New translations (English, United States)

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Flask Bot 2024-12-09 20:26:36 +00:00
parent 05938c5904
commit 4986a094fe

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@ -997,12 +997,8 @@ sethomeCommandUsage2Description=Sets the specified player''s home with the given
setjailCommandDescription=Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname].
setjailCommandUsage1Description=Sets the jail with the specified name to your location
settprCommandDescription=Set the random teleport location and parameters.
settprCommandUsage=/<command> [center|minrange|maxrange] [value]
settprCommandUsage1=/<command> center
settprCommandUsage1Description=Sets the random teleport center to your location
settprCommandUsage2=/<command> minrange <radius>
settprCommandUsage2Description=Sets the minimum random teleport radius to the given value
settprCommandUsage3=/<command> maxrange <radius>
settprCommandUsage3Description=Sets the maximum random teleport radius to the given value
settpr=§6Set random teleport center.
settprValue=§6Set random teleport §c{0}§6 to §c{1}§6.