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synced 2025-02-04 06:21:35 +01:00
New translations messages.properties (Romanian)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Sat Feb 03 17:34:46 GMT 2024
action=<dark_purple>* {0} <dark_purple>{1}
action=§5* {0} §5{1}
addedToAccount=<green>{0} au fost adaugati in contul tau.
addedToOthersAccount=<green>{0} au fost adaugati in contul lui {1}<green>. Balanta noua\: {2}
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ cannotSellTheseNamedItems=You are not allowed to sell these named items\: {0}
cannotStackMob=<dark_red>Nu. ai permissiunea sa stackezi mobii.
canTalkAgain=<primary>Poti vorbi din nou acum.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Nu se gaseste baza de data GeoIP\!
cantGamemode=<dark_red>You do not have permission to change to gamemode {0}
cantGamemode=§4You do not have permission to change to gamemode {0}
cantReadGeoIpDB=Citirea bazei de date GeoIP a dat gres\!
cantSpawnItem=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea de a genera obiectul<secondary> {0}<dark_red>.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Deschide un tabel cartografic.
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ chatTypeLocal=§[L]
cleaned=Fisierele jucatorilor au fost curatate.
cleaning=Fisierele jucatorilor se curata.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=<primary>You will no longer be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=<primary>You will now be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=§6You will no longer be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=§6You will now be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearinventoryCommandDescription=Șterge toate elementele din inventar.
clearinventoryCommandUsage=/<command> [jucator<unk> *] [item[\:\\<data>]<unk> *<unk> **] [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage1Description=Curăță toate articolele din inventarul tău
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ clearinventoryCommandUsage2Description=Curăță toate obiectele din inventarul
clearinventoryCommandUsage3=/<command> <player> <item> [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage3Description=Curăță toate (sau suma specificată) obiectului dat din inventarul jucătorului specificat
clearinventoryconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=Comută dacă vi se solicită să confirmați ștergerile de inventar.
commandCooldown=<secondary>You cannot type that command for {0}.
commandCooldown=§cYou cannot type that command for {0}.
commandDisabled=Comanda {0} este dezactivata.
commandFailed=Comanda {0} a esuat\:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Eroare primire ajutor pentru pluginul\: {0}
@ -141,21 +141,21 @@ condenseCommandUsage1Description=Condensează toate produsele din inventarul tă
condenseCommandUsage2Description=Condensează produsul specificat în inventarul tău
configFileMoveError=Eroare mutând fișierul config.yml in locația Backup.
configFileRenameError=Eroare redenumind fișierul config.yml.
confirmClear=<gray>To <b>CONFIRM<gray> inventory clear, please repeat command\: <primary>{0}
confirmPayment=<gray>To <b>CONFIRM<gray> payment of <primary>{0}<gray>, please repeat command\: <primary>{1}
confirmClear=§7To §lCONFIRM§7 inventory clear, please repeat command\: §6{0}
confirmPayment=§7To §lCONFIRM§7 payment of §6{0}§7, please repeat command\: §6{1}
connectedPlayers=<primary>Jucători conectați\: <reset>
connectionFailed=Deschiderea conexiunii a eșuat.
cooldownWithMessage=<dark_red>Timp rămas\: {0}
coordsKeyword={0}, {1}, {2}
couldNotFindTemplate=<dark_red>Nu s-a gasit sablonul {0}
createdKit=<primary>Created kit <secondary>{0} <primary>with <secondary>{1} <primary>entries and delay <secondary>{2}
createdKit=§6Created kit §c{0} §6with §c{1} §6entries and delay §c{2}
createkitCommandDescription=Creeaza un kit in joc\!
createkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createkitCommandUsage1Description=Creează un kit cu numele dat și întârzierea
createKitFailed=<dark_red>Error occurred whilst creating kit {0}.
createKitSuccess=<primary>Created Kit\: <white>{0}\n<primary>Delay\: <white>{1}\n<primary>Link\: <white>{2}\n<primary>Copy contents in the link above into your kits.yml.
createKitFailed=§4Error occurred whilst creating kit {0}.
createKitSuccess=§6Created Kit\: §f{0}\n§6Delay\: §f{1}\n§6Link\: §f{2}\n§6Copy contents in the link above into your kits.yml.
createKitUnsupported=NBT item serialization has been enabled, but this server is not running Paper 1.15.2+. Falling back to standard item serialization.
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Se creaza configuratie de la sablonul\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Se creaza o configuratie goala\: {0}
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ editBookContents=<yellow>Acum poti modifica continutul acestei carti.
enchantCommandDescription=Enchanteaza elementul pe care il tine in mana utilizatorul.
enchantCommandUsage1Description=Enchantanta articolul detins cu o miscare data la un nivel opţional
enableUnlimited=<primary>Giving unlimited amount of<secondary> {0} <primary>to <secondary>{1}<primary>.
enableUnlimited=§6Giving unlimited amount of§c {0} §6to §c{1}§6.
enchantmentApplied=<primary>Magia<secondary> {0} <primary>a fost aplicata pe obiectul din mana.
enchantmentNotFound=<dark_red>Magia nu a fost gasita\!
enchantmentPerm=<dark_red>YNu ai permisiunea pentru<secondary> {0}<dark_red>.
