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synced 2025-02-03 22:11:42 +01:00
[Feature] pweather command
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials.commands;
import com.earth2me.essentials.DescParseTickFormat;
import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.WeatherType;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class Commandpweather extends EssentialsCommand
public static final Set<String> getAliases = new HashSet<String>();
public static final Map<String, WeatherType> weatherAliases = new HashMap<String, WeatherType>();
weatherAliases.put("sun", WeatherType.CLEAR);
weatherAliases.put("clear", WeatherType.CLEAR);
weatherAliases.put("storm", WeatherType.DOWNFALL);
weatherAliases.put("thunder", WeatherType.DOWNFALL);
public Commandpweather()
public void run(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception
// Which Players(s) / Users(s) are we interested in?
String userSelector = null;
if (args.length == 2)
userSelector = args[1];
Set<User> users = getUsers(server, sender, userSelector);
if (args.length == 0)
getUsersWeather(sender, users);
if (getAliases.contains(args[0]))
getUsersWeather(sender, users);
User user = ess.getUser(sender);
if (user != null && (!users.contains(user) || users.size() > 1)&& !user.isAuthorized("essentials.pweather.others"))
setUsersWeather(sender, users, args[0].toLowerCase());
* Used to get the time and inform
private void getUsersWeather(final CommandSender sender, final Collection<User> users)
if (users.size() > 1)
for (User user : users)
if (user.getPlayerWeather() == null)
sender.sendMessage(_("pWeatherNormal", user.getName()));
sender.sendMessage(_("pWeatherCurrent", user.getName(), user.getPlayerWeather().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)));
* Used to set the time and inform of the change
private void setUsersWeather(final CommandSender sender, final Collection<User> users, final String weatherType ) throws Exception
final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
for (User user : users)
if (msg.length() > 0)
msg.append(", ");
if (weatherType.equalsIgnoreCase("reset"))
for (User user : users)
sender.sendMessage(_("pWeatherReset", msg));
if (!weatherAliases.containsKey(weatherType))
throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException(_("pWeatherInvalidAlias"));
for (User user : users)
sender.sendMessage(_("pWeatherSet", weatherType, msg.toString()));
* Used to parse an argument of the type "users(s) selector"
private Set<User> getUsers(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String selector) throws Exception
final Set<User> users = new TreeSet<User>(new UserNameComparator());
// If there is no selector we want the sender itself. Or all users if sender isn't a user.
if (selector == null)
final User user = ess.getUser(sender);
if (user == null)
for (Player player : server.getOnlinePlayers())
return users;
// Try to find the user with name = selector
User user = null;
final List<Player> matchedPlayers = server.matchPlayer(selector);
if (!matchedPlayers.isEmpty())
user = ess.getUser(matchedPlayers.get(0));
if (user != null)
// If that fails, Is the argument something like "*" or "all"?
else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("*") || selector.equalsIgnoreCase("all"))
for (Player player : server.getOnlinePlayers())
// We failed to understand the world target...
throw new Exception(_("playerNotFound"));
return users;
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Translations start here
# 0.1 version: tomasara413 - Tento preklad neni 100% presny to se opravi v dalsich verzich prekladu
# 0.2 version: optimized by mdojcar (modojcar@seznam.cz) - mirne fixy a trochu jsem preklad vylepsil
# nektere vyrazy jako "Kicknut" jsou v anglickem zneni (zni to mnohem prirozeneji)
# nektere vyrazy jako "Kicknut" jsou v anglickem zneni (zni to mnohem prirozeneji)
# 0.3 tommymortago - Pro upravy kontaktujte na skype: tomasperzl/ Korektura: Sejsel
action=* {0} {1}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} bylo pripsano na tvuj ucet.
@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ deniedAccessCommand=Hraci {0} byl zablokovan prikaz.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
dependancyDownloaded=[Essentials] Zavislost {0} uspesne stazena.
dependancyDownloaded=[Essentials] Zavislost {0} uspesne stazena.
dependancyException=[Essentials] Nastala chyba pri pokusu o stazeni zavilosti.
dependancyNotFound=[Essentials] Pozadovana zavilost nenalezena, stahuji nyni.
depth=\u00a77Jsi na urovni more.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Jsi {0} kostek nad urovni more.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Jsi {0} kostek pod urovni more.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Jsi {0} kostek pod urovni more.
destinationNotSet=Destinace neni nastavena.
disableUnlimited=\u00a77Zablokovano neomezene pokladani {0} hraci {1}.
disableUnlimited=\u00a77Zablokovano neomezene pokladani {0} hraci {1}.
disabledToSpawnMob=Spawnuti tohoto moba je zakazno v configuracnim souboru.
distance=\u00a76Distance: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleport bude zahajen za {0}. Nehybej se.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleport bude zahajen za {0}. Nehybej se.
downloadingGeoIp=Stahuji GeoIP databazi ... muze to chvilku trvat (staty: 0.6 MB, mesta: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplikovane data hrace: {0} and {1}
durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ hour=hodina
ignorePlayer=Odted jsi zacal ignorovat hrace {0}.
illegalDate=Nespravny format data.
infoChapter=Vyberte kapitolu:
infoChapterPages=Kapitola {0}, strana \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f z \u00a7c{2}\u00a7f:
infoChapter=Vyberte kapitolu:
infoChapterPages=Kapitola {0}, strana \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f z \u00a7c{2}\u00a7f:
infoFileDoesNotExist=Soubor info.txt neexistuje. Vytvarim novy.
