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synced 2025-03-13 15:20:14 +01:00
New Crowdin updates (#5303)
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Задава заглавието на подписана книга
bookCommandUsage3Description=Задава заглавието на подписана книга
bookLocked=§6Книгата е заключена.
bookLocked=§6Книгата е заключена.
bookTitleSet=§6Заглавието на книгата е зададено на {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Заглавието на книгата е зададено на {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Чупи блока към, който гледате.
breakCommandDescription=Чупи блока към, който гледате.
broadcast=§r§6[§4Съобщение§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§r§6[§4Съобщение§6]§a {0}
@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
addedToAccount=§a{0} je dodano na vas racun.
addedToAccount=§a{0} je dodano na vas racun.
addedToOthersAccount=dodan §a {0} {1} §a račun. Novo ravnotežu\: {2}
addedToOthersAccount=dodan §a {0} {1} §a račun. Novo ravnotežu\: {2}
afkCommandDescription=Označava da ste trenutno odsutni.
afkCommandUsage=/<command> [Igrač/poruka...]
afkCommandUsage1Description=Mijenja vaš afk status uz optimalan razlog
afkCommandUsage2=/<command> igrač [Igrač/poruka]
alertFormat=§3[{0}] §r {1} §6 {2} u\: {3}
alertFormat=§3[{0}] §r {1} §6 {2} u\: {3}
@ -15,6 +19,7 @@ antiBuildDrop=§4Nemate pravo da padne§c {0}§4.
antiBuildInteract=§4Nemate pravo da za interakciju sa §c {0}§4.
antiBuildInteract=§4Nemate pravo da za interakciju sa §c {0}§4.
antiBuildPlace=§4Nemate pravo da postavi§c {0} §4ovde.
antiBuildPlace=§4Nemate pravo da postavi§c {0} §4ovde.
antiBuildUse=§4Nemate pravo da koriste§c {0}§4.
antiBuildUse=§4Nemate pravo da koriste§c {0}§4.
anvilCommandDescription=Otvara nakovanj.
autoAfkKickReason=Izbaceni ste za prazan hod vise od {0} minuta.
autoAfkKickReason=Izbaceni ste za prazan hod vise od {0} minuta.
backupDisabled=§7Jedna vanjska sigurnosna kopija nije konfigurirana.
backupDisabled=§7Jedna vanjska sigurnosna kopija nije konfigurirana.
backupFinished=§7Backup je zavrsen.
backupFinished=§7Backup je zavrsen.
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <název>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nastaví název podepsané knihy
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nastaví název podepsané knihy
bookLocked=§6Tato kniha je nyní uzamčena.
bookLocked=§6Tato kniha je nyní uzamčena.
bookTitleSet=§6Kniha byla nazvána {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Kniha byla nazvána {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleportuje na nejnižší blok na tvé aktuální pozici.
breakCommandDescription=Rozbije blok, na který se díváš.
breakCommandDescription=Rozbije blok, na který se díváš.
broadcast=§6[§4Oznámení§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Oznámení§6]§a {0}
@ -273,6 +275,7 @@ discordErrorNoPrimary=Nedefinovali jste primární kanál nebo definovaný prim
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Váš bot nemůže mluvit ve vašem primárním kanálu \#{0}. Ujistěte se, že váš bot má oprávnění ke čtení a zápisu ve všech kanálech, které chcete používat.
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Váš bot nemůže mluvit ve vašem primárním kanálu \#{0}. Ujistěte se, že váš bot má oprávnění ke čtení a zápisu ve všech kanálech, které chcete používat.
discordErrorNoToken=Nebyl zadán žádný token\! Chcete-li nastavit zásuvný modul, postupujte podle návodu v konfiguraci.
discordErrorNoToken=Nebyl zadán žádný token\! Chcete-li nastavit zásuvný modul, postupujte podle návodu v konfiguraci.
discordErrorWebhook=Došlo k chybě při odesílání zpráv do kanálu konzole\! To bylo pravděpodobně způsobeno omylem smazáným webovým háčkem konzole. To lze obvykle opravit tak, že zajistíte, aby váš bot měl oprávnění „Správa háčků webhook“ a pak proveďte „/ess reload“.
discordErrorWebhook=Došlo k chybě při odesílání zpráv do kanálu konzole\! To bylo pravděpodobně způsobeno omylem smazáným webovým háčkem konzole. To lze obvykle opravit tak, že zajistíte, aby váš bot měl oprávnění „Správa háčků webhook“ a pak proveďte „/ess reload“.
discordLinkUnlinked=§6Tvůj Minecraft účet byl odpojen ze všech spojených Discord účtů.
discordLoggingIn=Pokouším se přihlásit do Discordu...
discordLoggingIn=Pokouším se přihlásit do Discordu...
discordLoggingInDone=Uspěšně přihlášen jako {0}
discordLoggingInDone=Uspěšně přihlášen jako {0}
discordMailLine=**Nový mail od {0}\:** {1}
discordMailLine=**Nový mail od {0}\:** {1}
@ -1235,6 +1238,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§6Aby se mohli ostatní hráči k tobě teleportov
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportování §apovoleno§6.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportování §apovoleno§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportování §apovoleno§6 pro hráče §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportování §apovoleno§6 pro hráče §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§6Hráč §c{0} §6tě teleportoval na pozici §c{1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§6Hráč §c{0} §6tě teleportoval na pozici §c{1}§6.
teleportBottom=§6Teleportuješ se na dno.
teleportDisabled=Hráč §c{0} §4má teleportování vypnuto.
teleportDisabled=Hráč §c{0} §4má teleportování vypnuto.
teleportHereRequest=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 tě žádá, aby ses k němu teleportoval.
teleportHereRequest=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 tě žádá, aby ses k němu teleportoval.
teleportHome=§6Teleportuješ se na §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Teleportuješ se na §c{0}§6.
@ -1415,8 +1419,10 @@ unlimitedCommandUsage3=/<command> clear [hráč]
unlimitedCommandUsage3Description=Vymaže všechny neomezené předměty pro tebe, nebo jiného hráče, pokud je uveden
unlimitedCommandUsage3Description=Vymaže všechny neomezené předměty pro tebe, nebo jiného hráče, pokud je uveden
unlimitedItemPermission=§4Nemáš oprávnění na neomezené množství předmětu §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItemPermission=§4Nemáš oprávnění na neomezené množství předmětu §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItems=§6Neomezené předměty\:§r
unlimitedItems=§6Neomezené předměty\:§r
unlinkCommandDescription=Odpojí aktuálně propojený Minecraft účet s tvým Discord účtem.
unlinkCommandUsage1Description=Odpojí aktuálně propojený Minecraft účet s tvým Discord účtem.
unmutedPlayer=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 může znovu hovořit.
unmutedPlayer=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 může znovu hovořit.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4Cíl teleportace je nebezpečný a teleport-safety je vypnuto.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4Cíl teleportace je nebezpečný a teleport-safety je vypnuto.
unsupportedBrand=§4Platforma, na které běží tvůj server, momentálně tuto funkci nepodporuje.
unsupportedBrand=§4Platforma, na které běží tvůj server, momentálně tuto funkci nepodporuje.
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ bookCommandDescription=Tillader genåbning og redigering af forseglede bøger.
bookLocked=§6Denne bog er nu låst.
bookLocked=§6Denne bog er nu låst.
bookTitleSet=§6Bogens titel er ændret til {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Bogens titel er ændret til {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Ødelægger den block du kigger på.
breakCommandDescription=Ødelægger den block du kigger på.
broadcast=§6[§4Meddelelse§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Meddelelse§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> Titel <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Setzt den Titel eines signierten Buches fest
bookCommandUsage3Description=Setzt den Titel eines signierten Buches fest
bookLocked=§6Dieses Buch ist jetzt versiegelt.
bookLocked=§6Dieses Buch ist jetzt versiegelt.
bookTitleSet=§6Buchtitel auf {0} geändert.
bookTitleSet=§6Buchtitel auf {0} geändert.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleportiere zum niedrigsten Punkt an deiner aktuellen Position.
breakCommandDescription=Zerstört den Block, den du anschaust.
breakCommandDescription=Zerstört den Block, den du anschaust.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
@ -990,6 +992,7 @@ pweatherCommandUsage1Description=Listet das Wetter für dich oder andere Spieler
pweatherCommandUsage2=/<command> <storm|sun> [Spieler|*]
pweatherCommandUsage2=/<command> <storm|sun> [Spieler|*]
pweatherCommandUsage2Description=Legt das Wetter für dich oder andere Spieler(e) fest, wenn das Wetter angegeben wurde
pweatherCommandUsage2Description=Legt das Wetter für dich oder andere Spieler(e) fest, wenn das Wetter angegeben wurde
pweatherCommandUsage3=/<command> reset [spieler|*]
pweatherCommandUsage3=/<command> reset [spieler|*]
pweatherCommandUsage3Description=Setzt das Wetter für dich oder andere Spieler zurück (falls angegeben)
pTimeCurrent=§6Die Zeit für§c {0} §6ist§c {1}§6.
pTimeCurrent=§6Die Zeit für§c {0} §6ist§c {1}§6.
pTimeCurrentFixed=§6Die Zeit für §c{0}§6 wurde auf §c{1}§6 gesetzt.
pTimeCurrentFixed=§6Die Zeit für §c{0}§6 wurde auf §c{1}§6 gesetzt.
pTimeNormal=§6Die Zeit für §c{0}§6 ist normal und entspricht der Serverzeit.
pTimeNormal=§6Die Zeit für §c{0}§6 ist normal und entspricht der Serverzeit.
