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synced 2025-03-02 11:11:58 +01:00
Essentials API cleanup and teleport possession fixing. (UNSTABLE)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials;
import com.earth2me.essentials.api.IJails;
import com.earth2me.essentials.api.IWarps;
import com.earth2me.essentials.metrics.Metrics;
import com.earth2me.essentials.perm.PermissionsHandler;
import com.earth2me.essentials.register.payment.Methods;
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ public interface IEssentials extends Plugin
IJails getJails();
Warps getWarps();
IWarps getWarps();
Worth getWorth();
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials;
import com.earth2me.essentials.api.ITeleport;
import com.earth2me.essentials.commands.IEssentialsCommand;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Map;
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ public interface IUser extends Player
void takeMoney(BigDecimal value);
void giveMoney(BigDecimal value);
boolean canAfford(BigDecimal value);
String getGroup();
@ -41,50 +42,47 @@ public interface IUser extends Player
Location getHome(Location loc) throws Exception;
* 'Hidden' Represents when a player is hidden from others.
* This status includes when the player is hidden via other supported plugins.
* Use isVanished() if you want to check if a user is vanished by Essentials.
* 'Hidden' Represents when a player is hidden from others. This status includes when the player is hidden via other
* supported plugins. Use isVanished() if you want to check if a user is vanished by Essentials.
* @return If the user is hidden or not
* @see isVanished
boolean isHidden();
void setHidden(boolean vanish);
* 'Vanished' Represents when a player is hidden from others by Essentials.
* This status does NOT include when the player is hidden via other plugins.
* Use isHidden() if you want to check if a user is vanished by any supported plugin.
* 'Vanished' Represents when a player is hidden from others by Essentials. This status does NOT include when the
* player is hidden via other plugins. Use isHidden() if you want to check if a user is vanished by any supported
* plugin.
* @return If the user is vanished or not
* @see isHidden
boolean isVanished();
void setVanished(boolean vanish);
Teleport getTeleport();
ITeleport getTeleport();
void setJail(String jail);
boolean isIgnoreExempt();
boolean isAfk();
void setAfk(final boolean set);
void setLogoutLocation();
Location getLogoutLocation();
void setConfigProperty(String node, Object object);
Set<String> getConfigKeys();
Map<String, Object> getConfigMap();
Map<String, Object> getConfigMap(String node);
@ -10,12 +10,9 @@ import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
public class Teleport implements Runnable, ITeleport
public class Teleport implements ITeleport
private static final double MOVE_CONSTANT = 0.3;
private class Target
public class Target
private final Location location;
private final String name;
@ -42,155 +39,40 @@ public class Teleport implements Runnable, ITeleport
return location;
private final IUser user;
private String teleportUserName;
private int teleTimer = -1;
private long started; // time this task was initiated
private long tpdelay; // how long to delay the teleport
private int health;
// note that I initially stored a clone of the location for reference, but...