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ essentialsCommandDescription=Reincarca essentials.
essentialsCommandUsage1=/<command> reload
essentialsHelp1=Fisierul este stricat si nu poate fi deschis. Essentials este acum dezactivat. Daca nu poti rezolva problema singur, dute la http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=Fisierul este stricat si nu poate fi deschis. Essentials este acum dezactivat. Daca nu poti rezolva problema singur, dute la http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=<primary>Essentials reloaded<secondary> {0}.
essentialsReload=§6Essentials reloaded§c {0}.
exp=<secondary>{0} <primary>are<secondary> {1} <primary>experienta (nivel<secondary> {2}<primary>) si are nevoie de <secondary> {3} <primary>experienta pentru a atinge un nou nivel.
expSet=<secondary>{0} <primary>are acum<secondary> {1} <primary>experienta.
extCommandDescription=Stinge jucatorii.
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ failedToWriteConfig=Eroare la scrierea configuratiei {0}.
feed=<primary>Apetitul tau a fost saturat.
feedCommandDescription=Satisface foametea.
feedOther=<primary>You satiated the appetite of <secondary>{0}<primary>.
feedOther=§6You satiated the appetite of §c{0}§6.
fileRenameError=Redenumirea fisierului {0} a esuat\!
fireballCommandDescription=Arunca un fireball sau alte proiectile asortate.
fireballCommandUsage=/<command> [fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident] [speed]
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ foreverAlone=<dark_red>Nu ai pe nimeni la care sa raspunzi.
fullStack=<dark_red>Ai deja un stac intreg.
fullStackDefault=Stack-ul tau a fost setat la dimensiunea sa implicita, {0}.
fullStackDefaultOversize=Stack-ul tau a fost setat la dimensiunea sa maxima, {0}.
gameMode=<primary>Set game mode<secondary> {0} <primary>for <secondary>{1}<primary>.
gameMode=§6Set game mode§c {0} §6for §c{1}§6.
gameModeInvalid=<dark_red>Trebuie sa specifici un jucator/mod valid.
gamemodeCommandDescription=Schimba modul de joc al jucatorului.
gamemodeCommandUsage=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ givenSkull=<primary>Ti-a fost dat craniul lui <secondary>{0}<primary>.
godCommandDescription=Activeaza puterile tale god.
giveSpawn=I-ai dat {0} bucata(ti) de {1} lui {2}.
giveSpawnFailure=Spatiu insuficient, {0} {1} au fost pierdute.
godDisabledFor=<secondary>disabled<primary> for<secondary> {0}
godDisabledFor=§cdisabled§6 for§c {0}
godEnabledFor=<green>activat<primary> pentru<secondary> {0}.
godMode=<primary>Modul GOD<secondary> {0}<primary>.
groupDoesNotExist=<dark_red>Nu sunt jucatori conectati din aceasta grupa\!
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ helpCommandDescription=Vizualizeaza lista comenzilor disponibile.
helpCommandUsage=/<command> [search term] [page]
helpConsole=Pentru a vedea ajutorul din CONSOLA, scrie ?.
helpFrom=<primary>Comenzi din {0}\:
helpLine=<primary>/{0}<reset>\: {1}
helpLine=§6/{0}§r\: {1}
helpMatching=<primary>Comenzi potrivite "<secondary>{0}<primary>"\:
helpOp=<dark_red>[AjutorOP]<reset> <primary>{0}\:<reset> {1}
helpPlugin=<dark_red>{0}<reset>\: Ajutor plugin\: /help {1}
@ -404,12 +404,12 @@ infoChapterPages=<yellow>---<primary> {0} <yellow>--<primary> Pagina <secondary>
infoPages=<yellow> ---- <primary>{2} <yellow>--<primary> Pagina <secondary>{0}<primary>/<secondary>{1} <yellow>----
infoUnknownChapter=<dark_red>Capitol necunoscut.
insufficientFunds=<dark_red>Fonduri insuficiente.
invalidBanner=<dark_red>Invalid banner syntax.
invalidBanner=§4Invalid banner syntax.
invalidCharge=<dark_red>Incarcare invalida.
invalidFireworkFormat=<dark_red>The option <secondary>{0} <dark_red>is not a valid value for <secondary>{1}<dark_red>.
invalidFireworkFormat=§4The option §c{0} §4is not a valid value for §c{1}§4.
invalidHome=<dark_red>Casa<secondary> {0} <dark_red>nu exista\!
invalidHomeName=<dark_red>Numele casei este invalida\!
invalidItemFlagMeta=<dark_red>Invalid itemflag meta\: <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
invalidItemFlagMeta=§4Invalid itemflag meta\: §c{0}§4.
invalidMob=Tip de mob invalid.
invalidNumber=Numar invalid.
invalidPotion=<dark_red>Potiune invalida.
@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ inventoryClearingFromAll=<primary>Se curata inventarul tuturor jucatorilor...
inventoryClearingStack=<primary>Se curata<secondary> {0} <primary>of<secondary> {1} <primary>de la {2} <primary>.
isIpBanned=<primary>IP-ul <secondary> {0} <primary>este interzis.
internalError=<secondary>An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.
internalError=§cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.
itemCannotBeSold=<dark_red>Acest obiect nu poate fi vandut pe server.
itemId=<primary>ID\:<secondary> {0}
itemId=§6ID\:§c {0}
itemloreClear=You have cleared this item''s lore.
itemloreInvalidItem=You need to hold an item to edit its lore.
itemloreNoLine=Your held item does not have lore text on line {0}.