@ -1009,12 +1012,14 @@ questionFormat=§2[Frage]§r {0}
rCommandDescription=Antworte schnell auf den letzten Spieler, der dich benachrichtigt.
rCommandDescription=Antworte schnell auf den letzten Spieler, der dich benachrichtigt.
rCommandUsage=/<command> <nachricht>
rCommandUsage=/<command> <nachricht>
rCommandUsage1=/<command> <nachricht>
rCommandUsage1=/<command> <nachricht>
rCommandUsage1Description=Antwortet dem letzten Spieler, der dir eine Nachricht geschrieben hat, mit angegebenem Text
radiusTooBig=§4Radius ist zu groß\! Maxmialer Radius beträgt§c {0}§4.
radiusTooBig=§4Radius ist zu groß\! Maxmialer Radius beträgt§c {0}§4.
readNextPage=§6Tippe§c /{0} {1} §6für die nächste Seite.
readNextPage=§6Tippe§c /{0} {1} §6für die nächste Seite.
realName=§f{0}§r§6 ist §f{1}
realName=§f{0}§r§6 ist §f{1}
realnameCommandDescription=Zeigt den Benutzernamen eines Spielers basierend auf dem Nick an.
realnameCommandDescription=Zeigt den Benutzernamen eines Spielers basierend auf dem Nick an.
realnameCommandUsage=/<command> <spitzname>
realnameCommandUsage=/<command> <spitzname>
realnameCommandUsage1=/<command> <spitzname>
realnameCommandUsage1=/<command> <spitzname>
realnameCommandUsage1Description=Zeigt den Benutzernamen eines Benutzers basierend auf dem angegebenen Nicknamen an
recentlyForeverAlone=§4{0} ging vor kurzem Offline.
recentlyForeverAlone=§4{0} ging vor kurzem Offline.
recipe=§6Rezept für §c{0}§5 (§c{1}§6 von §c{2}§6)
recipe=§6Rezept für §c{0}§5 (§c{1}§6 von §c{2}§6)
recipeBadIndex=Es gibt kein Rezept mit dieser Nummer.
recipeBadIndex=Es gibt kein Rezept mit dieser Nummer.
@ -1033,11 +1038,15 @@ recipeWhere=§6Wo\: {0}
removeCommandDescription=Entfernt Objekte in deiner Welt.
removeCommandDescription=Entfernt Objekte in deiner Welt.
removeCommandUsage=/<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[monstertyp]> [radius|welt]
removeCommandUsage=/<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[monstertyp]> [radius|welt]
removeCommandUsage1=/<command> <Mob-Typ> [Welt]
removeCommandUsage1=/<command> <Mob-Typ> [Welt]
removeCommandUsage1Description=Entfernt alle angegebenen Mob-Typen in der aktuellen oder in einer anderen Welt, falls angegeben
removeCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob type> <radius> [world]
removeCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob type> <radius> [world]
removeCommandUsage2Description=Entfernt den angegebenen Mob-Typ innerhalb des angegebenen Radius in der aktuellen oder in einer anderen Welt, wenn angegeben
removed=§c{0} §6Einheiten entfernt.
removed=§c{0} §6Einheiten entfernt.
renamehomeCommandDescription=Benennt ein Haus um.
renamehomeCommandDescription=Benennt ein Haus um.
renamehomeCommandUsage=/<command> <[Spieler\:]Name> <new name>
renamehomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name> <neuer name>
renamehomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name> <neuer name>
renamehomeCommandUsage1Description=Bennt dein Home in den gegebenen Namen um
renamehomeCommandUsage1Description=Bennt dein Home in den gegebenen Namen um
renamehomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <spieler>\:<name> <neuer name>
renamehomeCommandUsage2Description=Benennt das Haus des angegebenen Spielers um
renamehomeCommandUsage2Description=Benennt das Haus des angegebenen Spielers um
repair=§6Dein §c{0}§6 wurde erfolgreich repariert.
repair=§6Dein §c{0}§6 wurde erfolgreich repariert.
repairAlreadyFixed=§4Dieser Gegenstand benötigt keine Reparatur.
repairAlreadyFixed=§4Dieser Gegenstand benötigt keine Reparatur.
@ -1045,6 +1054,7 @@ repairCommandDescription=Repariert die Haltbarkeit eines oder aller Gegenstände
repairCommandUsage=/<command> [hand|all]
repairCommandUsage=/<command> [hand|all]
repairCommandUsage1Description=Repariert den gehaltenen Gegenstand
repairCommandUsage1Description=Repariert den gehaltenen Gegenstand
repairCommandUsage2=/<command> all
repairCommandUsage2Description=Repariere alle Items aus deinem Inventar
repairCommandUsage2Description=Repariere alle Items aus deinem Inventar
repairEnchanted=§4Du darfst keine verzauberten Gegenstände reparieren.
repairEnchanted=§4Du darfst keine verzauberten Gegenstände reparieren.
repairInvalidType=§4Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht repariert werden.
repairInvalidType=§4Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht repariert werden.
@ -1055,10 +1065,12 @@ replyLastRecipientDisabledFor=§6Auf den letzen Nachrichtenempfänger antworten
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§cAuf den letzen Nachrichtenempfänger antworten §caktiviert§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§cAuf den letzen Nachrichtenempfänger antworten §caktiviert§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabledFor=§6Auf den letzen Nachrichtenempfänger antworten für §c{0} §caktiviert§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabledFor=§6Auf den letzen Nachrichtenempfänger antworten für §c{0} §caktiviert§6.
requestAccepted=§7Du hast die Teleportierungsanfrage §aangenommen.
requestAccepted=§7Du hast die Teleportierungsanfrage §aangenommen.
requestAcceptedAll=§c{0} §6ausstehende Teleportationsanfrage(n) akzeptiert.
requestAcceptedAuto=§6Teleportationsanfrage von {0} automatisch akzeptiert.
requestAcceptedAuto=§6Teleportationsanfrage von {0} automatisch akzeptiert.
requestAcceptedFrom=§c{0} §6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.
requestAcceptedFrom=§c{0} §6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.
requestAcceptedFromAuto=§c{0} §6hat deine Teleportationsanfrage automatisch angenommen.
requestAcceptedFromAuto=§c{0} §6hat deine Teleportationsanfrage automatisch angenommen.
requestDenied=§6Du hast die Teleportierungsanfrage §cabgelehnt.
requestDenied=§6Du hast die Teleportierungsanfrage §cabgelehnt.
requestDeniedAll=§c{0} §6ausstehende Teleportationsanfrage(n) abgelehnt.
requestDeniedFrom=§c{0} §6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage abgelehnt.
requestDeniedFrom=§c{0} §6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage abgelehnt.
requestSent=§6Eine Anfrage wurde an§c {0}§6 gesendet.
requestSent=§6Eine Anfrage wurde an§c {0}§6 gesendet.
requestSentAlready=§4Du hast {0}§4 bereits eine Teleportierungsanfrage gesendet.
requestSentAlready=§4Du hast {0}§4 bereits eine Teleportierungsanfrage gesendet.
@ -1070,6 +1082,7 @@ rest=§6Du fühlst dich gut ausgeruht.
restCommandDescription=Ruht dich oder den gegebenen Spieler aus.
restCommandDescription=Ruht dich oder den gegebenen Spieler aus.
restCommandUsage=/<command> [spieler]
restCommandUsage=/<command> [spieler]
restCommandUsage1=/<command> [spieler]
restCommandUsage1=/<command> [spieler]
restCommandUsage1Description=Setzt die Zeit seit dem letzten Ausruhen für dich oder andere Spieler, falls angegeben, zurück
restOther=§6Ausruhen§c {0}§6.
restOther=§6Ausruhen§c {0}§6.
returnPlayerToJailError=§4Fehler beim zurücksetzen von§c {0} §4im Gefängis\: {1}\!
returnPlayerToJailError=§4Fehler beim zurücksetzen von§c {0} §4im Gefängis\: {1}\!
rtoggleCommandDescription=Ändere, ob der Empfänger der Antwort der letzte Empfänger oder der letzte Absender ist
rtoggleCommandDescription=Ändere, ob der Empfänger der Antwort der letzte Empfänger oder der letzte Absender ist
@ -1083,16 +1096,26 @@ seenAccounts=§6Spieler ist auch bekannt als\:§c {0}
seenCommandDescription=Zeigt die letzte Abmeldezeit eines Spielers.
seenCommandDescription=Zeigt die letzte Abmeldezeit eines Spielers.
seenCommandUsage=/<command> <spielername>
seenCommandUsage=/<command> <spielername>
seenCommandUsage1=/<command> <spielername>
seenCommandUsage1=/<command> <spielername>
seenCommandUsage1Description=Zeigt die Logout-Zeit, Sperrung, Stummschaltung und UUID-Information des angegebenen Spielers an
seenOffline=§6Spieler§c {0} §6ist seit §c{1}§4 offline§6.
seenOffline=§6Spieler§c {0} §6ist seit §c{1}§4 offline§6.
seenOnline=§6Spieler§c {0} §6ist seit §c{1}§a online.
seenOnline=§6Spieler§c {0} §6ist seit §c{1}§a online.
sellBulkPermission=§6Du hast keine Berechtigung, in Massen zu verkaufen.
sellBulkPermission=§6Du hast keine Berechtigung, in Massen zu verkaufen.
sellCommandDescription=Verkauft den Gegenstand, der momentan in deiner Hand ist.
sellCommandDescription=Verkauft den Gegenstand, der momentan in deiner Hand ist.
sellCommandUsage=/<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [menge]
sellCommandUsage1=/<command> <itemname> [amount]
sellCommandUsage1Description=Verkauft alle (oder die angegebene Anzahl) des ausgewählten Items in deinem Inventar
sellCommandUsage2=/<command> hand [amount]
sellCommandUsage2Description=Verkauft alle (oder die angegebene Anzahl) des gehaltenen Items
sellCommandUsage3=/<command> all
sellCommandUsage3Description=Verkauft alle verkäuflichen Gegenstände in deinem Inventar
sellCommandUsage4=/<command> blocks [amount]
sellCommandUsage4Description=Verkauft alle (oder die angegebene Zahl, wenn angegeben) Blöcke in deinem Inventar
sellCommandUsage4Description=Verkauft alle (oder die angegebene Zahl, wenn angegeben) Blöcke in deinem Inventar
sellHandPermission=§6Du hast keine Berechtigung, einzeln zu verkaufen.
sellHandPermission=§6Du hast keine Berechtigung, einzeln zu verkaufen.
serverFull=Server ist voll\!
serverFull=Server ist voll\!
serverReloading=Es gibt eine gute Chance, dass du den Server gerade reloadest. Falls das der Fall ist, wieso hasst du dich selber? Erwarte keine Unterstützung des EssentialsX-Teams wenn du /reload verwendest.
serverReloading=Es gibt eine gute Chance, dass du den Server gerade reloadest. Falls das der Fall ist, wieso hasst du dich selber? Erwarte keine Unterstützung des EssentialsX-Teams wenn du /reload verwendest.
serverTotal=§6Server insgesamt\:§c {0}
serverTotal=§6Server insgesamt\:§c {0}
serverUnsupported=§cDu verwendest eine Serverversion, die nicht unterstützt wird\!
serverUnsupported=§cDu verwendest eine Serverversion, die nicht unterstützt wird\!
serverUnsupportedClass=Status-bestimmende Klasse\: {0}
serverUnsupportedCleanroom=Sie betreiben einen Server, der Bukkit-Plugins nicht richtig unterstützt, die auf internen Mojang-Code angewiesen sind. Überlegen Sie sich, einen Essentials Ersatz für Ihre Server-Software zu verwenden.
serverUnsupportedCleanroom=Sie betreiben einen Server, der Bukkit-Plugins nicht richtig unterstützt, die auf internen Mojang-Code angewiesen sind. Überlegen Sie sich, einen Essentials Ersatz für Ihre Server-Software zu verwenden.
serverUnsupportedDangerous=Sie betreiben einen Server Fork, der als extrem gefährlich bekannt ist und zu Datenverlust führt. Es wird dringend empfohlen, zu einer stabileren Server-Software wie Papier zu wechseln.
serverUnsupportedDangerous=Sie betreiben einen Server Fork, der als extrem gefährlich bekannt ist und zu Datenverlust führt. Es wird dringend empfohlen, zu einer stabileren Server-Software wie Papier zu wechseln.
serverUnsupportedLimitedApi=Sie verwenden einen Server mit eingeschränkter API-Funktionalität. EssentialsX wird weiterhin funktionieren, aber bestimmte Funktionen können deaktiviert sein.
serverUnsupportedLimitedApi=Sie verwenden einen Server mit eingeschränkter API-Funktionalität. EssentialsX wird weiterhin funktionieren, aber bestimmte Funktionen können deaktiviert sein.
