package com.earth2me.essentials; import com.earth2me.essentials.config.ConfigurateUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.config.EssentialsConfiguration; import com.earth2me.essentials.config.EssentialsUserConfiguration; import com.earth2me.essentials.craftbukkit.BanLookup; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.StringUtil; import; import; import; import; import net.ess3.api.IEssentials; import; import org.bukkit.BanList; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.spongepowered.configurate.CommentedConfigurationNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; public class EssentialsUpgrade { private static final FileFilter YML_FILTER = pathname -> pathname.isFile() && pathname.getName().endsWith(".yml"); private static final String PATTERN_CONFIG_UUID_REGEX = "(?mi)^uuid:\\s*([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})\\s*$"; private static final Pattern PATTERN_CONFIG_UUID = Pattern.compile(PATTERN_CONFIG_UUID_REGEX); private static final String PATTERN_CONFIG_NAME_REGEX = "(?mi)^lastAccountName:\\s*[\"\']?(\\w+)[\"\']?\\s*$"; private static final Pattern PATTERN_CONFIG_NAME = Pattern.compile(PATTERN_CONFIG_NAME_REGEX); private final transient IEssentials ess; private final transient EssentialsConfiguration doneFile; EssentialsUpgrade(final IEssentials essentials) { ess = essentials; if (!ess.getDataFolder().exists()) { ess.getDataFolder().mkdirs(); } doneFile = new EssentialsConfiguration(new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "upgrades-done.yml")); doneFile.load(); } public static void uuidFileConvert(final IEssentials ess, final Boolean ignoreUFCache) { ess.getLogger().info("Starting Essentials UUID userdata conversion"); final File userdir = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdir.exists()) { return; } int countFiles = 0; int countFails = 0; int countEssCache = 0; int countBukkit = 0; ess.getLogger().info("Found " + userdir.list().length + " files to convert..."); for (final String string : userdir.list()) { if (!string.endsWith(".yml") || string.length() < 5) { continue; } final int showProgress = countFiles % 250; if (showProgress == 0) { ess.getUserMap().getUUIDMap().forceWriteUUIDMap(); ess.getLogger().info("Converted " + countFiles + "/" + userdir.list().length); } countFiles++; final String name = string.substring(0, string.length() - 4); final EssentialsUserConfiguration config; UUID uuid = null; try { uuid = UUID.fromString(name); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { final File file = new File(userdir, string); final EssentialsConfiguration conf = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); conf.load(); conf.setProperty("lastAccountName", name);; final String uuidConf = ignoreUFCache ? "force-uuid" : "uuid"; final String uuidString = conf.getString(uuidConf, null); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { try { uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidString); countEssCache++; break; } catch (final Exception ex2) { if (conf.getBoolean("npc", false)) { uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("NPC:" + name).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); break; } final org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer player = ess.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(name); uuid = player.getUniqueId(); } if (uuid != null) { countBukkit++; break; } } if (uuid != null) { conf.blockingSave(); config = new EssentialsUserConfiguration(name, uuid, new File(userdir, uuid + ".yml")); config.convertLegacyFile(); ess.getUserMap().trackUUID(uuid, name, false); continue; } countFails++; } } ess.getUserMap().getUUIDMap().forceWriteUUIDMap(); ess.getLogger().info("Converted " + countFiles + "/" + countFiles + ". Conversion complete."); ess.getLogger().info("Converted via cache: " + countEssCache + " :: Converted via lookup: " + countBukkit + " :: Failed to convert: " + countFails); ess.getLogger().info("To rerun the conversion type /essentials uuidconvert"); } public void convertMailList() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersMailList", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("mail") && config.isList("mail")) { final ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); for (String mailStr : Collections.synchronizedList(config.getList("mail", String.class))) { if (mailStr == null) { continue; } messages.add(new MailMessage(false, true, null, null, 0L, 0L, mailStr)); } config.removeProperty("mail"); config.setExplicitList("mail", messages, new TypeToken>() {}.getType()); config.blockingSave(); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersMailList", true);; ess.getLogger().info("Done converting mail list."); } public void convertStupidCamelCaseUserdataKeys() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersStupidLegacyPathNames", false)) { return; } ess.getLogger().info("Attempting