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Strana \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00a74{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter=Neznama kapitola.
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ inventoryClearedAll=\u00a76Cleared everyone's inventory.
inventoryClearedOthers=\u00a77Inventar hrace \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 vymazan.
itemCannotBeSold=Tento item nelze prodat serveru.
itemMustBeStacked=Itemy musi byt vymeneny ve stacku.
itemMustBeStacked=Itemy musi byt vymeneny ve stacku.
itemNames=Item short names: {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a7cNemas dostatek tohoto itemu, aby jsi jej mohl prodat.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a77Pokud jsi chtel prodat vsechny itemy tohoto typu, pouzij /sell nazevitemu
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Davam kit {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cMel jsi plny inventar, obsah kitu je na zemi.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cNemuzes pouzit tento kit po dalsich {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kity: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77Zasadil jsi bleskem hrace {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Je tu \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 z maxima \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 hracu online.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Je tu \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 z maxima \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 hracu online.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Chyba pri nacitani warpu: {0}
localFormat=Jazyk: <{0}> {1}
@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ posX=\u00a76X: {0} (+East <-> -West)
posY=\u00a76Y: {0} (+Up <-> -Down)
posYaw=\u00a76Yaw: {0} (Rotation)
posZ=\u00a76Z: {0} (+South <-> -North)
possibleWorlds=\u00a77Mozne svety jsou cisla 0 az {0}.
possibleWorlds=\u00a77Mozne svety jsou cisla 0 az {0}.
potions=\u00a76Potions:\u00a7r {0}\u00a76.
powerToolAir=Prikaz nemuze byt spojen se vzduchem.
powerToolAlreadySet=Prikaz \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f je jiz spojen s {1}.
powerToolAlreadySet=Prikaz \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f je jiz spojen s {1}.
powerToolAttach=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f prikaz pripsan k {1}.
powerToolClearAll=Vsechny mocne nastroje byli smazany.
powerToolList=Hrac {1} ma tyto prikazy: \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f.
@ -527,3 +527,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Giver kit til {0} (oversat korrekt?).
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cDin inventory er fuld, placerer kit p\u00e5 gulvet.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cDu kan ikke benytte dette kit igen i {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kits: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77Kaster lyn efter {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Der er \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 ud af maksimum\u00a7c{1}\u00a79 spillere online.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Der er \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 ud af maksimum \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 spillere online.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Kunne ikke l\u00c3\u00a6se warp {0}
localFormat=Local: <{0}> {1}
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ playerInJail=\u00a7cSpilleren er allerede i f\u00e6ngsel {0}.
playerJailed=\u00a77Spilleren {0} f\u00e6ngslet.
playerJailedFor= \u00a77Spilleren {0} f\u00e6ngslet i {1}.
playerKicked=\u00a7cSpiller {0} kicked {1} for {2}.
playerMuted=\u00a77Du er blevet muted!
playerMuted=\u00a77Du er blevet muted!
playerMutedFor=\u00a77Du er blevet muted som f\u00c3\u00b8lge af: {0}
playerNeverOnServer=\u00a7cSpilleren {0} har aldrig v\u00c3\u00a6ret p\u00e5 denne server.
playerNotFound=\u00a7cSpilleren ikke fundet.
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Gebe Ausr\u00fcstung {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cDein Inventar ist voll, lege Ausr\u00fcstung auf den Boden
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cDu kannst diese Ausr\u00fcstung nicht innerhalb von {0} anfordern.
kits=\u00a77Ausr\u00fcstungen: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77Peinige {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[Inaktiv]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Es sind \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 von maximal \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 Spielern online.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Es sind \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 von maximal \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 Spielern online.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[Versteckt]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Fehler beim Laden von Warp-Punkt {0}
localFormat=Lokal: <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a74Your inventory was full, placing kit on the floor.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a74You can''t use that kit again for another\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
kits=\u00a76Kits:\u00a7r {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a76Smiting\u00a7c {0}
listAfkTag= \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7r
listAmount= \u00a76There are \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 out of maximum \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 players online.
listAmountHidden= \u00a76There are \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/{1}\u00a76 out of maximum \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 players online.
listHiddenTag= \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7r
loadWarpError=\u00a74Failed to load warp {0}.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Dando kit a {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cTu inventario esta lleno, el kit se pondra en el suelo.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7c No puedes usar ese kit de nuevo para otro{0}.
kits=\u00a77Kits: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Annetaan pakkausta "{0}".
