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synced 2025-01-04 07:28:04 +01:00
Adding op/god mode to whois.
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,12 +93,18 @@ public class Commandwarp extends EssentialsCommand
page = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
final int warpPage = (page - 1) * WARPS_PER_PAGE;
final String warpList = Util.joinList(warpNameList.subList(warpPage, warpPage + Math.min(warpNameList.size() - warpPage, WARPS_PER_PAGE)));
if (warpNameList.size() > WARPS_PER_PAGE)
user.sendMessage(Util.format("warpsCount", warpNameList.size(), page, (int)Math.ceil(warpNameList.size() / (double)WARPS_PER_PAGE)));
else {
user.sendMessage(Util.format("warps", warpList));
final int warpPage = (page - 1) * WARPS_PER_PAGE;
user.sendMessage(Util.joinList(warpNameList.subList(warpPage, warpPage + Math.min(warpNameList.size() - warpPage, WARPS_PER_PAGE))));
private void warpUser(User user, String name) throws Exception
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ public class Commandwhois extends EssentialsCommand
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("whoisIs", u.getDisplayName(), u.getName()));
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("whoisHealth", u.getHealth()));
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("whoisOP", (u.isOp() ? Util.i18n("true") : Util.i18n("false"))));
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("whoisGod", (u.isGodModeEnabled() ? Util.i18n("true") : Util.i18n("false"))));
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("whoisGamemode", Util.i18n(u.getGameMode().toString().toLowerCase())));
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("whoisLocation", u.getLocation().getWorld().getName(), u.getLocation().getBlockX(), u.getLocation().getBlockY(), u.getLocation().getBlockZ()));
if (!ess.getSettings().isEcoDisabled())
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77You extinguished {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Failed to close config {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Failed to create config {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Failed to write config {0}
fileRenameError=Renaming file {0} failed
foreverAlone=\u00a7cYou have nobody to whom you can reply.
freedMemory=Freed {0} MB.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = The trade sign has nothing available for you.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cTree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Tree spawned.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77To teleport, type \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77To deny this request, type \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77You can also type the name of a specific world.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = That warp does not exist.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} set.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cYou do not have Permission to use that warp.
warpingTo=\u00a77Warping to {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77There are {0} warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77You set the weather to storm in {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77You set the weather to storm in {0} for {1} seconds
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77You set the weather to sun in {0}
weatherSunFor=\u00a77You set the weather to sun in {0} for {1} seconds
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Location: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Health: {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - IP Address: {0}
whoisIs={0} is {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Location: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Money: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Status: Available
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Status: \u00a7cAway\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Stack of {0} worth \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77Du slukkede {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Fejlede i at lukke config {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Fejl i oprettelse af config {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Fejlede i at skrive config {0}
fileRenameError=Resterende fil {0} fejlede
foreverAlone=\u00a7cDu har ingen du kan svare.
freedMemory=Befriede {0} MB.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = Forhandlings skiltet har ikke nok forsyning tilbage.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cTr\u00e6 genererings fejl. Pr\u00f8v igen p\u00e5 gr\u00e6s eller jord.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Tr\u00e6 fremkaldt.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77For at teleportere, skriv \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77For at n\u00e6gte denne anmodning, skriv \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77Du kan ogs\u00e5 skrive nanvet p\u00e5 en specifik verden.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = Den warp eksisterer ikke.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} sat.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at benytte den warp.
warpingTo=\u00a77Warper til {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77There are {0} warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Du har sat vejret til storm i {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Du har sat vejret til storm i {0} i {1} sekunder
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77Du har sat vejret til sol i {0}
weatherSunFor=\u00a77Du har sat vejret til sol i {0} i {1} sekunder
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Placering: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Helbred: {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - IP Addresse: {0}
whoisIs={0} er {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Placering: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Penge: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Status: Tilg\u00e6ngelig
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Status: \u00a7cV\u00e6k\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Stak af {0} v\u00e6rd \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} element(er) for {3} hver)
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77Du hast {0} gel\u00f6scht.
failedToCloseConfig=Fehler beim Schliessen der Konfiguration {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Fehler beim Erstellen der Konfiguration {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Fehler beim Schreiben der Konfiguration {0}
fileRenameError=Umbenennen von {0} gescheitert.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cDu hast niemanden, dem du antworten kannst.
freedMemory={0} MB frei gemacht.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = Der Bestand des Trade-Schild ist aufgebraucht.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Es gibt nichts mehr zu Sammeln von diesem Trade-Schild.
treeFailure=\u00a7cBaumpflanzung gescheitert. Versuche es auf Gras oder Dreck.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Baum gepflanzt.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77Um zu teleportieren, schreibe \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77Um diese Anfrage abzulehnen, schreibe \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77Du kannst auch den Namen der Welt eingeben.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = Warp-Punkt existiert nicht.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp-Punkt {0} wurde erstellt.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cDu hast keinen Zugriff f\u00fcr diesen Warp-Punkt.
warpingTo=\u00a77Teleportiere zu Warp-Punkt {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77Es gibt {0} Warp-Punkte. Zeige Seite {1} von {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77In {0} st\u00fcrmt es nun.
weatherStormFor=\u00a77In {0} st\u00fcrmt es nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden.
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77In {0} scheint nun die Sonne.
weatherSunFor=\u00a77In {0} scheint nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden die Sonne.
