New translations (LOLCAT)

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Flask Bot 2024-01-07 18:05:29 +00:00 committed by MD
parent bc375797c5
commit b13fcc321b
1 changed files with 0 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ addedToOthersAccount=§a{0} addd 2 {1}§a akownt. New balace\: {2}
afkCommandDescription=Markz u as away-frum-keybord.
afkCommandUsage=/<command> [playr/mesage...]
afkCommandUsage1=/<command> [mesage]
afkCommandUsage1Description=Togglez Ur Afk Status Wif An Opshunal Reason
afkCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> [message]
afkCommandUsage2Description=Togglez Teh Afk Status Ov Teh Specifid Playr Wif An Opshunal Reason
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ antiBuildUse=§4Ur not allowd 2 use§c {0}§4.
antiochCommandDescription=A smol surprize 4 oprators.
antiochCommandUsage=/<command> [mesage]
anvilCommandDescription=Openz up a vanvil.
autoAfkKickReason=U has been kikd 4 idlin moar than {0} minutez.
autoTeleportDisabled=§6u r no longr automatically approvin teleport requests.
autoTeleportDisabledFor=§c{0}§6 Iz no longr automatically approvin teleport requests.
@ -35,9 +33,7 @@ autoTeleportEnabledFor=§c{0}§6 iz yesin 2 teleportz asks automaticly.
backAfterDeath=§6Uze za§c /back§6 comnd 2 retrn 2 ur rip point.
backCommandDescription=tps yA 2 yuor locashon b4 tp or spawn or warp\!\!\!
backCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
backCommandUsage1Description=Teleports U 2 Ur Prior Locashun
backCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
backCommandUsage2Description=Teleports teh specified playr 2 dem prior locashun
backOther=§6reTurnD§c {0}§6 to pREVIOUz locashun.
backupCommandDescription=Runz teh bakup if configurd.
@ -49,21 +45,16 @@ backupInProgress=§6An External Bakup Script Iz Currently In Progres\! Haltin Pl
backUsageMsg=§6Returnin 2 Previous Locashun.
balance=§aBalance\:§c {0}
balanceCommandDescription=Statez Teh Current Balance Ov Playr.
balanceCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
balanceCommandUsage1Description=Statez Ur Current Balance
balanceCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
balanceCommandUsage2Description=Displays Teh Balance Ov Teh Specifid Playr
balanceOther=§aBalance ov {0}§a\:§c {1}
balanceTop=§6Top balancez ({0})
balanceTopLine={0}. {1}, {2}
balancetopCommandDescription=Gets Teh Top Balance Valuez.
balancetopCommandUsage=/<command> [page]
balancetopCommandUsage1=/<command> [page]
balancetopCommandUsage1Description=Displays Teh Furst (Or Specifid) Paeg Ov Teh Top Balance Valuez
banCommandDescription=Banz Playr.
banCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1Description=Banz Teh Specifid Playr Wif An Opshunal Reason
banExempt=§4U Cant Ban Dat Playr.
banExemptOffline=§4U Cud Not Ban Offline Players.
@ -72,7 +63,6 @@ banIpJoin=UR IP ADDRES IZ BANND FRUM DIS SERVR. REASON\: {0}
banJoin=U R Bannd Frum Dis Servr. Reason\: {0}
banipCommandDescription=BANZ AN IP ADDRES.
banipCommandUsage=/<command> <address> [reason]
banipCommandUsage1=/<command> <address> [reason]
bedMissing=§4UR Bed Iz Eithr Unset, Misin Or Blockd.
@ -80,19 +70,16 @@ bedNull=§mbed§r
bedOffline=§4CANT Teleport 2 Teh Bedz Ov Offline Users.
bedSet=§6BED Spawn Set\!
beezookaCommandDescription=Throw An Explodin Bee At Ur Opponent.
bigTreeFailure=§4HOOJ Tree Generashun Failure. Try Again On Gras Or Dirt.
bigTreeSuccess=§6HOOJ Tree Spawnd.
bigtreeCommandDescription=Spawn Hooj Tree Wer U R Lookin.
bigtreeCommandUsage=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
bigtreeCommandUsage1=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
bigtreeCommandUsage1Description=Spawns Hooj Tree Ov Teh Specifid Type
blockList=§6ESSENTIALSX Iz Relayin Teh Followin Commandz 2 Othr Plugins\:
blockListEmpty=§6ESSENTIALSX Iz Not Relayin Any Commandz 2 Othr Plugins.
bookAuthorSet=§6AUTHOR Ov Teh Book Set 2 {0}.