@ -1106,6 +1129,7 @@ sethomeCommandUsage=/<command> [[spieler\:]name]
sethomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
sethomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
sethomeCommandUsage1Description=Setzte dein Home mit dem gegebenen Namen und deiner aktuellen Location fest
sethomeCommandUsage1Description=Setzte dein Home mit dem gegebenen Namen und deiner aktuellen Location fest
sethomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
sethomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
sethomeCommandUsage2Description=Legt das Zuhause des angegebenen Spielers mit dem angegebenen Namen an deinem Standort fest
setjailCommandDescription=Erstellt ein Gefängnis mit dem angegebenen Namen [gefängnisname].
setjailCommandDescription=Erstellt ein Gefängnis mit dem angegebenen Namen [gefängnisname].
setjailCommandUsage=/<command> <gefängnisname>
setjailCommandUsage=/<command> <gefängnisname>
setjailCommandUsage1=/<command> <gefängnisname>
setjailCommandUsage1=/<command> <gefängnisname>
@ -1129,6 +1153,7 @@ setworthCommandUsage=/<command> [itemname|id] <preis>
setworthCommandUsage1=/<command> <preis>
setworthCommandUsage1=/<command> <preis>
setworthCommandUsage1Description=Legt den Wert des gehaltenen Gegenstandes auf den angegebenen Preis fest
setworthCommandUsage1Description=Legt den Wert des gehaltenen Gegenstandes auf den angegebenen Preis fest
setworthCommandUsage2=/<command> <itemname> <preis>
setworthCommandUsage2=/<command> <itemname> <preis>
setworthCommandUsage2Description=Legt den Verkaufswert des angegebenen Items zum angegebenen Preis fest
sheepMalformedColor=§4Ungültige Farbe.
sheepMalformedColor=§4Ungültige Farbe.
shoutDisabled=§6Rufmodus §cdeaktiviert§6.
shoutDisabled=§6Rufmodus §cdeaktiviert§6.
shoutDisabledFor=§6Rufmodus §cdeaktiviert §6für §c{0}§6.
shoutDisabledFor=§6Rufmodus §cdeaktiviert §6für §c{0}§6.
@ -1147,11 +1172,18 @@ editsignCommandNoLine=§4Du musst eine Zeilennummer zwischen §c1-4§4 eingeben.
editsignCommandSetSuccess=§6Setze Linie§c {0}§6 zu "§c{1}§6".
editsignCommandSetSuccess=§6Setze Linie§c {0}§6 zu "§c{1}§6".
editsignCommandTarget=§4Du musst ein Schild anschauen, um seinen Text bearbeiten.
editsignCommandTarget=§4Du musst ein Schild anschauen, um seinen Text bearbeiten.
editsignCopy=§6Schild kopiert\! Du kannst es nun mit §c/{0} paste§6 wieder einfügen.
editsignCopy=§6Schild kopiert\! Du kannst es nun mit §c/{0} paste§6 wieder einfügen.
editsignCopyLine=§6Zeile §c{0} §6des Schildes kopiert\! Füge sie mit §c/{1} paste {0} §6ein.
editsignPaste=§6Schild eingefügt\!
editsignPaste=§6Schild eingefügt\!
editsignPasteLine=§6Zeile §c{0} §6vom Schild eigefügt\!
editsignPasteLine=§6Zeile §c{0} §6vom Schild eigefügt\!
editsignCommandUsage=/<command> <set/clear/copy/paste> [zeilennummer] [text]
editsignCommandUsage1=/<command> set <zeilennummer> <text>
editsignCommandUsage1=/<command> set <zeilennummer> <text>
editsignCommandUsage1Description=Setzt die angegebene Linie des Ziel-Schilds auf den angegebenen Text
editsignCommandUsage1Description=Setzt die angegebene Linie des Ziel-Schilds auf den angegebenen Text
editsignCommandUsage2=/<command> clear <zeilennummer>
editsignCommandUsage2Description=Leert die angegebene Zeile von dem Zielschild
editsignCommandUsage2Description=Leert die angegebene Zeile von dem Zielschild
editsignCommandUsage3=/<command> copy [zeilennummer]
editsignCommandUsage3Description=Kopiert alle (oder die angegebene) Zeile(n) des anvisierten Schildes in die Zwischenablage
editsignCommandUsage4=/<command> paste [zeilennummer]
editsignCommandUsage4Description=Fügt die Zwischenablage komplett (oder in die angegebene Zeile) des anvisierten Schildes ein
@ -1252,6 +1284,7 @@ timeSetPermission=§4Du hast keine Berechtigung die Zeit zu ändern.
timeSetWorldPermission=§4Du bist nicht berechtigt in der Welt §c''{0}''§4 die Zeit zu ändern.
timeSetWorldPermission=§4Du bist nicht berechtigt in der Welt §c''{0}''§4 die Zeit zu ändern.
timeWorldAdd=§6Die Zeit wurde in §c{1}§6 um§c {0} §6verschoben.
timeWorldAdd=§6Die Zeit wurde in §c{1}§6 um§c {0} §6verschoben.
timeWorldCurrent=§6Die aktuelle Zeit in§c {0} §6ist §c{1}
timeWorldCurrent=§6Die aktuelle Zeit in§c {0} §6ist §c{1}
timeWorldCurrentSign=§6Gerade ist es §c{0}&6 Uhr.
timeWorldSet=§6Die Zeit in §c{1}§6 wurde auf §c{0} §6gesetzt.
timeWorldSet=§6Die Zeit in §c{1}§6 wurde auf §c{0} §6gesetzt.
togglejailCommandDescription=Nimmt einen Spieler gefangen oder lässt ihn frei, teleportiert ihn zu dem angegebenen Gefängnis.
togglejailCommandDescription=Nimmt einen Spieler gefangen oder lässt ihn frei, teleportiert ihn zu dem angegebenen Gefängnis.
togglejailCommandUsage=/<command> <spieler> <gefängnisname> [datumsdifferenz]
togglejailCommandUsage=/<command> <spieler> <gefängnisname> [datumsdifferenz]
@ -1471,6 +1504,10 @@ worldCommandUsage2Description=Teleportiert dich zu einer Location in der gegeben
worth=§aEin Stapel {0} ist §c{1}§a wert. ({2} Stück je {3})
worth=§aEin Stapel {0} ist §c{1}§a wert. ({2} Stück je {3})
worthCommandDescription=Berechnet den Wert der Gegenstände in der Hand oder wie angegeben.
worthCommandDescription=Berechnet den Wert der Gegenstände in der Hand oder wie angegeben.
worthCommandUsage=/<command> <<gegenstandsname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][anzahl]
worthCommandUsage=/<command> <<gegenstandsname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][anzahl]
worthCommandUsage1=/<command> <itemname> [amount]
worthCommandUsage2=/<command> hand [amount]
worthCommandUsage3=/<command> all
worthCommandUsage4=/<command> blocks [amount]
worthMeta=§aEin Stapel von {0} mit Metadaten {1} ist §c{2}§a wert. ({3} Stück je {4})
worthMeta=§aEin Stapel von {0} mit Metadaten {1} ist §c{2}§a wert. ({3} Stück je {4})
worthSet=§6Wert des Gegenstands gesetzt.
worthSet=§6Wert des Gegenstands gesetzt.
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Ορίζει τον τίτλο ενός υπογεγραμμένου βιβλίου
bookCommandUsage3Description=Ορίζει τον τίτλο ενός υπογεγραμμένου βιβλίου
bookLocked=§6Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι τώρα κλειδωμένο.
bookLocked=§6Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι τώρα κλειδωμένο.
bookTitleSet=§6Τίτλος του βιβλίου ορίστηκε σε {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Τίτλος του βιβλίου ορίστηκε σε {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Σπάει το μπλοκ που κοιτάτε.
breakCommandDescription=Σπάει το μπλοκ που κοιτάτε.
broadcast=§6[§4Ανακοίνωση§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Ανακοίνωση§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets the title of a signed book
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets the title of a signed book
bookLocked=§6This book is now locked.
bookLocked=§6This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=§6Title of the book set to {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Title of the book set to {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleport to the lowest block at your current position.
breakCommandDescription=Breaks the block you are looking at.
breakCommandDescription=Breaks the block you are looking at.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
@ -240,6 +242,12 @@ discordbroadcastCommandUsage1Description=Sends the given message to the specifie
discordbroadcastInvalidChannel=§4Discord channel §c{0}§4 does not exist.
discordbroadcastInvalidChannel=§4Discord channel §c{0}§4 does not exist.
discordbroadcastPermission=§4You do not have permission to send messages to the §c{0}§4 channel.
discordbroadcastPermission=§4You do not have permission to send messages to the §c{0}§4 channel.
discordbroadcastSent=§6Message sent to §c{0}§6\!
discordbroadcastSent=§6Message sent to §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandAccountArgumentUser=The Discord account to look up
discordCommandAccountDescription=Looks up the linked Minecraft account for either yourself or another Discord user
discordCommandAccountResponseLinked=Your account is linked to the Minecraft account\: **{0}**
discordCommandAccountResponseLinkedOther={0}''s account is linked to the Minecraft account\: **{1}**
discordCommandAccountResponseNotLinked=You do not have a linked Minecraft account.
discordCommandAccountResponseNotLinkedOther={0} does not have a linked Minecraft account.
discordCommandDescription=Sends the Discord invite link to the player.
discordCommandDescription=Sends the Discord invite link to the player.
discordCommandLink=§6Join our Discord server at §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandLink=§6Join our Discord server at §c{0}§6\!
