package; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; /** * A class which provides numerous methods to interact with EssentialsX Discord. */ public interface DiscordService { /** * Sends a message to a message type channel. * @param type The message type/destination of this message. * @param message The exact message to be sent. * @param allowGroupMentions Whether the message should allow the pinging of roles, @here, or @everyone. */ void sendMessage(final MessageType type, final String message, final boolean allowGroupMentions); /** * Checks if a {@link MessageType} by the given key is already registered. * @param key The {@link MessageType} key to check. * @return true if a {@link MessageType} with the provided key is registered, otherwise false. */ boolean isRegistered(final String key); /** * Registers a message type to be used in the future. *

* In the future, this method will automatically populate the message type in the EssentialsX Discord config. * @param type The {@link MessageType} to be registered. */ void registerMessageType(final Plugin plugin, final MessageType type); /** * Gets the {@link InteractionController} instance. * @return the {@link InteractionController} instance. */ InteractionController getInteractionController(); /** * Gets unstable API that is subject to change at any time. * @return {@link Unsafe the unsafe} instance. * @see Unsafe */ Unsafe getUnsafe(); }