bookCommandDescription=Allows Reopenin An Editin Ov Seald Bookz.
bookCommandUsage=/<command> [title|author [name]]
bookCommandUsage1Description=Lockz/Unlockz Book-An-Quill/Signd Book
bookCommandUsage2=/<command> author <author>
bookCommandUsage2Description=Sets Teh Author Ov Signd Book
@ -100,21 +87,16 @@ bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets Teh Title Ov Signd Book
bookLocked=§6DIS Book Iz Nao Lockd.
bookTitleSet=§6TITLE Ov Teh Book Set 2 {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Breakz Teh Block U R Lookin At.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcats§6]§a {0}
broadcastCommandDescription=Broadcats Mesage 2 Teh Entire Servr.
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
broadcastCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
broadcastCommandUsage1Description=Broadcats Teh Given Mesage 2 Teh Entire Servr
broadcastworldCommandDescription=Broadcats Mesage 2 Wurld.
broadcastworldCommandUsage=/<command> <world> <msg>
broadcastworldCommandUsage1=/<command> <world> <msg>
broadcastworldCommandUsage1Description=Broadcats Teh Given Mesage 2 Teh Specifid Wurld
burnCommandDescription=Set Playr On Fire.
burnCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage1Description=Sets Teh Specifid Playr On Fire 4 Da Specifid Amount Ov Secondz
burnMsg=§6U Set§c {0} §6ON Fire 4§c {1} Secondz§6.
cannotSellNamedItem=§6U R Not Allowd 2 Sell Namd Items.
@ -126,7 +108,6 @@ cantGamemode=§4u Do Not haZ permishun tO change to gamemode {0}
cantReadGeoIpDB=Faild to red geoIP database\!
cantSpawnItem=§4oh hi u iz not alowd To sporn teh item plz?§c {0}§4.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Openz up cartograpHy tabl?? k.
cleaned=Userfilez cleEND.
@ -135,14 +116,11 @@ clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=§6u WIl no longr be promptd to cOnfIRM ENvenTORY
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=§6u wIl now be promptd to confirm enventory CLEERZ?? k?
clearinventoryCommandDescription=cler al itemz in ur enventory?? Plz?
clearinventoryCommandUsage=/<command> [PLAYR|*] [item[\:<data>]|*|**] [imount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage1Description=cleerz al itemz in ur enventorY
clearinventoryCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
clearinventoryCommandUsage2Description=cleerz al itemZ fRUM Teh speCIfID PLAYERZ enventory k?
clearinventoryCommandUsage3=/<command> <player> <item> [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage3Description=Oh hi cleerz Al (r TeH SpeciFID imoUNT) For Teh Gived Item frum teh specifid plAyerz enventory
clearinventoryconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=togglez wethr U IZ PROmptd to confirm envENtory cleerz?? plz?
@ -158,12 +136,9 @@ commandHelpLineUsage={0} §6- {1}
commandNotLoaded=§4comman {0} oH HI r EMPROPErle loadd.
compassBearing=§6beerin\: {0} ({1} deegrez).
compassCommandDescription=Oh hi deescribez ur currnt beerin.
condenseCommandDescription=Condensez itemz ento moar compact blokz.
condenseCommandUsage=/<command> [item]
condenseCommandUsage1Description=Condensez al Itemz in ur enVentory
condenseCommandUsage2=/<command> <item>
condenseCommandUsage2Description=CondeNSez teh specifid item in ur enVENTORY
configFileMoveError=FaILd to move Config.yml to bakup locasHUN.
configFileRenameError=faild To renAMe teMp fil to config.ymL.
@ -178,7 +153,6 @@ couldNotFindTemplate=§4Could not fin templmicate k? {0}
createdKit=§6creetd kit §c{0} §6wif §c{1} §6intriEZ an deelai §c{2}
createkitCommandDescription=creete kit in game\!?? k?
createkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createkitCommandUsage1Description=creetez kiT wif TEh gived neme an deelai
createKitFailed=§4errr occurRD WILsT creetin kit {0}.
@ -211,15 +185,12 @@ delhomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
delhomeCommandUsage2Description=dEELEtez teh specifid playerz home wif teh gived nemE
deljailCommandDescription=oh hi removez jail.
deljailCommandUsage=/<command> <jailname>
deljailCommandUsage1=/<command> <jailname>
deljailCommandUsage1Description=deeletez teh jail wif teh gived neme
delkitCommandDescription=deeletEz teh specifid kit.
delkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kit>
delkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kit>
delkitCommandUsage1Description=oh hi deeletez teh kit wif teh gived neme
delwarpCommandDescription=dEeLETez teh specifid warp.
delwarpCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
delwarpCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
delwarpCommandUsage1Description=deeleteZ TEH WARp WIF teh gived neme
deniedAccessCommand=§c{0} §4weRE deeniD Accez to Comman.
denyBookEdit=§4u cannot unlOK THiz bok.
