package com.earth2me.essentials; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.FormatUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil; import net.ess3.api.TranslatableException; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n.tlLiteral; public final class PlayerList { private PlayerList() { } // Cosmetic list formatting public static String listUsers(final IEssentials ess, final List users, final String seperator) { final StringBuilder groupString = new StringBuilder(); Collections.sort(users); boolean needComma = false; for (final User user : users) { if (needComma) { groupString.append(seperator); } needComma = true; if (user.isAfk()) { groupString.append(tlLiteral("listAfkTag")); } if (user.isHidden()) { groupString.append(tlLiteral("listHiddenTag")); } user.setDisplayNick(); groupString.append(user.getDisplayName()); final String strippedNick = FormatUtil.stripFormat(user.getNickname()); if (ess.getSettings().realNamesOnList() && strippedNick != null && !strippedNick.equals(user.getName())) { groupString.append(" ").append(tlLiteral("listRealName",user.getName())); } groupString.append(ChatColor.WHITE); } return groupString.toString(); } // Produce a user summary: There are 5 out of maximum 10 players online. public static String listSummary(final IEssentials ess, final User user, final boolean showHidden) { final Server server = ess.getServer(); int playerHidden = 0; int hiddenCount = 0; for (final User onlinePlayer : ess.getOnlineUsers()) { if (onlinePlayer.isHidden() || (user != null && onlinePlayer.isHiddenFrom(user.getBase()))) { playerHidden++; if (showHidden || user != null && !onlinePlayer.isHiddenFrom(user.getBase())) { hiddenCount++; } } } final String tlKey; final Object[] objects; if (hiddenCount > 0) { tlKey = "listAmountHidden"; objects = new Object[]{ess.getOnlinePlayers().size() - playerHidden, hiddenCount, server.getMaxPlayers()}; } else { tlKey = "listAmount"; objects = new Object[]{ess.getOnlinePlayers().size() - playerHidden, server.getMaxPlayers()}; } return user == null ? tlLiteral(tlKey, objects) : user.playerTl(tlKey, objects); } // Build the basic player list, divided by groups. public static Map> getPlayerLists(final IEssentials ess, final IUser sender, final boolean showHidden) { final Map> playerList = new HashMap<>(); for (final User onlineUser : ess.getOnlineUsers()) { if ((sender == null && !showHidden && onlineUser.isHidden()) || (sender != null && !showHidden && onlineUser.isHiddenFrom(sender.getBase()))) { continue; } final String group = FormatUtil.stripFormat(FormatUtil.stripEssentialsFormat(onlineUser.getGroup().toLowerCase())); final List list = playerList.computeIfAbsent(group, k -> new ArrayList<>()); list.add(onlineUser); } return playerList; } // Handle the merging of groups public static List getMergedList(final IEssentials ess, final Map> playerList, final String groupName) { final Set configGroups = ess.getSettings().getListGroupConfig().keySet(); final List users = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String configGroup : configGroups) { if (configGroup.equalsIgnoreCase(groupName)) { final String[] groupValues = ess.getSettings().getListGroupConfig().get(configGroup).toString().trim().split(" "); for (String groupValue : groupValues) { groupValue = groupValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (groupValue.isEmpty()) { continue; } final List u = playerList.get(groupValue.trim()); if (u == null || u.isEmpty()) { continue; } playerList.remove(groupValue); users.addAll(u); } } } return users; } // Output a playerlist of just a single group, /list public static String listGroupUsers(final IEssentials ess, final Map> playerList, final String groupName) throws Exception { final List users = getMergedList(ess, playerList, groupName); final List groupUsers = playerList.get(groupName); if (groupUsers != null && !groupUsers.isEmpty()) { users.addAll(groupUsers); } if (users.isEmpty()) { throw new TranslatableException("groupDoesNotExist"); } final String displayGroupName = Character.toTitleCase(groupName.charAt(0)) + groupName.substring(1); return outputFormat(displayGroupName, listUsers(ess, users, ", ")); } // Build the output string public static String outputFormat(final String group, final String message) { return tlLiteral("listGroupTag", FormatUtil.replaceFormat(group)) + message; } public static List prepareGroupedList(final IEssentials ess, final CommandSource source, final String commandLabel, final Map> playerList) { final List output = new ArrayList<>(); final Set configGroups = ess.getSettings().getListGroupConfig().keySet(); final List asterisk = new ArrayList<>(); // Loop through the custom defined groups and display them for (final String oConfigGroup : configGroups) { final String groupValue = ess.getSettings().getListGroupConfig().get(oConfigGroup).toString().trim(); final String configGroup = oConfigGroup.toLowerCase(); // If the group value is an asterisk, then skip it, and handle it later if (groupValue.equals("*")) { asterisk.add(oConfigGroup); continue; } // If the group value is hidden, we don't need to display it if (groupValue.equalsIgnoreCase("hidden")) { playerList.remove(configGroup); continue; } final List outputUserList; final List matchedList = playerList.get(configGroup); // If the group value is an int, then we might need to truncate it if (NumberUtil.isInt(groupValue)) { if (matchedList != null && !matchedList.isEmpty()) { playerList.remove(configGroup); outputUserList = new ArrayList<>(matchedList); final int limit = Integer.parseInt(groupValue); if (matchedList.size() > limit) { final String tlKey = "groupNumber"; final Object[] objects = {matchedList.size(), commandLabel, FormatUtil.stripFormat(configGroup)}; output.add(outputFormat(oConfigGroup, source == null ? tlLiteral(tlKey, objects) :, objects))); } else { output.add(outputFormat(oConfigGroup, listUsers(ess, outputUserList, ", "))); } continue; } } outputUserList = getMergedList(ess, playerList, configGroup); // If we have no users, than we don't need to continue parsing this group if (outputUserList.isEmpty()) { continue; } output.add(outputFormat(oConfigGroup, listUsers(ess, outputUserList, ", "))); } final Set var = playerList.keySet(); String[] onlineGroups = var.toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(onlineGroups, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // If we have an asterisk group, then merge all remaining groups if (!asterisk.isEmpty()) { final List asteriskUsers = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String onlineGroup : onlineGroups) { asteriskUsers.addAll(playerList.get(onlineGroup)); } for (final String key : asterisk) { playerList.put(key, asteriskUsers); } onlineGroups = asterisk.toArray(new String[0]); } // If we have any groups remaining after the custom groups loop through and display them for (final String onlineGroup : onlineGroups) { final List users = playerList.get(onlineGroup); String groupName = asterisk.isEmpty() ? users.get(0).getGroup() : onlineGroup; if (ess.getPermissionsHandler().getName().equals("ConfigPermissions")) { groupName = source == null ? tlLiteral("connectedPlayers") :"connectedPlayers"); } if (users == null || users.isEmpty()) { continue; } output.add(outputFormat(groupName, listUsers(ess, users, ", "))); } return output; } }