@ -442,16 +442,16 @@ itemnameSuccess=You have renamed your held item to "{0}".
itemNotEnough1=<dark_red>YNu ai destul din acest obiect pentru a-l putea vinde.
itemNotEnough2=<primary>Daca ai vrut sa vinzi toate obiectele de tipul acela, foloseste /sell <numeObiect>
itemNotEnough3=<primary>/sell <numeObiect> va vinde totul inafara de 1, s.a.m.d.
itemsConverted=<primary>Converted all items into blocks.
itemsConverted=§6Converted all items into blocks.
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Nu s-a putut incarca fisierul items.csv\!
itemSellAir=Chiar ai incercat sa vinzi ''aer''? Pune-ti un obiect in mana.
itemsNotConverted=<dark_red>You have no items that can be converted into blocks.
itemsNotConverted=§4You have no items that can be converted into blocks.
itemSold=<green>Vandut pentru <secondary>{0} <green>({1} {2} la {3} fiecare).
itemSoldConsole=<green>{0} <green>a vandut {1} pentru <green>{2} <green>({3} obiecte la {4} fiecare).
itemSpawn=<primary>Ai primit<secondary> {0} <primary>bucata(ti) de<secondary> {1}
itemType=<primary>Obiect\:<secondary> {0}
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=<dark_red>Acest jucator este deja in inchisoare\:<secondary> {0}
jailList=<primary>Jails\:<reset> {0}
jailList=§6Jails\:§r {0}
jailMessage=<dark_red>Incalci reguli, trebuie sa platesti.
jailNotExist=<dark_red>Aceasta inchisoare nu exista.
jailNotifyJailed=<primary>Jucatorul<secondary> {0} <primary>a fost inchis de catre &c{1}.
@ -469,16 +469,16 @@ kickDefault=Ai fost dat afara de pe server.
kickedAll=<dark_red>Ai dat afara toti jucatorii de pe server.
kickExempt=<dark_red>Nu poti da afara acest jucator.
kill=<primary>Ai ucis (pe)<secondary> {0} <primary>.
killExempt=<dark_red>You cannot kill <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
kitContains=<primary>Kit <secondary>{0} <primary>contains\:
kitCost=\ <gray><i>({0})<reset>
killExempt=§4You cannot kill §c{0}§4.
kitContains=§6Kit §c{0} §6contains\:
kitCost=\ §7§o({0})§r
kitError=<dark_red>Nu sunt kituri valide.
kitError2=<dark_red>Acest kit este nedefinit. Contactati un operator.
kitGiveTo=<primary>Giving kit<secondary> {0}<primary> to <secondary>{1}<primary>.
kitGiveTo=§6Giving kit§c {0}§6 to §c{1}§6.
kitInvFull=<dark_red>Inventarul tau este plin, kitul este aruncat jos.
kitInvFullNoDrop=There is not enough room in your inventory for that kit.
kitItem=<primary>- <white>{0}
kitItem=§6- §f{0}
kitNotFound=<dark_red>Acest kit nu exista.
kitOnce=<dark_red>Nu poti folosi acest kit din nou.
kitReceive=<primary>Ai primit kitul<secondary> {0}<primary>.
@ -507,13 +507,13 @@ mailFormatNew=[{0}] [{1}] {2}
mailFormatNewTimed=[⚠] [{0}] [{1}] {2}
mailFormatNewRead=[{0}] [{1}] {2}
mailFormatNewReadTimed=[⚠] [{0}] [{1}] {2}
mailFormat=<primary>[<reset>{0}<primary>] <reset>{1}
mailFormat=§6[§r{0}§6] §r{1}
mailSent=<primary>Mail trimis\!
mailSentTo=<secondary>{0}<primary> has been sent the following mail\:
mailSentTo=§c{0}§6 has been sent the following mail\:
mailSentToExpire={0} has been sent the following mail which will expire in {1}\:
mailTooLong=<dark_red>Mail message too long. Try to keep it below 1000 characters.
markMailAsRead=<primary>To mark your mail as read, type<secondary> /mail clear<primary>.
mailTooLong=§4Mail message too long. Try to keep it below 1000 characters.
markMailAsRead=§6To mark your mail as read, type§c /mail clear§6.
matchingIPAddress=<primary>Jucatori s-au logat anterior de pe aceste IP-uri\:
maxHomes=<dark_red>Nu poti seta mai mult de<secondary> {0} <dark_red>case.
maxMoney=<dark_red>Aceasta tranzactie ar depasi suma din acest cont.
@ -523,10 +523,10 @@ meCommandDescription=Descrie o actiune in contextul jucatorului.
meCommandUsage=/<command> <description>
minimumBalanceError=The minimum balance a user can have is {0}.
minimumPayAmount=<secondary>The minimum amount you can pay is {0}.
minimumPayAmount=§cThe minimum amount you can pay is {0}.
missingItems=<dark_red>You do not have <secondary>{0}x {1}<dark_red>.
missingItems=§4You do not have §c{0}x {1}§4.
mobDataList=<primary>Mob data valide <reset>\: {0}
mobsAvailable=<primary>Mobi\:<reset> {0}
mobSpawnError=<dark_red>Eroare in schimbarea mob generator.