@ -236,15 +207,12 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=§4sporniN thiz mob Were DIsabld in teh CONFIG fil.
disableUnlimited=§6oh hi disabld unlimitD PLacin foR§c {0} §6fr§c {1}§6.
discordbroadcastCommandDescription=Oh hi bROADcatz mESAgE TO teh specifid discord channEl?? K?
discordbroadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <channel> <msg>
discordbroadcastCommandUsage1=/<command> <channel> <msg>
discordbroadcastCommandUsage1Description=sendz teh gived meSAGe to teh speciFID DISCOrd chaNnel
discordbroadcastInvalidChannel=§4discord chaNnel §c{0}§4 dus not exis????
discordbroadcastPermission=§4u do not haz permISHUn to sen mesagez to teh §c{0}§4 chnnEl.
discordbroadcastSent=§6mesage sended to §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandDescription=senDZ Teh DISCOrd envite link to teh playr,
discordCommandLink=§6join our discord servr et §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandUsage1Description=SenDZ Teh Discord envite link to teh playr
discordCommandExecuteDescription=oh hi execuTez cONSOL COmman on teh mINecraf serVR??
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=teh coMMan to be executd plz?
@ -272,7 +240,6 @@ discordNoSendPermission=cannot sen mEsage in channel\: \#{0} pleez insure teh bo
discordReloadInvalid=trid to reload esentialsks discord config wil teH PLugin r in AN envalid staTe\!?? if uVE MODIfid ur coNfig restart uR SERVR
disposal=oh hi disposel PLz?
disposalCommandDescription=openz porTabl disposel menu?? k?
distance=§6distens\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=§6teleportashun wil coMMANS in§c {0}§6. DOnT move plz?
downloadingGeoIp=downloadiN GEOip databas?????? THiz mite take wil (country 13600000 bit ciTY 240000000bit)
@ -308,16 +275,12 @@ enchantmentPerm=§4u do not hAZ teh pERMISHUN fR§c {0}§4.
enchantmentRemoved=§6TEh inchantmnt§c {0} §6haz bin removd frum ur ITEm In hNd.
enchantments=§6inchantmentz\:§r {0}
enderchestCommandDescription=letz u se enside an inderchEST
enderchestCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
enderchestCommandUsage1Description=openz ur indR CHESt
enderchestCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
enderchestCommandUsage2Description=openz teh indr chEst For teh targET playr
errorCallingCommand=errr caLiN TEh comman /{0}
errorWithMessage=§ceEerrRrr\:§4 {0}
essChatNoSecureMsg=esentialsKS chat vershun {0} dus not support secure CHAt on thiz seRvr software?? updmicate esentiaLsx an if thIz isUe persists enFErm teh deEVElOPERZ,
essentialsCommandDescription=reloadz ezentials
essentialsCommandUsage1=/<command> reload
essentialsCommandUsage1Description=reLOADZ eszentiaLs configh
essentialsCommandUsage2=/<command> version
@ -340,7 +303,6 @@ essentialsReload=§6esentialz reloaddd§c {0}.
exp=§c{0} §6hAz§c {1} §6experIANs (lvel§c {2}§6) an Nedz§c {3} §6MOAR experians to lEVEL Up
expCommandDescription=gve sETED reseted or lok at playerz experians?? k?
expCommandUsage=/<command> [reset|show|set|give] [playername [amount]]
expCommandUsage1=/<command> give <player> <amount>
expCommandUsage1Description=givez teh taRGEt playr teh specifid imount for xp
expCommandUsage2=/<command> set <playername> <amount>
expCommandUsage2Description=setz teH Target playERZ Xp TEH SPEcIFId Imount
@ -350,8 +312,6 @@ expCommandUsage5=/<command> reset <playername>
expCommandUsage5Description=resetz teh target plaYERz xp to 0
expSet=§c{0} §6now haz§c {1} §6EXPerians.
extCommandDescription=oh hi Extinguish pLAYerz.
extCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
extCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
extCommandUsage1Description=extinguish yourself or ANOTHR PLAYR IF specIfiD
extinguish=§6OH hi u extinGUIShd yourself??
extinguishOthers=§6oh hi u extinguishd {0}§6.