// when comparing locations, I got incorrect mismatches (rounding errors, looked like)
// so, the X/Y/Z values are stored instead and rounded off
private long initX;
private long initY;
private long initZ;
private Target teleportTarget;
private boolean respawn;
private boolean canMove;
private Trade chargeFor;
private final IUser teleportOwner;
private final IEssentials ess;
private TeleportCause cause;
private void initTimer(long delay, Target target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause)
initTimer(delay, user, target, chargeFor, cause, false);
private void initTimer(long delay, IUser teleportUser, Target target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause, boolean respawn)
this.started = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.tpdelay = delay;
this.health = teleportUser.getHealth();
this.initX = Math.round(teleportUser.getLocation().getX() * MOVE_CONSTANT);
this.initY = Math.round(teleportUser.getLocation().getY() * MOVE_CONSTANT);
this.initZ = Math.round(teleportUser.getLocation().getZ() * MOVE_CONSTANT);
this.teleportUserName = teleportUser.getName();
this.teleportTarget = target;
this.chargeFor = chargeFor;
this.cause = cause;
this.respawn = respawn;
this.canMove = user.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.move");
teleTimer = ess.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, 20, 20);
public void run()
if (user == null || !user.isOnline() || user.getLocation() == null)
IUser teleportUser = ess.getUser(this.teleportUserName);
if (teleportUser == null || !teleportUser.isOnline())
final Location currLocation = teleportUser.getLocation();
if (currLocation == null)
if (!canMove
&& (Math.round(currLocation.getX() * MOVE_CONSTANT) != initX
|| Math.round(currLocation.getY() * MOVE_CONSTANT) != initY
|| Math.round(currLocation.getZ() * MOVE_CONSTANT) != initZ
|| teleportUser.getHealth() < health))
// user moved, cancel teleport
health = teleportUser.getHealth(); // in case user healed, then later gets injured
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now > started + tpdelay)
if (respawn)
teleportUser.getTeleport().now(teleportTarget, cause);
if (chargeFor != null)
catch (Throwable ex)
ess.showError(user.getBase(), ex, "teleport");
catch (Exception ex)
user.sendMessage(_("cooldownWithMessage", ex.getMessage()));
if (user != teleportUser)
teleportUser.sendMessage(_("cooldownWithMessage", ex.getMessage()));
private TimedTeleport timedTeleport;
public Teleport(IUser user, IEssentials ess)
this.user = user;
this.teleportOwner = user;
this.ess = ess;
public void cooldown(boolean check) throws Exception
final Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();
if (user.getLastTeleportTimestamp() > 0)
if (teleportOwner.getLastTeleportTimestamp() > 0)
// Take the current time, and remove the delay from it.
final double cooldown = ess.getSettings().getTeleportCooldown();
final Calendar earliestTime = new GregorianCalendar();
earliestTime.add(Calendar.SECOND, -(int)cooldown);
earliestTime.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -(int)((cooldown * 1000.0) % 1000.0));
// This value contains the most recent time a teleport could have been used that would allow another use.
// This value contains the most recent time a teleportPlayer could have been used that would allow another use.
final long earliestLong = earliestTime.getTimeInMillis();
// When was the last teleport used?
final Long lastTime = user.getLastTeleportTimestamp();
// When was the last teleportPlayer used?
final Long lastTime = teleportOwner.getLastTeleportTimestamp();
if (lastTime > time.getTimeInMillis())
// This is to make sure time didn't get messed up on last kit use.
// This is to make sure time didn't get messed up on last teleportPlayer use.
// If this happens, let's give the user the benifit of the doubt.
else if (lastTime > earliestLong && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass"))
else if (lastTime > earliestLong && !teleportOwner.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass"))
time.add(Calendar.SECOND, (int)cooldown);
@ -201,132 +83,10 @@ public class Teleport implements Runnable, ITeleport
// if justCheck is set, don't update lastTeleport; we're just checking
if (!check)
//If we need to cancel a pending teleport call this method
public void cancel(boolean notifyUser)
if (teleTimer == -1)
if (notifyUser)
if (teleportUserName != null && !teleportUserName.equals(user.getName()))
teleTimer = -1;
//The now function is used when you want to skip tp delay when teleporting someone to a location or player.
public void now(Location loc, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
if (cooldown)
now(new Target(loc), cause);
public void now(Player entity, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
if (cooldown)
now(new Target(entity), cause);
private void now(Target target, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
user.getBase().teleport(Util.getSafeDestination(target.getLocation()), cause);
//The teleport function is used when you want to normally teleport someone to a location or player.
//This method is nolonger used internally and will be removed.