@ -248,6 +256,14 @@ discordCommandUsage1Description=Sends the Discord invite link to the player
discordCommandExecuteDescription=Executes a console command on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandExecuteDescription=Executes a console command on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=The command to be executed
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=The command to be executed
discordCommandExecuteReply=Executing command\: "/{0}"
discordCommandExecuteReply=Executing command\: "/{0}"
discordCommandUnlinkDescription=Unlinks the Minecraft account currently linked to your Discord account
discordCommandUnlinkInvalidCode=You do not currently have a Minecraft account linked to Discord\!
discordCommandUnlinkUnlinked=Your Discord account has been unlinked from all associated Minecraft accounts.
discordCommandLinkArgumentCode=The code provided in-game to link your Minecraft account
discordCommandLinkDescription=Links your Discord account with your Minecraft account using a code from the in-game /link command
discordCommandLinkHasAccount=You already have an account linked\! To unlink your current account, type /unlink.
discordCommandLinkInvalidCode=Invalid linking code\! Make sure you''ve run /link in-game and copied the code correctly.
discordCommandLinkLinked=Successfully linked your account\!
discordCommandListDescription=Gets a list of online players.
discordCommandListDescription=Gets a list of online players.
discordCommandListArgumentGroup=A specific group to limit your search by
discordCommandListArgumentGroup=A specific group to limit your search by
discordCommandMessageDescription=Messages a player on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandMessageDescription=Messages a player on the Minecraft server.
@ -265,8 +281,20 @@ discordErrorNoPrimary=You did not define a primary channel or your defined prima
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Your bot cannot speak in your primary channel, \#{0}. Please make sure your bot has read and write permissions in all channels you wish to use.
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Your bot cannot speak in your primary channel, \#{0}. Please make sure your bot has read and write permissions in all channels you wish to use.
discordErrorNoToken=No token provided\! Please follow the tutorial in the config in order to setup the plugin.
discordErrorNoToken=No token provided\! Please follow the tutorial in the config in order to setup the plugin.
discordErrorWebhook=An error occurred while sending messages to your console channel\! This was likely caused by accidentally deleting your console webhook. This can usually by fixed by ensuring your bot has the "Manage Webhooks" permission and running "/ess reload".
discordErrorWebhook=An error occurred while sending messages to your console channel\! This was likely caused by accidentally deleting your console webhook. This can usually by fixed by ensuring your bot has the "Manage Webhooks" permission and running "/ess reload".
discordLinkInvalidGroup=Invalid group {0} was provided for role {1}. The following groups are available\: {2}
discordLinkInvalidRole=An invalid role ID, {0}, was provided for group\: {1}. You can see the ID of roles with the /roleinfo command in Discord.
discordLinkInvalidRoleInteract=The role, {0} ({1}), cannot be used for group->role synchronization because it above your bot''s uppermost role. Either move your bot''s role above "{0}" or move "{0}" below your bot''s role.
discordLinkInvalidRoleManaged=The role, {0} ({1}), cannot be used for group->role synchronization because it is managed by another bot or integration.
discordLinkLinked=§6To link your Minecraft account to Discord, type §c{0} §6in the Discord server.
discordLinkLinkedAlready=§6You have already linked your Discord account\! If you wish to unlink your discord account use §c/unlink§6.
discordLinkLoginKick=§6You must link your Discord account before you can join this server.\n§6To link your Minecraft account to Discord, type\:\n§c{0}\n§6in this server''s Discord server\:\n§c{1}
discordLinkLoginPrompt=§6You must link your Discord account before you can move, chat on or interact with this server. To link your Minecraft account to Discord, type §c{0} §6in this server''s Discord server\: §c{1}
discordLinkNoAccount=§6You do not currently have a Discord account linked to your Minecraft account.
discordLinkPending=§6You already have a link code. To complete linking your Minecraft account to Discord, type §c{0} §6in the Discord server.
discordLinkUnlinked=§6Unlinked your Minecraft account from all associated discord accounts.
discordLoggingIn=Attempting to login to Discord...
discordLoggingIn=Attempting to login to Discord...
discordLoggingInDone=Successfully logged in as {0}
discordLoggingInDone=Successfully logged in as {0}
discordMailLine=**New mail from {0}\:** {1}
discordNoSendPermission=Cannot send message in channel\: \#{0} Please ensure the bot has "Send Messages" permission in that channel\!
discordNoSendPermission=Cannot send message in channel\: \#{0} Please ensure the bot has "Send Messages" permission in that channel\!
discordReloadInvalid=Tried to reload EssentialsX Discord config while the plugin is in an invalid state\! If you''ve modified your config, restart your server.
discordReloadInvalid=Tried to reload EssentialsX Discord config while the plugin is in an invalid state\! If you''ve modified your config, restart your server.
@ -661,8 +689,10 @@ lightningCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <power>
lightningCommandUsage2Description=Strikes lighting at the target player with the given power
lightningCommandUsage2Description=Strikes lighting at the target player with the given power
lightningSmited=§6Thou hast been smitten\!
lightningSmited=§6Thou hast been smitten\!
lightningUse=§6Smiting§c {0}
lightningUse=§6Smiting§c {0}
linkCommandDescription=Generates a code to link your Minecraft account to Discord.
linkCommandUsage1Description=Generates a code for the /link command on Discord
listAmount=§6There are §c{0}§6 out of maximum §c{1}§6 players online.
listAmount=§6There are §c{0}§6 out of maximum §c{1}§6 players online.
listAmountHidden=§6There are §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 out of maximum §c{2}§6 players online.
listAmountHidden=§6There are §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 out of maximum §c{2}§6 players online.
@ -1029,6 +1059,7 @@ repairCommandUsage2Description=Repairs all items in your inventory
repairEnchanted=§4You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairEnchanted=§4You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairInvalidType=§4This item cannot be repaired.
repairInvalidType=§4This item cannot be repaired.
repairNone=§4There were no items that needed repairing.
repairNone=§4There were no items that needed repairing.
replyFromDiscord=**Reply from {0}\:** {1}
replyLastRecipientDisabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabledFor=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabledFor=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cenabled§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cenabled§6.
@ -1223,6 +1254,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§6You must enable teleportation before other playe
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportation §cenabled§6.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportation §cenabled§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportation §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportation §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 teleported you to §c{1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 teleported you to §c{1}§6.
teleportBottom=§6Teleporting to bottom.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4has teleportation disabled.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4has teleportation disabled.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§6 has requested that you teleport to them.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§6 has requested that you teleport to them.
teleportHome=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
@ -1238,6 +1270,7 @@ teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=§6This request will timeout after§c {0} seconds§6.
teleportTop=§6Teleporting to top.
teleportTop=§6Teleporting to top.
teleportToPlayer=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportToPlayer=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportOffline=§6The player §c{0}§6 is currently offline. You are able to teleport to them using /otp.
teleportOffline=§6The player §c{0}§6 is currently offline. You are able to teleport to them using /otp.
teleportOfflineUnknown=§6Unable to find the last known position of §c{0}§6.
tempbanExempt=§4You may not tempban that player.
tempbanExempt=§4You may not tempban that player.
tempbanExemptOffline=§4You may not tempban offline players.
tempbanExemptOffline=§4You may not tempban offline players.
tempbanJoin=You are banned from this server for {0}. Reason\: {1}
tempbanJoin=You are banned from this server for {0}. Reason\: {1}
@ -1402,8 +1435,10 @@ unlimitedCommandUsage3=/<command> clear [player]
unlimitedCommandUsage3Description=Clears all unlimited items for yourself or another player if specified
unlimitedCommandUsage3Description=Clears all unlimited items for yourself or another player if specified
unlimitedItemPermission=§4No permission for unlimited item §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItemPermission=§4No permission for unlimited item §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItems=§6Unlimited items\:§r
unlimitedItems=§6Unlimited items\:§r
unlinkCommandDescription=Unlinks your Minecraft account from the currently linked Discord account.
unlinkCommandUsage1Description=Unlinks your Minecraft account from the currently linked Discord account.
unmutedPlayer=§6Player§c {0} §6unmuted.
unmutedPlayer=§6Player§c {0} §6unmuted.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4The teleport destination is unsafe and teleport-safety is disabled.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4The teleport destination is unsafe and teleport-safety is disabled.
unsupportedBrand=§4The server platform you are currently running does not provide the capabilities for this feature.
unsupportedBrand=§4The server platform you are currently running does not provide the capabilities for this feature.
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets the title of a signed book
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets the title of a signed book
bookLocked=§6This book is now locked.
bookLocked=§6This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=§6Title of the book set to {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Title of the book set to {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleport to the lowest block at your current position.
breakCommandDescription=Breaks the block you are looking at.
breakCommandDescription=Breaks the block you are looking at.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
@ -240,6 +242,12 @@ discordbroadcastCommandUsage1Description=Sends the given message to the specifie
discordbroadcastInvalidChannel=§4Discord channel §c{0}§4 does not exist.
discordbroadcastInvalidChannel=§4Discord channel §c{0}§4 does not exist.
discordbroadcastPermission=§4You do not have permission to send messages to the §c{0}§4 channel.
discordbroadcastPermission=§4You do not have permission to send messages to the §c{0}§4 channel.
discordbroadcastSent=§6Message sent to §c{0}§6\!
discordbroadcastSent=§6Message sent to §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandAccountArgumentUser=The Discord account to look up
discordCommandAccountDescription=Looks up the linked Minecraft account for either yourself or another Discord user
discordCommandAccountResponseLinked=Your account is linked to the Minecraft account\: **{0}**
discordCommandAccountResponseLinkedOther={0}''s account is linked to the Minecraft account\: **{1}**
discordCommandAccountResponseNotLinked=You do not have a linked Minecraft account.
discordCommandAccountResponseNotLinkedOther={0} does not have a linked Minecraft account.
discordCommandDescription=Sends the Discord invite link to the player.
discordCommandDescription=Sends the Discord invite link to the player.
discordCommandLink=§6Join our Discord server at §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandLink=§6Join our Discord server at §c{0}§6\!