@ -361,14 +321,11 @@ failedToWriteConfig=faild to write config {0}.
feed=§6ur appetite Were satD.
feedCommandDescription=satisfy teh hungr
feedCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
feedCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
feedCommandUsage1Description=fule fedz yourself or anothr playr if specifid
feedOther=§6u Satiatd teh appetite for §c{0}§6.
fileRenameError=renamin FIl {0} faild\!
fireballCommandDescription=THrow fireBEL OR OTHr asortd projectilez.
fireballCommandUsage=/<command> [fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident] [speed]
fireballCommandUsage1Description=throwz regular firebel frum ur locashun
fireballCommandUsage2=/<command> <fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident> [speed]
fireballCommandUsage2Description=oh hi tHrowz teH specifid projectil frum ur Location wIF AN optionel speedeD
@ -389,7 +346,6 @@ fixedHomes=envalid homez deeletd.
fixingHomes=DEELetin ENvalid homEz......\!.......
flyCommandDescription=oh Hi tAke off an soar\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!???\!
flyCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
flyCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
flyCommandUsage1Description=togglez fle fr yourself oR AnoTHR playr if specIFID
flyMode=§6seted FLE moDE§c {0} §6fr {1}§6.
@ -401,22 +357,17 @@ gameMode=§6setED gamE mode§c {0} §6fR §c{1}§6.
gameModeInvalid=§4oh hi u nd to speciFY VALId plAYer/modE
gamemodeCommandDescription=change playr gaMeMODE.
gamemodeCommandUsage=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
gamemodeCommandUsage1=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
gamemodeCommandUsage1Description=oh hi SETZ TEh gamemode for eithr U OR anothr playr if specifid
gcCommandDescription=REPOrtz memory uptime an tik enfo.
gcfree=§6fre memOry\:§c {0} MegaBytez.
gcmax=§6maXIMUm memory\:§c {0} MegaBytez.
gctotal=§6alocatD memory\:§c {0} MegaBYTEz.
gcWorld=§6{0} "§c{1}§6"\: §c{2}§6 chunkz, §c{3}§6 intitiez, §c{4}§6 tilez\!
geoipJoinFormat=§6playr §c{0} §6comez frum §c{1}§6.
getposCommandDescription=GET UR Currnt cordiNatez or thos fOR playr.
getposCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
getposCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
getposCommandUsage1Description=etz teh cordinatez for eithr u oR Anothr playr if specifid
giveCommandDescription=GIF playr an item.
giveCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
giveCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <item> [amount]
giveCommandUsage1Description=givez tEH tARGEt playr 64 (r teh specifid imount) for teh speCifid item
giveCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <item> <amount> <meta>
giveCommandUsage2Description=givez teh tArget playr teh specifiD imount FOR teh specifid item wIF TEH GIVed metadata
@ -427,8 +378,6 @@ geoIpUrlEmpty=geoip doWNload url r empty.
geoIpUrlInvalid=geoip downloaD URl r envaLId.
givenSkull=§6HAZ bIn gived teh skul for §c{0}§6.
godCommandDescription=inaBlez ur gODLI powERZ
godCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
godCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
godCommandUsage1Description=togGlez god MODe fr u or ANothr playr if specifid
giveSpawn=§6giVin§c {0} §6or§c {1} §6tO§c {2}§6.
giveSpawnFailure=§4not iNOO sPas, §c{0} {1} §4were losed.
@ -436,13 +385,11 @@ godDisabledFor=§cdesabld§6 fR§c {0}
godEnabledFor=§aiNablD§6 fOr§c {0}
godMode=§6gOd mod§c {0}§6.
grindstoneCommandDescription=oh hi openz up grindstone
groupDoesNotExist=§4THerez no one oNLIne in thiz group\!
groupNumber=§c{0}§f ONline fr teh ful lis\:§c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=§4cannot us thiz itEm AZ hat
hatCommandDescription=get some coL new heedger,
hatCommandUsage=/<command> [remove]
hatCommandUsage1Description=setz ur hat to ur curreNTLE HOlDEd item
hatCommandUsage2=/<command> remove
hatCommandUsage2Description=remOvez Ur currnt hat
@ -454,8 +401,6 @@ hatRemoved=§6ur hat haz bin removd
haveBeenReleased=§6u hAZ bin releesD
heal=§6u haz bin heeald?
healCommandDescription=heelz u or teh gived playr
healCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
healCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
healCommandUsage1Description=heelz u or aNothr playr if specifID
healDead=§4U cannot heEL Sumone wO R deeed\!\!\!\!\!\!
healOther=§6heeld§c {0}§6.