@ -543,12 +543,12 @@ motdCommandDescription=Vizualizeaza mesajul zilei.
moveSpeed=<primary>Viteza de la {0} a fost setata la <secondary>{1} <primary>pentru <secondary>{2}<primary>.
msgCommandDescription=Trimite un mesaj privat catre jucatorul specificat.
msgCommandUsage=/<command> <to> <message>
msgDisabled=<primary>Receiving messages <secondary>disabled<primary>.
msgDisabledFor=<primary>Receiving messages <secondary>disabled <primary>for <secondary>{0}<primary>.
msgEnabled=<primary>Receiving messages <secondary>enabled<primary>.
msgEnabledFor=<primary>Receiving messages <secondary>enabled <primary>for <secondary>{0}<primary>.
msgFormat=<primary>[<secondary>{0}<primary> -> <secondary>{1}<primary>] <reset>{2}
msgIgnore=<secondary>{0} <dark_red>has messages disabled.
msgDisabled=§6Receiving messages §cdisabled§6.
msgDisabledFor=§6Receiving messages §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
msgEnabled=§6Receiving messages §cenabled§6.
msgEnabledFor=§6Receiving messages §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
msgFormat=§6[§c{0}§6 -> §c{1}§6] §r{2}
msgIgnore=§c{0} §4has messages disabled.
msgtoggleCommandDescription=Blocheaza primirea tuturor mesajelor private.
multipleCharges=<dark_red>Nu poti aplica mai mult de o incarcare pe racheta.
multiplePotionEffects=<dark_red>Nu poti aplica mai mult de un efect pe potiune.
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ mutedUserSpeaks={0} a incercat sa vorbeasca, dar nu are voie.
muteExempt=<dark_red>Nu poti sa opresti vorbitul acestui jucator.
muteExemptOffline=<dark_red>Nu poti aduce la tacere jucatorii inactivi.
muteNotify=<secondary> {0} <primary>l-a adus la tacere pe <secondary> {1}.
muteNotifyFor=<secondary>{0} <primary>has muted player <secondary>{1}<primary> for<secondary> {2}<primary>.
muteNotifyFor=§c{0} §6has muted player §c{1}§6 for§c {2}§6.
muteNotifyForReason={0} l-a amutit pe {1} pentru {2}. Motiv\: {3}
muteNotifyReason={0} l-a amutit pe {1}. Motiv\: {2}
nearCommandDescription=Arata jucatorii din apropierea ta sau a altui jucator.
@ -576,22 +576,22 @@ nickDisplayName=<dark_red>Trebuie sa activezi schimbarea numelui din configurati
nickInUse=<dark_red>Acest nume este deja in uz.
nickNameBlacklist=Aceasta porecla nu este permisa.
nickNamesAlpha=<dark_red>Numele trebuie sa fie alfanumeric.
nickNamesOnlyColorChanges=<dark_red>Nicknames can only have their colors changed.
nickNamesOnlyColorChanges=§4Nicknames can only have their colors changed.
nickNoMore=<primary>Nu mai ai nume.
nickSet=<primary>Your nickname is now <secondary>{0}<primary>.
nickSet=§6Your nickname is now §c{0}§6.
nickTooLong=<dark_red>Acest nume este prea lung.
noAccessCommand=<dark_red>Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda.
noAccessPermission=<dark_red>You do not have permission to access that <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
noAccessPermission=§4You do not have permission to access that §c{0}§4.
noAccessSubCommand=You do not have access to {0}.
noBreakBedrock=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea sa spargi roca.
noDestroyPermission=<dark_red>You do not have permission to destroy that <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
noDestroyPermission=§4You do not have permission to destroy that §c{0}§4.
noGodWorldWarning=<dark_red>Avertisment\! Modul GOD este dezactivat in aceasta lume.
noHomeSetPlayer=<primary>Jucatorul nu are setata casa.
noIgnored=<primary>Tu nu ignori pe nimeni.
noJailsDefined=<primary>No jails defined.
noJailsDefined=§6No jails defined.
noKitGroup=<dark_red>Nu ai acces la acest kit.
noKitPermission=<dark_red>Ai nevoie de permisiunea <secondary>{0}<dark_red> pentru a utiliza acest kit.
noKits=<primary>Nu sunt kituri valabile inca.
@ -607,12 +607,12 @@ nonZeroPosNumber=Este necesar un numar non-zero.
noPendingRequest=<dark_red>Nu ai nici o cerere in asteptare.
noPerm=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
noPermissionSkull=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea sa modifici acel craniu.
noPermToAFKMessage=<dark_red>You don''t have permission to set an AFK message.
noPermToAFKMessage=§4You don''t have permission to set an AFK message.
noPermToSpawnMob=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea sa generezi acest mob.
noPlacePermission=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea sa plasezi un bloc in apropierea acestui semn.
noPotionEffectPerm=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea sa aplici efectul<secondary>{0} <dark_red>pe aceasta potiune.
noPowerTools=<primary>Nu ai nicio putere pe acest obiect.
notAcceptingPay=<dark_red>{0} <dark_red>is not accepting payment.
notAcceptingPay=§4{0} §4is not accepting payment.
notEnoughExperience=<dark_red>Nu ai destula experienta.
notEnoughMoney=<dark_red>Nu ai destule fonduri.
notFlying=nu zbori
@ -623,29 +623,29 @@ nuke=<dark_purple>Ploua cu decese.