@ -248,11 +256,20 @@ discordCommandUsage1Description=Sends the Discord invite link to the player
discordCommandExecuteDescription=Executes a console command on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandExecuteDescription=Executes a console command on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=The command to be executed
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=The command to be executed
discordCommandExecuteReply=Executing command\: "/{0}"
discordCommandExecuteReply=Executing command\: "/{0}"
discordCommandUnlinkDescription=Unlinks the Minecraft account currently linked to your Discord account
discordCommandUnlinkInvalidCode=You do not currently have a Minecraft account linked to Discord\!
discordCommandUnlinkUnlinked=Your Discord account has been unlinked from all associated Minecraft accounts.
discordCommandLinkArgumentCode=The code provided in-game to link your Minecraft account
discordCommandLinkDescription=Links your Discord account with your Minecraft account using a code from the in-game /link command
discordCommandLinkHasAccount=You already have an account linked\! To unlink your current account, type /unlink.
discordCommandLinkInvalidCode=Invalid linking code\! Make sure you''ve run /link in-game and copied the code correctly.
discordCommandLinkLinked=Successfully linked your account\!
discordCommandListDescription=Gets a list of online players.
discordCommandListDescription=Gets a list of online players.
discordCommandListArgumentGroup=A specific group to limit your search by
discordCommandListArgumentGroup=A specific group to limit your search by
discordCommandMessageDescription=Messages a player on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandMessageDescription=Messages a player on the Minecraft server.
discordCommandMessageArgumentUsername=The player to send the message to
discordCommandMessageArgumentUsername=The player to send the message to
discordCommandMessageArgumentMessage=The message to send to the player
discordCommandMessageArgumentMessage=The message to send to the player
discordErrorCommand=You added your bot to your server incorrectly\! Please follow the tutorial in the config and add your bot using https\://essentialsx.net/discord.html
discordErrorCommandDisabled=That command is disabled\!
discordErrorCommandDisabled=That command is disabled\!
discordErrorLogin=An error occurred while logging into Discord, which has caused the plugin to disable itself\: \n{0}
discordErrorLogin=An error occurred while logging into Discord, which has caused the plugin to disable itself\: \n{0}
discordErrorLoggerInvalidChannel=Discord console logging has been disabled due to an invalid channel definition\! If you intend to disable it, set the channel ID to "none"; otherwise check that your channel ID is correct.
discordErrorLoggerInvalidChannel=Discord console logging has been disabled due to an invalid channel definition\! If you intend to disable it, set the channel ID to "none"; otherwise check that your channel ID is correct.
@ -264,8 +281,20 @@ discordErrorNoPrimary=You did not define a primary channel or your defined prima
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Your bot cannot speak in your primary channel, \#{0}. Please make sure your bot has read and write permissions in all channels you wish to use.
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Your bot cannot speak in your primary channel, \#{0}. Please make sure your bot has read and write permissions in all channels you wish to use.
discordErrorNoToken=No token provided\! Please follow the tutorial in the config in order to setup the plugin.
discordErrorNoToken=No token provided\! Please follow the tutorial in the config in order to setup the plugin.
discordErrorWebhook=An error occurred while sending messages to your console channel\! This was likely caused by accidentally deleting your console webhook. This can usually by fixed by ensuring your bot has the "Manage Webhooks" permission and running "/ess reload".
discordErrorWebhook=An error occurred while sending messages to your console channel\! This was likely caused by accidentally deleting your console webhook. This can usually by fixed by ensuring your bot has the "Manage Webhooks" permission and running "/ess reload".
discordLinkInvalidGroup=Invalid group {0} was provided for role {1}. The following groups are available\: {2}
discordLinkInvalidRole=An invalid role ID, {0}, was provided for group\: {1}. You can see the ID of roles with the /roleinfo command in Discord.
discordLinkInvalidRoleInteract=The role, {0} ({1}), cannot be used for group->role synchronization because it above your bot''s uppermost role. Either move your bot''s role above "{0}" or move "{0}" below your bot''s role.
discordLinkInvalidRoleManaged=The role, {0} ({1}), cannot be used for group->role synchronization because it is managed by another bot or integration.
discordLinkLinked=§6To link your Minecraft account to Discord, type §c{0} §6in the Discord server.
discordLinkLinkedAlready=§6You have already linked your Discord account\! If you wish to unlink your discord account use §c/unlink§6.
discordLinkLoginKick=§6You must link your Discord account before you can join this server.\n§6To link your Minecraft account to Discord, type\:\n§c{0}\n§6in this server''s Discord server\:\n§c{1}
discordLinkLoginPrompt=§6You must link your Discord account before you can move, chat on or interact with this server. To link your Minecraft account to Discord, type §c{0} §6in this server''s Discord server\: §c{1}
discordLinkNoAccount=§6You do not currently have a Discord account linked to your Minecraft account.
discordLinkPending=§6You already have a link code. To complete linking your Minecraft account to Discord, type §c{0} §6in the Discord server.
discordLinkUnlinked=§6Unlinked your Minecraft account from all associated discord accounts.
discordLoggingIn=Attempting to login to Discord...
discordLoggingIn=Attempting to login to Discord...
discordLoggingInDone=Successfully logged in as {0}
discordLoggingInDone=Successfully logged in as {0}
discordMailLine=**New mail from {0}\:** {1}
discordNoSendPermission=Cannot send message in channel\: \#{0} Please ensure the bot has "Send Messages" permission in that channel\!
discordNoSendPermission=Cannot send message in channel\: \#{0} Please ensure the bot has "Send Messages" permission in that channel\!
discordReloadInvalid=Tried to reload EssentialsX Discord config while the plugin is in an invalid state\! If you''ve modified your config, restart your server.
discordReloadInvalid=Tried to reload EssentialsX Discord config while the plugin is in an invalid state\! If you''ve modified your config, restart your server.
@ -313,6 +342,7 @@ enderchestCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
enderchestCommandUsage2Description=Opens the ender chest of the target player
enderchestCommandUsage2Description=Opens the ender chest of the target player
errorCallingCommand=Error calling the command /{0}
errorCallingCommand=Error calling the command /{0}
errorWithMessage=§cError\:§4 {0}
errorWithMessage=§cError\:§4 {0}
essChatNoSecureMsg=EssentialsX Chat version {0} does not support secure chat on this server software. Update EssentialsX, and if this issue persists, inform the developers.
essentialsCommandDescription=Reloads essentials.
essentialsCommandDescription=Reloads essentials.
essentialsCommandUsage1=/<command> reload
essentialsCommandUsage1=/<command> reload
@ -480,6 +510,7 @@ homeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
homeCommandUsage2Description=Teleports you to the specified player''s home with the given name
homeCommandUsage2Description=Teleports you to the specified player''s home with the given name
homes=§6Homes\:§r {0}
homes=§6Homes\:§r {0}
homeConfirmation=§6You already have a home named §c{0}§6\!\nTo overwrite your existing home, type the command again.
homeConfirmation=§6You already have a home named §c{0}§6\!\nTo overwrite your existing home, type the command again.
homeRenamed=§6Home §c{0} §6has been renamed to §c{1}§6.
homeSet=§6Home set to current location.
homeSet=§6Home set to current location.
@ -532,6 +563,7 @@ invseeCommandDescription=See the inventory of other players.
invseeCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1Description=Opens the inventory of the specified player
invseeCommandUsage1Description=Opens the inventory of the specified player
invseeNoSelf=§cYou can only view other players'' inventories.
isIpBanned=§6IP §c{0} §6is banned.
isIpBanned=§6IP §c{0} §6is banned.
internalError=§cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.
internalError=§cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.
@ -657,8 +689,10 @@ lightningCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <power>
lightningCommandUsage2Description=Strikes lighting at the target player with the given power
lightningCommandUsage2Description=Strikes lighting at the target player with the given power
lightningSmited=§6Thou hast been smitten\!
lightningSmited=§6Thou hast been smitten\!
lightningUse=§6Smiting§c {0}
lightningUse=§6Smiting§c {0}
linkCommandDescription=Generates a code to link your Minecraft account to Discord.
linkCommandUsage1Description=Generates a code for the /link command on Discord
listAmount=§6There are §c{0}§6 out of maximum §c{1}§6 players online.
listAmount=§6There are §c{0}§6 out of maximum §c{1}§6 players online.
listAmountHidden=§6There are §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 out of maximum §c{2}§6 players online.
listAmountHidden=§6There are §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 out of maximum §c{2}§6 players online.
@ -1008,6 +1042,12 @@ removeCommandUsage1Description=Removes all of the given mob type in the current
removeCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob type> <radius> [world]
removeCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob type> <radius> [world]
removeCommandUsage2Description=Removes the given mob type within the given radius in the current world or another one if specified
removeCommandUsage2Description=Removes the given mob type within the given radius in the current world or another one if specified
removed=§6Removed§c {0} §6entities.
removed=§6Removed§c {0} §6entities.
renamehomeCommandDescription=Renames a home.
renamehomeCommandUsage=/<command> <[player\:]name> <new name>
renamehomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name> <new name>
renamehomeCommandUsage1Description=Renames your home to the given name
renamehomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name> <new name>
renamehomeCommandUsage2Description=Renames the specified player''s home to the given name
repair=§6You have successfully repaired your\: §c{0}§6.
repair=§6You have successfully repaired your\: §c{0}§6.
repairAlreadyFixed=§4This item does not need repairing.
repairAlreadyFixed=§4This item does not need repairing.
repairCommandDescription=Repairs the durability of one or all items.
repairCommandDescription=Repairs the durability of one or all items.
@ -1019,6 +1059,7 @@ repairCommandUsage2Description=Repairs all items in your inventory
repairEnchanted=§4You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairEnchanted=§4You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairInvalidType=§4This item cannot be repaired.
repairInvalidType=§4This item cannot be repaired.
repairNone=§4There were no items that needed repairing.
repairNone=§4There were no items that needed repairing.
replyFromDiscord=**Reply from {0}\:** {1}
replyLastRecipientDisabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabledFor=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabledFor=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cenabled§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cenabled§6.