@ -469,7 +414,6 @@ helpOp=§4[heLPOp]§r §6{0}\:§r {1}
helpPlugin=§4{0}§r\: plugin halp\: /help {1}
helpopCommandDescription=mesage online adminz,
helpopCommandUsage=/<command> <message>
helpopCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
helpopCommandUsage1Description=sendz teh gived mesage to al onliNE adminz
holdBook=§4u iz not holdin wrITABl bok.
holdFirework=§4u mus be holdin firework To add effECTz,
@ -477,9 +421,7 @@ holdPotion=§4u mus bE hoLDIN pOSHUN TO APple effectZ to it,
holeInFloor=§4HOl in flor\!
homeCommandDescription=telepoRt TO UR home
homeCommandUsage=/<command> [player\:][name]
homeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
homeCommandUsage1Description=teleportz U to ur home Wif teh gived neme
homeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
homeCommandUsage2Description=telEPortz u to teh specifid playerz home wif teh gived neme
homes=§6hoMez\:§r {0}
homeConfirmation=§6u alrEEDy haz HOme nemd §c{0}§6\!\nto ovrwrITe UR existin home type teh comman agaiN.
@ -489,17 +431,13 @@ hour=HOUR
ice=§6FeL Much coldr............?.........
iceCommandDescription=colz playr off,
iceCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
iceCommandUsage1Description=colz u Off
iceCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
iceCommandUsage2Description=colz teH givED Playr off
iceCommandUsage3=/<command> *
iceCommandUsage3Description=colZ al oNLine playerz
iceOther=§6chilin§c {0}§6.
ignoreCommandDescription=ignoaR OR unlgnOAR othr playeRz
ignoreCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
ignoreCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
ignoreCommandUsage1Description=ignorez or unlgnOREZ Teh gived playR
ignoredList=§6ignord\:§r {0}
ignoreExempt=§4NOt ignoar that playR.
@ -533,8 +471,6 @@ inventoryClearingAllItems=§6CLeerd al enventoRY ITEMZ FRUm§c {0}§6.
inventoryClearingFromAll=§6cleerin teh envENTOry for al userz\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!a111
inventoryClearingStack=§6removd§c {0} §6oOof§c {1} §6frum§c {2}§6.
invseeCommandDescription=se teh enventoRY For Othr playerz,
invseeCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1Description=openz teh SPECIfid PLAYeRz enventory (an sTEELZ IT)
invseeNoSelf=§cu CAN onle VIEW OTHr players enventoriez
@ -553,9 +489,7 @@ itemloreCommandDescription=edit teh lOAR FOR An item..
itemloreCommandUsage=/<command> <add/set/clear> [text/line] [text]
itemloreCommandUsage1=/<command> add [text]
itemloreCommandUsage1Description=addz tEH gived tEXt to teh inD for teh holded itemz loar
itemloreCommandUsage2=/<command> set <line number> <text>
itemloreCommandUsage2Description=setz teH specifID LIne for teh holded itemz loar to teh giveD TEXT
itemloreCommandUsage3=/<command> clear
itemloreCommandUsage3Description=cleerz teh holded itemz loar
itemloreInvalidItem=§4u nd to hoLD an ITEM to edit itZ LOAR
itemloreNoLine=§4ur holded iTEM DUS not haz loar text ON line §c{0}§4.
@ -567,9 +501,7 @@ itemNames=§6item short nemeZ\:§r {0}
itemnameClear=§6u haz CLEerd thiz ITEMz neme
itemnameCommandDescription=nemeZ an item,
itemnameCommandUsage=/<command> [name]
itemnameCommandUsage1Description=clEERZ TEH HOLDEd itemz neme
itemnameCommandUsage2=/<command> <name>
itemnameCommandUsage2Description=setz tEH HOlded itemz neme to teh gived texT
itemnameInvalidItem=§cu nd to hoLd an iteM to renamE it
itemnameSuccess=§6u haz renamd ur holded item to "§c{0}§6".
@ -586,7 +518,6 @@ itemSpawn=§6GivNg§c {0} §6o0f§c {1}
itemType=§6iTm\:§c {0}
itemdbCommandDescription=seerchez fr an item
itemdbCommandUsage=/<command> <item>
itemdbCommandUsage1=/<command> <item>
itemdbCommandUsage1Description=seerchEZ TEh ITEM dATABas fr teh Gived iTEM k?