public void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor) throws Exception
teleport(loc, chargeFor, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
public void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleport(new Target(loc), chargeFor, cause);
public void teleport(Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleport(new Target(entity), chargeFor, cause);
private void teleport(Target target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
if (chargeFor != null)
if (delay <= 0 || user.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass"))
now(target, cause);
if (chargeFor != null)
warnUser(user, delay);
initTimer((long)(delay * 1000.0), target, chargeFor, cause);
//The teleportToMe function is a wrapper used to handle teleporting players to them, like /tphere
public void teleportToMe(User otherUser, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
Target target = new Target(user);
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
if (chargeFor != null)
if (delay <= 0 || user.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass"))
otherUser.getTeleport().now(target, cause);
if (chargeFor != null)
warnUser(otherUser, delay);
initTimer((long)(delay * 1000.0), otherUser, target, chargeFor, cause, false);
private void warnUser(final IUser user, final double delay)
Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
@ -335,38 +95,133 @@ public class Teleport implements Runnable, ITeleport
user.sendMessage(_("dontMoveMessage", Util.formatDateDiff(c.getTimeInMillis())));
//The respawn function is a wrapper used to handle tp fallback, on /jail and /home
public void respawn(final Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
//The now function is used when you want to skip tp delay when teleporting someone to a location or player.
public void now(Location loc, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
if (chargeFor != null)
if (delay <= 0 || user.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass"))
if (cooldown)
now(teleportOwner, new Target(loc), cause);
public void now(Player entity, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
if (cooldown)
now(teleportOwner, new Target(entity), cause);
protected void now(IUser teleportee, Target target, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleportee.getBase().teleport(Util.getSafeDestination(target.getLocation()), cause);
//The teleportPlayer function is used when you want to normally teleportPlayer someone to a location or player.
//This method is nolonger used internally and will be removed.
public void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor) throws Exception
teleport(loc, chargeFor, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
public void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleport(teleportOwner, new Target(loc), chargeFor, cause);
public void teleport(Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleport(teleportOwner, new Target(entity), chargeFor, cause);
public void teleportPlayer(IUser teleportee, Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleport(teleportee, new Target(loc), chargeFor, cause);
public void teleportPlayer(IUser teleportee, Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
teleport(teleportee, new Target(entity), chargeFor, cause);
private void teleport(IUser teleportee, Target target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
if (chargeFor != null)
if (delay <= 0 || teleportOwner.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass")
|| teleportee.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass"))
now(teleportee, target, cause);
if (chargeFor != null)
warnUser(user, delay);
initTimer((long)(delay * 1000.0), user, null, chargeFor, cause, true);
warnUser(teleportee, delay);
initTimer((long)(delay * 1000.0), teleportee, target, chargeFor, cause, false);
public void respawn(TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
//The teleportToMe function is a wrapper used to handle teleporting players to them, like /tphere
public void teleportToMe(IUser otherUser, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
final Player player = user.getBase();
Target target = new Target(teleportOwner);
teleport(otherUser, target, chargeFor, cause);
//The respawn function is a wrapper used to handle tp fallback, on /jail and /home
public void respawn(final Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
if (chargeFor != null)
if (delay <= 0 || teleportOwner.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass"))
respawnNow(teleportOwner, cause);
if (chargeFor != null)
warnUser(teleportOwner, delay);
initTimer((long)(delay * 1000.0), teleportOwner, null, chargeFor, cause, true);
protected void respawnNow(IUser teleportee, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
final Player player = teleportee.getBase();
Location bed = player.getBedSpawnLocation();
if (bed != null)
now(new Target(bed), cause);
now(teleportee, new Target(bed), cause);
@ -376,33 +231,52 @@ public class Teleport implements Runnable, ITeleport
final PlayerRespawnEvent pre = new PlayerRespawnEvent(player, player.getWorld().getSpawnLocation(), false);
now(new Target(pre.getRespawnLocation()), cause);
now(teleportee, new Target(pre.getRespawnLocation()), cause);
//The warp function is a wrapper used to teleport a player to a /warp
public void warp(String warp, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
//The warp function is a wrapper used to teleportPlayer a player to a /warp
public void warp(IUser teleportee, String warp, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception
Location loc = ess.getWarps().getWarp(warp);
user.sendMessage(_("warpingTo", warp));
teleport(new Target(loc), chargeFor, cause);
teleportee.sendMessage(_("warpingTo", warp));
teleport(teleportee, new Target(loc), chargeFor, cause);
//The back function is a wrapper used to teleport a player /back to their previous location.