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Herkunft: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Gesundheit: {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - IP-Adresse: {0}
whoisIs={0} ist {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Position: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Geldb\u00f6rse: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Status: Anwesend
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Status: \u00a7cAbwesend\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Ein Stapel von {0} ist \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 wert ({2} Einheiten je {3})
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77You extinguished {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Failed to close config {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Failed to create config {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Failed to write config {0}
fileRenameError=Renaming file {0} failed
foreverAlone=\u00a7cYou have nobody to whom you can reply.
freedMemory=Freed {0} MB.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = The trade sign does not have enough supply left.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cTree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Tree spawned.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77To teleport, type \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77To deny this request, type \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77You can also type the name of a specific world.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = That warp does not exist.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} set.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cYou do not have Permission to use that warp.
warpingTo=\u00a77Warping to {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77There are {0} warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77You set the weather to storm in {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77You set the weather to storm in {0} for {1} seconds
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77You set the weather to sun in {0}
weatherSunFor=\u00a77You set the weather to sun in {0} for {1} seconds
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Location: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Health: {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - IP Address: {0}
whoisIs={0} is {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Location: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Money: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Status: Available
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Status: \u00a7cAway\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Stack of {0} worth \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77Has matado a {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Error al cerrar configuracion {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Error al crear configuracion {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Error al escribir configuracion {0}
fileRenameError=Error al renombrar el archivo {0}
foreverAlone=\u00a7cNo tienes nadie a quien puedas responder.
freedMemory= {0} MB libres.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = Esta tienda no tiene nada disponible para ti.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=No hay nada que recojer de esta tienda.
treeFailure=\u00a7cError al generar arbol. Prueba de nuevo en tierra o hierba.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Arbol puesto.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77Para teletransportarte, escribe \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77Para denegar esta peticion, escribe \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77Tu tambien puedes escribir el nombre de un mundo especifico.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = Ese teletransporte no existe.
warpSet=\u00a77Teletransporte {0} establecido.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cNo tienes permisos para usar ese teletransporte.
warpingTo=\u00a77Teletransportandote a {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77Hay {0} teletransportes. Mostrando pagina {1} de {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Has establecido el tiempo a tormenta en este mundo.
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Has establecido el tiempo a tormenta en este {1} durante {0} segundos.
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77Has establecido el tiempo a sol en este mundo.
weatherSunFor=\u00a77Has establecido el tiempo a sol en este {1} durante {0} segundos.
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Localizacion: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Salud: {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - Direccion IP: {0}
whoisIs={0} es {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Localizacion: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Dinero: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Estado: Disponible
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Status: \u00a7cAusente\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Pila de {0} con valor de \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} objeto(s) a {3} cada uno)
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77Vous avez \u00e9teint {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Echec de la fermeture de la configuration {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Echec de la cr\u00e9ation de la configuration {0}
failedToWriteConfig=\u00c9chec de l''\u00e9criture de la configuration {0}
fileRenameError=Echec du changement de nom de {0}.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cVous n''avez personne \u00e0 qui r\u00e9pondre.
freedMemory=A lib\u00e9r\u00e9 {0} Mo.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = Le panneau de vente n''as pas encore assez de stock.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cEchec de la g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de l''arbre. Essayez de nouveau sur de l''herbe ou de la terre.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Arbre cr\u00e9\u00e9.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77Pour le t\u00e9l\u00e9porter, tapez \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77Pour d\u00e9cliner cette demande, entrez \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77Vous pouvez aussi taper le nom d''un monde sp\u00e9cifique.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = Ce warp n''existe pas.
warpSet=\u00a77Le warp {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cVous n''avez pas la permission d''utiliser ce warp.
warpingTo=\u00a77T\u00e9l\u00e9portation au warp {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77There are {0} warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Vous avez d\u00e9fini l''orage dans {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Vous avez d\u00e9fini l''orage dans {0} pour {1} secondes.
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77Vous avez mis le beau temps dans {0}
weatherSunFor=\u00a77Vous avez mis le beau temps dans {0} pour {1} secondes.
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Emplacement: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Vie: {0} / 20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - Adresse IP: {0}
whoisIs={0} est {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Emplacement: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Argent: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Statut: Disponible
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Statut: \u00a7cAilleurs\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Un stack de {0} vaut \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} objet(s) \u00e0 {3} chacun)
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ extinguishOthers = \u00a77Je hebt {0} geblust.
failedToCloseConfig=Fout bij het sluiten van config {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Fout tijdens het aanmaken van config {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Fout bij het cre\u00ebren van config {0}
fileRenameError=Hernoemen van {0} mislukt
foreverAlone=\u00a7cJe hebt niemand waarnaar je kan reageren.
freedMemory={0} MB gelost.
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ tradeSignEmpty = Het handelsbordje heeft een te kleine voorraad.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cFout bij het genereren van boom. Pobeer het opnieuw op gras of dirt.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Boom gespawned.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77Om te teleporten, type \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77Om te weigeren, type \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77Je kan ook de exacte naam van de wereld typen.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ warpNotExist = Die warp bestaat niet.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} ingesteld.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cOnbevoegd om die warp te gebruiken.
warpingTo=\u00a77Aan het warpen naar {0}.
warpsCount=\u00a77There are {0} warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Je hebt het weer naar storm gezet in de {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Je hebt het weer in de {0} naar storm gezet voor {1} seconde
@ -357,11 +360,13 @@ weatherSun = \u00a77Je hebt het weer naar zon gezet in de {0}
weatherSunFor=\u00a77Je hebt het weer in de {0} naar zon gezet voor {1} seconde
whoisGamemode=\u00a79 - Gamemode: {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a79 - Locatie: {0}
whoisGod=\u00a79 - God mode: {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a79 - Levens: {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a79 - IP Adres: {0}
whoisIs={0} is {1}
whoisLocation=\u00a79 - Locatie: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a79 - Geld: {0}
whoisOP=\u00a79 - OP: {0}
whoisStatusAvailable=\u00a79 - Status: Beschikbaar
whoisStatusAway=\u00a79 - Status: \u00a7cWeg\u00a7f
worth=\u00a77Stapel {0} met waarde \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} voorwerp(en) voor {3} per stuk)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user