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=§4OH hi person R alreedy in jail\:§c {0}
jailList=§6jAilZ\:§r {0}
@ -603,32 +534,23 @@ jailWorldNotExist=§4that jailz worlD DUS not exis,
jumpEasterDisable=§6flyin wizard mode disabld,
jumpEasterEnable=§6flyin wizard mode inabld.,
jailsCommandDescription=lis al jailz
jumpCommandDescription=jumpz to teh neerest blOK IN TEH LINE for site
jumpError=§4hat would hurted ur comPUTerz brain,
kickCommandDescription=kikZ spECIFId plAYR wif reesON\!
kickCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
kickCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
kickCommandUsage1Description=kikz specifid playr wif reson
kickDefault=helO u haz bin kIkd frum teh server pleez go to REcEpshun plz?
kickedAll=§4U kikd every playr on teh servr uuuhr
kickExempt=§4You cannot kick that person.
kickallCommandDescription=kikz al playerz off teh Servr except teh isur
kickallCommandUsage=/<command> [reason]
kickallCommandUsage1=/<command> [reason]
kickallCommandUsage1Description=kikZ al plaYErz wif an Optionel reeson
kill=§6kiled§c {0}§6.
killCommandDescription=kiLz SPecifid playr
killCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
killCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
killCommandUsage1Description=kilz tEh specifid playr
killExempt=§4u cannot kil §c{0}§4.
kitCommandDescription=oBTAInz teh spEcifid kit or viewz al availabl kitz
kitCommandUsage=/<command> [kit] [player]
kitCommandUsage1Description=printin al kit listz on uR scrin
kitCommandUsage2=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitCommandUsage2Description=givez teh specifid kit TO U or anotHR plaYr if spECIfid
kitContains=§6Kit §c{0} §6cOntainz\:
kitCost=\ §7§o({0})§r
@ -646,30 +568,24 @@ kitReceive=§6oh HI ReceivD KIT§c {0}§6.
kitReset=§6reseted coldoWN fr kit §c{0}§6.
kitresetCommandDescription=resetz teh colDown on teh specIFID KIT
kitresetCommandUsage=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitresetCommandUsage1=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitresetCommandUsage1Description=resetz teh coldown for teh SpecifiD kit Fr u or anothr pLAYr if SPECIFId
kitResetOther=§6reSETtin kit §c{0} §6coldown FR §c{1}§6.
kits=§6kiTZ\:§r {0}
kittycannonCommandDescription=thROw an explodin kittin et ur opponnt
kitTimed=§4u cant us that kit again fr ANOTHr§c {0}§4.
leatherSyntax=§6leethr colr Syntaks\:§c cOLr\:<rd>,<grin>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0§6 r§c color\:<rgb int> eg\: color\:16777011
lightningCommandDescription=teh PowR FOR Thr?? strikE AT CurSR or PLayr
lightningCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [power]
lightningCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
lightningCommandUsage1Description=oh hi stRIkez lightin eithr wer u iz lOkin or Et anothr playr if sPECiFid
lightningCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <power>
lightningCommandUsage2Description=strikez lIGHTin AT TEH target playr wif teh gived powr plz?
lightningSmited=§6thou HAsT BiN smitten\!\!\!\!\!\!
lightningUse=§6smitng§c {0}
listAmount=§6ther iz §c{0}§6 owT FOR MAXIMUM §c{1}§6 plAyERZ online,
listAmountHidden=§6ther iZ §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 oWT FOr maximuM §c{2}§6 playerz onlinE
listCommandDescription=lIs al online playerz
listCommandUsage=/<command> [group]
listCommandUsage1=/<command> [group]
listCommandUsage1Description=lIstz al pLayerz on Teh sERVeR Or TEh gIVED Group if specifid
@ -677,7 +593,6 @@ listRealName=({0})
loadWarpError=§4Fai.....L..Faild to load warp {0}.
localFormat=§3[L] §r<{0}> {1}
loomCommandDescription=opeNz up loM
mailClear=§6to cLER ur maIL type§c /mail clear§6.
mailCleared=§6mail cleered\!\!?\!
mailClearIndex=§4oh hi u mus specify numBR betwiN 1-{0}.
@ -705,10 +620,8 @@ mayNotJail=§4u can not jail that person\!
mayNotJailOffline=§4u can not jail offlinE playerZ.
meCommandDescription=deescribez an acshun in teH CONText for teh playr.
meCommandUsage=/<command> <description>
meCommandUsage1=/<command> <description>
meCommandUsage1Description=deescrIBEZ aN Acshun
minimumBalanceError=§4teh minimum BALENS Usr can haz r {0}.
minimumPayAmount=§cteh minimuM Imount u can pai r {0}.
