File(localeFolder, fileName);
if (!this.reloadMessages()) return;
plugin.getLogger().info("Loaded locale \"" + fileName + "\"");
* Initialize the class to load all existing language files and update them.
* This must be called before any other methods in this class as otherwise
* the methods will fail to invoke
* @param plugin the plugin instance
* @param defaultLocale the default language
public Locale(JavaPlugin plugin, String defaultLocale) {
Locale.plugin = plugin;
Locale.localeFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "locales/");
if (!localeFolder.exists()) localeFolder.mkdirs();
//Save the default locale file.
Locale.defaultLocale = defaultLocale;
for (File file : localeFolder.listFiles()) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (!fileName.endsWith(FILE_EXTENSION)) continue;
String name = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (name.split("_").length != 2) continue;
if (localeLoaded(name)) continue;
LOCALES.add(new Locale(name));
* Save a locale file from the InputStream, to the locale folder
* @param fileName the name of the file to save
* @return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
public static boolean saveLocale(String fileName) {
return saveLocale(plugin.getResource(defaultLocale + FILE_EXTENSION), fileName);
* Save a locale file from the InputStream, to the locale folder
* @param in file to save
* @param fileName the name of the file to save
* @return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
public static boolean saveLocale(InputStream in, String fileName) {
if (!localeFolder.exists()) localeFolder.mkdirs();
if (!fileName.endsWith(FILE_EXTENSION))
fileName = (fileName.lastIndexOf(".") == -1 ? fileName : fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'))) + FILE_EXTENSION;
File destinationFile = new File(localeFolder, fileName);
if (destinationFile.exists())
return compareFiles(in, destinationFile);
try (OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile)) {
copy(in, outputStream);
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (fileName.split("_").length != 2) return false;
LOCALES.add(new Locale(fileName));
if (defaultLocale == null) defaultLocale = fileName;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
// Write new changes to existing files, if any at all
private static boolean compareFiles(InputStream in, File existingFile) {
InputStream defaultFile =
in == null ? plugin.getResource((defaultLocale != null ? defaultLocale : "en_US") + FILE_EXTENSION) : in;
boolean changed = false;
List<String> defaultLines, existingLines;
try (BufferedReader defaultReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(defaultFile));
BufferedReader existingReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(existingFile));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(existingFile, true))) {
defaultLines = defaultReader.lines().collect(Collectors.toList());
existingLines = existingReader.lines().map(s -> s.split("\\s*=")[0]).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (String defaultValue : defaultLines) {
if (defaultValue.isEmpty() || defaultValue.startsWith("#")) continue;
String key = defaultValue.split("\\s*=")[0];
if (!existingLines.contains(key)) {
if (!changed) {
// Leave a note alerting the user of the newly added messages.
writer.write("# New messages for " + plugin.getName() + " v" + plugin.getDescription().getVersion() + ".");
// If changes were found outside of the default file leave a note explaining that.
if (in == null) {
writer.write("# These translations were found untranslated, join");
writer.write("# our translation Discord https://discord.gg/f7fpZEf");
writer.write("# to request an official update!");
changed = true;
if (in != null && !changed) compareFiles(null, existingFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return changed;
* Check whether a locale exists and is registered or not
* @param name the whole language tag (i.e. "en_US")
* @return true if it exists
public static boolean localeLoaded(String name) {
for (Locale locale : LOCALES)
if (locale.getName().equals(name)) return true;
return false;
* Get a locale by its entire proper name (i.e. "en_US")
* @param name the full name of the locale
* @return locale of the specified name
public static Locale getLocale(String name) {
for (Locale locale : LOCALES)
if (locale.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return locale;
return null;
* Clear the previous message cache and load new messages directly from file
* @return reload messages from file
public boolean reloadMessages() {
if (!this.file.exists()) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Could not find file for locale \"" + this.name + "\"");
return false;
this.nodes.clear(); // Clear previous data (if any)
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) {
String line;
for (int lineNumber = 0; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; lineNumber++) {
if (line.trim().isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#") /* Comment */) continue;
Matcher matcher = NODE_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.find()) {
System.err.println("Invalid locale syntax at (line=" + lineNumber + ")");
nodes.put(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2));
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Supply the Message object with the plugins prefix.