to migrate legacy userdata keys to Configurate"); final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (final File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("muteReason")) { final String reason = config.getString("muteReason", null); config.removeProperty("muteReason"); config.setProperty("mute-reason", reason); } if (config.hasProperty("ipAddress")) { final String ip = config.getString("ipAddress", null); config.removeProperty("ipAddress"); config.setProperty("ip-address", ip); } if (config.hasProperty("lastAccountName")) { final String name = config.getString("lastAccountName", null); config.removeProperty("lastAccountName"); config.setProperty("last-account-name", name); } if (config.hasProperty("acceptingPay")) { final boolean isPay = config.getBoolean("acceptingPay", true); config.removeProperty("acceptingPay"); config.setProperty("accepting-pay", isPay); } config.blockingSave(); } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersStupidLegacyPathNames", true);; ess.getLogger().info("Done converting legacy userdata keys to Configurate."); } /** * This migration cleans up unused files left behind by the chaos resulting from Vault's questionable economy * integration, and upstream Essentials' rushed and untested 1.7.10 UUID support. * Both of these have been fixed in EssentialsX as of 2.18.x and 2.19.x respectively, but the leftover userdata * files can reach into the tens of thousands and can cause excessive memory and storage usage, so this migration * relocates these files to a backup folder to be removed by the server owner at a later date. *

* To quote JRoy, who suffered immensely while trying to debug and fix various related issues: *

* "Essentials decided when adding its initial support for UUIDs, it wanted an implementation which would cause * eternal pain and suffering for any person who dared touch any of the code in the future. This code that was made * was so bad, it managed to somehow not maintain any actual UUID support for any external integrations/plugins. * Up until 2.19.0 and 2.18.0 respectively, our Vault integration and entire Economy system was entirely based off * username strings, and thanks to Vault being a flawed standard, for some reason exposes account create to third * party plugins rather than letting the implementation handle it. That doesn't seem like a huge problem at the * surface, but there was one small problem: whoever made the Vault integration for Essentials suffered a stroke in * the process of creating it. The implementation for the createAccount method, regardless of whether it was an * actual player or an NPC account (which the Vault spec NEVER accounted for but plugins just have to guess when * to support them), it would always create an NPC account. This caused any plugin integrating with Vault, creating * NPC accounts for pretty much every single player on the server. It still, to this day, amazes me how nobody saw * this code and didn't die without rewriting it; Or how everybody simply didn't stop using this plugin because how * awful that godforsaken code was. Anyways, this upgrade does its best to delete NPC accounts created by the * horrible economy code, as any operation which loads all user data into memory will load all these NPC accounts * and spam the console with warnings." */ public void purgeBrokenNpcAccounts() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updatePurgeBrokenNpcAccounts", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); if (userFiles.length == 0) { return; } final File backupFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata-npc-backup"); if (backupFolder.exists()) { ess.getLogger().info("NPC backup folder already exists; skipping NPC purge."); ess.getLogger().info("To finish purging broken NPC accounts, rename the \"plugins/Essentials/userdata-npc-backup\" folder and restart your server."); return; } else if (!backupFolder.mkdir()) { ess.getLogger().info("Skipping NPC purge due to error creating backup folder."); return; } ess.getLogger().info("#===========================================================================#"); ess.getLogger().info(" EssentialsX will now purge any NPC accounts which were incorrectly created."); ess.getLogger().info(" Only NPC accounts with the default starting balance will be deleted. If"); ess.getLogger().info(" they turn out to be valid NPC accounts, they will be re-created as needed."); ess.getLogger().info(" Any files deleted here will be backed up to the "); ess.getLogger().info(" \"plugins/Essentials/userdata-npc-backup\" folder. If you notice any files"); ess.getLogger().info(" have been purged incorrectly, you should restore it from the backup and"); ess.getLogger().info(" report it to us on GitHub:"); ess.getLogger().info(""); ess.getLogger().info(""); ess.getLogger().info(" NOTE: This is a one-time process and will