//The back function is a wrapper used to teleportPlayer a player /back to their previous location.
public void back(Trade chargeFor) throws Exception
teleport(new Target(user.getLastLocation()), chargeFor, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
teleport(teleportOwner, new Target(teleportOwner.getLastLocation()), chargeFor, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
//This function is used to throw a user back after a jail sentence
public void back() throws Exception
now(new Target(user.getLastLocation()), TeleportCause.COMMAND);
now(teleportOwner, new Target(teleportOwner.getLastLocation()), TeleportCause.COMMAND);
//This function handles teleporting to /home
public void home(Location loc, Trade chargeFor) throws Exception
teleport(new Target(loc), chargeFor, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
teleport(teleportOwner, new Target(loc), chargeFor, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
//If we need to cancelTimer a pending teleportPlayer call this method
private void cancel(boolean notifyUser)
if (timedTeleport != null)
timedTeleport = null;
private void initTimer(long delay, IUser teleportUser, Target target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause, boolean respawn)
timedTeleport = new TimedTeleport(teleportOwner, ess, this, delay, teleportUser, target, chargeFor, cause, respawn);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials;
import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Teleport.Target;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
public class TimedTeleport implements Runnable
private static final double MOVE_CONSTANT = 0.3;
private final IUser teleportOwner;
private final IEssentials ess;
private final Teleport teleport;
private String timer_teleportee;
private int timer_task = -1;
private long timer_started; // time this task was initiated
private long timer_delay; // how long to delay the teleportPlayer
private int timer_health;
// note that I initially stored a clone of the location for reference, but...
// when comparing locations, I got incorrect mismatches (rounding errors, looked like)
// so, the X/Y/Z values are stored instead and rounded off
private long timer_initX;
private long timer_initY;
private long timer_initZ;
private Target timer_teleportTarget;
private boolean timer_respawn;
private boolean timer_canMove;
private Trade timer_chargeFor;
private TeleportCause timer_cause;
public TimedTeleport(IUser user, IEssentials ess, Teleport teleport, long delay, IUser teleportUser, Target target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause, boolean respawn)
this.teleportOwner = user;
this.ess = ess;
this.teleport = teleport;
this.timer_started = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.timer_delay = delay;
this.timer_health = teleportUser.getHealth();
this.timer_initX = Math.round(teleportUser.getLocation().getX() * MOVE_CONSTANT);
this.timer_initY = Math.round(teleportUser.getLocation().getY() * MOVE_CONSTANT);
this.timer_initZ = Math.round(teleportUser.getLocation().getZ() * MOVE_CONSTANT);
this.timer_teleportee = teleportUser.getName();
this.timer_teleportTarget = target;
this.timer_chargeFor = chargeFor;
this.timer_cause = cause;
this.timer_respawn = respawn;
this.timer_canMove = user.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.move");
timer_task = ess.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, 20, 20);
public void run()
if (teleportOwner == null || !teleportOwner.isOnline() || teleportOwner.getLocation() == null)
IUser teleportUser = ess.getUser(this.timer_teleportee);
if (teleportUser == null || !teleportUser.isOnline())
final Location currLocation = teleportUser.getLocation();
if (currLocation == null)
if (!timer_canMove
&& (Math.round(currLocation.getX() * MOVE_CONSTANT) != timer_initX
|| Math.round(currLocation.getY() * MOVE_CONSTANT) != timer_initY
|| Math.round(currLocation.getZ() * MOVE_CONSTANT) != timer_initZ
|| teleportUser.getHealth() < timer_health))
// user moved, cancelTimer teleportPlayer
timer_health = teleportUser.getHealth(); // in case user healed, then later gets injured
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now > timer_started + timer_delay)
if (timer_respawn)
teleport.respawnNow(teleportUser, timer_cause);
teleport.now(teleportUser, timer_teleportTarget, timer_cause);
if (timer_chargeFor != null)
catch (Throwable ex)
ess.showError(teleportOwner.getBase(), ex, "teleport");
catch (Exception ex)
teleportOwner.sendMessage(_("cooldownWithMessage", ex.getMessage()));
if (teleportOwner != teleportUser)
teleportUser.sendMessage(_("cooldownWithMessage", ex.getMessage()));
//If we need to cancelTimer a pending teleportPlayer call this method
public void cancelTimer(boolean notifyUser)
if (timer_task == -1)
if (notifyUser)
if (timer_teleportee != null && !timer_teleportee.equals(teleportOwner.getName()))
timer_task = -1;
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ public class Warps implements IConf, IWarps
return warpPoints.isEmpty();
public Collection<String> getWarpNames()
public Collection<String> getList()
final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
for (StringIgnoreCase stringIgnoreCase : warpPoints.keySet())
@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ public class Warps implements IConf, IWarps
public void delWarp(String name) throws Exception
public void removeWarp(String name) throws Exception
EssentialsConf conf = warpPoints.get(new StringIgnoreCase(name));
if (conf == null)
@ -132,20 +134,6 @@ public class Warps implements IConf, IWarps
// This is for api support, and so 3.x will not break this api
public Collection<String> getList()
return getWarpNames();
// This is for api support, and so 3.x will not break this api
public void removeWarp(String name) throws Exception
//This is here for future 3.x api support. Not implemented here becasue storage is handled differently
public File getWarpFile(String name) throws InvalidNameException
@ -153,6 +141,12 @@ public class Warps implements IConf, IWarps