* @param message message to be applied
* @return applied message
private Message supplyPrefix(Message message) {
return message.setPrefix(this.nodes.getOrDefault("general.nametag.prefix", "[Plugin]"));
* Create a new unsaved Message
* @param message the message to create
* @return the created message
public Message newMessage(String message) {
return supplyPrefix(new Message(message));
* Get a message set for a specific node.
* @param node the node to get
* @return the message for the specified node
public Message getMessage(String node) {
return this.getMessageOrDefault(node, node);
* Get a message set for a specific node
* @param node the node to get
* @param defaultValue the default value given that a value for the node was not found
* @return the message for the specified node. Default if none found
public Message getMessageOrDefault(String node, String defaultValue) {
return supplyPrefix(new Message(this.nodes.getOrDefault(node, defaultValue)));
* Return the locale name (i.e. "en_US")
* @return the locale name
public String getName() {
return name;
private static void copy(InputStream input, OutputStream output) {
int n;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 4];
try {
while ((n = input.read(buffer)) != -1) {
output.write(buffer, 0, n);
} catch (IOException e) {
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.locale;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
* The Message object. This holds the message to be sent
* as well as the plugins prefix so that they can both be
* easily manipulated then deployed
public class Message {
private String prefix = null;
private String message;
* create a new message
* @param message the message text
public Message(String message) {
this.message = message;
* Format and send the held message to a player
* @param player player to send the message to
public void sendMessage(Player player) {
* Format and send the held message with the
* appended plugin prefix to a player
* @param player player to send the message to
public void sendPrefixedMessage(Player player) {
* Format and send the held message to a player
* @param sender command sender to send the message to
public void sendMessage(CommandSender sender) {
* Format and send the held message with the
* appended plugin prefix to a command sender
* @param sender command sender to send the message to
public void sendPrefixedMessage(CommandSender sender) {
* Format the held message and append the plugins
* prefix
* @return the prefixed message
public String getPrefixedMessage() {
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&',(prefix == null ? "" : this.prefix)
+ " " + this.message);
* Get and format the held message
* @return the message
public String getMessage() {
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', this.message);
* Get the held message
* @return the message
public String getUnformattedMessage() {
return this.message;
* Replace the provided placeholder with the
* provided object
* @param placeholder the placeholder to replace
* @param replacement the replacement object
* @return the modified Message
public Message processPlaceholder(String placeholder, Object replacement) {
this.message = message.replace("%" + placeholder + "%", replacement.toString());
return this;
Message setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
return this;
public String toString() {
return this.message;
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings;
public enum Category {
ECONOMY("Settings regarding economy.",
"Only one economy option can be used at a time. If you enable more than",
"one of these the first one will be used."),
MAIN("General settings and options."),
INTERFACES("These settings allow you to alter the way interfaces look.",
"They are used in GUI's to make patterns, change them up then open up a",
"GUI to see how it works."),
DATABASE("Settings regarding the Database."),
SYSTEM("System related settings.");
private String[] comments;
Category(String... comments) {
this.comments = comments;
public String[] getComments() {
return comments;
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public enum Setting {
HOPPER_UPGRADING("Main.Allow hopper Upgrading", true,
"Should hoppers be upgradable?"),
UPGRADE_WITH_ECONOMY("Main.Upgrade With Economy", true,
"Should you be able to upgrade hoppers with economy?"),
UPGRADE_WITH_XP("Main.Upgrade With XP", true,
"Should you be able to upgrade hoppers with experience?"),
TELEPORT("Main.Allow Players To Teleport Through Hoppers", true,
"Should players be able to teleport through hoppers?"),
ENDERCHESTS("Main.Support Enderchests", true,
"Should hoppers dump items into a player enderchests?"),
PARTICLE_TYPE("Main.Upgrade Particle Type", "SPELL_WITCH",
"The type of particle shown when a hopper is upgraded."),
HOP_TICKS("Main.Amount of Ticks Between Hops", 8L,
"The amount of ticks between hopper transfers."),