nukeCommandDescription=Ploua cu decese asupra lor.
numberRequired=Un numar merge acolo, prostesc.
onlyDayNight=/time suporta doar day/night.
onlyPlayers=<dark_red>Only in-game players can use <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
onlyPlayerSkulls=<dark_red>You can only set the owner of player skulls (<secondary>397\:3<dark_red>).
onlyPlayers=§4Only in-game players can use §c{0}§4.
onlyPlayerSkulls=§4You can only set the owner of player skulls (§c397\:3§4).
onlySunStorm=<dark_red>/weather suporta doar sun/storm.
openingDisposal=<primary>Opening disposal menu...
openingDisposal=§6Opening disposal menu...
orderBalances=<primary>Se ordoneaza balantele a<secondary> {0} <primary>jucatori, te rog asteapta...
oversizedMute=Nu poti amuti un jucator pentru o asa perioada de timp.
oversizedTempban=<dark_red>Nu poti interzice un jucator pentru asa o perioada de timp.
passengerTeleportFail=Nu poti fi teleportat in timp ce cari pasageri.
payCommandDescription=Plateste un alt jucator din balanta ta.
payCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <amount>
payConfirmToggleOff=<primary>You will no longer be prompted to confirm payments.
payConfirmToggleOn=<primary>You will now be prompted to confirm payments.
payConfirmToggleOff=§6You will no longer be prompted to confirm payments.
payConfirmToggleOn=§6You will now be prompted to confirm payments.
payDisabledFor=Disabled accepting payments for {0}.
payEnabledFor=Enabled accepting payments for {0}.
payMustBePositive=<dark_red>Amount to pay must be positive.
payMustBePositive=§4Amount to pay must be positive.
payOffline=You cannot pay offline users.
payToggleOff=<primary>You are no longer accepting payments.
payToggleOn=<primary>You are now accepting payments.
payToggleOff=§6You are no longer accepting payments.
payToggleOn=§6You are now accepting payments.
payconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=Activeaza daca vi se solicita sa confirmati platile.
pendingTeleportCancelled=<dark_red>Cererea de teleportare a fost refuzata.
playerBanIpAddress=<primary>Player<secondary> {0} <primary>banned IP address<secondary> {1} <primary>for\: <secondary>{2}<primary>.
playerBanIpAddress=§6Player§c {0} §6banned IP address§c {1} §6for\: §c{2}§6.
playerTempBanIpAddress=Player {0} temporarily banned IP address {1} for {2}\: {3}.
playerBanned=<primary>Player<secondary> {0} <primary>banned<secondary> {1} <primary>for\: <secondary>{2}<primary>.
playerBanned=§6Player§c {0} §6banned§c {1} §6for\: §c{2}§6.
playerJailed=<primary>Jucatorul<secondary> {0} <primary>a fost inchis.
playerJailedFor=<primary>Jucatorul<secondary> {0} <primary>a fost inchis pentru\: {1}.
playerKicked=<primary>Adminul<secondary> {0} <primary>l-a dat afara pe {1} pentru\: {2}.
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ playerMutedForReason=You have been muted for {0}. Reason\: {1}
playerMutedReason=You have been muted\! Reason\: {0}
playerNeverOnServer=<dark_red>Jucatorul<secondary> {0} <dark_red>nu a fost niciodata pe acest server.
playerNotFound=<dark_red>Jucatorul nu a fost gasit.
playerTempBanned=<primary>Player <secondary>{0}<primary> temporarily banned <secondary>{1}<primary> for <secondary>{2}<primary>\: <secondary>{3}<primary>.
playerTempBanned=§6Player §c{0}§6 temporarily banned §c{1}§6 for §c{2}§6\: §c{3}§6.
playerUnbanIpAddress=<primary>Adminul<secondary> {0} <primary>i-a scos interzicerea IPului\: {1}.
playerUnbanned=<primary>Adminul<secondary> {0} <primary>i-a scos interzicerea lui {1}.
playerUnmuted=<primary>Ti s-a dat voie sa vorbesti.
@ -663,21 +663,21 @@ playtime=Playtime\: {0}
playtimeOther=Playtime of {1}\: {0}
posPitch=<primary>Inaltime\: {0} (unghiul capului)
possibleWorlds=<primary>Possible worlds are the numbers <secondary>0<primary> through <secondary>{0}<primary>.
possibleWorlds=§6Possible worlds are the numbers §c0§6 through §c{0}§6.
posX=<primary>X\: {0} (+Est <-> -Vest)
posY=<primary>Y\: {0} (+Sus <-> -Jos)
posYaw=<primary>Yaw\: {0} (Rotatie)
posZ=<primary>Z\: {0} (+Sud <-> -Nord)
potions=<primary>Potiuni\:<reset> {0}<primary>.
powerToolAir=<dark_red>Comanda nu poate fi atasata de ''aer''.
powerToolAlreadySet=<dark_red>Command <secondary>{0}<dark_red> is already assigned to <secondary>{1}<dark_red>.
powerToolAlreadySet=§4Command §c{0}§4 is already assigned to §c{1}§4.
powerToolAttach=<secondary>{0}<primary> comanda pusa {1}.
powerToolClearAll=<primary>Comenzile au fost scoase de pe acest obiect.
powerToolList=<primary>Obiectul <secondary>{1} <primary>are urmatoarele comenzi\: <secondary>{0}<primary>.