take several minutes if you have"); ess.getLogger().info(" a lot of userdata files! If you interrupt this process, EssentialsX will"); ess.getLogger().info(" skip the process until you rename or remove the backup folder."); ess.getLogger().info("#===========================================================================#"); final int totalUserFiles = userFiles.length; ess.getLogger().info("Found ~" + totalUserFiles + " files under \"plugins/Essentials/userdata\"..."); final AtomicInteger movedAccounts = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger totalAccounts = new AtomicInteger(0); // Less spammy feedback for greater userdata counts, eg 100 files -> 5 seconds, 1k -> 7s, 10k -> 9s, 100k -> 11s, 1m -> 14s final long feedbackInterval = Math.min(15, 1 + Math.round(2.1 * Math.log10(userFiles.length))); final ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); final ScheduledFuture feedbackTask = executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay( () -> ess.getLogger().info("Scanned " + totalAccounts.get() + "/" + totalUserFiles + " accounts; moved " + movedAccounts.get() + " accounts"), 5, feedbackInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS); for (final File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); try { totalAccounts.incrementAndGet(); config.load(); if (config.getKeys().size() > 4) { continue; } if (!config.getBoolean("npc", false)) { continue; } final BigDecimal money = config.getBigDecimal("money", null); if (money == null || money.compareTo(ess.getSettings().getStartingBalance()) != 0) { continue; } if (config.getKeys().size() == 4 && !config.hasProperty("last-account-name") && config.hasProperty("mail")) { continue; } try { //noinspection UnstableApiUsage Files.move(file, new File(backupFolder, file.getName())); movedAccounts.incrementAndGet(); } catch (IOException e) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while moving NPC file", e); } } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file); feedbackTask.cancel(false); executor.shutdown(); throw ex; } } feedbackTask.cancel(false); executor.shutdown(); doneFile.setProperty("updatePurgeBrokenNpcAccounts", true);; ess.getLogger().info("#===========================================================================#"); ess.getLogger().info(" EssentialsX has finished purging NPC accounts."); ess.getLogger().info(""); ess.getLogger().info(" Deleted accounts: " + movedAccounts); ess.getLogger().info(" Total accounts processed: " + totalAccounts); ess.getLogger().info(""); ess.getLogger().info(" Purged accounts have been backed up to"); ess.getLogger().info(" \"plugins/Essentials/userdata-npc-backup\", and can be restored from there"); ess.getLogger().info(" if needed. Please report any files which have been incorrectly deleted"); ess.getLogger().info(" to us on GitHub:"); ess.getLogger().info(""); ess.getLogger().info("#===========================================================================#"); } public void convertIgnoreList() { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$"); if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersIgnoreListUUID", false)) { return; } ess.getLogger().info("Attempting to migrate ignore list to UUIDs"); final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (final File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("ignore")) { final List migratedIgnores = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String name : Collections.synchronizedList(config.getList("ignore", String.class))) { if (name == null) { continue; } if (pattern.matcher(name.trim()).matches()) { ess.getLogger().info("Detected already migrated ignore list!"); return; } final User user = ess.getOfflineUser(name); if (user != null && user.getBase() != null) { migratedIgnores.add(user.getBase().getUniqueId().toString()); } } config.removeProperty("ignore"); config.setProperty("ignore", migratedIgnores); config.blockingSave(); } } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersIgnoreListUUID", true);; ess.getLogger().info("Done converting ignore list."); } public void convertKits() { final Kits kits = ess.getKits(); final EssentialsConfiguration config = kits.getRootConfig(); if (doneFile.getBoolean("kitsyml", false)) { return; } ess.getLogger().info("Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml"); final CommentedConfigurationNode section = ess.getSettings().getKitSection(); if (section == null) { ess.getLogger().info("No kits found to migrate."); return; } final Map legacyKits = ConfigurateUtil.getRawMap(section); for (final Map.Entry entry : legacyKits.entrySet()) { ess.getLogger().info("Converting " + entry.getKey()); config.setRaw("kits." