
566 lines
15 KiB

package com.songoda.epicvouchers.voucher;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.CompatibleMaterial;
import com.songoda.core.compatibility.ServerVersion;
import com.songoda.core.third_party.de.tr7zw.nbtapi.NBTItem;
import com.songoda.core.utils.ItemUtils;
import com.songoda.core.utils.TextUtils;
import com.songoda.epicvouchers.EpicVouchers;
import com.songoda.epicvouchers.events.ForceRedeemEvent;
import com.songoda.epicvouchers.events.VoucherReceiveEvent;
import com.songoda.epicvouchers.menus.ConfirmMenu;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import static org.bukkit.Material.PAPER;
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class Voucher {
private final String key;
private final EpicVouchers instance;
private String permission = "";
private Material material = PAPER;
private short data = 0;
private int coolDown = 0;
private String name;
private List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
private String texture;
private boolean glow = true;
private boolean confirm = true;
private boolean unbreakable = false;
private boolean hideAttributes = false;
private boolean removeItem = true;
private boolean feedPlayer = false;
private boolean healPlayer = false;
private boolean smiteEffect = false;
private List<String> broadcasts = new ArrayList<>();
private List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
private List<String> commands = new ArrayList<>();
private String actionBar;
private String title = "";
private String subTitle = "";
private int titleFadeIn = 0;
private int titleStay = 0;
private int titleFadeOut = 0;
private String sound = "";
private int soundPitch = 0;
private String particle = "";
private int particleAmount = 0;
private String effect = "";
private int effectAmplifier = 0;
private int effectDuration = 0;
private ItemStack itemStack;
public Voucher(String key, EpicVouchers instance) {
this.key = key;
this.instance = instance;
public ItemStack toItemStack() {
return toItemStack(1);
public ItemStack toItemStack(int amount) {
ItemStack item = this.itemStack == null ? new ItemStack(this.material, amount, this.data) : this.itemStack;
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
if (meta == null) {
meta = Bukkit.getItemFactory().getItemMeta(this.material);
if (!this.name.isEmpty()) {
if (this.lore != null) {
if (this.glow) {
meta.addEnchant(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 1, false);
if (this.hideAttributes) {
if (this.unbreakable) {
if (ServerVersion.isServerVersionAtLeast(ServerVersion.V1_9)) {
} else {
NBTItem nbtItem = new NBTItem(item);
nbtItem.setByte("Unbreakable", (byte) 1);
item = nbtItem.getItem();
if (this.texture != null && !this.texture.isEmpty() && CompatibleMaterial.PLAYER_HEAD.getMaterial() == this.material) {
item = ItemUtils.getCustomHead(this.texture);
NBTItem nbtItem = new NBTItem(item);
nbtItem.setString("epicvouchers:voucher", this.key);
return nbtItem.getItem();
public String getName(boolean applyFormatting) {
return applyFormatting ? TextUtils.formatText(this.name) : this.name;
public List<String> getLore(boolean applyFormatting) {
if (!applyFormatting) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.lore);
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line : this.lore) {
return lore;
public List<String> getBroadcasts(boolean applyFormatting) {
if (!applyFormatting) {
return this.broadcasts;
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String broadcast : this.broadcasts) {
return result;
public List<String> getMessages(boolean applyFormatting) {
if (!applyFormatting) {
return this.messages;
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (String message : this.messages) {
return list;
public void saveSetting(String key, List<String> list) {
switch (key) {
case "Commands":
this.commands = list;
case "Broadcasts":
this.broadcasts = list;
case "Messages":
this.messages = list;
case "Lore":
this.lore = list;
public String toString() {
return this.key;
public void giveAll(CommandSender sender, int amount) {
give(sender, new ArrayList<>(Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()), amount);
public void give(CommandSender sender, List<Player> players, int amount) {
String giveMessage = this.instance.getLocale().getMessage("command.give.send")
.processPlaceholder("player", players.size() == 1 ? players.get(0).getName() : "everyone")
.processPlaceholder("voucher", getName(true))
.processPlaceholder("amount", String.valueOf(amount)).getPrefixedMessage();
for (Player player : players) {
String receiveMessage = this.instance.getLocale().getMessage("command.give.receive")
.processPlaceholder("voucher", getName(true))
.processPlaceholder("player", player.getName())
.processPlaceholder("amount", String.valueOf(amount)).getPrefixedMessage();
VoucherReceiveEvent event = new VoucherReceiveEvent(player, getName(true), toItemStack(amount), amount, sender);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
public void forceRedeem(CommandSender sender, List<Player> players, int amount) {
for (Player player : players) {
ForceRedeemEvent event = new ForceRedeemEvent(player, getName(true), amount, sender);
if (event.isCancelled() || player.equals(sender)) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
this.instance.getVoucherExecutor().redeemVoucher(player, this, player.getItemInHand(), false, null);
public void redeemVoucher(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
// does the player have permission to redeem this voucher?