powerToolListEmpty=<dark_red>Obiectul <secondary>{0} <dark_red>nu are comenzi puse.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=<dark_red>Command <secondary>{0}<dark_red> has not been assigned to <secondary>{1}<dark_red>.
powerToolRemove=<primary>Command <secondary>{0}<primary> removed from <secondary>{1}<primary>.
powerToolRemoveAll=<primary>All commands removed from <secondary>{0}<primary>.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=§4Command §c{0}§4 has not been assigned to §c{1}§4.
powerToolRemove=§6Command §c{0}§6 removed from §c{1}§6.
powerToolRemoveAll=§6All commands removed from §c{0}§6.
powerToolsDisabled=<primary>Toate comenzile de pe obiecte au fost scoase.
powerToolsEnabled=<primary>Toate comenzile de pe obiect au fost puse.
pTimeCurrent=<primary>Timpul jucatorului <secondary>{0}<primary> este<secondary> {1}<primary>.
@ -698,20 +698,20 @@ pWeatherSet=<primary>Vreme este setata la <secondary> {0} <primary> pentru\: <se
questionFormat=<dark_green>[Intrebare]<reset> {0}
radiusTooBig=<dark_red>Distanta este prea mare\! Distanta maxima este de {0}.
readNextPage=<primary>Scrie<secondary> /{0} {1} <primary>pentru a citi pagina urmatoare.
realName=<white>{0}<reset><primary> is <white>{1}
recentlyForeverAlone=<dark_red>{0} recently went offline.
recipe=<primary>Recipe for <secondary>{0}<primary> (<secondary>{1}<primary> of <secondary>{2}<primary>)
realName=§f{0}§r§6 is §f{1}
recentlyForeverAlone=§4{0} recently went offline.
recipe=§6Recipe for §c{0}§6 (§c{1}§6 of §c{2}§6)
recipeBadIndex=Nu este nici o reteta cu acel numar.
recipeFurnace=<primary>Smelt\: <secondary>{0}<primary>.
recipeGrid=<secondary>{0}X <primary>| §{1}X <primary>| §{2}X
recipeGridItem=<secondary>{0}X <primary>is <secondary>{1}
recipeFurnace=§6Smelt\: §c{0}§6.
recipeGrid=§c{0}X §6| §{1}X §6| §{2}X
recipeGridItem=§c{0}X §6is §c{1}
recipeMore=<primary>Type /{0} <secondary>{1}<primary> <numar> pentru a vedea alta reteta pentru <secondary>{2}<primary>.
recipeNone=Nu exista reteta pentru {0}
recipeShapeless=<primary>Combina <secondary>{0}
recipeWhere=<primary>Unde\: {0}
removed=<primary>S-au sters<secondary> {0} <primary>entitati.
repair=<primary>You have successfully repaired your\: <secondary>{0}<primary>.
repair=§6You have successfully repaired your\: §c{0}§6.
repairAlreadyFixed=<dark_red>Aces obiect nu trebuie reparat.
repairEnchanted=<dark_red>Ai ai permisiunea sa repair obiecte magice.
repairInvalidType=<dark_red>Acest obiect nu poate fi reparat.
@ -729,28 +729,28 @@ requestDenied=<primary>Cererea de teleportare a fost respinsa.
requestDeniedAll=Denied {0} pending teleport request(s).
requestDeniedFrom=<secondary>{0} <primary>a respins cererea de teleportare.
requestSent=<primary>Cerere a fost trimisa catre<secondary> {0}<primary>.
requestSentAlready=<dark_red>You have already sent {0}<dark_red> a teleport request.
requestSentAlready=§4You have already sent {0}§4 a teleport request.
requestTimedOut=<dark_red>Timpul de acceptare s-a terminat.
requestTimedOutFrom=Teleport request from {0} has timed out.
resetBal=<primary>Balance has been reset to <secondary>{0} <primary>for all online players.
resetBalAll=<primary>Balance has been reset to <secondary>{0} <primary>for all players.
resetBal=§6Balance has been reset to §c{0} §6for all online players.
resetBalAll=§6Balance has been reset to §c{0} §6for all players.
rest=You feel well rested.
restOther=Resting {0}.
returnPlayerToJailError=<dark_red>Error occurred when trying to return player<secondary> {0} <dark_red>to jail\: <secondary>{1}<dark_red>\!
returnPlayerToJailError=§4Error occurred when trying to return player§c {0} §4to jail\: §c{1}§4\!
runningPlayerMatch=<primary>Ruleaza cautarea pentru potrivite jucatori ''<secondary>{0}<primary>'' (Poate dura ceva)
seenAccounts=<primary>Player has also been known as\:<secondary> {0}
seenOffline=<primary>Player<secondary> {0} <primary>has been <dark_red>offline<primary> since <secondary>{1}<primary>.
seenOnline=<primary>Player<secondary> {0} <primary>has been <green>online<primary> since <secondary>{1}<primary>.
sellBulkPermission=<primary>You do not have permission to bulk sell.
sellHandPermission=<primary>You do not have permission to hand sell.
seenAccounts=§6Player has also been known as\:§c {0}
seenOffline=§6Player§c {0} §6has been §4offline§6 since §c{1}§6.
seenOnline=§6Player§c {0} §6has been §aonline§6 since §c{1}§6.
sellBulkPermission=§6You do not have permission to bulk sell.
sellHandPermission=§6You do not have permission to hand sell.
serverFull=Serverul este plin\!
serverTotal=<primary>Total server\:<secondary> {0}
serverUnsupported=Se executa o versiune de server neacceptata\!
setBal=<green>Balanta ta a fost setata la {0}.
setBalOthers=<green>A-ti setat balanta lui {0} <green> la {1}.
setSpawner=<primary>Changed spawner type to<secondary> {0}<primary>.
setSpawner=§6Changed spawner type to§c {0}§6.
settpr=Set random teleport center.
settprValue=Set random teleport {0} to {1}.
sheepMalformedColor=<dark_red>Culoare malformata.
