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synced 2025-03-13 07:09:53 +01:00
New translations messages.properties (LOLCAT)
This commit is contained in:
@ -215,12 +215,15 @@ discordbroadcastSent=<primary>mesage sended to <secondary>{0}<primary>\!
discordCommandAccountArgumentUser=Da diskcord profile to catch
discordCommandAccountDescription=Catchz da link''d Minecraft profile 4 u or other cat
discordCommandAccountResponseLinked=Yur account iz linkd 2 da Minecraft account\: **{0}**
discordCommandAccountResponseNotLinked=U doesn''t haev a link''d Minceraft account...
discordCommandAccountResponseNotLinkedOther={0} doesn''t has link''d Minceraft account...
discordCommandDescription=senDZ Teh DISCOrd envite link to teh playr,
discordCommandLink=<primary>join our discord servr et <secondary>{0}<primary>\!
discordCommandUsage1Description=SenDZ Teh Discord envite link to teh playr
discordCommandExecuteDescription=oh hi execuTez cONSOL COmman on teh mINecraf serVR??
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=teh coMMan to be executd plz?
discordCommandExecuteReply=executIN comman\: "/{0}"
discordCommandLinkLinked=YIPPEEEE ur account is linked\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!
discordCommandListDescription=gETz lis for onliNe playerz.
discordCommandListArgumentGroup=SpecifiC group to Limit ur seerch by
discordCommandMessageDescription=Mesagez plaYR On Teh minecraf servr.
@ -267,6 +270,7 @@ ecoCommandUsage3Description=setz teh speciFID PLAYERz balens to TEH SPECIFid imo
ecoCommandUsage4=/<command> reset <player> <amount>
ecoCommandUsage4Description=resetz teh specifid playerZ bAlens to teh serverz startin BALENS K?
editBookContents=<yellow>u can now edit teH CONtenTZ For thiz bok
emptySignLine=<dark_red>das an empty line {0}
enchantCommandDescription=inchantz TEH ITEM Teh usr r HOLdin.
enchantCommandUsage=/<command> <enchantmentname> [level]
@ -281,6 +285,7 @@ enchantments=<primary>inchantmentz\:<reset> {0}
enderchestCommandDescription=letz u se enside an inderchEST
enderchestCommandUsage1Description=openz ur indR CHESt
enderchestCommandUsage2Description=openz teh indr chEst For teh targET playr
equipped=u equip
errorCallingCommand=errr caLiN TEh comman /{0}
errorWithMessage=<secondary>eEerrRrr\:<dark_red> {0}
essChatNoSecureMsg=esentialsKS chat vershun {0} dus not support secure CHAt on thiz seRvr software?? updmicate esentiaLsx an if thIz isUe persists enFErm teh deEVElOPERZ,
@ -496,6 +501,7 @@ itemloreCommandUsage1Description=addz tEH gived tEXt to teh inD for teh holded i
itemloreCommandUsage2Description=setz teH specifID LIne for teh holded itemz loar to teh giveD TEXT
itemloreCommandUsage3Description=cleerz teh holded itemz loar
itemloreInvalidItem=<dark_red>u nd to hoLD an ITEM to edit itZ LOAR
itemloreMaxLore=<dark_red>description 2 long small brain can''t read allat
itemloreNoLine=<dark_red>ur holded iTEM DUS not haz loar text ON line <secondary>{0}<dark_red>.
itemloreNoLore=<dark_red>ur holded itEM DUs not haz any loar tEXT
itemloreSuccess=<primary>U haz addd "<secondary>{0}<primary>" to UR hOlded itemZ loar
@ -599,6 +605,7 @@ localFormat=§3[L] §r<{0}> {1}
loomCommandDescription=opeNz up loM
mailClear=<primary>to cLER ur maIL type<secondary> /mail clear<primary>.
mailCleared=<primary>mail cleered\!\!?\!
mailClearedAll=<primary>eated all mail to players \:3
mailClearIndex=<dark_red>oh hi u mus specify numBR betwiN 1-{0}.
mailCommandDescription=manaGEz enterplayer enTRASERVr maiL
mailCommandUsage1=/<command> read [page]
@ -626,6 +633,7 @@ meCommandDescription=deescribez an acshun in teH CONText for teh playr.
meCommandUsage=/<command> <description>
meCommandUsage1Description=deescrIBEZ aN Acshun
minimumBalanceError=<dark_red>teh minimum BALENS Usr can haz r {0}.
minimumPayAmount=<secondary>teh minimuM Imount u can pai r {0}.
@ -652,8 +660,11 @@ msgCommandUsage1Description=pRIVATele sendz teh gived mesage to teh spECIFID pla
msgDisabled=<primary>receivin mesagez <secondary>disabld<primary>.
msgDisabledFor=<primary>receivin mesagez <secondary>disABld <primary>fr <secondary>{0}<primary>.
msgEnabled=<primary>reCEIvin mesagEz <secondary>inabld<primary>.
muteCommandDescription=kitten SHUT UP\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! 4 silly
muteCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [datediff] [reason]
muteCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <datediff> [reason]
muteExempt=<dark_red>kitty 2 powerful cant mute
muteNotify=<secondary>{0} <primary> haz stopd <secondary>{1}<primary>s yapping sesh \!\!\!\! \:3
muteNotifyFor=<secondary>{0} <primary>haz mutd Playr <secondary>{1}<primary> fr<secondary> {2}<primary>.
muteNotifyForReason=<secondary>{0} <primary>haz mutd Playr <secondary>{1}<primary> fR<secondary> {2}<primary>. reeson\: <secondary>{3}
muteNotifyReason=<secondary>{0} <primary>haz MUTd PLAYr<secondary>{1}<primary>. reeson\: <secondary>{2}
@ -713,10 +724,13 @@ nonZeroPosNumber=<dark_red>oh hi A nonzerO nuMbr r rekwird
noPendingRequest=<dark_red>u dO NOT haz penDIN REKwest
noPerm=<dark_red>u do not haz teH <secondary>{0}<dark_red> permishun
nukeCommandUsage1=/<command> [players...]
numberRequired=Yu need number here silly kat
onlySunStorm=<dark_red>u can only has sun or storm here.....
orderBalances=<primary>orderin balanCEZ for<secondary> {0} <primary>userS pleez waiT\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!
passengerTeleportFail=<dark_red>U cant b teleportd wiz da passeger onboard.
payCommandDescription=payz anothr playr frUm ur balEns??
payCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <amount>
payCommandUsage1Description=PAY DA KITTY money
potionCommandUsage=/<command> <clear|apply|effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>>
potionCommandUsage2=/<command> apply
potionCommandUsage3=/<command> effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user