if (!this.permission.isEmpty() && !player.hasPermission(this.permission)) {
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
if (this.instance.getCoolDowns().isOnCoolDown(uuid)) {
.processPlaceholder("time", this.instance.getCoolDowns().getTime(uuid))
.processPlaceholder("voucher", getName(true))
if (this.confirm) {
new ConfirmMenu(this.instance,
() -> this.instance.getVoucherExecutor().redeemVoucher(player, this, event.getItem(), true, event),
() -> {
} else {
this.instance.getVoucherExecutor().redeemVoucher(player, this, event.getItem(), true, event);
public String getTexture() {
return this.texture;
public String getActionBar() {
return TextUtils.formatText(this.actionBar);
public String getSubTitle() {
return TextUtils.formatText(this.subTitle);
public String getTitle() {
return TextUtils.formatText(this.title);
public String getKey() {
return this.key;
public EpicVouchers getInstance() {
return this.instance;
public String getPermission() {
return this.permission;
public Material getMaterial() {
return this.material;
public short getData() {
return this.data;
public int getCoolDown() {
return this.coolDown;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public List<String> getLore() {
return this.lore;
public boolean isGlow() {
return this.glow;
public boolean isConfirm() {
return this.confirm;
public boolean isUnbreakable() {
return this.unbreakable;
public boolean isHideAttributes() {
return this.hideAttributes;
public boolean isRemoveItem() {
return this.removeItem;
public boolean isFeedPlayer() {
return this.feedPlayer;
public boolean isHealPlayer() {
return this.healPlayer;
public boolean isSmiteEffect() {
return this.smiteEffect;
public List<String> getBroadcasts() {
return this.broadcasts;
public List<String> getMessages() {
return this.messages;
public List<String> getCommands() {
return this.commands;
public int getTitleFadeIn() {
return this.titleFadeIn;
public int getTitleStay() {
return this.titleStay;
public int getTitleFadeOut() {
return this.titleFadeOut;
public String getSound() {
return this.sound;
public int getSoundPitch() {
return this.soundPitch;
public String getParticle() {
return this.particle;
public int getParticleAmount() {
return this.particleAmount;
public String getEffect() {
return this.effect;
public int getEffectAmplifier() {
return this.effectAmplifier;
public int getEffectDuration() {
return this.effectDuration;
public ItemStack getItemStack() {
return this.itemStack;
public Voucher setPermission(String permission) {
this.permission = permission;
return this;
public Voucher setMaterial(Material material) {
this.material = material;
return this;
public Voucher setData(short data) {
this.data = data;
return this;
public Voucher setCoolDown(int coolDown) {
this.coolDown = coolDown;
return this;
public Voucher setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public Voucher setLore(List<String> lore) {
this.lore = lore;
return this;
public Voucher setGlow(boolean glow) {
this.glow = glow;
return this;
public Voucher setConfirm(boolean confirm) {
this.confirm = confirm;
return this;
public Voucher setUnbreakable(boolean unbreakable) {
this.unbreakable = unbreakable;
return this;
public Voucher setHideAttributes(boolean hideAttributes) {
this.hideAttributes = hideAttributes;
return this;
public Voucher setRemoveItem(boolean removeItem) {
this.removeItem = removeItem;
return this;
public Voucher setFeedPlayer(boolean feedPlayer) {
this.feedPlayer = feedPlayer;
return this;
public Voucher setHealPlayer(boolean healPlayer) {
this.healPlayer = healPlayer;
return this;
public Voucher setSmiteEffect(boolean smiteEffect) {
this.smiteEffect = smiteEffect;
return this;
public Voucher setBroadcasts(List<String> broadcasts) {
this.broadcasts = broadcasts;
return this;
public Voucher setMessages(List<String> messages) {
this.messages = messages;
return this;
public Voucher setCommands(List<String> commands) {
this.commands = commands;
return this;
public Voucher setTexture(String texture) {
this.texture = texture;
return this;
public Voucher setActionBar(String actionBar) {
this.actionBar = actionBar;
return this;
public Voucher setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
return this;
public Voucher setSubTitle(String subTitle) {
this.subTitle = subTitle;
return this;
public Voucher setTitleFadeIn(int titleFadeIn) {
this.titleFadeIn = titleFadeIn;
return this;
public Voucher setTitleStay(int titleStay) {
this.titleStay = titleStay;
return this;
public Voucher setTitleFadeOut(int titleFadeOut) {
this.titleFadeOut = titleFadeOut;
return this;
public Voucher setSound(String sound) {
this.sound = sound;
return this;
public Voucher setSoundPitch(int soundPitch) {
this.soundPitch = soundPitch;
return this;
public Voucher setParticle(String particle) {
this.particle = particle;
return this;
public Voucher setParticleAmount(int particleAmount) {
this.particleAmount = particleAmount;
return this;
public Voucher setEffect(String effect) {
this.effect = effect;
return this;
public Voucher setEffectAmplifier(int effectAmplifier) {
this.effectAmplifier = effectAmplifier;
return this;
public Voucher setEffectDuration(int effectDuration) {
this.effectDuration = effectDuration;
return this;
public Voucher setItemStack(ItemStack itemStack) {
this.itemStack = itemStack;
return this;