@ -769,27 +769,27 @@ editsignCopy=Sign copied\! Paste it with /{0} paste.
editsignCopyLine=Copied line {0} of sign\! Paste it with /{1} paste {0}.
editsignPaste=Sign pasted\!
editsignPasteLine=Pasted line {0} of sign\!
signProtectInvalidLocation=<dark_red>Nu ai permsiunea sa creezi semne aici.
similarWarpExist=<dark_red>O teleportare cu acelasi nume deja exista.
skullChanged=<primary>Skull changed to <secondary>{0}<primary>.
skullChanged=§6Skull changed to §c{0}§6.
slimeMalformedSize=<dark_red>Marile malformata.
socialSpy=<primary>SocialSpy for <secondary>{0}<primary>\: <secondary>{1}
socialSpy=§6SocialSpy for §c{0}§6\: §c{1}
socialSpyMsgFormat=<primary>[<secondary>{0}<primary> -> <secondary>{1}<primary>] <gray>{2}
socialSpyMutedPrefix=<white>[<primary>SS<white>] <gray>(muted) <reset>
socialSpyMutedPrefix=§f[§6SS§f] §7(muted) §r
socialspyCommandDescription=Activeaza/dezactiveaza daca poti vedea mesajele din /msg sau /mail in chat.
socialSpyPrefix=<white>[<primary>SS<white>] <reset>
socialSpyPrefix=§f[§6SS§f] §r
soloMob=<dark_red>Acel mob pare sa fie singur.
spawnSet=<primary>Locatia spawn a fost setata grupului<secondary> {0}<primary>.
sudoExempt=<dark_red>Nu poti forta acest jucator.
sudoRun=<primary>Forcing<secondary> {0} <primary>to run\:<reset> /{1}
sudoRun=§6Forcing§c {0} §6to run\:§r /{1}
suicideMessage=<primary>La revedere lume cruda...
suicideSuccess=<primary>{0} <primary>si-a luat viata.
@ -798,12 +798,12 @@ takenFromOthersAccount=<green>{0} au fost luati de pe contul lui {1}<green>. Bal
teleportAAll=<primary>Cererea de teleportare a fost trimisa catre toti jucatorii...
teleportAll=<primary>Teleporteaza toti jucatorii...
teleportationCommencing=<primary>Teleportarea urmeaza...
teleportationDisabled=<primary>Teleportation <secondary>disabled<primary>.
teleportationDisabledFor=<primary>Teleportation <secondary>disabled <primary>for <secondary>{0}<primary>.
teleportationDisabled=§6Teleportation §cdisabled§6.
teleportationDisabledFor=§6Teleportation §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportationDisabledWarning=&cTrebuie sa activezi teleportarea.
teleportationEnabled=<primary>Teleportation <secondary>enabled<primary>.
teleportationEnabledFor=<primary>Teleportation <secondary>enabled <primary>for <secondary>{0}<primary>.
teleportAtoB=<secondary>{0}<primary> teleported you to <secondary>{1}<primary>.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportation §cenabled§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportation §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 teleported you to §c{1}§6.
teleportDisabled=<secondary>{0} <dark_red>are teleportarea dezactivata.
teleportHereRequest=<secondary>{0}<primary> ti-a cerut sa te teleportezi la ei.
@ -811,12 +811,12 @@ teleportInvalidLocation=Valoarea coordonatelor nu poate trece de 30000000
teleportNewPlayerError=<dark_red>Teleportarea jucatorului nou a dat gres\!
teleportNoAcceptPermission={0} does not have permission to accept teleport requests.
teleportRequest=<secondary>{0}<primary> a cerut sa se teleporteze la tine.
teleportRequestAllCancelled=<primary>All outstanding teleport requests cancelled.
teleportRequestAllCancelled=§6All outstanding teleport requests cancelled.
teleportRequestCancelled=Your teleport request to {0} was cancelled.
teleportRequestSpecificCancelled=<primary>Cerere de teleportare {0} anulata.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=<primary>Aceasta cerere va expira in<secondary> {0} secunde<primary>.
teleportTop=<primary>Teleporteaza la cel mai inalt punct.
teleportToPlayer=<primary>Teleporting to <secondary>{0}<primary>.
teleportToPlayer=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportOffline=The player {0} is currently offline. You are able to teleport to them using /otp.
tempbanExempt=<dark_red>Nu poti interzice acest jucatoru.
tempbanExemptOffline=<dark_red>Nu poti interzice temporar jucatorii inactivi.
