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<img alt="EpicHoppers"
<h1 align="center">EpicHoppers</h1>
<p align="center">
Connect hoppers over long distances with the added ability to filter out unwanted items, auto break blocks, auto sell items and much more. Perfect for SkyBlock servers.
<p align="center">
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<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<li><a href='#Introduction'>Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href='#Marketplace'>Marketplace</a></li>
<li><a href='#Showcase'>Showcase</a></li>
<li><a href='#Documentation'>Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href='#Support'>Support</a></li>
<li><a href='#Suggestions'>Suggestions</a></li>
<h2 id="Introduction">Introduction</h2>
EpicHoppers is a powerful hopper plugin that completely revolutionizes the way in which hoppers work. The plugin allows you to increase the speed at which items are transferred through hoppers, the amount of items that are transferred per tick, allows you to wirelessly connect EpicHoppers to chests or other hoppers which decreases the amount of hoppers needed, offers a filter system GUI that allows you to transfer, block or delete the items you want without needing to set up complicated filter systems with multiple hoppers, allows you to teleport between hoppers as an easy transportation system around your base, allows you to automatically craft resources such as ingots and minerals into their respective blocks (among other things that can be crafted) before sending them into a storage chest, allows you to automatically smelt ores into ingots before storing it or transferring it into another hopper, allows you to customize the range at which hoppers will pickup items around it, allows you to use hoppers to automatically break and transport blocks from generators which leaves you with more time to do other stuff, allows you to autosell items in hoppers so you don't run out of storage containers in your base, and allows you to set up mob hoppers which will automatically kill mobs that come into range of the hopper.<br>
Each of these options can be individually managed for each hopper through the EpicHoppers GUI, and server owners are able to customize which features they want players to have access to, and lock features behind EpicHopper level restrictions to make it a progressive grind for players to unlock all the powerful capabilities of EpicHoppers.
<h2 id="Marketplace">Marketplace</h2>
You can visit our marketplace to <a href="https://songoda.com/marketplace/product/epichoppers-better-stronger-faster-hoppers.15">download EpicHoppers</a> to use on your server.<br>
You can browse all the plugins made by the <a href="https://songoda.com/teams/songoda">Songoda team</a> both free and premium.<br>
You can also visit <a href="https://songoda.com/marketplace">our marketplace</a> to browse the many other fantastic plugins available there, both well-known and newly made plugins that are sure to catch your eye.
<h2 id="Showcase">Showcase</h2>
For a quick visual introduction into the main features of the plugin and how it works, feel free to watch the showcase video below.
<summary>Showcase Video</summary>
Coming Soon
<h2 id="Documentation">Documentation</h2>
You can find all the information about the plugin, including dependencies,
commands, permissions, incompatible plugins on the <a href="https://wiki.songoda.com/Epic_Hopperss">EpicHoppers wiki page<a>.
Feel free to also contribute to the wiki as a way to help others in the community with using the plugin, or request for something to be added in our <a href="https://discord.gg/6JwbEQB">wiki discord</a>.
<h2 id="Support">Support</h2>
If you have any quick questions about using the plugin or how a feature works, feel free to join <a href="https://discord.gg/songoda">our main discord</a> and ask in the questions channels. If you encounter any issues or find a bug while using the plugin, feel free to create a ticket on <a href="https://support.songoda.com">our support desk</a> and one of our support stafff will assist you as soon as they are available.
<h2 id="Suggestions">Suggestions</h2>
For suggestions about features you think should be added to the plugin to increase its functionality, feel free to create a thread or upvote an existing thread over on <a href="https://feedback.songoda.com">our feedback site</a> and it might be chosen to be added into a future update of the plugin when one of our developers are looking for new features to add to the plugin.
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©Songoda 2021
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<img src="https://craftaro.com/images/products/328/icons/2tbqYtdMvhI0v0aAxJSQt9LvD65ZRa0RBwVgkfbg.png" width="128px">
# EpicHoppers
**Connect hoppers over long distances with the added ability to filter out unwanted items, auto break blocks, auto sell items and much more.**
**Perfect for SkyBlock servers.**
[![Discord][Discord shield]][Discord invite]
[![Patreon][Patreon shield]][Patreon page]
[![Latest version][Latest version shield]][Marketplace page]
[![bStats Servers][bStats shield]][bStats page]
## Download (Marketplace)
You can visit [our marketplace][Marketplace page] to download EpicHoppers as well as take a
look at many other fantastic plugins which are sure to catch your eye.
## Documentation
You can find all the information about EpicHoppers, including dependencies, commands, permissions and incompatible
plugins on [our wiki][Plugin wiki].
Feel free to also contribute to the wiki as a way to help others in the community with using the plugin.
## Support
If you encounter any issues while using the plugin, feel free to contact us on
[our Discord server][Discord invite].
## Suggestions
For suggestions about features you think should be added to the plugin to increase its functionality, feel free to
create a thread over on [our Discord server][Discord invite].
[Marketplace page]: https://craftaro.com/marketplace/product/15
[Plugin wiki]: https://wiki.craftaro.com/index.php/Epic_Hoppers
[Patreon page]: https://www.patreon.com/join/songoda
[Discord invite]: https://discord.gg/craftaro
[bStats page]: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/EpicHoppers/4185
[Patreon shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-Support_us_on_Patreon-F96854.svg?logo=patreon&style=flat&logoColor=white
[Discord shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/293212540723396608?color=5865F2&label=Discord&logo=discord&logoColor=5865F2
[bStats shield]: https://img.shields.io/bstats/servers/4185?label=Servers
[Latest version shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/xml?style=flat&color=blue&logo=github&logoColor=white&label=Latest&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fcraftaro%2FEpicHoppers%2Fmaster%2Fpom.xml&query=%2F*%5Blocal-name()%3D'project'%5D%2F*%5Blocal-name()%3D'version'%5D
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