@ -1076,7 +1117,9 @@ serverTotal=§6Server Total\:§c {0}
serverUnsupported=You are running an unsupported server version\!
serverUnsupported=You are running an unsupported server version\!
serverUnsupportedClass=Status determining class\: {0}
serverUnsupportedClass=Status determining class\: {0}
serverUnsupportedCleanroom=You are running a server that does not properly support Bukkit plugins that rely on internal Mojang code. Consider using an Essentials replacement for your server software.
serverUnsupportedCleanroom=You are running a server that does not properly support Bukkit plugins that rely on internal Mojang code. Consider using an Essentials replacement for your server software.
serverUnsupportedDangerous=You are running a server fork that is known to be extremely dangerous and lead to data loss. It is strongly recommended you switch to a more stable server software like Paper.
serverUnsupportedLimitedApi=You are running a server with limited API functionality. EssentialsX will still work, but certain features may be disabled.
serverUnsupportedLimitedApi=You are running a server with limited API functionality. EssentialsX will still work, but certain features may be disabled.
serverUnsupportedDumbPlugins=You are using plugins known to cause severe issues with EssentialsX and other plugins.
serverUnsupportedMods=You are running a server that does not properly support Bukkit plugins. Bukkit plugins should not be used with Forge/Fabric mods\! For Forge\: Consider using ForgeEssentials, or SpongeForge + Nucleus.
serverUnsupportedMods=You are running a server that does not properly support Bukkit plugins. Bukkit plugins should not be used with Forge/Fabric mods\! For Forge\: Consider using ForgeEssentials, or SpongeForge + Nucleus.
setBal=§aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBal=§aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=§aYou set {0}§a''s balance to {1}.
setBalOthers=§aYou set {0}§a''s balance to {1}.
@ -1390,8 +1433,10 @@ unlimitedCommandUsage3=/<command> clear [player]
unlimitedCommandUsage3Description=Clears all unlimited items for yourself or another player if specified
unlimitedCommandUsage3Description=Clears all unlimited items for yourself or another player if specified
unlimitedItemPermission=§4No permission for unlimited item §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItemPermission=§4No permission for unlimited item §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItems=§6Unlimited items\:§r
unlimitedItems=§6Unlimited items\:§r
unlinkCommandDescription=Unlinks your Minecraft account from the currently linked Discord account.
unlinkCommandUsage1Description=Unlinks your Minecraft account from the currently linked Discord account.
unmutedPlayer=§6Player§c {0} §6unmuted.
unmutedPlayer=§6Player§c {0} §6unmuted.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4The teleport destination is unsafe and teleport-safety is disabled.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4The teleport destination is unsafe and teleport-safety is disabled.
unsupportedBrand=§4The server platform you are currently running does not provide the capabilities for this feature.
unsupportedBrand=§4The server platform you are currently running does not provide the capabilities for this feature.
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> título <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Establece el título de un libro firmado
bookCommandUsage3Description=Establece el título de un libro firmado
bookLocked=§6El libro ha sido bloqueado.
bookLocked=§6El libro ha sido bloqueado.
bookTitleSet=§6Ahora el título del libro es {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Ahora el título del libro es {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Rompe el bloque que estás mirando.
breakCommandDescription=Rompe el bloque que estás mirando.
broadcast=§6[§4Aviso§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Aviso§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<käsklus> title <pealkiri>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Määrab kirjutatud raamatu pealkirja
bookCommandUsage3Description=Määrab kirjutatud raamatu pealkirja
bookLocked=§6See raamat on nüüd lukus.
bookLocked=§6See raamat on nüüd lukus.
bookTitleSet=§6Raamatu pealkirjaks on määratud "{0}".
bookTitleSet=§6Raamatu pealkirjaks on määratud "{0}".
breakCommandDescription=Lõhub vaadatava ploki.
breakCommandDescription=Lõhub vaadatava ploki.
broadcast=§6[§4Teadaanne§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Teadaanne§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> otsikko <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Asettaa kirjalle otsikon
bookCommandUsage3Description=Asettaa kirjalle otsikon
bookLocked=§6Tämä kirja on nyt lukittu.
bookLocked=§6Tämä kirja on nyt lukittu.
bookTitleSet=§6Kirjan otsikko on nyt {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Kirjan otsikko on nyt {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Rikkoo palikan, johon katsot.
breakCommandDescription=Rikkoo palikan, johon katsot.
broadcast=§6[§4Ilmoitus§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Ilmoitus§6]§a {0}
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ bookCommandUsage2=/<command> may-akda <may-akda>
bookCommandUsage3=/<command> titulo <titulo>
bookCommandUsage3=/<command> titulo <titulo>
bookLocked=§6Naka-lock na ang libro na ito.
bookLocked=§6Naka-lock na ang libro na ito.
bookTitleSet=§6Itinakda ang pamagat ng libro sa {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Itinakda ang pamagat ng libro sa {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Sisirain yung bloke kung saan ka nakatingin.
breakCommandDescription=Sisirain yung bloke kung saan ka nakatingin.
broadcast=§6[§4Brodkast§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Brodkast§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <titre>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Définit le titre d''un livre signé
bookCommandUsage3Description=Définit le titre d''un livre signé
bookLocked=§cCe livre est désormais scellé.
bookLocked=§cCe livre est désormais scellé.
bookTitleSet=§6Le titre du livre est maintenant {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Le titre du livre est maintenant {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Casse le bloc que vous regardez.
breakCommandDescription=Casse le bloc que vous regardez.
broadcast=§6[§4Message§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Message§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> כותרת <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=קובע את הכותרת של ספר חתום
bookCommandUsage3Description=קובע את הכותרת של ספר חתום
bookLocked=§6 ספר זה נעול.
bookLocked=§6 ספר זה נעול.
bookTitleSet=§6 כותרת הספר נקבע ל {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6 כותרת הספר נקבע ל {0}.
breakCommandDescription=שובר את הבלוק שאתם מסתכלים עליו.
breakCommandDescription=שובר את הבלוק שאתם מסתכלים עליו.
broadcast=§6[§4הכרזה§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4הכרזה§6]§a {0}
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ bookCommandUsage1=/<command>
bookCommandUsage2=/<command> author <author>
bookCommandUsage2=/<command> author <author>
bookLocked=§6Ova knjiga je sada zaključana.
bookLocked=§6Ova knjiga je sada zaključana.
bookTitleSet=§6Naslov knjige postavljen na {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Naslov knjige postavljen na {0}.
burnMsg=§6Zapaslio si §c {0} §6na§c {1} sekundi§6.
burnMsg=§6Zapaslio si §c {0} §6na§c {1} sekundi§6.
cannotStackMob=§4Nemaš dozvolu spajati više bića.
cannotStackMob=§4Nemaš dozvolu spajati više bića.
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Beállítja az aláírt könyv címét
bookCommandUsage3Description=Beállítja az aláírt könyv címét
bookLocked=§6Ez a könyv lezárásra került.
bookLocked=§6Ez a könyv lezárásra került.
bookTitleSet=§6A könyv címe mostantól\: {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6A könyv címe mostantól\: {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Kiüti a blokkot onnan, ahova nézel.
breakCommandDescription=Kiüti a blokkot onnan, ahova nézel.
broadcast=§6[§4Közvetítés§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Közvetítés§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> Titolo <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Imposta il titolo di un libro firmato
bookCommandUsage3Description=Imposta il titolo di un libro firmato
bookLocked=§6Questo libro è ora bloccato.
bookLocked=§6Questo libro è ora bloccato.
bookTitleSet=§6Titolo del libro impostato a {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Titolo del libro impostato a {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teletrasportati al blocco più basso nella tua posizione attuale.
breakCommandDescription=Rompe il blocco che stai guardando.
breakCommandDescription=Rompe il blocco che stai guardando.
broadcast=§6[§4Annuncio§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Annuncio§6]§a {0}
@ -1251,6 +1253,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§6Devi abilitare il teletrasporto prima che gli al
teleportationEnabled=§6Teletrasporto §cabilitato§6.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teletrasporto §cabilitato§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teletrasporto §cabilitato§6 §6per §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teletrasporto §cabilitato§6 §6per §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 ti ha teletrasportato a §c{1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 ti ha teletrasportato a §c{1}§6.
teleportBottom=§6Teletrasporto in basso.
teleportDisabled={0} ha il teletrasporto disabilitato.
teleportDisabled={0} ha il teletrasporto disabilitato.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§c ha richiesto di teletrasportati da lui.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§c ha richiesto di teletrasportati da lui.
teleportHome=§6Teletrasportato a §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Teletrasportato a §c{0}§6.
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <책 제목>
bookCommandUsage3Description=책의 제목을 설정합니다.
bookCommandUsage3Description=책의 제목을 설정합니다.
bookLocked=§6이 책은 잠긴상태로 전환되었습니다.
bookLocked=§6이 책은 잠긴상태로 전환되었습니다.
bookTitleSet=§6책의 제목을 §c{0}§6으로 설정합니다.
bookTitleSet=§6책의 제목을 §c{0}§6으로 설정합니다.
breakCommandDescription=바라보고 있는 블록을 부숩니다.
breakCommandDescription=바라보고 있는 블록을 부숩니다.
broadcast=§6[§4공지§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4공지§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets Teh Title Ov Signd Book
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets Teh Title Ov Signd Book
bookLocked=§6DIS Book Iz Nao Lockd.
bookLocked=§6DIS Book Iz Nao Lockd.
bookTitleSet=§6TITLE Ov Teh Book Set 2 {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6TITLE Ov Teh Book Set 2 {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Breakz Teh Block U R Lookin At.
breakCommandDescription=Breakz Teh Block U R Lookin At.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcats§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcats§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nustato pasirašytos knygos pavadinimą
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nustato pasirašytos knygos pavadinimą
bookLocked=§6Ši knyga dabar yra užrakinta.
bookLocked=§6Ši knyga dabar yra užrakinta.
bookTitleSet=§6Knygos pavadinimas nustatytas į {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Knygos pavadinimas nustatytas į {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Nugriauna bloką į kurį žiūrite.
breakCommandDescription=Nugriauna bloką į kurį žiūrite.
broadcast=§6[§4Skelbimas§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Skelbimas§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> nosaukums <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nomaina parakstītas grāmatas nosaukumu
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nomaina parakstītas grāmatas nosaukumu
bookLocked=§6Šī gramata tagad ir slēgta.
bookLocked=§6Šī gramata tagad ir slēgta.
bookTitleSet=§6Grāmatas nosaukums iestatīts kā {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Grāmatas nosaukums iestatīts kā {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Salauž bloku, uz kuru jūs skataties.
breakCommandDescription=Salauž bloku, uz kuru jūs skataties.
broadcast=§6[§4Paziņojums§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Paziņojums§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> titel <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Verandert de titel van een ondertekend boek
bookCommandUsage3Description=Verandert de titel van een ondertekend boek
bookLocked=§cDit boek is nu vergrendeld.
bookLocked=§cDit boek is nu vergrendeld.