AUTOSAVE("Main.Auto Save Interval In Seconds", 15,
"The amount of time in between saving to file.",
"This is purely a safety function to prevent against unplanned crashes or",
"restarts. With that said it is advised to keep this enabled.",
"If however you enjoy living on the edge, feel free to turn it off."),
TELEPORT_TICKS("Main.Amount of Ticks Between Teleport", 10L,
"The cooldown between teleports. It prevents players",
"from getting stuck in a teleport loop."),
SYNC_TIMEOUT("Main.Timeout When Syncing Hoppers", 300L,
"The amount of time in ticks a player has between hitting the hopper",
"Link button and performing the link. When the time is up the link event is canceled."),
MAX_CHUNK("Main.Max Hoppers Per Chunk", -1,
"The maximum amount of hoppers per chunk."),
BLOCKBREAK_PARTICLE("Main.BlockBreak Particle Type", "LAVA",
"The particle shown when the block break module performs a block break."),
BLACKLIST("Main.BlockBreak Blacklisted Blocks",
"Anything listed here will not be broken by the block break module."),
AUTOCRAFT_JAM_EJECT("Main.AutoCraft Jam Eject", false,
"AutoCraft module needs a free slot to craft items with.",
"Normally, crafting hoppers won't grab items that would fill that slot.",
"This option ejects items if that last slot is forcibly filled"),
AUTOSELL_PRICES("Main.AutoSell Prices",
Arrays.asList("STONE,0.50", "COBBLESTONE,0.20", "IRON_ORE,0.35", "COAL_ORE,0.20"),
"These are the prices used by the auto sell module."),
AUTOSELL_SHOPGUIPLUS("Main.Use ShopGuiPlus for Prices", false,
"Should prices be grabbed from ShopGuiPlus?",
"If ShopGuiPlus is not enabled or the player is offline the default price list will be used.",
"If this is something that you do not want then you should empty the default list."),
VAULT_ECONOMY("Economy.Use Vault Economy", true,
"Should Vault be used?"),
RESERVE_ECONOMY("Economy.Use Reserve Economy", true,
"Should Reserve be used?"),
PLAYER_POINTS_ECONOMY("Economy.Use Player Points Economy", false,
"Should PlayerPoints be used?"),
RAINBOW("Interfaces.Replace Glass Type 1 With Rainbow Glass", false),
ECO_ICON("Interfaces.Economy Icon", EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? "SUNFLOWER" : "DOUBLE_PLANT"),
XP_ICON("Interfaces.XP Icon", EpicHoppers.getInstance().isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? "EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE" : "EXP_BOTTLE"),
GLASS_TYPE_1("Interfaces.Glass Type 1", 7),
GLASS_TYPE_2("Interfaces.Glass Type 2", 11),
GLASS_TYPE_3("Interfaces.Glass Type 3", 3),
DATABASE_SUPPORT("Database.Activate Mysql Support", false,
"Should MySQL be used for data storage?"),
DATABASE_IP("Database.IP", "",
"MySQL IP"),
DATABASE_PORT("Database.Port", 3306,
"MySQL Port"),
DATABASE_NAME("Database.Database Name", "EpicHoppers",
"The database you are inserting data into."),
DATABASE_PREFIX("Database.Prefix", "EH-",
"The prefix for tables inserted into the database."),
"MySQL Username"),
"MySQL Password"),
LANGUGE_MODE("System.Language Mode", "en_US",
"The enabled language file.",
"More language files (if available) can be found in the plugins data folder.");
private String setting;
private Object option;
private String[] comments;
Setting(String setting, Object option, String... comments) {
this.setting = setting;
this.option = option;
this.comments = comments;
Setting(String setting, Object option) {
this.setting = setting;
this.option = option;
this.comments = null;
public static Setting getSetting(String setting) {
List<Setting> settings = Arrays.stream(values()).filter(setting1 -> setting1.setting.equals(setting)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (settings.isEmpty()) return null;
return settings.get(0);
public String getSetting() {
return setting;
public Object getOption() {
return option;
public String[] getComments() {
return comments;
public List<String> getStringList() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getStringList(setting);
public boolean getBoolean() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getBoolean(setting);
public int getInt() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getInt(setting);
public long getLong() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getLong(setting);
public String getString() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getString(setting);
public char getChar() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getString(setting).charAt(0);
public double getDouble() {
return EpicHoppers.getInstance().getConfig().getDouble(setting);
@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.settings;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.EpicHoppers;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.Methods;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.ServerVersion;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
* Created by songoda on 6/4/2017.