@ -826,9 +826,9 @@ thunder=<primary>Ai<secondary> {0} <primary>ploaia in lumea ta.
thunderDuration=<primary>Ai<secondary> {0} <primary>ploaia in luma ta pentru<secondary> {1} <primary>secunde.
timeBeforeHeal=Timp pana la urmatoarea vindecare\: {0}.
timeBeforeTeleport=Timp intre teleportari\: {0}
timeFormat=<secondary>{0}<primary> or <secondary>{1}<primary> or <secondary>{2}<primary>
timeFormat=§c{0}§6 or §c{1}§6 or §c{2}§6
timeSetPermission=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea sa setezi timpul.
timeSetWorldPermission=<dark_red>You are not authorized to set the time in world ''{0}''.
timeSetWorldPermission=§4You are not authorized to set the time in world ''{0}''.
timeWorldAdd=The time was moved forward by {0} in\: {1}.
timeWorldCurrent=<primary>Timpul curent in lumea<secondary> {0} <primary>este <secondary>{1}<primary>.
timeWorldCurrentSign=The current time is {0}.
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ tradeSignEmptyOwner=<dark_red>Nu este nimic de colectat de la acest semn.
treeFailure=<dark_red>Generarea copacului a esuat. Incearca pe pamand sau iarba.
treeSpawned=<primary>Copac generat.
typeTpacancel=<primary>To cancel this request, type <secondary>/tpacancel<primary>.
typeTpacancel=§6To cancel this request, type §c/tpacancel§6.
typeTpaccept=<primary>Pentru a accepta teleportarea, scrie <secondary>/tpaccept<primary>.
typeTpdeny=<primary>Pentru a refuza teleportarea, scrie <secondary>/tpdeny<primary>.
typeWorldName=<primary>De asemenea poti scrie numele unei lumi.
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ unignorePlayer=<primary>Nu-l mai ignori pe<secondary> {0} <primary>de acum inain
unknownItemId=<dark_red>Nu se cunoaste codul obiectului\:<reset> {0}<dark_red>.
unknownItemInList=<dark_red>Obiect necunoscut {0} in {1} list.
unknownItemName=<dark_red>Nume obiect necunoscut\: {0}.
unlimitedItemPermission=<dark_red>No permission for unlimited item <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
unlimitedItemPermission=§4No permission for unlimited item §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItems=<primary>Obiecte nelimitate\:<reset>
unmutedPlayer=<primary>Jucatorul<secondary> {0} <primary>are voie sa vorbeasca.
unsafeTeleportDestination=Destinatia de teleportare este nesigura si teleportarea in siguranta este dezactivata.
@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ warpListPermission=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea de a vedea teleportarile.
warpNotExist=<dark_red>Aceasta teleportare nu exista.
warpOverwrite=<dark_red>Nu poti rescrie peste aceasta teleportare.
warps=<primary>teleportari\:<reset> {0}
warpsCount=<primary>There are<secondary> {0} <primary>warps. Showing page <secondary>{1} <primary>of <secondary>{2}<primary>.
warpsCount=§6There are§c {0} §6warps. Showing page §c{1} §6of §c{2}§6.
warpSet=<primary>teleportarea<secondary> {0} <primary>setata.
warpUsePermission=<dark_red>Nu ai permisiunea de a utiliza aceasta teleportare.
weatherInvalidWorld=Lumea numita {0} nu a fost gasita\!
@ -928,8 +928,8 @@ weatherStormFor=<primary>Ai setat vremea din <secondary>storm<primary> in<second
weatherSun=<primary>Ai setat vremea din <secondary>sun<primary> in<secondary> {0}<primary>.
weatherSunFor=<primary>Ai setat vremea din <secondary>sun<primary> in<secondary> {0} <primary>pentru {1} secunde.
whoisAFK=<primary> - AFK\:<reset> {0}
whoisAFKSince=<primary> - AFK\:<reset> {0} (Since {1})
whoisAFK=§6 - AFK\:§r {0}
whoisAFKSince=§6 - AFK\:§r {0} (Since {1})
whoisBanned=<primary> - Interzisi\:<reset> {0}
whoisExp=<primary> - Experience\:<reset> {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly=<primary> - Mod zburator\:<reset> {0} ({1})
@ -946,11 +946,11 @@ whoisMoney=<primary> - Bani\:<reset> {0}
whoisMuted=<primary> - Vorbit interzis\:<reset> {0}
whoisMutedReason=- Muted\: {0} Reason\: {1}
whoisNick=<primary> - Nume\:<reset> {0}
whoisOp=<primary> - OP\:<reset> {0}
whoisPlaytime=<primary> - Playtime\:<reset> {0}
whoisTempBanned=<primary> - Ban expires\:<reset> {0}
whoisOp=§6 - OP\:§r {0}
whoisPlaytime=§6 - Playtime\:§r {0}
whoisTempBanned=§6 - Ban expires\:§r {0}
whoisTop=<primary> \=\=\= Cine este\:<secondary> {0} <primary> \=\=\=
whoisUuid=<primary> - UUID\:<reset> {0}
whoisUuid=§6 - UUID\:§r {0}
worth=<green>Un stac de {0} valoreaza <secondary>{1}<green> ({2} obiect(e) la {3} fiecare)
worthMeta=<green>Un stac de {0} cu metadata de {1} valoreaza <secondary>{2}<green> ({3} obiect(e) la {4} fiecare)
worthSet=<primary>Valoarea ''valorii'' setata
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