bookTitleSet=§6Titel van het boek is veranderd naar\: {0}
bookTitleSet=§6Titel van het boek is veranderd naar\: {0}
breakCommandDescription=Breekt het blok waar je naar kijkt.
breakCommandDescription=Breekt het blok waar je naar kijkt.
broadcast=§6[§4Omroep§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Omroep§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> tittel <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Angir tittelen til en signert bok
bookCommandUsage3Description=Angir tittelen til en signert bok
bookLocked=§6Denne boken er nå låst.
bookLocked=§6Denne boken er nå låst.
bookTitleSet=§6Tittelen på boken er satt til {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Tittelen på boken er satt til {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Ødelegger blokken du ser på.
breakCommandDescription=Ødelegger blokken du ser på.
broadcast=§6[§4Kringkasting§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Kringkasting§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <tytuł>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Ustanawia tytuł podpisanej książki
bookCommandUsage3Description=Ustanawia tytuł podpisanej książki
bookLocked=§cTa książka jest teraz zablokowana.
bookLocked=§cTa książka jest teraz zablokowana.
bookTitleSet=§6Ustanowiono tytuł książki\: {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Ustanowiono tytuł książki\: {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleportuj się do najniższego bloku w twojej obecnej pozycji.
breakCommandDescription=Niszczy blok, na który patrzysz.
breakCommandDescription=Niszczy blok, na który patrzysz.
broadcast=§6[§4Ogłoszenie§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Ogłoszenie§6]§a {0}
@ -766,7 +768,7 @@ moreCommandUsage1Description=Wypełnia stack przedmiotów w dłoni do określone
moreThanZero=§4Ilość musi być większa niż 0.
moreThanZero=§4Ilość musi być większa niż 0.
motdCommandDescription=Pokazuje wiadomość dnia.
motdCommandDescription=Pokazuje wiadomość dnia.
motdCommandUsage=/<command> [rozdział] [strona]
motdCommandUsage=/<command> [rozdział] [strona]
moveSpeed=§6Zmieniono prędkość§c {0}§6 gracza§c {1} §6na §c{2}§6.
moveSpeed=§6Zmieniono prędkość§c {0}§6 gracza§c {2} §6na §c{1}§6.
msgCommandDescription=Wysyła prywatną wiadomość do określonego gracza.
msgCommandDescription=Wysyła prywatną wiadomość do określonego gracza.
msgCommandUsage=/<command> <do> <wiadomość>
msgCommandUsage=/<command> <do> <wiadomość>
msgCommandUsage1=/<command> <do> <wiadomość>
msgCommandUsage1=/<command> <do> <wiadomość>
@ -1252,6 +1254,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§6Musisz zezwolić na teleportację, aby inni grac
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportacja włączona.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportacja włączona.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportacja włączona dla {0}.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportacja włączona dla {0}.
teleportAtoB=§6Zostałeś przeteleportowany przez §c{0}§6 do {1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§6Zostałeś przeteleportowany przez §c{0}§6 do {1}§6.
teleportBottom=§7Teleportacja na wierzch.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4ma zdezaktywowana teleportacje.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4ma zdezaktywowana teleportacje.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§7 cię prosi, żebyś się do niego przeteleportował.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§7 cię prosi, żebyś się do niego przeteleportował.
teleportHome=§6Trwa teleportacja do domu §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Trwa teleportacja do domu §c{0}§6.
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <título>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Define o título de um livro assinado
bookCommandUsage3Description=Define o título de um livro assinado
bookLocked=§6O livro está agora trancado.
bookLocked=§6O livro está agora trancado.
bookTitleSet=§6O título do livro foi definido para {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6O título do livro foi definido para {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Parte o bloco para onde estás a olhar.
breakCommandDescription=Parte o bloco para onde estás a olhar.
broadcast=§r§6 [§4Aviso§6] §a {0}
broadcast=§r§6 [§4Aviso§6] §a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <título>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Define o título de um livro assinado
bookCommandUsage3Description=Define o título de um livro assinado
bookLocked=§6O livro agora está trancado.
bookLocked=§6O livro agora está trancado.
bookTitleSet=§6Título do livro definido para {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Título do livro definido para {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Quebra o bloco que você está olhando para.
breakCommandDescription=Quebra o bloco que você está olhando para.
broadcast=§r§6 [§4Anúncio§6] §a {0}
broadcast=§r§6 [§4Anúncio§6] §a {0}
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<comanda> title <titlu>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Setează titlul unei cărți semnate
bookCommandUsage3Description=Setează titlul unei cărți semnate
bookLocked=§6Această carte este acum blocată.
bookLocked=§6Această carte este acum blocată.
bookTitleSet=§6Titlul cărții setat la {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Titlul cărții setat la {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Sparge block-ul la care te uiti.
breakCommandDescription=Sparge block-ul la care te uiti.
broadcast=§r§4[Broadcast]§a {0}
broadcast=§r§4[Broadcast]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <название>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Изменяет название подписанной книги
bookCommandUsage3Description=Изменяет название подписанной книги
bookLocked=§6Книга заблокирована.
bookLocked=§6Книга заблокирована.
bookTitleSet=§6Название книги изменено на {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Название книги изменено на {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Телепортует на самый низкий блок в этом месте.
breakCommandDescription=Разрушает блок, на который вы смотрите.
breakCommandDescription=Разрушает блок, на который вы смотрите.
broadcast=§6[§4Объявление§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Объявление§6]§a {0}
@ -786,7 +788,7 @@ multiplePotionEffects=§4Вы не можете применить более о
muteCommandDescription=Устанавливает или снимает заглушение с игрока.
muteCommandDescription=Устанавливает или снимает заглушение с игрока.
muteCommandUsage=/<command> <игрок> [длительность] [причина]
muteCommandUsage=/<command> <игрок> [длительность] [причина]
muteCommandUsage1=/<command> <игрок>
muteCommandUsage1=/<command> <игрок>
muteCommandUsage1Description=Навсегда устанавливает мут на указанного игрока или снимает мут если у них уже установлен мут
muteCommandUsage1Description=Заглушает указанного игрока, или снимает заглушение, если оно уже стоит
muteCommandUsage2=/<command> <игрок> <длительность> [причина]
muteCommandUsage2=/<command> <игрок> <длительность> [причина]
muteCommandUsage2Description=Заглушает указанного игрока на указанное время с необязательным указанием причины
muteCommandUsage2Description=Заглушает указанного игрока на указанное время с необязательным указанием причины
mutedPlayer=§6Игрок {0} §6был заглушен.
mutedPlayer=§6Игрок {0} §6был заглушен.
@ -1066,7 +1068,7 @@ requestAccepted=§6Запрос на телепортацию принят.
requestAcceptedAll=§6Принято §c{0} §6ожидающих запросов на телепортацию.
requestAcceptedAll=§6Принято §c{0} §6ожидающих запросов на телепортацию.
requestAcceptedAuto=§6Автоматически принят запрос на телепортацию от {0}.
requestAcceptedAuto=§6Автоматически принят запрос на телепортацию от {0}.
requestAcceptedFrom=§c{0} §6принял ваш запрос на телепортацию.
requestAcceptedFrom=§c{0} §6принял ваш запрос на телепортацию.
requestAcceptedFromAuto=§c{0} §6автоматически принял ваш запрос на телепортирование.
requestAcceptedFromAuto=§c{0} §6автоматически принял ваш запрос на телепортацию.
requestDenied=§6Запрос на телепортацию отклонен.
requestDenied=§6Запрос на телепортацию отклонен.
requestDeniedAll=§6Отклонено §c{0} §6ожидающих запросов на телепортацию.
requestDeniedAll=§6Отклонено §c{0} §6ожидающих запросов на телепортацию.
requestDeniedFrom=§c{0} §6отклонил ваш запрос на телепортацию.
requestDeniedFrom=§c{0} §6отклонил ваш запрос на телепортацию.
@ -1244,14 +1246,15 @@ survival=выживание
takenFromAccount=§e{0}§a было снято с вашего аккаунта.
takenFromAccount=§e{0}§a было снято с вашего аккаунта.
takenFromOthersAccount=§e{0}§a снято с аккаунта §e {1}§a. Текущий баланс\:§e {2}
takenFromOthersAccount=§e{0}§a снято с аккаунта §e {1}§a. Текущий баланс\:§e {2}
teleportAAll=§6Запрос на телепортацию отправлен всем игрокам...
teleportAAll=§6Запрос на телепортацию отправлен всем игрокам...
teleportAll=§6Телепортирую всех игроков...
teleportAll=§6Телепортирование всех игроков...
teleportationCommencing=§6Телепортирование начинается...
teleportationCommencing=§6Телепортация начинается...
teleportationDisabled=§6Телепортации §cвыключены§6.
teleportationDisabled=§6Телепортации §cвыключены§6.
teleportationDisabledFor=§6Телепортации §cвыключены §6для §c{0}§6.
teleportationDisabledFor=§6Телепортации §cвыключены §6для §c{0}§6.
teleportationDisabledWarning=§6Вы должны включить телепортации, прежде чем другие игроки смогут телепортировать вас.
teleportationDisabledWarning=§6Вы должны включить телепортации, прежде чем другие игроки смогут телепортировать вас.
teleportationEnabled=§6Телепортации §cвключены§6.
teleportationEnabled=§6Телепортации §cвключены§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Телепортации §cвключены §6для §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Телепортации §cвключены §6для §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 телепортировал вас к §c{1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 телепортировал вас к §c{1}§6.
teleportBottom=§6Телепортирование вниз.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4отключил телепортацию.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4отключил телепортацию.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§6 просит вас телепортироваться к нему.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§6 просит вас телепортироваться к нему.
teleportHome=§6Телепортирование к §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Телепортирование к §c{0}§6.