public class SettingsManager implements Listener {
private final EpicHoppers plugin;
private Map<Player, String> cat = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Player, String> current = new HashMap<>();
public SettingsManager(EpicHoppers plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin);
public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
if (event.getView().getType() != InventoryType.CHEST) return;
ItemStack clickedItem = event.getCurrentItem();
if (event.getInventory() != event.getWhoClicked().getOpenInventory().getTopInventory()
|| clickedItem == null || !clickedItem.hasItemMeta()
|| !clickedItem.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()) {
if (event.getView().getTitle().equals(plugin.getName() + " Settings Manager")) {
if (clickedItem.getType().name().contains("STAINED_GLASS")) return;
String type = ChatColor.stripColor(clickedItem.getItemMeta().getDisplayName());
this.cat.put((Player) event.getWhoClicked(), type);
this.openEditor((Player) event.getWhoClicked());
} else if (event.getView().getTitle().equals(plugin.getName() + " Settings Editor")) {
if (clickedItem.getType().name().contains("STAINED_GLASS")) return;
Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
String key = cat.get(player) + "." + ChatColor.stripColor(clickedItem.getItemMeta().getDisplayName());
if (plugin.getConfig().get(key).getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Boolean")) {
this.plugin.getConfig().set(key, !plugin.getConfig().getBoolean(key));
} else {
this.editObject(player, key);
public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (!current.containsKey(player)) return;
String value = current.get(player);
FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
if (config.isLong(value)) {
config.set(value, Long.parseLong(event.getMessage()));
} else if (config.isInt(value)) {
config.set(value, Integer.parseInt(event.getMessage()));
} else if (config.isDouble(value)) {
config.set(value, Double.parseDouble(event.getMessage()));
} else if (config.isString(value)) {
config.set(value, event.getMessage());
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(EpicHoppers.getInstance(), () ->
this.finishEditing(player), 0L);
private void finishEditing(Player player) {
private void editObject(Player player, String current) {
this.current.put(player, ChatColor.stripColor(current));
player.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&7Please enter a value for &6" + current + "&7."));
if (plugin.getConfig().isInt(current) || plugin.getConfig().isDouble(current)) {
player.sendMessage(Methods.formatText("&cUse only numbers."));
public void openSettingsManager(Player player) {
Inventory inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 27, plugin.getName() + " Settings Manager");
ItemStack glass = Methods.getGlass();
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
inventory.setItem(i, glass);
int slot = 10;
for (String key : plugin.getConfig().getDefaultSection().getKeys(false)) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.LEGACY_WOOL : Material.valueOf("WOOL"), 1, (byte) (slot - 9));
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
meta.setLore(Collections.singletonList(Methods.formatText("&6Click To Edit This Category.")));
meta.setDisplayName(Methods.formatText("&f&l" + key));
inventory.setItem(slot, item);
private void openEditor(Player player) {
Inventory inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 54, plugin.getName() + " Settings Editor");
FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
int slot = 0;
for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection(cat.get(player)).getKeys(true)) {
String fKey = cat.get(player) + "." + key;
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_HELMET);
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(Methods.formatText("&6" + key));
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
if (config.isBoolean(fKey)) {
lore.add(Methods.formatText(config.getBoolean(fKey) ? "&atrue" : "&cfalse"));
} else if (config.isString(fKey)) {