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }; doneFile.setProperty("kitsyml", true);; ess.getLogger().info("Done converting kits."); } private void moveMotdRulesToFile(final String name) { if (doneFile.getBoolean("move" + name + "ToFile", false)) { return; } try { final File file = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), name + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) { return; } final File configFile = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); if (!configFile.exists()) { return; } final EssentialsConfiguration conf = new EssentialsConfiguration(configFile); conf.load(); final List lines = conf.getList(name, String.class); if (lines != null && !lines.isEmpty()) { if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create file " + file); } final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file); for (final String line : lines) { writer.println(line); } writer.close(); } doneFile.setProperty("move" + name + "ToFile", true);; } catch (final IOException e) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, tl("upgradingFilesError"), e); } } private void removeLinesFromConfig(final File file, final String regex, final String info) throws Exception { boolean needUpdate = false; final BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("essentialsupgrade", ".tmp.yml", ess.getDataFolder()); final BufferedWriter bWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)); do { final String line = bReader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.matches(regex)) { if (!needUpdate && info != null) { bWriter.write(info, 0, info.length()); bWriter.newLine(); } needUpdate = true; } else { if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) { bWriter.write(line, 0, line.length() - 2); } else if (line.endsWith("\r") || line.endsWith("\n")) { bWriter.write(line, 0, line.length() - 1); } else { bWriter.write(line, 0, line.length()); } bWriter.newLine(); } } while (true); bReader.close(); bWriter.close(); if (needUpdate) { if (!file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName().concat("." + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".upgradebackup")))) { throw new Exception(tl("configFileMoveError")); } if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) { throw new Exception(tl("configFileRenameError")); } } else { tempFile.delete(); } } private void updateUsersPowerToolsFormat() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersPowerToolsFormat", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (final File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("powertools")) { final Map powertools = ConfigurateUtil.getRawMap(config.getSection("powertools")); if (powertools.isEmpty()) { continue; } for (final Map.Entry entry : powertools.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) { final List temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.add((String) entry.getValue()); powertools.put(entry.getKey(), temp); } } config.setRaw("powertools", powertools); config.blockingSave(); } } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersPowerToolsFormat", true);; } private void updateUsersHomesFormat() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersHomesFormat", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (final File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("home") && config.hasProperty("home.default")) { final String defworld = config.getString("home.default", null); final Location defloc = getFakeLocation(config.getRootNode(), "home.worlds." + defworld); if (defloc != null) { config.setProperty("homes.home", defloc); } final Set worlds = ConfigurateUtil.getKeys(config.getSection("home.worlds")); Location loc; String worldName; if (worlds.isEmpty()) { continue; } for (final String world : worlds) { if (defworld.equalsIgnoreCase(world)) { continue; } loc = getFakeLocation(config.getRootNode(), "home.worlds." + world); if (loc == null) { continue; } worldName = loc.getWorld().getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); config.setProperty("homes." + worldName, loc); } config.removeProperty("home"); config.blockingSave(); } } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersHomesFormat", true);; } private void sanitizeAllUserFilenames() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("sanitizeAllUserFilenames", false)) { return; } final File usersFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!usersFolder.exists()) { return; } final File[] listOfFiles = usersFolder.listFiles(); for (final File listOfFile : listOfFiles) { final String filename = listOfFile.getName(); if (!listOfFile.isFile() || !filename.endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final String sanitizedFilename = StringUtil.sanitizeFileName(filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4)) + ".yml"; if (sanitizedFilename.equals(filename)) { continue; } final File tmpFile = new File(listOfFile.getParentFile(), sanitizedFilename + ".tmp"); final File newFile = new File(listOfFile.getParentFile(), sanitizedFilename); if (!listOfFile.renameTo(tmpFile)) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, tl("userdataMoveError", filename, sanitizedFilename)); continue; } if (newFile.exists()) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, tl("duplicatedUserdata", filename, sanitizedFilename)); continue; } if (!tmpFile.renameTo(newFile)) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, tl("userdataMoveBackError", sanitizedFilename, sanitizedFilename)); } } doneFile.setProperty("sanitizeAllUserFilenames", true);; } private World getFakeWorld(final String name) { final File bukkitDirectory = ess.getDataFolder().getParentFile().getParentFile(); final File worldDirectory = new File(bukkitDirectory, name); if (worldDirectory.exists() && worldDirectory.isDirectory()) { return new FakeWorld(worldDirectory.getName(), World.Environment.NORMAL); } return null; } public Location getFakeLocation(final CommentedConfigurationNode config, final String path) { final String worldName = config.getString((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "world"); if (worldName == null || worldName.isEmpty()) { return null; } final World world = getFakeWorld(worldName); if (world == null) { return null; } return new Location(world, config.node("x").getDouble(0), config.node("y").getDouble(0), config.node("z").getDouble(0), config.node("yaw").getFloat(0), config.node("pitch").getFloat(0)); } private void deleteOldItemsCsv() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("deleteOldItemsCsv", false)) { return; } final File file = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "items.csv"); if (file.exists()) { try { final Set oldconfigs = new HashSet<>(); oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("66ec40b09ac167079f558d1099e39f10", 16)); // sep 1 oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("34284de1ead43b0bee2aae85e75c041d", 16)); // crlf oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("c33bc9b8ee003861611bbc2f48eb6f4f", 16)); // jul 24 oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("6ff17925430735129fc2a02f830c1daa", 16)); // crlf final MessageDigest digest = ManagedFile.getDigest(); final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; try (final DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(bis, digest)) { while ( != -1) { } } final BigInteger hash = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()); if (oldconfigs.contains(hash) && !file.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete file " + file); } doneFile.setProperty("deleteOldItemsCsv", true);; } catch (final IOException ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } private void updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig", false)) { return; } final File configFile = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "spawn.yml"); if (configFile.exists()) { final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(configFile); try { config.load(); if (!config.hasProperty("spawns")) { for (final Map.Entry entry : config.getMap().entrySet()) { final Location loc = getFakeLocation(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); config.setProperty(entry.getKey(), loc); } if (!configFile.renameTo(new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "spawn.yml.old"))) { throw new Exception(tl("fileRenameError", "spawn.yml")); } config.blockingSave(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } doneFile.setProperty("updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig", true);; } private void updateJailsToNewJailsConfig() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateJailsToNewJailsConfig", false)) { return; } final File configFile = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "jail.yml"); if (configFile.exists()) { final EssentialsConfiguration config = new EssentialsConfiguration(configFile); try { config.load(); if (!config.hasProperty("jails")) { for (final Map.Entry entry : config.getMap().entrySet()) { final Location loc = getFakeLocation(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); config.setProperty(entry.getKey(), loc); } if (!configFile.renameTo(new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "jail.yml.old"))) { throw new Exception(tl("fileRenameError", "jail.yml")); } config.blockingSave(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } doneFile.setProperty("updateJailsToNewJailsConfig", true);; } private void warnMetrics() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("warnMetrics", false)) { return; } doneFile.setProperty("warnMetrics", true);; } private void uuidFileChange() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("uuidFileChange", false)) { return; } final Boolean ignoreUFCache = doneFile.getBoolean("ignore-userfiles-cache", false); final File userdir = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdir.exists()) { return; } int countFiles = 0; int countReqFiles = 0; for (final