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cSinun reppusi on t\u00e4ynn\u00e4, laitetaan tavarat maahan
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cAika, jota ennen et voi k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 t\u00e4t\u00e4 pakkausta uudelleen: {0}.
kits=\u00a77Pakkaukset: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77Salamoidaan {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Pelaajia palvelimella \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 / \u00a7c{1}\u00a79.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Pelaajia palvelimella \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 / \u00a7c{2}\u00a79.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Virhe ladattaessa warppia {0}
localFormat=Paikallinen: <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ errorCallingCommand=Erreur en appelant la commande /{0}
errorWithMessage=\u00a7cErreur : {0}
essentialsHelp1=Le fichier est corrompuet Essentials ne peut l'ouvrir. Essentials est maintenant d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9. Si vous ne pouvez corriger vous-m\u00eame, aller \u00e0 http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=Le fichier est corrompuet Essentials ne peut l'ouvrir. Essentials est maintenant d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9. Si vous ne pouvez corriger vous-m\u00eame, tapez /essentialshelp ou aller \u00e0 http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 recharg\u00e9.
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 recharg\u00e9.
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77a\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (niveau\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) et a besoin de\u00a7c {3} \u00a77pour monter d'un niveau.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77a maintenant\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Vous cessez de br\u00fbler.
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Donner le kit {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cVotre inventaire \u00e9tait plein, le kit est parre-terre.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cVous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce kit pendant encore {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kits :{0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77{0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 foudroy\u00e9.
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Il y a \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 joueurs en ligne sur \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 au total.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Il y a \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 sur un maximum de \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 joueurs en ligne.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[MASQU\u00c9]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=\u00c9chec du chargement du warp {0}.
localFormat=Local : <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Kit inviato {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cIl tuo inventario e'' pieno, il kit e'' ora per terra.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cNon puoi usare il kit per altri {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kits: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77{0} e'' stato folgorato!
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Ci sono \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 players online su un massimo di \u00a7c{1}.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Ci sono \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 players online su un massimo di \u00a7c{2}.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Impossibile caricare il warp {0}
localFormat=Formato locale: <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Kit {0} wordt gegeven.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cJe inventaris was vol, de kit wordt op de grond geplaatst
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cJe kan die kit pas weer gebruiken over {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kits: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77Brand {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Er zijn \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 van het maximum \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 spelers online.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Er zijn \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 van het maximum \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 spelers online.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[VERBORGEN]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Fout bij het laden van warp {0}
localFormat=Lokaal: <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ timeSetPermission=\u00a74Nie masz uprawnien do ustawiania czasu.
timeWorldCurrent=\u00a77Obecny czas\u00a7c {0} \u00a77to \u00a7c{1}\u00a77.
timeWorldSet=\u00a77Czas ustawiono\u00a7c {0} \u00a77w: \u00a7c{1}\u00a77.
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aSprzedano wszystkie bloki i przedmioty za kwote {1}.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aSprzedano wszystkie bloki za kwote {1}.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aSprzedano wszystkie bloki za kwote {1}.
tps=\u00a77Aktualne TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a7aHandel zakonczono.
tradeSignEmpty=\u00a74Tabliczka handlowa nie jest dostepna dla Ciebie.
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a77Gracz\u00a7c {0} \u00a77zostal zbanowany na adres IP {
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74Nie masz praw by dodac efekt \u00a7c{0} \u00a74tej miksturze.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Niepoprawna wartosc mikstury: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Dando kit {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cSeu invent\u00e1rio esta cheio, colocando kit no chao
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea nao pode usar este kit denovo por {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kits: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77Castigando {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[Ausente]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Aqui tem \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 do m\u00e1ximo de \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 jogadores online.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Aqui tem \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 do maximo de \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 jogadores online.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[ESCONDIDO]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Falha ao carregar warp {0}
localFormat=Local: <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ kitGive=\u00a77Ger kit {0}.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cDitt F\u00f6rr\u00e5d var fullt, placerar kit p\u00e5 golvet
kitOnce=\u00a74Du kan inte av\u00e4nda det kitet igen.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cDu kan inte anv\u00e4nda det kit:et igen p\u00e5 {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kit: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg: color:255,0,0.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ lightningUse=\u00a77En blixt kommer sl\u00e5 ner p\u00e5 {0}
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7f
listAmount = \u00a79Det \u00e4r \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 av maximalt \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 spelare online.
listAmountHidden = \u00a79Det \u00e4r \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 Av maximalt \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 spelare online.
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[G\u00d6MD]\u00a7f
loadWarpError=Kunde inte ladda warp {0}
localFormat=Lokal: <{0}> {1}
@ -524,3 +524,10 @@ playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
@ -282,6 +282,10 @@ commands:
description: Adjust player's client time. Add @ prefix to fix.
usage: /<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*]
aliases: [playertime,eplayertime,eptime]
description: Adjust a player's weather
usage: /<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*]
aliases: [playerweather,eplayerweather,epweather]
description: Quickly reply to the last player to message you.
usage: /<command> <message>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user