lore.add(Methods.formatText("&7" + config.getString(fKey)));
} else if (config.isInt(fKey)) {
item.setType(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.CLOCK : Material.valueOf("WATCH"));
lore.add(Methods.formatText("&7" + config.getInt(fKey)));
} else if (config.isLong(fKey)) {
item.setType(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.CLOCK : Material.valueOf("WATCH"));
lore.add(Methods.formatText("&7" + config.getLong(fKey)));
} else if (config.isDouble(fKey)) {
item.setType(plugin.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_13) ? Material.CLOCK : Material.valueOf("WATCH"));
lore.add(Methods.formatText("&7" + config.getDouble(fKey)));
Setting setting = Setting.getSetting(fKey);
if (setting != null && setting.getComments() != null) {
String comment = String.join(" ", setting.getComments());
int lastIndex = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < comment.length(); n++) {
if (n - lastIndex < 30)
if (comment.charAt(n) == ' ') {
lore.add(Methods.formatText("&8" + comment.substring(lastIndex, n).trim()));
lastIndex = n;
if (lastIndex - comment.length() < 30)
lore.add(Methods.formatText("&8" + comment.substring(lastIndex).trim()));
inventory.setItem(slot, item);
public void reloadConfig() {
public void setupConfig() {
FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
for (Setting setting : Setting.values()) {
config.addDefault(setting.getSetting(), setting.getOption());
private void saveConfig() {
String dump = plugin.getConfig().saveToString();
StringBuilder config = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(dump));
try {
boolean first = true;
String line;
int currentTab = 0;
String category = "";
while ((line = bufReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.trim().startsWith("#")) continue;
int tabChange = line.length() - line.trim().length();
if (currentTab != tabChange) {
category = category.contains(".") && tabChange != 0 ? category.substring(0, category.indexOf(".")) : "";
currentTab = tabChange;
if (line.endsWith(":")) {
String found = bufReader.readLine();
if (!found.trim().startsWith("-")) {
String newCategory = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1).trim();
if (category.equals(""))
category = newCategory;
category += "." + newCategory;
currentTab = tabChange + 2;
if (!first) {
} else {
first = false;
if (!category.contains("."))
try {
Category categoryObj = Category.valueOf(category.toUpperCase()
.replace(" ", "_")
.replace(".", "_"));
config.append(new String(new char[tabChange]).replace('\0', ' '));
for (String l : categoryObj.getComments())
config.append("# ").append(l).append("\n");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
config.append("# ").append(category).append("\n");
if (!category.contains("."))
if (line.trim().startsWith("-")) {
String key = category + "." + (line.split(":")[0].trim());
for (Setting setting : Setting.values()) {
if (!setting.getSetting().equals(key) || setting.getComments() == null) continue;
config.append(" ").append("\n");
for (String l : setting.getComments()) {
config.append(new String(new char[currentTab]).replace('\0', ' '));
config.append("# ").append(l).append("\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
if (!plugin.getDataFolder().exists())
BufferedWriter writer =
new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml")));
} catch (IOException e) {
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.updateModules;
import com.songoda.epichoppers.utils.locale.Locale;
import com.songoda.update.Module;
import com.songoda.update.Plugin;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
public class LocaleModule implements Module {
public void run(Plugin plugin) {
JSONObject json = plugin.getJson();
try {
JSONArray files = (JSONArray) json.get("neededFiles");
for (Object o : files) {
JSONObject file = (JSONObject) o;
if (file.get("type").equals("locale")) {
InputStream in = new URL((String) file.get("link")).openStream();
Locale.saveLocale(in, (String) file.get("name"));
} catch (IOException e) {
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