@ -725,35 +638,26 @@ month=monTH
moreCommandDescription=fIlZ TEh item stak in hAN TO SPECifid imount or to maximum size if none r specifid.
moreCommandUsage=/<command> [amount]
moreCommandUsage1=/<command> [amount]
moreCommandUsage1Description=filz teh holded item to teh specifid imount or itz MAKS SIze if none r specifid
moreThanZero=§4quantitiez mus Be greETr than 0
motdCommandDescription=VIEwz teh mesage for TEh dai.
motdCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
moveSpeed=§6sETed§c {0}§6 speeded to §c {1} §6fR §c{2}§6.
msgCommandDescription=sENDZ priVMICaTE MESagE TO Teh speCifid playr.
msgCommandUsage=/<command> <to> <message>
msgCommandUsage1=/<command> <to> <message>
msgCommandUsage1Description=pRIVATele sendz teh gived mesage to teh spECIFID playr
msgDisabled=§6receivin mesagez §cdisabld§6.
msgDisabledFor=§6receivin mesagez §cdisABld §6fr §c{0}§6.
msgEnabled=§6reCEIvin mesagEz §cinabld§6.
msgtoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
msgtoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
msgtoggleCommandUsage1Description=togglez fle fr yourself oR AnoTHR playr if specIFID
muteCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [datediff] [reason]
muteCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
muteCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <datediff> [reason]
muteNotifyFor=§c{0} §6haz mutd Playr §c{1}§6 fr§c {2}§6.
muteNotifyForReason=§c{0} §6haz mutd Playr §c{1}§6 fR§c {2}§6. reeson\: §c{3}
muteNotifyReason=§c{0} §6haz MUTd PLAYr§c{1}§6. reeson\: §c{2}
nearCommandDescription=oh hi LisTz teh playerz nER By or aroun playr??
nearCommandUsage=/<command> [playername] [radius]
nearCommandUsage1Description=oh hi LISTZ Al playerz within teh deefAUlt neR radiuz for u
nearCommandUsage2=/<command> <radius>
nearCommandUsage2Description=listz al plaYErz Within teh gived radiuz for U
nearCommandUsage3=/<command> <player>
nearCommandUsage3Description=listZ al playerz within teh deefault ner radiuz FOR TEH SpecifiD playr k?
nearCommandUsage4=/<command> <player> <radius>
nearCommandUsage4Description=liStz al playErz within teh gived radiuz foR Teh specifid playr
@ -763,7 +667,6 @@ negativeBalanceError=§4usr r nOT ALowd to haz Negatif balens?? k?
nickChanged=§6nikname changD
nickCommandDescription=change ur niKname or that for anOTHr playr??
nickCommandUsage=/<command> [player] <nickname|off>
nickCommandUsage1=/<command> <nickname>
nickCommandUsage1Description=chaNgeZ UR NIKNamE TO teh gived text
nickCommandUsage2=/<command> off
nickCommandUsage2Description=removez ur niknaME plz?
@ -805,22 +708,12 @@ noNewMail=§6u haz no new mail
nonZeroPosNumber=§4oh hi A nonzerO nuMbr r rekwird
noPendingRequest=§4u dO NOT haz penDIN REKwest
noPerm=§4u do not haz teH §c{0}§4 permishun
nukeCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
nukeCommandUsage1=/<command> [players...]
orderBalances=§6orderin balanCEZ for§c {0} §6userS pleez waiT\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!
passengerTeleportFail=§4U cant b teleportd wiz da passeger onboard.
payCommandDescription=payz anothr playr frUm ur balEns??
payCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <amount>
payCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <amount>
paytoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
paytoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
playtimeCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
playtimeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
potionCommandUsage=/<command> <clear|apply|effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>>
potionCommandUsage1=/<command> clear
potionCommandUsage2=/<command> apply
potionCommandUsage3=/<command> effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>
powertoolCommandUsage=/<command> [l\:|a\:|r\:|c\:|d\:][command] [arguments] - {player} can be replacd by nEMe for clikd playr.
@ -829,151 +722,63 @@ powertoolCommandUsage2=/<command> d\:
powertoolCommandUsage3=/<command> r\:<cmd>
powertoolCommandUsage4=/<command> <cmd>
powertoolCommandUsage5=/<command> a\:<cmd>
ptimeCommandUsage=/<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17\:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*]
ptimeCommandUsage1=/<command> list [player|*]
ptimeCommandUsage2=/<command> <time> [player|*]
ptimeCommandUsage3=/<command> reset [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage=/<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage1=/<command> list [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage2=/<command> <storm|sun> [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage3=/<command> reset [player|*]
rCommandUsage=/<command> <message>
rCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
realnameCommandUsage=/<command> <nickname>
realnameCommandUsage1=/<command> <nickname>
removeCommandUsage=/<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[mobType]> [radius|world]
removeCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob type> [world]
removeCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob type> <radius> [world]
repairCommandUsage=/<command> [hand|all]
repairCommandUsage2=/<command> all
resetBal=§6Balens haz bin reseted to §c{0} §6fr al online plaYErz??
