import plugins { id("java") id("net.kyori.indra") id("net.kyori.indra.checkstyle") id("net.kyori.indra.publishing") } val baseExtension = extensions.create("essentials", project) val checkstyleVersion = "8.36.2" val spigotVersion = "1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT" val junit5Version = "5.7.0" val mockitoVersion = "3.2.0" dependencies { testImplementation("org.junit.jupiter", "junit-jupiter", junit5Version) testImplementation("org.junit.vintage", "junit-vintage-engine", junit5Version) testImplementation("org.mockito", "mockito-core", mockitoVersion) constraints { implementation("org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.28") { because("Bukkit API ships old versions, Configurate requires modern versions") } } } afterEvaluate { if (baseExtension.injectBukkitApi.get()) { dependencies { api("org.spigotmc", "spigot-api", spigotVersion) } } if (baseExtension.injectBstats.get()) { dependencies { implementation("org.bstats", "bstats-bukkit", "2.2.1") } } } tasks { // Version Injection processResources { // Always process resources if version string or git branch changes val fullVersion = rootProject.ext["FULL_VERSION"] as String val gitBranch = rootProject.ext["GIT_BRANCH"] as String"fullVersion", fullVersion)"gitBranch", gitBranch) filter( "beginToken" to "\${", "endToken" to "}", "tokens" to mapOf( "full.version" to fullVersion, "git.branch" to gitBranch ) ) } compileJava { options.compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:-deprecation") } javadoc { title = "${} API (v${rootProject.ext["FULL_VERSION"]})" val options = options as? StandardJavadocDocletOptions ?: return@javadoc options.links( "" ) options.addBooleanOption("Xdoclint:none", true) } withType { archiveVersion.set(rootProject.ext["FULL_VERSION"] as String) } withType { onlyIf { project.hasProperty("forceSign") } } } // Dependency caching configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor(5, "minutes") } indra { checkstyle(checkstyleVersion) github("EssentialsX", "Essentials") gpl3OnlyLicense() publishReleasesTo("essx", "") publishSnapshotsTo("essx", "") configurePublications { pom { description.set("The essential plugin suite for Minecraft servers.") url.set("") developers { developer { id.set("mdcfe") name.set("MD") email.set("") } developer { id.set("pop4959") } developer { id.set("JRoy") name.set("Josh Roy") } } ciManagement { system.set("Jenkins") url.set("") } } } javaVersions { target(8) minimumToolchain(17) // Don't enforce running tests on Java 8; we only care about the release for compiling, not running tests strictVersions(false) } } // undo extensions.getByType().archivesName.set(