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public int getCount()
return getList().size();
private static class StringIgnoreCase
private final String string;
@ -1,17 +1,128 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials.api;
import com.earth2me.essentials.IUser;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Teleport.Target;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Trade;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
public interface ITeleport
* Used to skip teleport delay when teleporting someone to a location or player.
* @param loc
* @param cooldown
* @param cause
* Used to skip teleportPlayer delay when teleporting someone to a location or player.
* @param loc - Where should the player end up
* @param cooldown - If cooldown should be enforced
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
void now(Location loc, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Used to skip teleportPlayer delay when teleporting someone to a location or player.
* @param entity - Where should the player end up
* @param cooldown - If cooldown should be enforced
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
void now(Player entity, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport a player to a specific location
* @param loc - Where should the player end up
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport a player to a specific player
* @param entity - Where should the player end up
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
void teleport(Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport a player to a specific location
* @param otherUser - Which user will be teleported
* @param loc - Where should the player end up
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
void teleportPlayer(IUser otherUser, Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport a player to a specific player
* @param otherUser - Which user will be teleported
* @param entity - Where should the player end up
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
void teleportPlayer(IUser otherUser, Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport wrapper used to handle teleporting players to them, like /tphere
* @param otherUser - Which user will be teleported
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
public void teleportToMe(IUser otherUser, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport wrapper used to handle tp fallback on /jail and /home
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
public void respawn(final Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport wrapper used to handle /warp teleports
* @param otherUser - Which user will be teleported
* @param warp - The name of the warp the user will be teleported too.
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @param cause - The reported teleportPlayer cause
* @throws Exception
public void warp(IUser otherUser, String warp, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception;
* Teleport wrapper used to handle /back teleports
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @throws Exception
public void back(Trade chargeFor) throws Exception;
* Teleport wrapper used to handle throwing user home after a jail sentence
* @throws Exception
public void back() throws Exception;
* Teleport wrapper used to handle /home teleports
* @param loc - Location where player will be teleported too
* @param chargeFor - What the user will be charged if teleportPlayer is successful
* @throws Exception
public void home(Location loc, Trade chargeFor) throws Exception;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials.api;
import com.earth2me.essentials.IConf;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ import com.earth2me.essentials.commands.WarpNotFoundException;
import org.bukkit.Location;
public interface IWarps
public interface IWarps extends IConf
* Get a warp by name
@ -26,6 +27,13 @@ public interface IWarps
Collection<String> getList();
* Gets the number of warps
* @return the size of the list of warps
int getCount();
* Delete a warp from the warp DB
@ -51,13 +59,11 @@ public interface IWarps
boolean isEmpty();
* Get a warp file
* note: this is not yet implemented, as 3.x uses different storage methods
* Get a warp file note: this is not yet implemented, as 3.x uses different storage methods
* @param name - name of file
* @return - an instance of the file
* @throws InvalidNameException - When the file is not found
File getWarpFile(String name) throws InvalidNameException;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class Commanddelwarp extends EssentialsCommand
throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException();
sender.sendMessage(_("deleteWarp", args[0]));
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package com.earth2me.essentials.commands;
import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Util;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Warps;
import com.earth2me.essentials.api.IWarps;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Server;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class Commandsetwarp extends EssentialsCommand
final Location loc = user.getLocation();
final Warps warps = ess.getWarps();
final IWarps warps = ess.getWarps();
Location warpLoc = null;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Trade;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Util;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Warps;
import com.earth2me.essentials.api.IWarps;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class Commandwarp extends EssentialsCommand
throw new NoChargeException();
User otherUser = getPlayer(server, args, 1, true, false);
otherUser.getTeleport().warp(args[0], null, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
otherUser.getTeleport().warp(otherUser, args[0], null, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
throw new NoChargeException();
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ public class Commandwarp extends EssentialsCommand
//TODO: Use one of the new text classes, like /help ?