String string : userdir.list()) { if (!string.endsWith(".yml") || string.length() < 5) { continue; } countFiles++; final String name = string.substring(0, string.length() - 4); UUID uuid = null; try { uuid = UUID.fromString(name); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { countReqFiles++; } if (countFiles > 100) { break; } } if (countReqFiles < 1) { return; } ess.getLogger().info("#### Starting Essentials UUID userdata conversion in a few seconds. ####"); ess.getLogger().info("We recommend you take a backup of your server before upgrading from the old username system."); try { Thread.sleep(15000); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { // NOOP } uuidFileConvert(ess, ignoreUFCache); doneFile.setProperty("uuidFileChange", true);; } public void banFormatChange() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("banFormatChange", false)) { return; } ess.getLogger().info("Starting Essentials ban format conversion"); final File userdir = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdir.exists()) { return; } int countFiles = 0; ess.getLogger().info("Found " + userdir.list().length + " files to convert..."); for (final String string : userdir.list()) { if (!string.endsWith(".yml") || string.length() < 5) { continue; } final int showProgress = countFiles % 250; if (showProgress == 0) { ess.getLogger().info("Converted " + countFiles + "/" + userdir.list().length); } countFiles++; final File pFile = new File(userdir, string); final EssentialsConfiguration conf = new EssentialsConfiguration(pFile); conf.load(); final String banReason; long banTimeout; if (conf.hasProperty("ban.reason")) { banReason = conf.getString("ban.reason", null); } else { banReason = null; } final String playerName = conf.getString("lastAccountName", null); if (playerName != null && playerName.length() > 1 && banReason != null && banReason.length() > 1) { try { if (conf.hasProperty("ban.timeout")) { banTimeout = Long.parseLong(conf.getString("ban.timeout", null)); } else { banTimeout = 0L; } } catch (final NumberFormatException n) { banTimeout = 0L; } if (BanLookup.isBanned(ess, playerName)) { updateBan(playerName, banReason, banTimeout); } } conf.removeProperty("ban");; } doneFile.setProperty("banFormatChange", true);; ess.getLogger().info("Ban format update complete."); } private void updateBan(final String playerName, final String banReason, final Long banTimeout) { Bukkit.getBanList(BanList.Type.NAME).addBan(playerName, banReason, banTimeout == 0 ? null : new Date(banTimeout), Console.NAME); } private void repairUserMap() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("userMapRepaired", false)) { return; } ess.getLogger().info("Starting usermap repair"); final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { ess.getLogger().warning("Missing userdata folder, aborting"); return; } final File[] files = userdataFolder.listFiles(YML_FILTER); final DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); final Map names = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int index = 0; index < files.length; index++) { final File file = files[index]; try { UUID uuid = null; final String filename = file.getName(); final String configData = new String(java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()), Charsets.UTF_8); if (filename.length() > 36) { try { // ".yml" ending has 4 chars... uuid = UUID.fromString(filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } } final Matcher uuidMatcher = PATTERN_CONFIG_UUID.matcher(configData); if (uuidMatcher.find()) { try { uuid = UUID.fromString(; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } } if (uuid == null) { // Don't import continue; } final Matcher nameMatcher = PATTERN_CONFIG_NAME.matcher(configData); if (nameMatcher.find()) { final String username =; if (username != null && username.length() > 0) { names.put(StringUtil.safeString(username), uuid); } } if (index % 1000 == 0) { ess.getLogger().info("Reading: " + format.format((100d * (double) index) / files.length) + "%"); } } catch (final IOException e) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while reading file: ", e); return; } } ess.getUserMap().getNames().putAll(names); ess.getUserMap().reloadConfig(); doneFile.setProperty("userMapRepaired", true);; ess.getLogger().info("Completed usermap repair."); } public void beforeSettings() { if (!ess.getDataFolder().exists()) { ess.getDataFolder().mkdirs(); } moveMotdRulesToFile("motd"); moveMotdRulesToFile("rules"); } public void afterSettings() { sanitizeAllUserFilenames(); updateUsersPowerToolsFormat(); updateUsersHomesFormat(); deleteOldItemsCsv(); updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig(); updateJailsToNewJailsConfig(); uuidFileChange(); banFormatChange(); warnMetrics(); repairUserMap(); convertIgnoreList(); convertStupidCamelCaseUserdataKeys(); convertMailList(); purgeBrokenNpcAccounts(); } }