@ -1389,7 +1392,7 @@ tprCommandDescription=Телепортирует в случайное мест
tprCommandUsage1Description=Телепортирует вас в случайное место
tprCommandUsage1Description=Телепортирует вас в случайное место
tprSuccess=§6Телепортация в случайное место...
tprSuccess=§6Телепортирование в случайное место...
tps=§6Tекущий TPS \= {0}
tps=§6Tекущий TPS \= {0}
tptoggleCommandDescription=Блокирует все виды телепортации.
tptoggleCommandDescription=Блокирует все виды телепортации.
tptoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [игрок] [on|off]
tptoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [игрок] [on|off]
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ banCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
burnCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <seconds>
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <názov>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nastavuje názov podpísanej knihy
bookCommandUsage3Description=Nastavuje názov podpísanej knihy
bookLocked=§6Táto kniha bola uzamknutá.
bookLocked=§6Táto kniha bola uzamknutá.
bookTitleSet=§6Názov knihy nastavený na {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Názov knihy nastavený na {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleportuje ťa na najnižší bod na tvojich súradniciach.
breakCommandDescription=Zničí kocku, na ktorú sa pozeráš.
breakCommandDescription=Zničí kocku, na ktorú sa pozeráš.
broadcast=§6[§4Oznam§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Oznam§6]§a {0}
@ -1252,6 +1254,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§6Aby sa k tebe mohli teleportovať iní hráči,
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportovanie §czapnuté§6.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportovanie §czapnuté§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportovanie §czapnuté§6 pre hráča §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportovanie §czapnuté§6 pre hráča §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 ťa teleportoval na §c{1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 ťa teleportoval na §c{1}§6.
teleportBottom=§6Teleportuješ sa nadol.
teleportDisabled=§4Hráč §c{0} §4má vypnuté teleportovanie.
teleportDisabled=§4Hráč §c{0} §4má vypnuté teleportovanie.
teleportHereRequest=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 ťa žiada o teleportovanie sa k nemu.
teleportHereRequest=§6Hráč §c{0}§6 ťa žiada o teleportovanie sa k nemu.
teleportHome=§6Teleportuješ sa na §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Teleportuješ sa na §c{0}§6.
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Postavlja naziv potpisane knjige
bookCommandUsage3Description=Postavlja naziv potpisane knjige
bookLocked=§6Ova knjiga je sada zakljucana.
bookLocked=§6Ova knjiga je sada zakljucana.
bookTitleSet=§6Naslov knjige je sada {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Naslov knjige je sada {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Ruši blok u koji gledate.
breakCommandDescription=Ruši blok u koji gledate.
broadcast=§6[§4Obaveštenje§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Obaveštenje§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <boktitel>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Anger titeln för en signerad bok
bookCommandUsage3Description=Anger titeln för en signerad bok
bookLocked=§6Denna bok är nu låst.
bookLocked=§6Denna bok är nu låst.
bookTitleSet=§6Titeln av boken har blivit ändrad till {0}
bookTitleSet=§6Titeln av boken har blivit ändrad till {0}
bottomCommandDescription=Teleportera till det understa blocket vid din nuvarande position.
breakCommandDescription=Tar sönder blocket du tittar på.
breakCommandDescription=Tar sönder blocket du tittar på.
broadcast=§6[§4Utsänd§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Utsänd§6]§a {0}
@ -1093,6 +1095,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§7Du måste aktivera teleportering innan andra spe
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportation §cenabled§6.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportation §cenabled§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportation §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportation §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 teleported you to §c{1}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 teleported you to §c{1}§6.
teleportBottom=§6Teleporterar till botten.
teleportDisabled={0} har teleportering inaktiverat.
teleportDisabled={0} har teleportering inaktiverat.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§c har frågat dig om du vill teleportera till dem.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§c har frågat dig om du vill teleportera till dem.
teleportHome=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportHome=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ bookCommandUsage1=/<command>
bookCommandUsage3=/<command> หัวข้อ <title>
bookCommandUsage3=/<command> หัวข้อ <title>
bookTitleSet=§7ชื่อเรื่องของหนังสือเล่มนี้ถูกตั้งเป็น §a{0}
bookTitleSet=§7ชื่อเรื่องของหนังสือเล่มนี้ถูกตั้งเป็น §a{0}
broadcast=§r§6[§4ประกาศ§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§r§6[§4ประกาศ§6]§a {0}
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ bookCommandUsage2Description=İmzalı bir kitabın yazarını belirler
bookCommandUsage3Description=İmzalı bir kitabın başlığını belirler
bookCommandUsage3Description=İmzalı bir kitabın başlığını belirler
bookLocked=§6Bu kitap artık kilitli.
bookLocked=§6Bu kitap artık kilitli.
bookTitleSet=§6Kitabin adı şuna ayarlandı {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Kitabin adı şuna ayarlandı {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Baktığınız yerdeki bloğu kırar.
breakCommandDescription=Baktığınız yerdeki bloğu kırar.
broadcast=§r§6[§4Duyuru§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§r§6[§4Duyuru§6]§a {0}
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ cantReadGeoIpDB=GeoIP veritabınını okumakta başarısız olundu\!
cantSpawnItem=§c {0}§4 eşyasını oluşturabilmene izin verilmiyor.
cantSpawnItem=§c {0}§4 eşyasını oluşturabilmene izin verilmiyor.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Bir haritacılık masası açar.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Bir haritacılık masası açar.
cleaned=Oyuncu dosyaları temizlendi.
cleaned=Oyuncu dosyaları temizlendi.
cleaning=Oyuncu dosyaları temizleniyor.
cleaning=Oyuncu dosyaları temizleniyor.
@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ compassCommandDescription=Mevcut yönünüzü açıklar.
condenseCommandDescription=Öğeleri daha kompakt bloklara yoğunlaştırır.
condenseCommandDescription=Öğeleri daha kompakt bloklara yoğunlaştırır.
condenseCommandUsage1Description=Envanterindeki tüm eşyaları siler
condenseCommandUsage2=/<komut> <öğe>
condenseCommandUsage2=/<komut> <öğe>
configFileMoveError=config.yml dosyasını yedekleme lokasyonuna taşıma işleminde başarısız olundu.
configFileMoveError=config.yml dosyasını yedekleme lokasyonuna taşıma işleminde başarısız olundu.
configFileRenameError=Ayarlar yüklenirken hata oluştu \!
configFileRenameError=Ayarlar yüklenirken hata oluştu \!
@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ disableUnlimited=§c {1} §6isimli eşyanın §c {0}§6 için sınırsız yerle
disposalCommandDescription=Taşınabilir bir çöp menüsü açar.
disposalCommandDescription=Sanal çöp menüsü açar.
distance=§6Konum\: {0}
distance=§6Konum\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=§c{0} §6saniye içerisinde ışınlanacaksınız. Lütfen hareket etmeyiniz.
dontMoveMessage=§c{0} §6saniye içerisinde ışınlanacaksınız. Lütfen hareket etmeyiniz.
@ -497,6 +500,7 @@ listCommandUsage1=/<komut> [grup]
loadWarpError=§c{0} §4isimli ışınlanma noktası yüklenemedi.
loadWarpError=§c{0} §4isimli ışınlanma noktası yüklenemedi.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
loomCommandDescription=Dokuma tezgahı açar.
loomCommandDescription=Dokuma tezgahı açar.
mailClear=§6Postanızı temizlemek için §c / mail clear§6 yazın.
mailClear=§6Postanızı temizlemek için §c / mail clear§6 yazın.
@ -517,7 +521,7 @@ mayNotJailOffline=§4Çevrimdışı oyuncuları hapsedemezsin.
meCommandDescription=Oyuncu bağlamındaki bir eylemi açıklar.
meCommandDescription=Oyuncu bağlamındaki bir eylemi açıklar.
meCommandUsage=/<komut> <açıklama>
meCommandUsage=/<komut> <açıklama>
meCommandUsage1=/<komut> <açıklama>
meCommandUsage1=/<komut> <açıklama>
minimumBalanceError=§4Bir oyuncunun sahip olabileceği minimum bakiye {0}.
minimumBalanceError=§4Bir oyuncunun sahip olabileceği minimum bakiye {0}.
minimumPayAmount=§cÖdeyebileceğiniz minimum miktar {0}.
minimumPayAmount=§cÖdeyebileceğiniz minimum miktar {0}.
@ -940,6 +944,7 @@ tpacancelCommandDescription=Aktif ışınlanma istekleri iptal eder. Bir oyuncu
tpacancelCommandUsage=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpacancelCommandUsage=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpacancelCommandUsage2=/<komut> <oyuncu>
tpacancelCommandUsage2=/<komut> <oyuncu>
tpacceptCommandDescription=Bir ışınlanma isteğini kabul eder.
tpacceptCommandUsage=/<komut> [diğeroyuncu]
tpacceptCommandUsage=/<komut> [diğeroyuncu]
tpacceptCommandUsage2=/<komut> <oyuncu>
tpacceptCommandUsage2=/<komut> <oyuncu>
@ -952,6 +957,7 @@ tpallCommandUsage1=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpautoCommandDescription=Işınlanma isteklerini otomatik kabul et.
tpautoCommandDescription=Işınlanma isteklerini otomatik kabul et.
tpautoCommandUsage=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpautoCommandUsage=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpautoCommandUsage1=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpautoCommandUsage1=/<komut> [oyuncu]
tpdenyCommandDescription=Bir ışınlanma isteğini reddet.
tpdenyCommandUsage2=/<komut> <oyuncu>
tpdenyCommandUsage2=/<komut> <oyuncu>
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> заголовок <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Встановлює заголовок підписаної книги
bookCommandUsage3Description=Встановлює заголовок підписаної книги
bookLocked=§6Ця книга тепер зачинена.
bookLocked=§6Ця книга тепер зачинена.
bookTitleSet=§6Назва книги встановлена до {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Назва книги встановлена до {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Знищує блок, на який ви дивитеся.
breakCommandDescription=Знищує блок, на який ви дивитеся.
broadcast=§6[§4Оголошення§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Оголошення§6]§a {0}
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Đặt tiêu đề cho quyển sách đã được ký
bookCommandUsage3Description=Đặt tiêu đề cho quyển sách đã được ký
bookLocked=§6Quyển sách này đã bị khóa.
bookLocked=§6Quyển sách này đã bị khóa.
bookTitleSet=§6Tiêu để của quyền sách được đặt thành {0}.
bookTitleSet=§6Tiêu để của quyền sách được đặt thành {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Phá vỡ khối nơi bạn đang nhìn.
breakCommandDescription=Phá vỡ khối nơi bạn đang nhìn.
broadcast=§6[§4Truyền thông§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4Truyền thông§6]§a {0}
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <标题>
broadcast=§r§6[§4公告§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§r§6[§4公告§6]§a {0}
@ -1252,6 +1254,7 @@ teleportationDisabledWarning=§6你必须启用传送功能才能让其他玩家
teleportationEnabledFor=§6传送功能 §c开启 §6了 §c{0}§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6传送功能 §c开启 §6了 §c{0}§6.
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookTitleSet=§6這本書的標題已被設定為 {0}。
bookTitleSet=§6這本書的標題已被設定為 {0}。
broadcast=§6[§4廣播§6]§a {0}
broadcast=§6[§4廣播§6]§a {0}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user