private void warpList(final CommandSender sender, final String[] args) throws Exception
final Warps warps = ess.getWarps();
final IWarps warps = ess.getWarps();
if (warps.isEmpty())
throw new Exception(_("noWarpsDefined"));
final List<String> warpNameList = new ArrayList<String>(warps.getWarpNames());
final List<String> warpNameList = new ArrayList<String>(warps.getList());
if (sender instanceof User)
@ -118,6 +118,6 @@ public class Commandwarp extends EssentialsCommand
throw new Exception(_("warpUsePermission"));
user.getTeleport().warp(name, charge, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
owner.getTeleport().warp(user, name, charge, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class MetricsStarter implements Runnable
public int getValue()
return ess.getWarps().getWarpNames().size();
return ess.getWarps().getCount();
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class MetricsStarter implements Runnable
enabledGraph.addPlotter(new SimplePlotter("Kits"));
if (ess.getWarps().getWarpNames().size() > 0)
if (ess.getWarps().getCount() > 0)
enabledGraph.addPlotter(new SimplePlotter("Warps"));
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class SignWarp extends EssentialsSign
final Trade charge = getTrade(sign, 3, ess);
player.getTeleport().warp(warpName, charge, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
player.getTeleport().warp(player, warpName, charge, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
Trade.log("Sign", "Warp", "Interact", username, null, username, charge, sign.getBlock().getLocation(), ess);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ public class Commandspawn extends EssentialsCommand
public void run(final Server server, final User user, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception
final Trade charge = new Trade(this.getName(), ess);
if (args.length > 0 && user.isAuthorized("essentials.spawn.others"))
final User otherUser = getPlayer(server, user, args, 0);
respawn(otherUser, charge);
respawn(user, otherUser, charge);
if (!otherUser.equals(user))
otherUser.sendMessage(_("teleportAtoB", user.getDisplayName(), "spawn"));
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ public class Commandspawn extends EssentialsCommand
respawn(user, charge);
respawn(user, user, charge);
throw new NoChargeException();
@ -50,14 +50,22 @@ public class Commandspawn extends EssentialsCommand
throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException();
final User user = getPlayer(server, args, 0, true, false);
respawn(user, null);
respawn(null, user, null);
user.sendMessage(_("teleportAtoB", Console.NAME, "spawn"));
private void respawn (final User user, final Trade charge) throws Exception {
private void respawn(final User teleportOwner, final User teleportee, final Trade charge) throws Exception
final SpawnStorage spawns = (SpawnStorage)this.module;
final Location spawn = spawns.getSpawn(user.getGroup());
user.getTeleport().teleport(spawn, charge, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
final Location spawn = spawns.getSpawn(teleportee.getGroup());
if (teleportOwner == null)
teleportee.getTeleport().now(spawn, false, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
teleportOwner.getTeleport().teleportPlayer(teleportee, spawn, charge, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user