resetBalAll=§6oH hi balens haz BIN RESeted TO §c{0} §6oh hi fr al PLAyERZ??\!\!???\!
restCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
restCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
rtoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
rulesCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
seenCommandUsage=/<command> <playername>
seenCommandUsage1=/<command> <playername>
sellCommandUsage=/<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [amount]
sellCommandUsage1=/<command> <itemname> [amount]
sellCommandUsage2=/<command> hand [amount]
sellCommandUsage3=/<command> all
sellCommandUsage4=/<command> blocks [amount]
setBal=§aoh hi Ur baleNS were seTED to {0}.
setBalOthers=§au seted {0}§a''z balens tO k? {1}.
sethomeCommandUsage=/<command> [[player\:]name]
sethomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
sethomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
setjailCommandUsage=/<command> <jailname>
setjailCommandUsage1=/<command> <jailname>
settprCommandUsage=/<command> [center|minrange|maxrange] [value]
settprCommandUsage1=/<command> center
settprCommandUsage2=/<command> minrange <radius>
settprCommandUsage3=/<command> maxrange <radius>
setwarpCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
setwarpCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
setworthCommandUsage=/<command> [itemname|id] <price>
setworthCommandUsage1=/<command> <price>
setworthCommandUsage2=/<command> <itemname> <price>
showkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname>
showkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kitname>
editsignCommandUsage=/<command> <set/clear/copy/paste> [line number] [text]
editsignCommandUsage1=/<command> set <line number> <text>
editsignCommandUsage2=/<command> clear <line number>
editsignCommandUsage3=/<command> copy [line number]
editsignCommandUsage4=/<command> paste [line number]
skullCommandUsage=/<command> [owner]
skullCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
socialspyCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
socialspyCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
spawnerCommandUsage=/<command> <mob> [delay]
spawnerCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob> [delay]
spawnmobCommandUsage=/<command> <mob>[\:data][,<mount>[\:data]] [amount] [player]
spawnmobCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob>[\:data] [amount] [player]
spawnmobCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob>[\:data],<mount>[\:data] [amount] [player]
speedCommandUsage=/<command> [type] <speed> [player]
speedCommandUsage1=/<command> <speed>
speedCommandUsage2=/<command> <type> <speed> [player]
sudoCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <command [args]>
sudoCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <command> [args]
takenFromOthersAccount=§e{0}§a TakeD frum §e {1}§a Account?? nEw balens\:§e {2}
tempbanCommandUsage=/<command> <playername> <datediff> [reason]
tempbanCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <datediff> [reason]
tempbanipCommandUsage=/<command> <playername> <datediff> [reason]
tempbanipCommandUsage1=/<command> <player|ip-address> <datediff> [reason]
thunderCommandUsage=/<command> <true/false> [duration]
thunderCommandUsage1=/<command> <true|false> [duration]
timeCommandUsage=/<command> [set|add] [day|night|dawn|17\:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all]
timeCommandUsage2=/<command> set <time> [world|all]
timeCommandUsage3=/<command> add <time> [world|all]
togglejailCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <jailname> [datediff]
toggleshoutCommandDescription=Turns on if you are speakin in a screaming type
toggleshoutCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
toggleshoutCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [otherplayer]
tpCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <other player>
tpaCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpaCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpaallCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpaallCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpacancelCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpacancelCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpacceptCommandUsage=/<command> [otherplayer]
tpacceptCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpacceptCommandUsage3=/<command> *
tpahereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpahereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpallCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpallCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpautoCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpautoCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpdenyCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpdenyCommandUsage3=/<command> *
tphereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tphereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpoCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [otherplayer]
tpoCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpoCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <other player>
tpofflineCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpofflineCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpohereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpohereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpposCommandUsage=/<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world]
tpposCommandUsage1=/<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world]
tptoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
tptoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
unbanCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
unbanCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
vanishCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
vanishCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
versionOutputEconLayer=§6econOmy layr\: §r{0}
warpCommandUsage1=/<command> [page]
warpinfoCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
warpinfoCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
whoisCommandUsage=/<command> <nickname>
whoisCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
worthCommandUsage1=/<command> <itemname> [amount]
worthCommandUsage2=/<command> hand [amount]
worthCommandUsage3=/<command> all
worthCommandUsage4=/<command> blocks [amount]
youAreHealed=§6u haz bin heeald?