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synced 2025-03-12 14:49:46 +01:00
New translations messages.properties (English, United Kingdom)
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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#Sat Feb 03 17:34:46 GMT 2024
action=§5* {0} §5{1}
afkCommandDescription=Marks you as away-from-keyboard.
afkCommandUsage=/<command> [player/message...]
@ -7,43 +6,21 @@ afkCommandUsage1Description=Toggles your AFK status with an optional reason
afkCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> [message]
afkCommandUsage2Description=Toggles the afk status of the specified player with an optional reason
alertFormat=§3[{0}] §r {1} §6 {2} at\: {3}
alphaNames=§4Player names can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
antiBuildBreak=§4You are not permitted to break§c {0} §4blocks here.
antiBuildCraft=§4You are not permitted to create§c {0}§4.
antiBuildDrop=§4You are not permitted to drop§c {0}§4.
antiBuildInteract=§4You are not permitted to interact with§c {0}§4.
antiBuildPlace=§4You are not permitted to place§c {0} §4here.
antiBuildUse=§4You are not permitted to use§c {0}§4.
antiochCommandDescription=A little surprise for operators.
antiochCommandUsage=/<command> [message]\n
anvilCommandDescription=Opens up an anvil.
autoAfkKickReason=You have been kicked for idling more than {0} minutes.
autoTeleportDisabled=§6You are no longer automatically approving teleport requests.
autoTeleportDisabledFor=§c{0}§6 is no longer automatically approving teleport requests.
autoTeleportEnabled=§6You are now automatically approving teleport requests.
autoTeleportEnabledFor=§c{0}§6 is now automatically approving teleport requests.
backAfterDeath=§6Use the§c /back§6 command to return to your death point.
backCommandDescription=Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp.
backCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
backCommandUsage1Description=Teleports you to your prior location
backCommandUsage2Description=Teleports the specified player to their prior location
backOther=§6Returned§c {0}§6 to previous location.
backupCommandDescription=Runs the backup if configured.
backupDisabled=§4An external backup script has not been configured.
backupFinished=§6Backup finished.
backupStarted=§6Backup started.
backupInProgress=§6An external backup script is currently in progress\! Halting plugin disable until finished.
backUsageMsg=§6Returning to previous location.
balance=§aBalance\:§c {0}
balanceCommandDescription=States the current balance of a player.
balanceCommandUsage1Description=States your current balance
balanceCommandUsage2Description=Displays the balance of the specified player
balanceOther=§aBalance of {0}§a\:§c {1}
balanceTop=§6Top balances ({0})
balanceTopLine={0}. {1}, {2}
balancetopCommandDescription=Gets the top balance values.
balancetopCommandUsage=/<command> [page]
@ -51,28 +28,15 @@ balancetopCommandUsage1Description=Displays the first (or specified) page of the
banCommandDescription=Bans a player.
banCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1Description=Bans the specified player with an optional reason
banExempt=§4You cannot ban that player.
banExemptOffline=§4You may not ban offline players.
banFormat=§cYou have been banned\:\n§r{0}
banIpJoin=Your IP address is banned from this server. Reason\: {0}
banJoin=You are banned from this server. Reason\: {0}
banipCommandDescription=Bans an IP address.
banipCommandUsage=/<command> <address> [reason]
banipCommandUsage1Description=Bans the specified IP address with an optional reason
bedMissing=§4Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
bedOffline=§4Cannot teleport to the beds of offline users.
bedSet=§6Bed spawn set\!
beezookaCommandDescription=Throw an exploding bee at your opponent.
bigTreeFailure=§4Big tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
bigTreeSuccess=§6Big tree spawned.
bigtreeCommandDescription=Spawn a big tree where you are looking.
bigtreeCommandUsage=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
bigtreeCommandUsage1Description=Spawns a big tree of the specified type
blockList=§6EssentialsX is relaying the following commands to other plugins\:
blockListEmpty=§6EssentialsX is not relaying any commands to other plugins.
bookAuthorSet=§6Author of the book set to {0}.
bookCommandDescription=Allows reopening and editing of sealed books.
bookCommandUsage=/<command> [title|author [name]]\n
bookCommandUsage1Description=Locks/Unlocks a book-and-quill/signed book
@ -80,11 +44,8 @@ bookCommandUsage2=/<command> author <author>
bookCommandUsage2Description=Sets the author of a signed book
bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets the title of a signed book
bookLocked=§6This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=§6Title of the book set to {0}.
bottomCommandDescription=Teleport to the lowest block at your current position.
breakCommandDescription=Breaks the block you are looking at.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
broadcastCommandDescription=Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
broadcastCommandUsage1Description=Broadcasts the given message to the entire server
@ -94,22 +55,12 @@ broadcastworldCommandUsage1Description=Broadcasts the given message to the speci
burnCommandDescription=Set a player on fire.
burnCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage1Description=Sets the specified player on fire for the specified amount of seconds
burnMsg=§6You set§c {0} §6on fire for§c {1} seconds§6.
cannotSellNamedItem=§6You are not allowed to sell named items.
cannotSellTheseNamedItems=§6You are not allowed to sell these named items\: §4{0}
cannotStackMob=§4You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
canTalkAgain=§6You can now talk again.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Can''t find GeoIP database\!
cantGamemode=§4You do not have permission to change to gamemode {0}
cantReadGeoIpDB=Failed to read GeoIP database\!
cantSpawnItem=§4You are not allowed to spawn the item§c {0}§4.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Opens up a cartography table.
cleaned=Userfiles Cleaned.
cleaning=Cleaning userfiles.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=§6You will no longer be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=§6You will now be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearinventoryCommandDescription=Clear all items in your inventory.
clearinventoryCommandUsage=/<command> [player|*] [item[\:<data>]|*|**] [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage1Description=Clears all items in your inventory
@ -117,7 +68,6 @@ clearinventoryCommandUsage2Description=Clears all items from the specified playe
clearinventoryCommandUsage3=/<command> <player> <item> [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage3Description=Clears all (or the specified amount) of the given item from the specified player''s inventory
clearinventoryconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm inventory clears.
commandCooldown=§cYou cannot type that command for {0}.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user